CV 020 PSA’s

January 13, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored, while educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis, what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet, using cannabis mindfully, as medication is a different concept in the healthcare philosophy of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and consider cannabis is not dangerous, but it is not harmless, either. This is honey Smith walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman here to explain the language of cannabis in historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you ingest.

Unknown 0:15

This is honey Smith walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman and host of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth Podcast, where you’ll learn how to use the cannabis plant effectively and find your proper dose , tame THC if you need to, and mitigate damage from street weed, plus avoid contamination and save your cash. If you’re a patient on a handful of prescription medications, looking for a kind of relief that does not include new body aches, new dangers and new brain fog, then stay tuned for some amazing information, you can always verify with proof by scientific data. And now, honey Smith walls.

Unknown 1:02

Today, they’re voting on a second impeachment. for our president it’s just a wild ride. You know, this is what’s happening in our country it’s totally freaking me out. But my reality is is different. That is what’s happening with the country but my reality is that I’m sitting here, making a recording and thinking of all of you, helping me get through this emotionally. If I didn’t have you all to think about who need this information. Then I would, I’m sure be focusing on myself and the despair and and PTSD that I know we all feel it’s, it’s, it is. It is a pall over me. And here I am just trying to keep my nose above water emotionally.

Unknown 2:27

So, let me remind you, a couple of things, and. Gosh, I think we need public service announcements on an hourly basis, I really do. Let me remind you to breathe deeply to clear your internal system with fresh air. It changes everything in your body including your brain, and what you’re thinking. It settles you down, it gives you a moment to just breathe and let your body have oxygen. So oxygenate everybody. Breathe.

Unknown 3:11

And the next thing is the next public service announcement I want to remind everybody of is to perform a random act of kindness today. Please, perform a random act of kindness. Now let’s get into cannabis chat.

Unknown 3:36

marijuana and the more act the marijuana opportunity reinvestment and expungement act of 2019, that is just around the corner I mean it’s just, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s going to happen. Really quickly, I believe, really quickly. After the inauguration, because that means giving people a chance monetarily. It means getting rid of the arbitrary penalization of people with cannabis. It means opening up safe banking that’s going to happen to, instantly. Well, it hadn’t been instant that’s for sure but it’s going to open up very quickly. With the upcoming inauguration.

Unknown 4:45

And then because of that because of the more act because of safe banking, the FDA is going to, they’re already, allowing cannabis submissions for FDA approval. And then the EDu’s are going to open up that all comes with with Descheduling cannabis. So, the educational systems are gone, or who have been federally funded will finally open back up to. Cannabis education and then hospitals and rehabilitation centers and elder care centers are going to open up and they are going to need counselors and doctors and liaisons to help all of their patients receive their cannabis while in their care. And for shamans to help administer. There are going to be so many jobs, opening up because cannabis will be unrestricted.

Unknown 5:57

Changing the subject just slightly. I’ve found an artist to do the illustrations for my new ebook. The language of cannabis and how to potty pot pot effectively. Yeah, I just want you all to know this this is not a book like an encyclopedia about cannabis no no no no no. And it is, it doesn’t just tell you everything that you ever wanted, or were curious to know about cannabis….doesn’t give you the history. Really, and doesn’t go into too much of the chemical makeup or any of that. What it does give you is a proper foundation to understand how to use whatever choices you make in cannabis, and how they will most effectively work for you. By showing you what to use for different symptoms, and what to expect in their effects and how long those effects will last. And also how long it takes before you even feel those effects. That’s what I’m teaching you.

Unknown 7:22

So, it won’t matter, in the future, what dispensary you go to you’ll know how to ask for a particular kind of cannabis that will help your particular issues, and it won’t matter what they name the or what kind of pretty box they come in, or how you know what kind of delivery method, because you’ll be choosing the delivery method that’s best suited for you. Remember, cannabis is so personal and there are so many options and choices that you’ll be able to make, which makes it, you know, fun and interesting, and way more economical for, you know, if somebody needs the economy route. If you’re blessed with having a lot of money then this won’t be a problem for you. But if you’re not so fortunate right now. Look, I still cannot buy all the, all the cannabis that I want, or perhaps even that I need. Because it’s just too damn too expensive for me to be doing that. I’ve got five dogs. Three of them are elders now, I’d really like to start giving them CBD, but I can barely afford CBD for myself. So, you know, I’m not rich. I’m just a 66 year old woman on a lot of cannabis to take care of a lot of my aging inflammatory issues like arthritis and nausea and all kinds of things. So where were we. Oh yeah, about to take a little break here. I’ll be right back.

Unknown 9:11

Thank you so much for choosing Cannaba Verum as a source for cannabis information. I’m so thrilled to be doing this podcast twice a week so that you can learn how easy it is to understand the nuances of cannabis, and all of the different ways that it can improve the quality of one’s life. And I’m not just talking about medicinally here either.

Unknown 9:45

If we would stop using paper products that come from 80 year old trees that they keep cutting down, and instead use hemp products for paper products. What an amazing effect that would have on the ecology of our world. And that would perpetuate a new manufacturing industry globally as well. paper pulp is the third largest manufacturing. Type in the globe in the world. And so oh my goodness. What an amazing effect. Just making our paper cups and toilet paper and paper plates, would have on the world. There’s so much to consider about cannabis that can increase our quality of life. I’m just telling you you know just gracing the top of the list for you. It has started a whole new life for me, aside from not only feeling better. But I’m already into my new cannabis career. And you all can be too. If you’re looking for a new career. And I’m, I’m telling you, cannabis in whatever skills that you have cannabis industry is looking for those skills and needs it. Gosh, as soon as all of the restrictions change just think of the advertising, the music, the TV the video The everything. Think of the infrastructure that can be re infused with hemp to make new bridges and roads and cars and planes and fuel and houses. You know the list just goes on and on and on. So, I’ve already employed, other people to help me in my cannabis industry. I have an intern, I have a publicist I have a web designer, I have a new Illustrator. So you see this, this little ball is just chugging along . Age quod Agis, Baby.

Unknown 12:27

I just say it all the time, one foot in front of the other and look how it grows. So I’m extremely excited and hopeful about this new year because look what’s already happening and it’s only you know the first couple of weeks in January so. Whoo, here we go, baby. And I want you to come along with me, because it’s a much brighter path, and it will serve our society and our communities. And so now I feel good, come out and go along with me. This is honey, with Cannaba verum just spreadin a little more cannabis truth and hoping that you see our future as brightly as I do, I want you to come along with me, we can all help each other. pax Vobiscum you all.

Unknown 13:25

Oh listen, I just wanted to remind you about a couple of letters that I wrote that you are so welcome to use, they’re still at the old website at that ca n n. A ba VeRUM, and I’ll say it again in a few minutes. But those letters, those letters can help you open up a discussion with both your doctor and your grocer, you know, demand is what the grocers are all about. So if we tell our grocery store managers and administrators that we really prefer products paper products made from hemp and not trees, then they will begin ordering those products for us. Well, how to do that? I wrote the letter for you. You can go to Canaba and download that letter for free, no absolutely no strings attached. You don’t have to leave your email or anything. Just go to Canaba and download that letter and shoot it off to your grocery store or take it with you next time you go, or take it with you every time you go and hand it to the, to the, to any of the workers and start spreading the word in your own community. And you can take that that letter that same letter to the box stores that you go to to Walmart or to CVS or to the drugstores, ask them to start the dollar stores to start ordering hemp paper products for you. That’s a renewable paper product that grows in about four months. You don’t need to wait 20 to 80 years and chop down a tree, which is obviously really bad for our ozone, too.

Unknown 15:27

So there

Unknown 15:28

you have it. And, oh yeah by the way, if you’re having a hard time talking to your primary care physician about cannabis, and you really want to go see what all this, you know, pot talk is about. Then I wrote a letter for you to give to your doctor that will help you open that conversation. So, go, go to I’m sorry, and just click on the dear doctor letter, and you can read it there for yourself and download it for free. There is nothing, nothing to prevent you from doing that, nobody’s scooping your emails yet or anything, but I would like your email address later, because I’m going to have some pretty important things to tell you about like my new ebook coming. So there you have it, friends. Just, just wanted to let you know again that breathing deeply is very good for you. Please try to perform a random act of kindness today. And if you need help, spreading the word about cannabis, or opening up that dialogue, go to and download the dear doctor letter or the dear grocer letter.

Unknown 16:58

Oh yeah. And don’t forget to jump into a moment of clarity, that is produced on Mondays. That’s when a friend and I will get into some nitty gritty thing about cannabis and we just love for you to hear us. Girl Talk about that. So, this is Honey, sendin love and peace to everybody,

Unknown 17:21

y’all just snuggle up at home and watch the popcorn, you watch the popcorn pop and and talk to your, your friends and your family on the phones and the video chats and snuggle up with your puppies and, and whoever else you have to snuggle up with. We’re going to be okay. Hang on tightly and spread the love. Talk to you next time.

Unknown 17:51

You’ve been listening to the cannabaverum podcast with host and educator, honey Smith walls, discussing the language of cannabis certified by respected cannabis doctors researchers and clinicians in the industry and passionate about helping people understand the benefit of this ancient plant, with over 400 chemical compounds in it, you’ll find a lot to relate to in her experiences, and those of special guests in the industry. Click on the buttons below to subscribe to the podcast and preorder her new ebook,

Unknown 18:32

the language of cannabis, how to use Potty pot pot effectively, coming in January, 2021.

Transcribed by

Unknown 0:15

This is honey Smith walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman and host of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth Podcast, where you’ll learn how to use the cannabis plant effectively and find your proper dose , tame THC if you need to, and mitigate damage from street weed, plus avoid contamination and save your cash. If you’re a patient on a handful of prescription medications, looking for a kind of relief that does not include new body aches, new dangers and new brain fog, then stay tuned for some amazing information, you can always verify with proof by scientific data. And now, honey Smith walls.

Unknown 1:02

Today, they’re voting on a second impeachment. for our president it’s just a wild ride. You know, this is what’s happening in our country it’s totally freaking me out. But my reality is is different. That is what’s happening with the country but my reality is that I’m sitting here, making a recording and thinking of all of you, helping me get through this emotionally. If I didn’t have you all to think about who need this information. Then I would, I’m sure be focusing on myself and the despair and and PTSD that I know we all feel it’s, it’s, it is. It is a pall over me. And here I am just trying to keep my nose above water emotionally.

Unknown 2:27

So, let me remind you, a couple of things, and. Gosh, I think we need public service announcements on an hourly basis, I really do. Let me remind you to breathe deeply to clear your internal system with fresh air. It changes everything in your body including your brain, and what you’re thinking. It settles you down, it gives you a moment to just breathe and let your body have oxygen. So oxygenate everybody. Breathe.

Unknown 3:11

And the next thing is the next public service announcement I want to remind everybody of is to perform a random act of kindness today. Please, perform a random act of kindness. Now let’s get into cannabis chat.

Unknown 3:36

marijuana and the more act the marijuana opportunity reinvestment and expungement act of 2019, that is just around the corner I mean it’s just, it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s going to happen. Really quickly, I believe, really quickly. After the inauguration, because that means giving people a chance monetarily. It means getting rid of the arbitrary penalization of people with cannabis. It means opening up safe banking that’s going to happen to, instantly. Well, it hadn’t been instant that’s for sure but it’s going to open up very quickly. With the upcoming inauguration.

Unknown 4:45

And then because of that because of the more act because of safe banking, the FDA is going to, they’re already, allowing cannabis submissions for FDA approval. And then the EDu’s are going to open up that all comes with with Descheduling cannabis. So, the educational systems are gone, or who have been federally funded will finally open back up to. Cannabis education and then hospitals and rehabilitation centers and elder care centers are going to open up and they are going to need counselors and doctors and liaisons to help all of their patients receive their cannabis while in their care. And for shamans to help administer. There are going to be so many jobs, opening up because cannabis will be unrestricted.

Unknown 5:57

Changing the subject just slightly. I’ve found an artist to do the illustrations for my new ebook. The language of cannabis and how to potty pot pot effectively. Yeah, I just want you all to know this this is not a book like an encyclopedia about cannabis no no no no no. And it is, it doesn’t just tell you everything that you ever wanted, or were curious to know about cannabis….doesn’t give you the history. Really, and doesn’t go into too much of the chemical makeup or any of that. What it does give you is a proper foundation to understand how to use whatever choices you make in cannabis, and how they will most effectively work for you. By showing you what to use for different symptoms, and what to expect in their effects and how long those effects will last. And also how long it takes before you even feel those effects. That’s what I’m teaching you.

Unknown 7:22

So, it won’t matter, in the future, what dispensary you go to you’ll know how to ask for a particular kind of cannabis that will help your particular issues, and it won’t matter what they name the or what kind of pretty box they come in, or how you know what kind of delivery method, because you’ll be choosing the delivery method that’s best suited for you. Remember, cannabis is so personal and there are so many options and choices that you’ll be able to make, which makes it, you know, fun and interesting, and way more economical for, you know, if somebody needs the economy route. If you’re blessed with having a lot of money then this won’t be a problem for you. But if you’re not so fortunate right now. Look, I still cannot buy all the, all the cannabis that I want, or perhaps even that I need. Because it’s just too damn too expensive for me to be doing that. I’ve got five dogs. Three of them are elders now, I’d really like to start giving them CBD, but I can barely afford CBD for myself. So, you know, I’m not rich. I’m just a 66 year old woman on a lot of cannabis to take care of a lot of my aging inflammatory issues like arthritis and nausea and all kinds of things. So where were we. Oh yeah, about to take a little break here. I’ll be right back.

Unknown 9:11

Thank you so much for choosing Cannaba Verum as a source for cannabis information. I’m so thrilled to be doing this podcast twice a week so that you can learn how easy it is to understand the nuances of cannabis, and all of the different ways that it can improve the quality of one’s life. And I’m not just talking about medicinally here either.

Unknown 9:45

If we would stop using paper products that come from 80 year old trees that they keep cutting down, and instead use hemp products for paper products. What an amazing effect that would have on the ecology of our world. And that would perpetuate a new manufacturing industry globally as well. paper pulp is the third largest manufacturing. Type in the globe in the world. And so oh my goodness. What an amazing effect. Just making our paper cups and toilet paper and paper plates, would have on the world. There’s so much to consider about cannabis that can increase our quality of life. I’m just telling you you know just gracing the top of the list for you. It has started a whole new life for me, aside from not only feeling better. But I’m already into my new cannabis career. And you all can be too. If you’re looking for a new career. And I’m, I’m telling you, cannabis in whatever skills that you have cannabis industry is looking for those skills and needs it. Gosh, as soon as all of the restrictions change just think of the advertising, the music, the TV the video The everything. Think of the infrastructure that can be re infused with hemp to make new bridges and roads and cars and planes and fuel and houses. You know the list just goes on and on and on. So, I’ve already employed, other people to help me in my cannabis industry. I have an intern, I have a publicist I have a web designer, I have a new Illustrator. So you see this, this little ball is just chugging along . Age quod Agis, Baby.

Unknown 12:27

I just say it all the time, one foot in front of the other and look how it grows. So I’m extremely excited and hopeful about this new year because look what’s already happening and it’s only you know the first couple of weeks in January so. Whoo, here we go, baby. And I want you to come along with me, because it’s a much brighter path, and it will serve our society and our communities. And so now I feel good, come out and go along with me. This is honey, with Cannaba verum just spreadin a little more cannabis truth and hoping that you see our future as brightly as I do, I want you to come along with me, we can all help each other. pax Vobiscum you all.

Unknown 13:25

Oh listen, I just wanted to remind you about a couple of letters that I wrote that you are so welcome to use, they’re still at the old website at that ca n n. A ba VeRUM, and I’ll say it again in a few minutes. But those letters, those letters can help you open up a discussion with both your doctor and your grocer, you know, demand is what the grocers are all about. So if we tell our grocery store managers and administrators that we really prefer products paper products made from hemp and not trees, then they will begin ordering those products for us. Well, how to do that? I wrote the letter for you. You can go to Canaba and download that letter for free, no absolutely no strings attached. You don’t have to leave your email or anything. Just go to Canaba and download that letter and shoot it off to your grocery store or take it with you next time you go, or take it with you every time you go and hand it to the, to the, to any of the workers and start spreading the word in your own community. And you can take that that letter that same letter to the box stores that you go to to Walmart or to CVS or to the drugstores, ask them to start the dollar stores to start ordering hemp paper products for you. That’s a renewable paper product that grows in about four months. You don’t need to wait 20 to 80 years and chop down a tree, which is obviously really bad for our ozone, too.

Unknown 15:27

So there

Unknown 15:28

you have it. And, oh yeah by the way, if you’re having a hard time talking to your primary care physician about cannabis, and you really want to go see what all this, you know, pot talk is about. Then I wrote a letter for you to give to your doctor that will help you open that conversation. So, go, go to I’m sorry, and just click on the dear doctor letter, and you can read it there for yourself and download it for free. There is nothing, nothing to prevent you from doing that, nobody’s scooping your emails yet or anything, but I would like your email address later, because I’m going to have some pretty important things to tell you about like my new ebook coming. So there you have it, friends. Just, just wanted to let you know again that breathing deeply is very good for you. Please try to perform a random act of kindness today. And if you need help, spreading the word about cannabis, or opening up that dialogue, go to and download the dear doctor letter or the dear grocer letter.

Unknown 16:58

Oh yeah. And don’t forget to jump into a moment of clarity, that is produced on Mondays. That’s when a friend and I will get into some nitty gritty thing about cannabis and we just love for you to hear us. Girl Talk about that. So, this is Honey, sendin love and peace to everybody,

Unknown 17:21

y’all just snuggle up at home and watch the popcorn, you watch the popcorn pop and and talk to your, your friends and your family on the phones and the video chats and snuggle up with your puppies and, and whoever else you have to snuggle up with. We’re going to be okay. Hang on tightly and spread the love. Talk to you next time.

Unknown 17:51

You’ve been listening to the cannabaverum podcast with host and educator, honey Smith walls, discussing the language of cannabis certified by respected cannabis doctors researchers and clinicians in the industry and passionate about helping people understand the benefit of this ancient plant, with over 400 chemical compounds in it, you’ll find a lot to relate to in her experiences, and those of special guests in the industry. Click on the buttons below to subscribe to the podcast and preorder her new ebook,

Unknown 18:32

the language of cannabis, how to use Potty pot pot effectively, coming in January, 2021.

Host: Honey 26:57

You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog at Cannaba

That’s C A N N A B A   V E R U

  1. plant specifically grows, the acid form, the THCa –
  2. all street weed is contaminated:
  3. Handbook of Cannabis for Clinicians, Practices and Principles by Dr. Dustin Sulak – and
  4. Certificate of Analysis (COA)

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