CV 041 Binge 1 Dr. Leah

Hey, my friends, you’re gonna want to binge listen to my next guest. She’s going to be on a three part, or three episodes of of cannabis verum why because it’s Dr Leah Johnson that’s why she’s a formally trained clinical cannabis pharmacist, got her degree in pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

MoC 040 Finding Help

I was scrolling through hundreds of emails when I noticed something from a professional in the podcasting industry. He was practicing the art of email marketing which is something I’m learning to do. It’s no secret that I’m new to this profession. Or that I’m 67. Or that the pandemic folded my previous business plan. Podcasting was perfect for me to create a new career in the cannabis industry. I love helping patients understand this live plant therapy.

CV 040 How Much?

I am a student of Dr. Dustin Sulak’s Healer Program. I am also a member of his monthly medical conferences on clinical review of cannabis studies. He often speaks about the data he mines from his practice in Maine, as well as his laboratory findings, and the success of his proprietary cannabis therapies designed from his knowledge of the plant.

MoC 039 Nurse Bambi Part Two

I just wanted to let you know that this is the continuation part two, if you will, of my conversation with nurse Bambi an LPN from Missouri. And she’s here to finish our conversation about what the differences are in the cannabis world up there in Missouri, as as opposed to down here in Florida and what we get to enjoy. So thanks for stepping back into this conversation with us. We had such a good time, here we go.

CV 039 Nurse Bambi Part One

If you’re exhausted from body aches, dangerous potential drug interactions and crippling brain fog, then stay tuned for some amazing information, you can always verify with proof by scientific data. Guests from within the cannabis industry will enlighten and expand your ideas about the validity of this plant for our society.

MoC 038 MMJ Florida Card

Even though I could obtain street weed without much effort, there was still a psychological terror that I stuffed down in the deep of my worries. That soupy ocean of nightmarish thoughts. The ones that rise when conjured to overpower your calm senses with molecules of fear and loathing.

CV 038 An Elderly Patient

A 60-70ish year-old woman. She is in so much pain her social skills are cut to the quick. She wears a mask because of the pandemic but her eyes and furrowed brow give her grimace of pain away as she casts her eyes downward to avoid contact. She doesn’t feel like “doing the niceties”.

MoC 037 Dr. Michael Geci Part 2

There’s no lawn mowers going up here as as we’ve we’ve accumulated about a half an inch of snow already why we’ve been talking. Goodness snow just really tickles my fancy. So okay, since you’re bragging about your beautiful snow, I helped a girlfriend bring her sailing vessel up the ditch the other day, and the sun was shining brightly and beautifully and the wind was cool and breezy. And we had a successful voyage. So that was cool.

CV 037 Dr. Michael Geci Part 1

You and I were just chatting a second ago and you were about to say that the book wasn’t about you, it was about the whole process of trying to understand cannabis in the public realm, and getting our legislators to understand what they’re trying to legislate for the public, but they don’t, they’re not realizing the public they’re legislating for our patients, they’re trying to do something different. And it’s been so frustrating that just tried to that the bill to cap THC down here in Florida just failed, and so good for us, and a lot of other horrible bills too.

MoC 036 Alcoholic Hero’s

I have a lot of experience loving alcohol. Alcohol has a lot of experience pickling my liver and distorting my mind and decision-making process. If you’re not familiar with the sensation, the level of distortion begins with a tickle within your mind that swells to giddiness that may even include goose bumps`, a false sense of relaxation and perhaps euphoria that is quickly replaced by a heightened sense of excitement and too many times, poor decisions that often end in monumental letdown. I know that game. Face to face.