CV 190 Women in Weed, Amy & Nicole

December 12, 2022

CV 190 Women in Weed, Amy & Nicole


Promo Intro:

Hello my friends,

Let’s take a little peek behind the cannabis style of two Women in Weed who own their own businesses yet have very different models of success… in different states. You already know Nicole Hemming –  from… Now meet her friend, Amy Hicks…of                                    

                   right after the intro…


Honey Smith Walls 0:00

Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis. What’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet.

Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association (

I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine as a fly on the wall. Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I did take dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis expert scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to see and understand the bigger picture.

Well, I can talk to people all day long about cannabis… and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today.

Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies that can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects caused by synthetic prescriptions. This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman… not a doctor… not a scientist. Raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story and language of cannabis in historical, political and scientific terms… so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Seg 1

Honey Smith Walls 0:04

Nicole! How are you doing darling and tell me what’s going on with you? I’m so happy that you’re here. And, can you hear both of us all right?

Nicole Hemming –  

Yes, ma’am. Yes, I can.

Honey Smith Walls

Oops, there she went.

Nicole Hemming –  

Oh, was that Amy?

Honey Smith Walls

Yep, that was Amy. Let’s see if she jumps back on it a minute.

Nicole Hemming – 0:24

How have you been?

Honey Smith Walls 0:27

Well, we’ve been coming through a bit of weather here in Florida and then it’s been a political nightmare, but other than that, Mrs. Lincoln… How was the play?

Nicole Hemming – 0:39

Yeah. Very true.

Honey Smith Walls 0:42

This is a transgender week and half my friends are transgendered. And DeSantis has been a real challenge.

Nicole Hemming – 1:00

So right, I bet.

Honey Smith Walls 1:01

Okay, Amy, it sounds like we’ve got you back. This is Honey, how you doing?

Amy Hicks –  1:06

Doing good. Nice to meet you. Thanks for having me on.

Honey Smith Walls 1:09

Yes, And of course, there’s Nicole. Hi, sweetheart. Say hello again to our audience. Hi. We’re so happy to have you back. Tell us ladies what’s going on in your world?

Amy Hicks –  1:23

Well, I can start… Nicole and I met through mutual friends in the online space and we’ve just had so much in common and it is the plant that really keeps us collaborating and connecting and so it is a pleasure to be invited here today to speak about breaking the stigma and how it’s benefiting families of all sorts. And I can’t wait to dive into that discussion with you both.

Honey Smith Walls 1:53

Oh, I’m thrilled that you’re saying that out loud because we talk about this subject all the time, here at Cannaba Verum. It’s so important to hear from many different people and what their lives are like and and how they use cannabis to feel like their true selves and live a normal happy elevated quality of life because of cannabis. You agree with me, Nicole?

Nicole Hemming –   2:27

Yes I do.

Honey Smith Walls 2:29

By the way, I want to thank you again for sending me that little goodie box. I had the best fun in the bathtub! I put some music on and all of a sudden my tab was full and I put that bath bomb in and it started fizzing around like a jet rocket. And I was like…

Nicole Hemming –    3:00

All your worries melted away…

Honey Smith Walls 3:04

It was so delightful. It really felt so wonderful. And I felt really enriched because of it. And and no aches and pains and slept like a baby that night. So really, thank you darling. I never had a bath bomb before in all my 68 years alive. So now I know and it was wonderful and thrilling. So I wanted you to be sure to know.

Nicole Hemming –   3:37

That makes me so happy and so happy that you enjoyed it and that you you jumped into it for the first time with my product. So thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 3:46

My pleasure. Did you tell me or did I dream this up? That you’re also in some Ace Hardware stores?

Nicole Hemming – 3:54

Yes. Ace Hardwares, True Values, Murdoch’s I mean different places. Like spas and salons and stuff. So it’s really actually kinda nice and stuff, just having a mixture of stuff. I think the most rewarding thing about going to those places is that it really is helping people who need that day to day help when they’re doing any form of construction, plumbing, any of that stuff because if they aren’t taking that stuff and using it…

Honey Smith Walls 4:28

…on their knees, breaking their backs not using their bodies properly, not supporting themselves properly, right, all that daily ache and pain of just being a human. Wow, what a relief CBD is…

Nicole Hemming – 4:45

Well and being able to have the option to reach for that over the counter. Things that people take daily, right, like we don’t realize how many people are willing to just pop those those painkillers.

Honey Smith Walls 4:59

I have all of that.

Nicole Hemming – 5:03

Right. It’s so detrimental to our organs and our own survival and it just causes so many side effects long term that we just don’t even think about. Because preventative health is not something we covet. Right and that’s so important to have,

Honey Smith Walls 5:21

Because they don’t really show us pictures of how people hemorrhage internally from all of the Tylenol and all of that stuff they’ve taken all of their life.  My mother died of massive internal hemorrhaging. They said later due to sclerosis of the liver but she ate Tylenol like crazy. You know, and so people just don’t realize what the over the counter power of an over the counter product has inside their body because they’re not really paying attention. You know, in the Western philosophy of medicine, we’re told what to do. Right, right. We’re not invited to seek our own truth through healthful plant medication first.

Amy Hicks –  6:17

Nicole and I were having the discussion earlier how it really just goes to show you the attachment we have to the the thinking that this plant is harmful when it’s quite the opposite.

And we’re so just trusting in everything else, all these other medications. And it’s just so eye opening to start seeing how this plant can help people in different ways. I think so often I know what people struggle with is wanting to know… Okay, when I start using this, like, how much do I take and when do I take it… and the beauty is that CBD is really specific to you and your body. And we’re just so programmed to wanting to have like a one size fits all and it’s really being able to play around with it… She’s just start to feel like you said in the beginning…  so uplifted and like your true self… and it fills in the gaps where you need it and it’s just like you start using it for one thing and then you’re like, oh my gosh, I’m not noticing this or this or this or this or this.

Honey Smith Walls 7:28

Yeah because we all have a list of aches and pains that we’re cognizant of that we shove into the recesses of our minds trying not to think about it, because we’re busy and we’ve got other shit to do right. So I don’t have time to go find whatever whatever or take care of myself. I’m not programmed to take care of myself. Anyway. I’m programmed to call the doctor.

Amy Hicks –  8:02

Right? Yes.

Honey Smith Walls 8:05

If it’s anything more serious that a headache, I’m programmed call the doctor. So he can tell me that I’ve got IBS and need a handful of prescriptions to take, at what time of every day, until I have more symptoms that he can prescribe for.

Amy Hicks –  8:23

Right, exactly. And then give you a different form of a medication with different side effects and stuff that it’s absolutely awful first,

Honey Smith Walls 8:31

And he’s guessing too. Right? Exactly. And who is someone who knows the most about chemicals? Not your doctor? It’s the pharmacist. Yeah. And guess who’s coming from the ground up in cannabis. Pharmacist doctors are. There’s a whole groundswell movement going on. And it is a beautiful thing to see. Because they are the ones who study chemical compounds, not your general practitioner. They only take a few hours in a few of the most use compounds for certain diseases, but pharmacists are expected to know and understand 1000s of compounds when you walk in, and how they’re going to countraindicate with anything else that you’re taking. So that they can make sure that whatever that doctor has prescribed for you will have no contra indications that are deadly.

I didn’t say sick… I said deadly, to you. But we have totally missed the mark by underutilizing, our local pharmacists, and now that there’s this movement, you know, they’re not just clinical pharmacists anymore they are Doctor pharmacist, Pharm Ds, they’re called and they are coming up in the universities that are allowing them to learn about the endocannabinoid system, and all of the compounds that are being discovered by the scientists and you know, chemists all throughout the world. So it is truly an exciting blossoming of knowledge, isn’t it?

Nicole Hemming –   10:38

It really is. And just to know that they’re able to now offer something that’s more natural that is better for your system because they are studying up on that finally… there’s not so much of a faux pa because we are allowing them to do what they need to do to make sure that they’re giving us a healthy alternative versus you know, all the poison that we’re essentially feeding our bodies.

Honey Smith Walls 11:08

Yeah, there’s a whole new reckoning about truth around the globe…  Right? You know, Big Pharma is going to have to stop poisoning us. Big Food is going to have to stop poisoning us. Corporations are going to have to stop lying to us and start paying their fair share. And, you know, our society has got to come to truth to expose corruption when we see it because that is what prevented cannabis from rising past 1900s.

Nicole Hemming – 11:53

I think too, being independent. Yourself, leading with self advocacy and being willing to step out and lead the way on your own… not be so reliant on all of these systems and untruths because I think we’ve all had our fair share of putting trust in others and we see where that’s gotten us.

Honey Smith Walls 12:22

I cannot find a full spectrum CBD in my local dispensaries.

Amy Hicks –  12:29

No… because they won’t sell it in the back of the house.  They can sell it in the front of the house… and a lot just don’t… because I guess they don’t see the value in that… but that’s a big issue because what’s happening is a lot of people have been wanting to get their hands on the Rick Simpson oil for their needs and corporate people don’t want that. They don’t like that high or the feeling… and CBD can really combat that and balance that out and every dispensary should have a reputable pure CBD… and that’s what I’m big on is educating people on the gist. I believe everyone should have a bottle of it in their cabinet.

Honey Smith Walls 13:20

Oh, I bet yeah, absolutely. And in their spice rack and you know, and in their morning milky brew, you know for the health.

Amy Hicks –  13:35

When I was getting my med card back in like 2010, one of the doctors we went to said he believes that everybody should have THC tincture in a tea form in the evening because we’re not getting enough REM sleep… now that was way back then when you know there wasn’t as many options like the pure cannabis or CBD and things like that and the tinctures but even then it was like…. you should be allowing yourself to rest but our brain just isn’t getting the proper rest. And like you said sleep affects everything. I mean, I always say if you’re sleeping better, your mood is going to be better then you’re going to be more willing to want to work out and then you’re going to want to eat better. And so when people are asking does it help with this, that or the other and I’m like yeah, there’s a product for this. And for that, like let’s just understand what it’s doing here. It’s right homeostasis in the body and we know about it.

Honey Smith Walls 14:33

And all of those receptors everywhere.

Amy Hicks –  14:37

Yeah so people get used to feeling uncomfortable. So when they actually feel good in the body, they’re like well, what is this? I’m not used to feeling like this.

Honey Smith Walls 14:46

Yeah, and it feels so great to feel so great. Yes. I mean after being sickly and watching your quality of life decline inch by inch by inch by inch by inch. And you slow down and then you know very little joy because you don’t have energy and you become depressed and then you just don’t move very much. And then you become sicker. And that’s it.

I live in Florida where the old farts reign. And I’ve seen this story over and over and over and over again in my husband’s old fart friends. You know, they just peel off the face of the earth because it seems like they just don’t keep up with themselves. And they haven’t been nourished and they didn’t learn how to take care of themselves and they waited for somebody else to and nobody came and they just perished.

You know CBD and all of the cannabinoids…. And by the way, there’s not just hundreds there’s 1000s of cannabinoids, or compounds in cannabis… not 1000s of cannabinoids, but 1000s of compounds in cannabis. And that’s what the scientists say that I hang out with.

And, you know, we’re advocating this ancient plant to everybody because the three of us know how brilliant it is and how it communicates in our body to every single place because of all of these receptors, but jeez, how do we get past the fear that has been propagandized into you?

When Rec comes into a state… people don’t want to have to go through the hassle of education and cost of medical marijuana. And so there’s so much to learn about it. I fear that people just looking into the Rec side of it will miss so many opportunities to heal themselves because of the complicated alchemy of cannabis. Everybody’s individual, they’re gonna need all kinds of different formulations.

Amy Hicks –  17:44

And honey,  I believe the most powerful way is to start small and go big…just what we’re doing with our voice and our story. Everybody has a different way that this has helped them. And once people connect with that,  they say, That’s me. Oh my gosh, that is me. And it’s like if it’s helped them, that’s hope for these people… maybe it’s your last resort, you’ve tried everything. And timing is huge. Timing is huge.

I’ve seen so many people that were ready in the beginning back in 2017 2018.  When it was available, they were ready to go and then it was a big influx and like you said… it was this mix of recreation. There was a lot of gimmicks and people just getting on the bandwagon. I’ve seen farms come and go and investors think they were gonna be billionaires overnight. And it’s weeding… literally weeding out the people that weren’t there for the right reasons, right. I just believe it’s this again, more and more education and awareness and it doesn’t have to be always…. sorry, there’s a train coming by…

Honey Smith Walls 19:04

You live by a train? We live by train! We’ve have a pond between our house and the railroad tracks.

Amy Hicks –  19:11

Oh, how nice. But yeah, I just think we’re seeing different seasons of this and it’s because it’s a brand new category… it’s a comeback to society and how they’re gonna handle it and like you say… you start getting government and pharmacy involved and we know that this is not a band aid, it’s getting to the root so then are they okay with that? Because we know they like to carry on your sicknesses for health insurance.

Honey Smith Walls 19:43

What are they gonna do to the industry? I guess my question for you ladies now that it’s become more open… even a decade ago most people weren’t even coming close to discussion about cannabis, much less teach it.

Today…the next generation growing up learning about it… like hearing things now from doctors and scientists on podcasts and really involving themselves…  Amy I guess this question is for you… being a mother. What are your thoughts? And how exactly do you educate your children with this? Do you allow your children to have CBD?  I personally do myself, but I would like to hear from another mother and what they do with their children as well.

Amy Hicks –  20:51

This is a great topic to bring up. Nothing different. So it’s incorporated into your life from a young age then you you don’t see it as anything else. It’s like why they ask, “Why is that finger bad?” Well, because we give meaning to things right? And so we had the opportunity to actually grow hemp in a field and they got to plant the seeds. And they see that that is food and nutrition and medicine and you know, from a young age of health, even on social talk … why they take the gummies or we call it our happy drops or they know that if their tummies aching they reach for that.

So it is really up to us and how we perceive and talk about it. Are we going to be all hush hush and not let our kids be exposed to things and then they think, Well why is it bad?

You know, I have people that are friends that they believe in CBD and the benefits but then they’re still uncertain about using THC like joint or something. And it’s like, that’s why with my brand, One Plant One Love,  it’s one plant. It’s one love. There’s so many beautiful benefits. It’s all in how we use or abuse.

Honey Smith Walls 22:15

Well now wait a minute, Miss Amy. Yeah, I agree with everything you just said except I didn’t know anything about your one brand. What what what what what’s all this about? Yep. Now talk to us about this.

Amy Hicks –  22:29

So that is my personal brand. And I’m saying it again. One Plant One Love.

Honey Smith Walls 22:35

And where are you?

Amy Hicks –  22:38

Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook…

Honey Smith Walls 22:42

Where are you physically?

Amy Hicks –  22:45

So the great thing about my brand is it is all digital. I’m a digital nomad….my family and I. This has allowed us to actually have freedom of our life. When COVID was going on, we pulled the kids out and we bought an RV and we’re just traveling and drizzling our little cannabis magic everywhere we go. This is fantastic.

Nicole Hemming –   23:05

I told you that I think she’s in Illinois right now.

Honey Smith Walls 23:14

I understand. Missouri. Are you in Missouri?

Amy Hicks –  23:18

So I grew up in St. Louis. Yep. And we just kind of stay right outside the area for the holidays. And of course our heart is in our roots back in Colorado, but it’s been great to just have this freedom and have a business that allows us to do so. So all of you know I just do a lot of educating and then offer products online so it gets shipped straight to your door.

Honey Smith Walls 23:48

Well, this is fantastic news. So tell us a little bit more about your products.

Amy Hicks –  23:53

So the products range anywhere from tinctures to topicals to gummies. And what’s really fascinating is we released an extended version of our pet blends so a lot of people love CBD for their pets. We have some joint specific treats and one for cats as well. And I gotta tell you, we’ve got some people on our team that rave about it for horses and farm animals.

Honey Smith Walls 24:22

Did you see that article that’s come out recently about cows passing THC through their milk because they’ve been fed hemp and they were getting high on hemp somehow and they were kind of walking loopy and staring off into the sunset.

Nicole Hemming – 24:40

That is a good thing you brought up because one thing that I tell people that always blows their mind is…


Anchor Commercial


Dr. Mazo Commercial

By Honey Smith Walls

Hey, my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust.

Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida.

One of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 when it was legalized in Florida, Dr. Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live plant therapy will likely give the needed relief.

I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual synthetic stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead… and use it in a specific way to find relief.

And that is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag.

His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field of neurology. Dr.Anthony Mazo, a great friend to all of us.

In Melbourne, FL at the Brevard Neuro Center.


Seg 2

Amy Hicks –  0:03

… that back in the day when certain districts were mandated to grow hemp because it was so prevalent in all the resources, the animals used to actually graze the fields and eat hemp and so we would get cannabinoids through eating the animals, and then that just died off.

And so you can imagine if a part of our food chain is cut off… but our breast milk as mothers has endocannabinoids in it, so I always heard people when they’re asking,

“Oh, can I use it with with breastfeeding or if I’m pregnant?” I’m like, Well, do you plan on breastfeeding? Because they’re gonna get it that way. And then I think it just comes down to like, making sure you’re choosing a quality product. That’s another good thing to bring up today. Because, you know, so many people just don’t even know it’s so overwhelming. Like, what do I look for? How do I choose? How do I use things you need to look for? I mean, even the extraction method for goodness sakes, so…

Honey Smith Walls 1:00

You just have to be careful about contamination. Yeah. You just have to, nobody else is going to look out for you. So well, you’ve got to make that a priority for yourself.

Amy Hicks –  1:16

It sucks up. It’s a big bio accumulator. We had a friend that was growing and there was a  coal mine or something not too far. And when he went to extract it, it was so high in lead that it ruined some of the equipment, because it is such a biostimulant like your soils got to be pristine. Your air has got to be good. That’s why they put it in areas to soak up the bad air.

Honey Smith Walls 1:40

Yeah, yeah. My audience has heard me say this a number of times, but that’s what Chernobyl used to help clean up after the nuclear spill was around all of that because it’s such a bio accumulator, pretty amazing plant.

Honey Smith Walls 1:58

It’s pretty amazing. Some scientists have even suggested that cannabis cultivated humanity and society to come form it, you know, it called humans to it. And that because, imagine in the day, before big societies and we’re still hunter gatherers… imagine lightning striking, some patch of cannabis, and a first tribe getting a whiff of that and then wanting to cultivate it every time they found it or keep it… so I can imagine the transition towards the medicinal value in the early stone age. And it’s been here always.

Nicole Hemming –   2:59

Is that why they call it stoners? Yeah. Gotta laugh about it. I love when that’s a faux pa too. I know people think like, oh, you’re lazy… You use cannabis. Whatever form you do it and there’s so many people that need that as medicine to calm them down. My husband is a very active person. If I didn’t have cannabis I would never slow him down and also just no worries.

Honey Smith Walls 3:42

Yeah, I agree with you.

Nicole Hemming –   3:44

It’s just your day to day… like we were talking before… your aches and pains. Yeah, like just any of that stuff just from being on the go all the time… from just being a human. There’s things to do. We’ve got lives to live and we don’t necessarily want to be held back or slowed down. So I think there’s so many positive properties.

Amy Hicks – 4:05

Nicole to go back to your question about the kids because I know we’ve talked about this too…  how many people glorify the the wine or the alcohol, and I’m not putting anyone down. I love a good spirit every now and then. But if we’re going to be able to openly drink in front of our kids and have those types of celebrations, why does there have to be a separation among a plant?

Honey Smith Walls 4:30

I wanted to compliment you, honey on the story that you told about the kids growing the hemp… respecting, respecting, respecting the plant… how it it helps them when it’s grown. When they harvest, how they can go to that plant and receive all of those healthful benefits. They already know the truth of it. And yes, empowering that is so powerful, so powerful. So from the beginning, pardon me that’s what we need to be teaching the little kids in grade school… when learning about the world and the ground and plants and lalala and what we use plants for… eating and medicine and bedding and this that and the other you know, we make things out of plants. We can make airplanes and cars out of this plant, and have before and so and we can build roads and infrastructure with this plant and we can build houses with this plant. So everything that we’re doing but most especially the way we’re doing it here for our communities, is just helping them understand how beautiful and needed it truly is. Yep.

Amy Hicks –  6:01

it’s a necessity for sure.

Honey Smith Walls 6:04

Do you feel like there’s a reckoning about truth that’s happening? I feel like corporations are going to start having to pay for being naughty.

Nicole Hemming –   6:20

I agree like people are opening up their conscious minds. Instead of constantly being told, you know, this is how you’re supposed to think… this is what you’re supposed to be like, all this other stuff. People are like how you said…  people are kind of growing, opening up their minds… like it’s a whole sense of them opening up their conscious minds just to be able to think for themselves and be like, No, I’ve been told all this stuff and it’s not helping me… it really is bad for me. Many others are really starting to just kind of go back to the older ways and clearly it worked for 1000s upon 1000s of years.

Amy Hicks –  7:03

And I also feel that people have expressed interest in employment, like people want to be able to have this covered by their insurance. I can’t tell you how many people… it saddens me… that had to walk away because… Oh, their prescription was only $5 or it was free. And so to be able to have some sort of a way to allow people to have access.

Honey Smith Walls 7:31

This is the thing. When Rec comes in, it’s going to be so much cheaper. And so then it’ll just be recreational and they’ll be pushing the high. Not the medicinal value of it… is what I’m concerned about. And then there will be no education or Certificate of analysis that proves there’s no contamination. So I worry about that for our citizens.

Amy Hicks –  8:07

But that’s why people like us get out there. We talk to people we try to educate people because once again, you want them to open up their conscious minds. Like you would think that something that would make you actually feel better that they would covered under insurance, but they’re not… so then people start thinking about stuff…

Honey Smith Walls 8:31

Yeah, like why are they holding this from us? Why! Yep, yeah. Also and then they have to go into and understand the history of the plant… understand why it’s been held back, and why they’ve been afraid of it for so long. And that turns into a lie.

Nicole Hemming – 8:47

Right? And that’s why there has to be people like us that are out there to truly educate people and show people that we have a true love for this plant. Like we really truly want to help you. If it’s not this product that I have… let me help you with another product. What are your needs currently, like what exactly are you looking for? But then it doesn’t even come down to just that…

Honey Smith Walls 9:08

This is not about selling a product… Right? This is about your health elevating. Yeah, elevating.

Amy Hicks –  9:15

Yeah. And it’s like let me help you…  here are these other ways that are better for the world… Like, let’s make it how we were talking earlier about like, you can make homes out of it. You can make clothing out of it and all kinds of stuff. Let me educate you on how this one particular plant can do this vast amount of things… or help you day to day and… it’s just the education game now. Because people don’t even know that you can use it for paper… use it for clothing, any of that stuff.

Honey Smith Walls 9:51

It’s like Vibranium from Wakanda, right?

Amy Hicks –  9:57

And it has to be over and over and over again. Because you can imagine like we’ve just been conditioned for so long and it’s going to take a long time to decondition… so it’s not just oh I tried and I’ve had this conversation. No, it’s keep having those conversations, keep saying the things I know even for myself, I have to remind myself because I’m so close to it. And I’m like God, there’s people out there that are still just terrified to talk about it. Right. Well I feel like educating once again, kind of going back to the whole kid thing. The next generation will not think this is an evil, bad thing. This is something that will truly help you and your kids in the future.

Honey Smith Walls 10:46

Oh, maybe they will have kids now.

Nicole Hemming – 10:51

But the next generation after them like that they can be doing that. There’s not so much.

Honey Smith Walls 10:57

Yeah, they’re gonna have to get rid of that stigma.

Nicole Hemming –   11:03

Right? And no one’s saying that it’s all or nothing. I think that’s a big thing too is like if we can just incorporate more eastern and western medicine, you know, they can work together in so many great ways.

Honey Smith Walls 11:15

I totally agree with you because there is absolutely a place for synthetic prescriptions, medication. But not every place needs it.

Nicole Hemming –  11:29

And maybe not in highest doses. Maybe it can be cut back because you’re also on cannabis!

Honey Smith Walls 11:33

Helps mediate everything that you’re saying and lamenting…right so Oh, I’m so glad you know that… yes, it’s such a complicated plant with so many compounds in it that can help us but Oh, glory. Once you start sort of figuring this out, it’s really fun to understand that science and sort of be on the ground level as it’s blossoming.

Nicole Hemming –   12:09

And our reach for it instead of so many other things. I mean, gosh, like you said in the bath your skin your aches and pains, your mental state in your mind, your preventative for your immunity.

Amy Hicks –  12:24

And to not reach for it, but then also be able to be like with your stuff. You can get it sent to your home. The mail like whereas we were talking earlier about you know that it’s at Ace Hardwares in the True Values, you’re going there to go get a disability like it’s just to be able to have something like that so much more accessible just for that versus something so many different places besides just going to a dispensary or being 21.

Honey Smith Walls 12:54

I trust my Ace Hardware over the big box stores. And I trust my True Value over the big box stores where I cannot get certain items. Nor can my husband who is a remote control airplane builder and so there’s just you know certain things that only those special stores there… they used to be just regular hardware stores but right now they’re kind of like their specialty just because they’re not these great monoliths, you know box stores. But I trust those stores because of what they value to put on their shelves. And if they value your product enough to put it on the shelf that says a lot to me as a customer, right

Honey Smith Walls  13:46

And they’re independently owned of course…

Nicole Hemming –   13:49

The True Values are but then the Ace Hardware is not. Okay. Yeah, and the Murdochs are not.

Honey Smith Walls 13:58

Even still… congratulations. That’s just a big damn deal. I think you know, that is a big deal. And you were just featured in the CEO magazine.

Nicole Hemming – 14:08

I saw three magazines last week so yes, thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 14:13

Another Woman in Weed… that is fantastic. I like hearing that. Did they take nice pictures?

Nicole Hemming –   14:21

It was it was actually one that they used of me and Justin when we were doing a fundraiser for a very great cause called Eddie’s kids where they take less fortunate kids and set them up to be able to go see their favorite athletes.

Honey Smith Walls 14:38

Oh my gosh, yeah, what a real… I’m sorry I didn’t ask about Justin earlier. How’s he doing?

Nicole Hemming –   14:45

He’s doing pretty good. Just busy, busy, busy. He’s loves all of his background stuff. And he’s just the quiet little happy… what Amy said earlier… Stoner.

Honey Smith Walls 15:00

That’s awesome. That is awesome. Okay, well, I am so thrilled to talk to another couple of Women in Weed about normalizing what’s going on in our world. Let’s see. We talked about the cow and the milk right. There was something else in the news that happened. Oh, a few more states opened up for cannabis. Yeah. And also for mushrooms and psychedelics. So I think that’s really good news.

Amy Hicks –  15:33

huge win for psychedelics.

Honey Smith Walls 15:35

There’s a lot of overlap between cannabis and mushrooms. You know, there’s terpenes and all that jazz. So yeah, it’s gonna be real interesting. Girls, we’re in for a really great cannabis ride. You know? I mean, it’s really fun right now.

Amy Hicks –  15:56

It’s great to be on the leading edge of it all and blazing the trail and seeing the different movements along the way.

Honey Smith Walls 16:05

Amy it is. Are you going to be able to go to any of the trade shows that’s happening?

MJ biz con is happening now I think out in Las Vegas?

Amy Hicks –  16:19

Yeah, that’s going on right now. I think it is yeah, I’m not making it to that one.

Honey Smith Walls 16:23

No, me either. And somebody out here on the East Coast…I think it was June Blankin asked me if I wanted to go and of course I was dying to but didn’t have the money. Lalalalala and, you know,

Amy Hicks –  16:34

There’s so many. I feel like a couple of the conventions I’ve gone to lately… They have been so heavily in just the recreation side. I can’t tell you how many gummies I saw at these conventions and things and it’s really neat to see all the innovative outside of the box things. But I would love to see more of the educational workshops popping up. I know. Are you familiar with Bonnie Goldstein? You know she does some really great medicinal conferences like that. Yeah,

Honey Smith Walls 17:08

As a matter of fact, I am going to Cannabis Public School on LinkedIn, with Mo Smyth and we are currently in the middle of or maybe it’s the third or fourth chapter of Dr. Goldstein’s book. Great. And so that is a free class.

If anybody wants to jump into it. Let me just hype it right here and now. Hit me up on LinkedIn and I will send you the link to it. It’s every Sunday at noon, Eastern and it lasts for about an hour and there are nurses and doctors and advocates and all kinds of people attending.

We started this school a few months back. Pardon me. And we started it with the big book of Terps BY RUSS Hudson. And if you’ve not seen that yet or don’t have it in your library, save your pennies up for it. It’s about $160 and it weighs four and a half pounds. Yeah, I read every word of it, but it really will change the way you cook. Once you start realizing the medicinal values of the terpenes that are in your your your kitchen cabinet every time you put oregano or something in your whatever. So I’m just saying the knowledge that’s popping up this first book of its kind and it’s just huge on terpenes and, and those that are found mostly,  just well everywhere but also in cannabis and what they do and the medicinal value.

So Oh, I’m sorry, I lost my train of thought but it was about getting education and this is free education. They ask that you hit us up on LinkedIn so that we can keep it limited to those who are truly interested in coming. You know.

Amy Hicks –  19:29

Let me ask you this since Yeah, it’s a school does it have something like traditional schools like new semester where you start or don’t like do you just jump in at any time?

Honey Smith Walls 19:39

Not yet. It’s a brand new kind of a thing going on that’s led by a nurse from California who’s a cannabis expert. And so she’s got all these incredible connections and she just, really wanted to talk about Russ Hudson’s book and so she asked all of us on LinkedIn, our tribe, hey, let’s get together and do this book together.

And then she just started calling it Cannabis Public School and it’s growing. So there are some really really wonderful medical professionals in this group too, who have deep knowledge of cannabis already and share that willingly and openly and so you are in for a jam packed hour of cannabis learning in this free class.

Again, you know, this is information that never would have been public. It would have stayed in the medical schools where it belonged. It would have stayed there for the privileged few, right. And the public would never have known about it.

But because of the lies and the propaganda, and all of that whole political story, and the way it came up, we do have access to the science of cannabis now, even though it’s illegal around the world and that was thanks to Betty Reagan. Nancy Reagan, Nancy Reagan. So the history of this plant is incredible, isn’t it?

Amy Hicks –  21:29

I know one of my dear friends just got her cannabis science degree yet. She was in St Louis.

Honey Smith Walls 21:37

Don’t you love hearing that? Yeah. Oh my gosh. Don’t you wonder what her curriculum was like?

Amy Hicks –  21:45

I know. Yeah. I love to talk to her.

Honey Smith Walls 21:47

Honestly, hey, hit her up. Tell her I would love to talk to her about her experience, you know? Yeah. And and my audience would love to see and it would inspire so many people to do it themselves. Would you hit her up and tell her to give me a jingle for a  conversation about it. Cuz we could do this again if you’d like to, and just include her as well. So, oh, it would be so much fun. Amy tell us again how our audience can get in touch with you and find your products honey.

Amy Hicks –  22:20

Sure. One plant one And all of my social links are right there on that page and you can message me right there too. I think that’s the easiest way.

Honey Smith Walls 22:31

OK that’s so easy. That’s perfect. Say it again very slowly. One love. That’s it. I’m so glad you spelled it out too because I probably would have written the shorthand. Yeah. Okay, good. All right, Nicole, darling, tell us how we can look at your fabulous products and order them online and have a great big fizzy bubble bath for ourselves.

Nicole Hemming – 22:58

Oh, of course. Mine is relaxed and and um, you could order online where we deliver it straight to your house or you can also pick it up we once again we’re in you know, local Ace Hardware is two values Murdoch’s across the country along with plenty of other places, but those are the main ones that we are actually located in. So yeah, it’s kind of fun.

Honey Smith Walls 23:22

Nicole… Amy. I love that you all are friends and in the cannabis industry leading as women in weed.

Amy, I want you to know that you being a gypsy is real close to my own heart. I have I have a band called The Medieval Gypsies and we play ancient music from the 12th and 13th, 14th century, as well as make up our own stuff too and holler it out to the world…

But also my husband and I lived on a boat for about five years and Gypsied around the waters of the Caribbean. Oh yeah,  it was so much fun honey. And there were many families out on boats when we went and so they would take their kids and their kids would have these growth spurts and outgrow their beds inside the boat. Yeah inside the cabin… they would have to come sleep outside because they’d gotten too long for their for their beds while they were growing up. See how time flies when you’re having fun. It really does and I know that y’all are having fun, being gypsies like that… and the kids are having a fabulous time of it. So congratulations to you and your autonomy.

Amy Hicks –  24:52

Thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 24:53

Really that’s pretty spectacular in this day and age for a woman ain’t it. For real, all right, girls, will you call me back and let’s have a chat again. Anytime?

Amy Hicks – 25:06


Nicole Hemming –  –  25:07

Yeah, this was so fun. Thank you. Thank

Honey Smith Walls 25:09

Thank you so much. We’ve enjoyed it and my audience will look forward to hearing about you and go into your websites too. I’ll also carry that information in the show notes. And we’ll look forward to hearing from you again sometime real soon. A

All right, thanks for your work in the industry girls… I’ll go out and howl at the moon and think of you. Bye Bye.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies.

To find a qualified cannabis expert in your area… visit

It is a national society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes.

Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia or worse.

Subscribe to the Cannaba Verum podcast and become part of a project to understand the effects of cannabis on the public. Your anecdotal testimony is priceless to me. Medical citations are posted on my podcast blog when you visit That’s Hey, and one last thing… Would you take an extra second to give my podcast a Like and Review? It’s like Bitcoin crack for the algorithms. Thanks so much. Hey, I hear the cows calling.



Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like: Dr. Codi Peterson et al on The Cannigma Podcast, and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more like: NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (

Over past episodes of Cannaba Verum, we’ve listened to some amazing scientists and medical professionals talk about their discoveries and patient successes as hundreds of questionable compounds rise to the public grasp. I am especially interested in the pharmacists movement becoming an integral part of this new medicinal choice.

Watch this machine roll into action through conversations with pharmacy doctors all over the nation like Dr. Leah Johnson and Dr. Codi Peterson out West and Dr. Alan Ao up North. There are so many more getting involved now… these are just a few who have come on my show to explain the situation and it’s fascinating.

You’ll find citations available on my podcast blog at

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and most patients and doctors are seriously cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information.

If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis.

You’ll find that letter at  

My specialist in hormonal help: Dr. Genester Wilson-King, M.D. and Founder

Victory Rejuvenation Center – Orlando, Florida

My Neurologist and Cannabis Expert Medical Marijuana Doctor in Melbourne, FL:

Anthony Mazo, M.D.

Brevard Neuro Center

(321) 733-2711

315 E. Nasa Blvd.

Melbourne, FL 32901.    

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.

(1) Microdosing –

(2) Concentrates –

(3) Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia

(4) Society of Cannabis Clinicians –

(5) Take the Pledge –

(6) Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

(7) The Cannigma Podcast =

(8) Curious About Cannabis Podcast =

Show Notes:

You’ve met Nicole from but now you’ll meet her friend Amy Hicks of and see the difference in business styles from different states in this peek behind the curtain of the cannabis industry.

Nicole Hemming –

Amy Hicks –

Cannabis Public School on LinkedIn – Free to any cannabis geek interested in great edu about it with medical professionals who want to help us understand, no matter our level of education.  Find me on LinkedIn and hit me up for the link.

Cannaba Verum 190 Amy & Nicole Pub 12/12/22


Promo Intro:

Hello my friends,

Let’s take a little peek behind the cannabis style of two Women in Weed who own their own businesses yet have very different models of success… in different states. You already know Nicole Hemming –  from… Now meet her friend, Amy Hicks…of                                    

                   right after the intro…


Honey Smith Walls 0:00

Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis. What’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet.

Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association (

I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine as a fly on the wall. Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I did take dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis expert scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to see and understand the bigger picture.

Well, I can talk to people all day long about cannabis… and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today.

Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies that can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects caused by synthetic prescriptions. This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman… not a doctor… not a scientist. Raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story and language of cannabis in historical, political and scientific terms… so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Seg 1

Honey Smith Walls 0:04

Nicole! How are you doing darling and tell me what’s going on with you? I’m so happy that you’re here. And, can you hear both of us all right?

Nicole Hemming –  

Yes, ma’am. Yes, I can.

Honey Smith Walls

Oops, there she went.

Nicole Hemming –  

Oh, was that Amy?

Honey Smith Walls

Yep, that was Amy. Let’s see if she jumps back on it a minute.

Nicole Hemming – 0:24

How have you been?

Honey Smith Walls 0:27

Well, we’ve been coming through a bit of weather here in Florida and then it’s been a political nightmare, but other than that, Mrs. Lincoln… How was the play?

Nicole Hemming – 0:39

Yeah. Very true.

Honey Smith Walls 0:42

This is a transgender week and half my friends are transgendered. And DeSantis has been a real challenge.

Nicole Hemming – 1:00

So right, I bet.

Honey Smith Walls 1:01

Okay, Amy, it sounds like we’ve got you back. This is Honey, how you doing?

Amy Hicks –  1:06

Doing good. Nice to meet you. Thanks for having me on.

Honey Smith Walls 1:09

Yes, And of course, there’s Nicole. Hi, sweetheart. Say hello again to our audience. Hi. We’re so happy to have you back. Tell us ladies what’s going on in your world?

Amy Hicks –  1:23

Well, I can start… Nicole and I met through mutual friends in the online space and we’ve just had so much in common and it is the plant that really keeps us collaborating and connecting and so it is a pleasure to be invited here today to speak about breaking the stigma and how it’s benefiting families of all sorts. And I can’t wait to dive into that discussion with you both.

Honey Smith Walls 1:53

Oh, I’m thrilled that you’re saying that out loud because we talk about this subject all the time, here at Cannaba Verum. It’s so important to hear from many different people and what their lives are like and and how they use cannabis to feel like their true selves and live a normal happy elevated quality of life because of cannabis. You agree with me, Nicole?

Nicole Hemming –   2:27

Yes I do.

Honey Smith Walls 2:29

By the way, I want to thank you again for sending me that little goodie box. I had the best fun in the bathtub! I put some music on and all of a sudden my tab was full and I put that bath bomb in and it started fizzing around like a jet rocket. And I was like…

Nicole Hemming –    3:00

All your worries melted away…

Honey Smith Walls 3:04

It was so delightful. It really felt so wonderful. And I felt really enriched because of it. And and no aches and pains and slept like a baby that night. So really, thank you darling. I never had a bath bomb before in all my 68 years alive. So now I know and it was wonderful and thrilling. So I wanted you to be sure to know.

Nicole Hemming –   3:37

That makes me so happy and so happy that you enjoyed it and that you you jumped into it for the first time with my product. So thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 3:46

My pleasure. Did you tell me or did I dream this up? That you’re also in some Ace Hardware stores?

Nicole Hemming – 3:54

Yes. Ace Hardwares, True Values, Murdoch’s I mean different places. Like spas and salons and stuff. So it’s really actually kinda nice and stuff, just having a mixture of stuff. I think the most rewarding thing about going to those places is that it really is helping people who need that day to day help when they’re doing any form of construction, plumbing, any of that stuff because if they aren’t taking that stuff and using it…

Honey Smith Walls 4:28

…on their knees, breaking their backs not using their bodies properly, not supporting themselves properly, right, all that daily ache and pain of just being a human. Wow, what a relief CBD is…

Nicole Hemming – 4:45

Well and being able to have the option to reach for that over the counter. Things that people take daily, right, like we don’t realize how many people are willing to just pop those those painkillers.

Honey Smith Walls 4:59

I have all of that.

Nicole Hemming – 5:03

Right. It’s so detrimental to our organs and our own survival and it just causes so many side effects long term that we just don’t even think about. Because preventative health is not something we covet. Right and that’s so important to have,

Honey Smith Walls 5:21

Because they don’t really show us pictures of how people hemorrhage internally from all of the Tylenol and all of that stuff they’ve taken all of their life.  My mother died of massive internal hemorrhaging. They said later due to sclerosis of the liver but she ate Tylenol like crazy. You know, and so people just don’t realize what the over the counter power of an over the counter product has inside their body because they’re not really paying attention. You know, in the Western philosophy of medicine, we’re told what to do. Right, right. We’re not invited to seek our own truth through healthful plant medication first.

Amy Hicks –  6:17

Nicole and I were having the discussion earlier how it really just goes to show you the attachment we have to the the thinking that this plant is harmful when it’s quite the opposite.

And we’re so just trusting in everything else, all these other medications. And it’s just so eye opening to start seeing how this plant can help people in different ways. I think so often I know what people struggle with is wanting to know… Okay, when I start using this, like, how much do I take and when do I take it… and the beauty is that CBD is really specific to you and your body. And we’re just so programmed to wanting to have like a one size fits all and it’s really being able to play around with it… She’s just start to feel like you said in the beginning…  so uplifted and like your true self… and it fills in the gaps where you need it and it’s just like you start using it for one thing and then you’re like, oh my gosh, I’m not noticing this or this or this or this or this.

Honey Smith Walls 7:28

Yeah because we all have a list of aches and pains that we’re cognizant of that we shove into the recesses of our minds trying not to think about it, because we’re busy and we’ve got other shit to do right. So I don’t have time to go find whatever whatever or take care of myself. I’m not programmed to take care of myself. Anyway. I’m programmed to call the doctor.

Amy Hicks –  8:02

Right? Yes.

Honey Smith Walls 8:05

If it’s anything more serious that a headache, I’m programmed call the doctor. So he can tell me that I’ve got IBS and need a handful of prescriptions to take, at what time of every day, until I have more symptoms that he can prescribe for.

Amy Hicks –  8:23

Right, exactly. And then give you a different form of a medication with different side effects and stuff that it’s absolutely awful first,

Honey Smith Walls 8:31

And he’s guessing too. Right? Exactly. And who is someone who knows the most about chemicals? Not your doctor? It’s the pharmacist. Yeah. And guess who’s coming from the ground up in cannabis. Pharmacist doctors are. There’s a whole groundswell movement going on. And it is a beautiful thing to see. Because they are the ones who study chemical compounds, not your general practitioner. They only take a few hours in a few of the most use compounds for certain diseases, but pharmacists are expected to know and understand 1000s of compounds when you walk in, and how they’re going to countraindicate with anything else that you’re taking. So that they can make sure that whatever that doctor has prescribed for you will have no contra indications that are deadly.

I didn’t say sick… I said deadly, to you. But we have totally missed the mark by underutilizing, our local pharmacists, and now that there’s this movement, you know, they’re not just clinical pharmacists anymore they are Doctor pharmacist, Pharm Ds, they’re called and they are coming up in the universities that are allowing them to learn about the endocannabinoid system, and all of the compounds that are being discovered by the scientists and you know, chemists all throughout the world. So it is truly an exciting blossoming of knowledge, isn’t it?

Nicole Hemming –   10:38

It really is. And just to know that they’re able to now offer something that’s more natural that is better for your system because they are studying up on that finally… there’s not so much of a faux pa because we are allowing them to do what they need to do to make sure that they’re giving us a healthy alternative versus you know, all the poison that we’re essentially feeding our bodies.

Honey Smith Walls 11:08

Yeah, there’s a whole new reckoning about truth around the globe…  Right? You know, Big Pharma is going to have to stop poisoning us. Big Food is going to have to stop poisoning us. Corporations are going to have to stop lying to us and start paying their fair share. And, you know, our society has got to come to truth to expose corruption when we see it because that is what prevented cannabis from rising past 1900s.

Nicole Hemming – 11:53

I think too, being independent. Yourself, leading with self advocacy and being willing to step out and lead the way on your own… not be so reliant on all of these systems and untruths because I think we’ve all had our fair share of putting trust in others and we see where that’s gotten us.

Honey Smith Walls 12:22

I cannot find a full spectrum CBD in my local dispensaries.

Amy Hicks –  12:29

No… because they won’t sell it in the back of the house.  They can sell it in the front of the house… and a lot just don’t… because I guess they don’t see the value in that… but that’s a big issue because what’s happening is a lot of people have been wanting to get their hands on the Rick Simpson oil for their needs and corporate people don’t want that. They don’t like that high or the feeling… and CBD can really combat that and balance that out and every dispensary should have a reputable pure CBD… and that’s what I’m big on is educating people on the gist. I believe everyone should have a bottle of it in their cabinet.

Honey Smith Walls 13:20

Oh, I bet yeah, absolutely. And in their spice rack and you know, and in their morning milky brew, you know for the health.

Amy Hicks –  13:35

When I was getting my med card back in like 2010, one of the doctors we went to said he believes that everybody should have THC tincture in a tea form in the evening because we’re not getting enough REM sleep… now that was way back then when you know there wasn’t as many options like the pure cannabis or CBD and things like that and the tinctures but even then it was like…. you should be allowing yourself to rest but our brain just isn’t getting the proper rest. And like you said sleep affects everything. I mean, I always say if you’re sleeping better, your mood is going to be better then you’re going to be more willing to want to work out and then you’re going to want to eat better. And so when people are asking does it help with this, that or the other and I’m like yeah, there’s a product for this. And for that, like let’s just understand what it’s doing here. It’s right homeostasis in the body and we know about it.

Honey Smith Walls 14:33

And all of those receptors everywhere.

Amy Hicks –  14:37

Yeah so people get used to feeling uncomfortable. So when they actually feel good in the body, they’re like well, what is this? I’m not used to feeling like this.

Honey Smith Walls 14:46

Yeah, and it feels so great to feel so great. Yes. I mean after being sickly and watching your quality of life decline inch by inch by inch by inch by inch. And you slow down and then you know very little joy because you don’t have energy and you become depressed and then you just don’t move very much. And then you become sicker. And that’s it.

I live in Florida where the old farts reign. And I’ve seen this story over and over and over and over again in my husband’s old fart friends. You know, they just peel off the face of the earth because it seems like they just don’t keep up with themselves. And they haven’t been nourished and they didn’t learn how to take care of themselves and they waited for somebody else to and nobody came and they just perished.

You know CBD and all of the cannabinoids…. And by the way, there’s not just hundreds there’s 1000s of cannabinoids, or compounds in cannabis… not 1000s of cannabinoids, but 1000s of compounds in cannabis. And that’s what the scientists say that I hang out with.

And, you know, we’re advocating this ancient plant to everybody because the three of us know how brilliant it is and how it communicates in our body to every single place because of all of these receptors, but jeez, how do we get past the fear that has been propagandized into you?

When Rec comes into a state… people don’t want to have to go through the hassle of education and cost of medical marijuana. And so there’s so much to learn about it. I fear that people just looking into the Rec side of it will miss so many opportunities to heal themselves because of the complicated alchemy of cannabis. Everybody’s individual, they’re gonna need all kinds of different formulations.

Amy Hicks –  17:44

And honey,  I believe the most powerful way is to start small and go big…just what we’re doing with our voice and our story. Everybody has a different way that this has helped them. And once people connect with that,  they say, That’s me. Oh my gosh, that is me. And it’s like if it’s helped them, that’s hope for these people… maybe it’s your last resort, you’ve tried everything. And timing is huge. Timing is huge.

I’ve seen so many people that were ready in the beginning back in 2017 2018.  When it was available, they were ready to go and then it was a big influx and like you said… it was this mix of recreation. There was a lot of gimmicks and people just getting on the bandwagon. I’ve seen farms come and go and investors think they were gonna be billionaires overnight. And it’s weeding… literally weeding out the people that weren’t there for the right reasons, right. I just believe it’s this again, more and more education and awareness and it doesn’t have to be always…. sorry, there’s a train coming by…

Honey Smith Walls 19:04

You live by a train? We live by train! We’ve have a pond between our house and the railroad tracks.

Amy Hicks –  19:11

Oh, how nice. But yeah, I just think we’re seeing different seasons of this and it’s because it’s a brand new category… it’s a comeback to society and how they’re gonna handle it and like you say… you start getting government and pharmacy involved and we know that this is not a band aid, it’s getting to the root so then are they okay with that? Because we know they like to carry on your sicknesses for health insurance.

Honey Smith Walls 19:43

What are they gonna do to the industry? I guess my question for you ladies now that it’s become more open… even a decade ago most people weren’t even coming close to discussion about cannabis, much less teach it.

Today…the next generation growing up learning about it… like hearing things now from doctors and scientists on podcasts and really involving themselves…  Amy I guess this question is for you… being a mother. What are your thoughts? And how exactly do you educate your children with this? Do you allow your children to have CBD?  I personally do myself, but I would like to hear from another mother and what they do with their children as well.

Amy Hicks –  20:51

This is a great topic to bring up. Nothing different. So it’s incorporated into your life from a young age then you you don’t see it as anything else. It’s like why they ask, “Why is that finger bad?” Well, because we give meaning to things right? And so we had the opportunity to actually grow hemp in a field and they got to plant the seeds. And they see that that is food and nutrition and medicine and you know, from a young age of health, even on social talk … why they take the gummies or we call it our happy drops or they know that if their tummies aching they reach for that.

So it is really up to us and how we perceive and talk about it. Are we going to be all hush hush and not let our kids be exposed to things and then they think, Well why is it bad?

You know, I have people that are friends that they believe in CBD and the benefits but then they’re still uncertain about using THC like joint or something. And it’s like, that’s why with my brand, One Plant One Love,  it’s one plant. It’s one love. There’s so many beautiful benefits. It’s all in how we use or abuse.

Honey Smith Walls 22:15

Well now wait a minute, Miss Amy. Yeah, I agree with everything you just said except I didn’t know anything about your one brand. What what what what what’s all this about? Yep. Now talk to us about this.

Amy Hicks –  22:29

So that is my personal brand. And I’m saying it again. One Plant One Love.

Honey Smith Walls 22:35

And where are you?

Amy Hicks –  22:38

Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook…

Honey Smith Walls 22:42

Where are you physically?

Amy Hicks –  22:45

So the great thing about my brand is it is all digital. I’m a digital nomad….my family and I. This has allowed us to actually have freedom of our life. When COVID was going on, we pulled the kids out and we bought an RV and we’re just traveling and drizzling our little cannabis magic everywhere we go. This is fantastic.

Nicole Hemming –   23:05

I told you that I think she’s in Illinois right now.

Honey Smith Walls 23:14

I understand. Missouri. Are you in Missouri?

Amy Hicks –  23:18

So I grew up in St. Louis. Yep. And we just kind of stay right outside the area for the holidays. And of course our heart is in our roots back in Colorado, but it’s been great to just have this freedom and have a business that allows us to do so. So all of you know I just do a lot of educating and then offer products online so it gets shipped straight to your door.

Honey Smith Walls 23:48

Well, this is fantastic news. So tell us a little bit more about your products.

Amy Hicks –  23:53

So the products range anywhere from tinctures to topicals to gummies. And what’s really fascinating is we released an extended version of our pet blends so a lot of people love CBD for their pets. We have some joint specific treats and one for cats as well. And I gotta tell you, we’ve got some people on our team that rave about it for horses and farm animals.

Honey Smith Walls 24:22

Did you see that article that’s come out recently about cows passing THC through their milk because they’ve been fed hemp and they were getting high on hemp somehow and they were kind of walking loopy and staring off into the sunset.

Nicole Hemming – 24:40

That is a good thing you brought up because one thing that I tell people that always blows their mind is…


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Dr. Mazo Commercial

By Honey Smith Walls

Hey, my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust.

Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida.

One of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 when it was legalized in Florida, Dr. Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live plant therapy will likely give the needed relief.

I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual synthetic stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead… and use it in a specific way to find relief.

And that is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag.

His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field of neurology. Dr.Anthony Mazo, a great friend to all of us.

In Melbourne, FL at the Brevard Neuro Center.


Seg 2

Amy Hicks –  0:03

… that back in the day when certain districts were mandated to grow hemp because it was so prevalent in all the resources, the animals used to actually graze the fields and eat hemp and so we would get cannabinoids through eating the animals, and then that just died off.

And so you can imagine if a part of our food chain is cut off… but our breast milk as mothers has endocannabinoids in it, so I always heard people when they’re asking,

“Oh, can I use it with with breastfeeding or if I’m pregnant?” I’m like, Well, do you plan on breastfeeding? Because they’re gonna get it that way. And then I think it just comes down to like, making sure you’re choosing a quality product. That’s another good thing to bring up today. Because, you know, so many people just don’t even know it’s so overwhelming. Like, what do I look for? How do I choose? How do I use things you need to look for? I mean, even the extraction method for goodness sakes, so…

Honey Smith Walls 1:00

You just have to be careful about contamination. Yeah. You just have to, nobody else is going to look out for you. So well, you’ve got to make that a priority for yourself.

Amy Hicks –  1:16

It sucks up. It’s a big bio accumulator. We had a friend that was growing and there was a  coal mine or something not too far. And when he went to extract it, it was so high in lead that it ruined some of the equipment, because it is such a biostimulant like your soils got to be pristine. Your air has got to be good. That’s why they put it in areas to soak up the bad air.

Honey Smith Walls 1:40

Yeah, yeah. My audience has heard me say this a number of times, but that’s what Chernobyl used to help clean up after the nuclear spill was around all of that because it’s such a bio accumulator, pretty amazing plant.

Honey Smith Walls 1:58

It’s pretty amazing. Some scientists have even suggested that cannabis cultivated humanity and society to come form it, you know, it called humans to it. And that because, imagine in the day, before big societies and we’re still hunter gatherers… imagine lightning striking, some patch of cannabis, and a first tribe getting a whiff of that and then wanting to cultivate it every time they found it or keep it… so I can imagine the transition towards the medicinal value in the early stone age. And it’s been here always.

Nicole Hemming –   2:59

Is that why they call it stoners? Yeah. Gotta laugh about it. I love when that’s a faux pa too. I know people think like, oh, you’re lazy… You use cannabis. Whatever form you do it and there’s so many people that need that as medicine to calm them down. My husband is a very active person. If I didn’t have cannabis I would never slow him down and also just no worries.

Honey Smith Walls 3:42

Yeah, I agree with you.

Nicole Hemming –   3:44

It’s just your day to day… like we were talking before… your aches and pains. Yeah, like just any of that stuff just from being on the go all the time… from just being a human. There’s things to do. We’ve got lives to live and we don’t necessarily want to be held back or slowed down. So I think there’s so many positive properties.

Amy Hicks – 4:05

Nicole to go back to your question about the kids because I know we’ve talked about this too…  how many people glorify the the wine or the alcohol, and I’m not putting anyone down. I love a good spirit every now and then. But if we’re going to be able to openly drink in front of our kids and have those types of celebrations, why does there have to be a separation among a plant?

Honey Smith Walls 4:30

I wanted to compliment you, honey on the story that you told about the kids growing the hemp… respecting, respecting, respecting the plant… how it it helps them when it’s grown. When they harvest, how they can go to that plant and receive all of those healthful benefits. They already know the truth of it. And yes, empowering that is so powerful, so powerful. So from the beginning, pardon me that’s what we need to be teaching the little kids in grade school… when learning about the world and the ground and plants and lalala and what we use plants for… eating and medicine and bedding and this that and the other you know, we make things out of plants. We can make airplanes and cars out of this plant, and have before and so and we can build roads and infrastructure with this plant and we can build houses with this plant. So everything that we’re doing but most especially the way we’re doing it here for our communities, is just helping them understand how beautiful and needed it truly is. Yep.

Amy Hicks –  6:01

it’s a necessity for sure.

Honey Smith Walls 6:04

Do you feel like there’s a reckoning about truth that’s happening? I feel like corporations are going to start having to pay for being naughty.

Nicole Hemming –   6:20

I agree like people are opening up their conscious minds. Instead of constantly being told, you know, this is how you’re supposed to think… this is what you’re supposed to be like, all this other stuff. People are like how you said…  people are kind of growing, opening up their minds… like it’s a whole sense of them opening up their conscious minds just to be able to think for themselves and be like, No, I’ve been told all this stuff and it’s not helping me… it really is bad for me. Many others are really starting to just kind of go back to the older ways and clearly it worked for 1000s upon 1000s of years.

Amy Hicks –  7:03

And I also feel that people have expressed interest in employment, like people want to be able to have this covered by their insurance. I can’t tell you how many people… it saddens me… that had to walk away because… Oh, their prescription was only $5 or it was free. And so to be able to have some sort of a way to allow people to have access.

Honey Smith Walls 7:31

This is the thing. When Rec comes in, it’s going to be so much cheaper. And so then it’ll just be recreational and they’ll be pushing the high. Not the medicinal value of it… is what I’m concerned about. And then there will be no education or Certificate of analysis that proves there’s no contamination. So I worry about that for our citizens.

Amy Hicks –  8:07

But that’s why people like us get out there. We talk to people we try to educate people because once again, you want them to open up their conscious minds. Like you would think that something that would make you actually feel better that they would covered under insurance, but they’re not… so then people start thinking about stuff…

Honey Smith Walls 8:31

Yeah, like why are they holding this from us? Why! Yep, yeah. Also and then they have to go into and understand the history of the plant… understand why it’s been held back, and why they’ve been afraid of it for so long. And that turns into a lie.

Nicole Hemming – 8:47

Right? And that’s why there has to be people like us that are out there to truly educate people and show people that we have a true love for this plant. Like we really truly want to help you. If it’s not this product that I have… let me help you with another product. What are your needs currently, like what exactly are you looking for? But then it doesn’t even come down to just that…

Honey Smith Walls 9:08

This is not about selling a product… Right? This is about your health elevating. Yeah, elevating.

Amy Hicks –  9:15

Yeah. And it’s like let me help you…  here are these other ways that are better for the world… Like, let’s make it how we were talking earlier about like, you can make homes out of it. You can make clothing out of it and all kinds of stuff. Let me educate you on how this one particular plant can do this vast amount of things… or help you day to day and… it’s just the education game now. Because people don’t even know that you can use it for paper… use it for clothing, any of that stuff.

Honey Smith Walls 9:51

It’s like Vibranium from Wakanda, right?

Amy Hicks –  9:57

And it has to be over and over and over again. Because you can imagine like we’ve just been conditioned for so long and it’s going to take a long time to decondition… so it’s not just oh I tried and I’ve had this conversation. No, it’s keep having those conversations, keep saying the things I know even for myself, I have to remind myself because I’m so close to it. And I’m like God, there’s people out there that are still just terrified to talk about it. Right. Well I feel like educating once again, kind of going back to the whole kid thing. The next generation will not think this is an evil, bad thing. This is something that will truly help you and your kids in the future.

Honey Smith Walls 10:46

Oh, maybe they will have kids now.

Nicole Hemming – 10:51

But the next generation after them like that they can be doing that. There’s not so much.

Honey Smith Walls 10:57

Yeah, they’re gonna have to get rid of that stigma.

Nicole Hemming –   11:03

Right? And no one’s saying that it’s all or nothing. I think that’s a big thing too is like if we can just incorporate more eastern and western medicine, you know, they can work together in so many great ways.

Honey Smith Walls 11:15

I totally agree with you because there is absolutely a place for synthetic prescriptions, medication. But not every place needs it.

Nicole Hemming –  11:29

And maybe not in highest doses. Maybe it can be cut back because you’re also on cannabis!

Honey Smith Walls 11:33

Helps mediate everything that you’re saying and lamenting…right so Oh, I’m so glad you know that… yes, it’s such a complicated plant with so many compounds in it that can help us but Oh, glory. Once you start sort of figuring this out, it’s really fun to understand that science and sort of be on the ground level as it’s blossoming.

Nicole Hemming –   12:09

And our reach for it instead of so many other things. I mean, gosh, like you said in the bath your skin your aches and pains, your mental state in your mind, your preventative for your immunity.

Amy Hicks –  12:24

And to not reach for it, but then also be able to be like with your stuff. You can get it sent to your home. The mail like whereas we were talking earlier about you know that it’s at Ace Hardwares in the True Values, you’re going there to go get a disability like it’s just to be able to have something like that so much more accessible just for that versus something so many different places besides just going to a dispensary or being 21.

Honey Smith Walls 12:54

I trust my Ace Hardware over the big box stores. And I trust my True Value over the big box stores where I cannot get certain items. Nor can my husband who is a remote control airplane builder and so there’s just you know certain things that only those special stores there… they used to be just regular hardware stores but right now they’re kind of like their specialty just because they’re not these great monoliths, you know box stores. But I trust those stores because of what they value to put on their shelves. And if they value your product enough to put it on the shelf that says a lot to me as a customer, right

Honey Smith Walls  13:46

And they’re independently owned of course…

Nicole Hemming –   13:49

The True Values are but then the Ace Hardware is not. Okay. Yeah, and the Murdochs are not.

Honey Smith Walls 13:58

Even still… congratulations. That’s just a big damn deal. I think you know, that is a big deal. And you were just featured in the CEO magazine.

Nicole Hemming – 14:08

I saw three magazines last week so yes, thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 14:13

Another Woman in Weed… that is fantastic. I like hearing that. Did they take nice pictures?

Nicole Hemming –   14:21

It was it was actually one that they used of me and Justin when we were doing a fundraiser for a very great cause called Eddie’s kids where they take less fortunate kids and set them up to be able to go see their favorite athletes.

Honey Smith Walls 14:38

Oh my gosh, yeah, what a real… I’m sorry I didn’t ask about Justin earlier. How’s he doing?

Nicole Hemming –   14:45

He’s doing pretty good. Just busy, busy, busy. He’s loves all of his background stuff. And he’s just the quiet little happy… what Amy said earlier… Stoner.

Honey Smith Walls 15:00

That’s awesome. That is awesome. Okay, well, I am so thrilled to talk to another couple of Women in Weed about normalizing what’s going on in our world. Let’s see. We talked about the cow and the milk right. There was something else in the news that happened. Oh, a few more states opened up for cannabis. Yeah. And also for mushrooms and psychedelics. So I think that’s really good news.

Amy Hicks –  15:33

huge win for psychedelics.

Honey Smith Walls 15:35

There’s a lot of overlap between cannabis and mushrooms. You know, there’s terpenes and all that jazz. So yeah, it’s gonna be real interesting. Girls, we’re in for a really great cannabis ride. You know? I mean, it’s really fun right now.

Amy Hicks –  15:56

It’s great to be on the leading edge of it all and blazing the trail and seeing the different movements along the way.

Honey Smith Walls 16:05

Amy it is. Are you going to be able to go to any of the trade shows that’s happening?

MJ biz con is happening now I think out in Las Vegas?

Amy Hicks –  16:19

Yeah, that’s going on right now. I think it is yeah, I’m not making it to that one.

Honey Smith Walls 16:23

No, me either. And somebody out here on the East Coast…I think it was June Blankin asked me if I wanted to go and of course I was dying to but didn’t have the money. Lalalalala and, you know,

Amy Hicks –  16:34

There’s so many. I feel like a couple of the conventions I’ve gone to lately… They have been so heavily in just the recreation side. I can’t tell you how many gummies I saw at these conventions and things and it’s really neat to see all the innovative outside of the box things. But I would love to see more of the educational workshops popping up. I know. Are you familiar with Bonnie Goldstein? You know she does some really great medicinal conferences like that. Yeah,

Honey Smith Walls 17:08

As a matter of fact, I am going to Cannabis Public School on LinkedIn, with Mo Smyth and we are currently in the middle of or maybe it’s the third or fourth chapter of Dr. Goldstein’s book. Great. And so that is a free class.

If anybody wants to jump into it. Let me just hype it right here and now. Hit me up on LinkedIn and I will send you the link to it. It’s every Sunday at noon, Eastern and it lasts for about an hour and there are nurses and doctors and advocates and all kinds of people attending.

We started this school a few months back. Pardon me. And we started it with the big book of Terps BY RUSS Hudson. And if you’ve not seen that yet or don’t have it in your library, save your pennies up for it. It’s about $160 and it weighs four and a half pounds. Yeah, I read every word of it, but it really will change the way you cook. Once you start realizing the medicinal values of the terpenes that are in your your your kitchen cabinet every time you put oregano or something in your whatever. So I’m just saying the knowledge that’s popping up this first book of its kind and it’s just huge on terpenes and, and those that are found mostly,  just well everywhere but also in cannabis and what they do and the medicinal value.

So Oh, I’m sorry, I lost my train of thought but it was about getting education and this is free education. They ask that you hit us up on LinkedIn so that we can keep it limited to those who are truly interested in coming. You know.

Amy Hicks –  19:29

Let me ask you this since Yeah, it’s a school does it have something like traditional schools like new semester where you start or don’t like do you just jump in at any time?

Honey Smith Walls 19:39

Not yet. It’s a brand new kind of a thing going on that’s led by a nurse from California who’s a cannabis expert. And so she’s got all these incredible connections and she just, really wanted to talk about Russ Hudson’s book and so she asked all of us on LinkedIn, our tribe, hey, let’s get together and do this book together.

And then she just started calling it Cannabis Public School and it’s growing. So there are some really really wonderful medical professionals in this group too, who have deep knowledge of cannabis already and share that willingly and openly and so you are in for a jam packed hour of cannabis learning in this free class.

Again, you know, this is information that never would have been public. It would have stayed in the medical schools where it belonged. It would have stayed there for the privileged few, right. And the public would never have known about it.

But because of the lies and the propaganda, and all of that whole political story, and the way it came up, we do have access to the science of cannabis now, even though it’s illegal around the world and that was thanks to Betty Reagan. Nancy Reagan, Nancy Reagan. So the history of this plant is incredible, isn’t it?

Amy Hicks –  21:29

I know one of my dear friends just got her cannabis science degree yet. She was in St Louis.

Honey Smith Walls 21:37

Don’t you love hearing that? Yeah. Oh my gosh. Don’t you wonder what her curriculum was like?

Amy Hicks –  21:45

I know. Yeah. I love to talk to her.

Honey Smith Walls 21:47

Honestly, hey, hit her up. Tell her I would love to talk to her about her experience, you know? Yeah. And and my audience would love to see and it would inspire so many people to do it themselves. Would you hit her up and tell her to give me a jingle for a  conversation about it. Cuz we could do this again if you’d like to, and just include her as well. So, oh, it would be so much fun. Amy tell us again how our audience can get in touch with you and find your products honey.

Amy Hicks –  22:20

Sure. One plant one And all of my social links are right there on that page and you can message me right there too. I think that’s the easiest way.

Honey Smith Walls 22:31

OK that’s so easy. That’s perfect. Say it again very slowly. One love. That’s it. I’m so glad you spelled it out too because I probably would have written the shorthand. Yeah. Okay, good. All right, Nicole, darling, tell us how we can look at your fabulous products and order them online and have a great big fizzy bubble bath for ourselves.

Nicole Hemming – 22:58

Oh, of course. Mine is relaxed and and um, you could order online where we deliver it straight to your house or you can also pick it up we once again we’re in you know, local Ace Hardware is two values Murdoch’s across the country along with plenty of other places, but those are the main ones that we are actually located in. So yeah, it’s kind of fun.

Honey Smith Walls 23:22

Nicole… Amy. I love that you all are friends and in the cannabis industry leading as women in weed.

Amy, I want you to know that you being a gypsy is real close to my own heart. I have I have a band called The Medieval Gypsies and we play ancient music from the 12th and 13th, 14th century, as well as make up our own stuff too and holler it out to the world…

But also my husband and I lived on a boat for about five years and Gypsied around the waters of the Caribbean. Oh yeah,  it was so much fun honey. And there were many families out on boats when we went and so they would take their kids and their kids would have these growth spurts and outgrow their beds inside the boat. Yeah inside the cabin… they would have to come sleep outside because they’d gotten too long for their for their beds while they were growing up. See how time flies when you’re having fun. It really does and I know that y’all are having fun, being gypsies like that… and the kids are having a fabulous time of it. So congratulations to you and your autonomy.

Amy Hicks –  24:52

Thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 24:53

Really that’s pretty spectacular in this day and age for a woman ain’t it. For real, all right, girls, will you call me back and let’s have a chat again. Anytime?

Amy Hicks – 25:06


Nicole Hemming –  –  25:07

Yeah, this was so fun. Thank you. Thank

Honey Smith Walls 25:09

Thank you so much. We’ve enjoyed it and my audience will look forward to hearing about you and go into your websites too. I’ll also carry that information in the show notes. And we’ll look forward to hearing from you again sometime real soon. A

All right, thanks for your work in the industry girls… I’ll go out and howl at the moon and think of you. Bye Bye.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies.

To find a qualified cannabis expert in your area… visit

It is a national society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes.

Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia or worse.

Subscribe to the Cannaba Verum podcast and become part of a project to understand the effects of cannabis on the public. Your anecdotal testimony is priceless to me. Medical citations are posted on my podcast blog when you visit That’s Hey, and one last thing… Would you take an extra second to give my podcast a Like and Review? It’s like Bitcoin crack for the algorithms. Thanks so much. Hey, I hear the cows calling.



Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like: Dr. Codi Peterson et al on The Cannigma Podcast, and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more like: NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (

Over past episodes of Cannaba Verum, we’ve listened to some amazing scientists and medical professionals talk about their discoveries and patient successes as hundreds of questionable compounds rise to the public grasp. I am especially interested in the pharmacists movement becoming an integral part of this new medicinal choice.

Watch this machine roll into action through conversations with pharmacy doctors all over the nation like Dr. Leah Johnson and Dr. Codi Peterson out West and Dr. Alan Ao up North. There are so many more getting involved now… these are just a few who have come on my show to explain the situation and it’s fascinating.

You’ll find citations available on my podcast blog at

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and most patients and doctors are seriously cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information.

If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis.

You’ll find that letter at  

My specialist in hormonal help: Dr. Genester Wilson-King, M.D. and Founder

Victory Rejuvenation Center – Orlando, Florida

My Neurologist and Cannabis Expert Medical Marijuana Doctor in Melbourne, FL:

Anthony Mazo, M.D.

Brevard Neuro Center

(321) 733-2711

315 E. Nasa Blvd.

Melbourne, FL 32901.    

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.

(1) Microdosing –

(2) Concentrates –

(3) Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia

(4) Society of Cannabis Clinicians –

(5) Take the Pledge –

(6) Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

(7) The Cannigma Podcast =

(8) Curious About Cannabis Podcast =

Show Notes:

You’ve met Nicole from but now you’ll meet her friend Amy Hicks of and see the difference in business styles from different states in this peek behind the curtain of the cannabis industry.

Nicole Hemming –

Amy Hicks –

Cannabis Public School on LinkedIn – Free to any cannabis geek interested in great edu about it with medical professionals who want to help us understand, no matter our level of education.  Find me on LinkedIn and hit me up for the link.

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CT 209 Lex Pelger

CT 209 Lex Pelger

Our guest today is writer of The Cannabinoids And The People newsletter. He’s founder of White Whale creations. He’s host of the Lex Files podcast, a scientist and writer and science director with a bachelor’s degree from Boston University in biochemistry and molecular biology. I can’t wait for y’all to hear Lex Pelger today

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CT 208 Emma Beckerle

CT 208 Emma Beckerle

Ohh yer gonna enjoy this next woman of consequence… she was quite a surprise… I didn’t expect to find such traumatic depth in this delicate woman but was enthralled in her experiences… but it was her success that tickled me. Emma Beckerle bucked the medical system that addicted her to begin with… and all with the help of Cannabis. You’re going to love the energy of today’s guest Miss Emma Beckerle…

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