Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis. What’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet.
Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like www.pubmed.gov and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association (jamanetwork.com).
I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine as a fly on the wall. Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I did take dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis expert scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture. Well, I can talk to those medical professionals about cannabis all day long and their patients and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today.
Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies that can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects caused by synthetic prescriptions. This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman… not a doctor… not a scientist. Raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story and language of cannabis in historical, political and scientific terms… so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.
(Guest Promo)
Seg 1
Hello my friends, especially Ukrainian families coming to America…
We hope your transition in this country is quick and successful and that you feel loved and accepted.
I want to tell you about a little experience I had recently…
I live on the East coast of Florida in Melbourne. I’d driven about 3 hours southwest to Venice so I could deliver some goods flying to Poland for Ukrainian relief out of Dr. Barry Gordon’s Compassionate Care Cannabis Clinic that particular day.
Just before arrival, I stopped for refreshments and serendipitously found Mon Ami Cafe. After enjoying my own refreshments, I bought some extra cookies to put in the pockets of some coats and blankets I’d taken down. Dr. Barry and Ruta Juniari (his co-host of The Green Room podcast on YouTube every Thursday morning at 8:30 EST) had a collections gathering for goods and stuffs being flown directly to the victims fleeing Putin’s War.
To those arriving in the U.S. after suffering the horrors of Putin’s war, we welcome you and want to help you transition in your new homes and lives. We’re devastated for you and hope this new world and culture will be comforting.
I’ve already heard that some Ukrainian women who made it to America were detained in Louisiana detention prisons for 18 days or more until they could be processed and claimed by family. They were hungry and scared and not treated with the respect one should give to the victims of Putin’s war. That is unacceptable behavior which suspiciously resembles attitudes left over from the previous presidential reign of terror, in my humble opinion.
However, if you arrive anywhere near Venice, FL, there is a lovely Ukrainian business called Mon Ami Cafe where the Ukrainian owner will provide the most delicious yummies for you to enjoy. Aside from their exquisite menu, the owner is musical and has a little band. The ambience in that cafe is so sweet, it became an instant favorite of mine. I had a glass of champagne with my toasty dark-chocolate croissant and licked my fingers! They have a fantastic menu and serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
It’s a clean bright little restaurant where you can dine in, carry out, or have private or corporate events catered. And of course, you’ll have someone to chat with about transitioning to Florida from Ukraine… because she did it! Successfully!
Mon Ami Cafe at 1740 E. Venice Ave in Venice, Florida. See the show notes for the phone number and website where you’ll see tons of delicacies and more.
Don’t miss this sweet welcoming restaurant as it will become your instant favorite as well! Mon Ami Cafe in Venice, FL. Tell them Honey sentcha!
BREAK for Commercial
Dr. Mazo Commercial
By Honey Smith Walls
Hey, my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust.
Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida.
One of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 when it was legalized in Florida, Dr. Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live plant therapy will likely give the needed relief.
I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual synthetic stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead… and use it in a specific way to find relief.
And that is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag.
His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field of neurology. Dr.Anthony Mazo, a great friend to all of us. In Melbourne, FL at the Brevard Neuro Center.
Seg 2
In a couple of days it will be April 20th. A time of celebration in the cannabis community known as “420”.
For those of you who don’t know, the Hippies in the 60s coined a new phrase. There are a few stories circulating about the origin of the term but mostly I hear that it came from kids who worked the fast food industry and got a break at that exact time.
The story goes… those kids went out back and smoked a doobie… a joint of marijuana… usually passed around between whomever was there and wanted a toke. 420 became the universal signal of understanding… that meant taking a break to smoke some weed (or “pot” as I grew up callin it.
As the cannabis industry has grown across the nation, that old 420 term has too. And it’s fast becoming a new national holiday to celebrate. And there IS a lot to celebrate!
For those in states where cannabis is fully legalized, you’ll have access to some of the best product on the planet… and the worst.
For those of us in states where only Medical Marijuana is legalized, you too will have some of the best live plant therapy on the planet AND it will be 3rd party lab tested for contamination. Not sure if Rec is really into all that testing thing… They haven’t proven their ability or will to provide testing to me.
And for those of you who can only purchase cannabis over the counter from a hemp shop… I believe you can find extremely safe and satisfying products for your needs if you know how to determine the good stuff.
Now let’s talk about what that means for those particular people who don’t have access to high THC products…
My first questions to you would be, what is your intention or need for cannabis?
If you just want to get high… I strongly recommend choosing safe products. Stay with me and listen closely to find out how.
If you feel poorly and don’t know why, go see your family doctor and get a diagnosis. This is the absolute first step every person with issues should take.
Next, you’ll find a good cannabis doctor by checking the roster of cannabis experts given at the Society of Cannabis Clinicians website. (www.cannabisclinicians.org) This organization was created in 1999 to educate medical professionals and create a live space for discussion on the Ethernet.
I am an Advocate Member of this organization and listen to their monthly conferences and attend a variety of other meetings in this realm where scientists and clinicians gather to exchange information. These are the experts who can tell you the real story of how cannabis affects your particular issues. These are the doctors you want to listen to because they’ve actually studied the cannabis plant for years and understand more about its mechanics with your issues than other doctors.
I want to say, I’ve been to several fly-by-night physicians who only got into this industry for the cash cow it is. In Florida, a doctor takes a two-hour state course about the laws of cannabis in order to recommend the plant to a patient. Our state does not require doctors to actually understand the plant before recommending it. That’s a pretty shocking legislative decision in my opinion. And that’s what happens when legislators lead without knowledge.
Those cannabis-naive doctors are not able to advise patients very well and usually leave the cannabis edu up to the bud tenders in a dispensary. Most budtenders are just kids. They’ve been taught about the specific products they’re paid to hock and not much more. But is that where you want to learn about your medicine? From accumulated opinions of other patients?
I have a better suggestion… let’s get our information from learned cannabis expert scientists in the industry. Those are the people doing the complicated science to determine exactly what all those 500+ compounds are doing in our body to the junk that’s goin on in us. Of course they’re completely crippled by the laws of propaganda imposed about 100 years ago. There’s no classical human testing yet. Its not legal because of the Schedule One status that cannabis still suffers. But it’s coming. Because cannabis is like a freight train moving across the country and around the world. Already both Canada and Mexico are way ahead of us decriminalizing the plant across the board.
I believe the US has to reveal the corruption around cannabis in order to help people understand the scope of this big lie and how to protect themselves from getting contaminated medicine.
Once you understand how to protect yourself, its much easier to find good products to trust. Stay tuned for that savvy info right after the break… as well as news about upcoming events I’m planning and how you can be part of an exciting celebration of knowledge I want you to help me name! Will it be a Women’s Cannabis Retreat that includes a Cannabis Safari?! Or will it be something entirely different that you create with me?
Honey’s Healer Commercial
Friends… I’ve heard you complain about how to find consistent over the counter CBD products long enough and I’ve taken a new position on the subject.
I am proud to announce my affiliation with Dr. Dustin Sulak’s HealerCBDa products that can be shipped to all 50 states.
Healer products will give you a full spectrum/whole plant entourage effect of all the hundreds of compounds that grow naturally in the cannabis plant. You’ll have the best opportunity to manage your aches and pains with a full spectrum/whole plant product.
You may recall that I’ve been taking his CBDa product… it has everything plus a lot more of the acidic version of the CBD compound which Dr. Sulak has found to be more potent, thereby using less, which ends up making a big difference to your pocket book. But it also adds many benefits to your body. Find out more about Dr. Sulak’s CBDa product and the value it can add to your life for less than a dollar a day! Hard to find that price ANYWHERE! AND it’s shipped to your front door.
Click on the link below to get started changing your aches and pains or sleepless nights and a sweet discount for using my link:
Seg 2
My audience is getting pretty savvy about using cannabis but for new listeners, please be advised that cannabis comes with natural farm-grown issues like all your food. It battles pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, heavy metals, and more.
So concentrating those poisons in the cannabis we use, let’s say… in vape pens or tinctures… can be problematic for a person already in poor condition on a handful of pills for several conditions.
Let’s make sure your cannabis products are always safe from contamination by checking for a 3rd party lab test. It’s called a Certificate of Analysis or COA. Just ask to see the COA and check for what they tested. It’s eye-opening. And you should ALWAYS check for a COA when buying ANY over-the-counter OTC product!! And PLEASE… don’t buy your CBD and other hemp products from a gas station or dollar store!! They never have a COA attached to them and probably don’t have any cannabinoids in them either! But we wouldn’t know that without a COA and they don’t bother with that…
So asking for proof that the product has what it is supposed to is the way to protect yourself in this Wild Wild West of Cannabis. Just a reminder, both hemp and marijuana are cannabis. What patients are interested in is the CBD that comes out of hemp and the THC that comes out of marijuana. Both those cannabinoids can be found in hemp and marijuana in different amounts… along with 500 other compounds if you bought a whole-plant, full-spectrum product. The scientists I listen to all say the same thing about using a product with all the natural cannabinoids and terpenes that come in cannabis… the synergy between those compounds and your body is the magic that cannabis holds for us. A lot of people use isolated compounds mixed in a delivery chemical like coconut oil in tinctures that helps absorption. But if you can get ahold of a full compliment of cannabinoids, the power of synergy will prove itself more beneficial.
Stay tuned to find out who to trust for that full complement of cannabinoids.
But before we talk about that, I want to tell you about an event I’m dreaming up. You know I’ve been talking to other professionals in the industry and some outsiders who teach me to be a better human. Those are my spiritual tribe that my scientist tribe has been leading me to! I KNOW!! I couldn’t have been more surprised either!! But every time I listen to the scientists, they talk about human spirit and how important it is to address it! To love it! To honor the human spirit and pay attention to it. To help it heal! They talk about healing the human spirit!
So after my religious upbringing that totally confused me, I’ve been pretty anti-religion. But that’s not what they’re talking about. And when I was finally able to separate the two, I absolutely HAD to start studying Human Spirit. There’s an old adage: “When the Student seeks, the Teacher appears.” Well two women entered my life at the same time and each are shamans of the human spirit. I feel like a sponge. Once we realize how important our spirit is, the path becomes clear.
I really want to create a Women’s Cannabis Retreat! What does that look like? Well I see it happening in a big beautiful park pavilion or maybe an ashram where women will gather to hear live music, join in a belly dance, break bread, and get comfy to relax with some gentle yoga, and healing work with cannabis for mind, body, and spirit. I’d like to present a “Cannabis Safari” by perhaps holding the whole event at a cannabis farm or meeting there and then going to another place of peace. So the whole idea is to learn about cannabis and understand its value to you personally. You would bring your own medical cannabis of any kind and can also purchase over the counter hemp products for the occasion. My own teachers of spirit will join us to provide that healing side of the event for your heart and soul and will give you tools to keep in your forever knowledge that will redirect your intentions of love to the most needed place. That may be to yourself, first!
The point is, after all we’ve been through over the past five years and now this war with Putin, our human bodies and spirits are suffering.
I need to be with you. I need to see you and touch and laugh and learn and love you in the real real world. Our pandemic bubbles are finally bursting and it feels good to be out in the world again. And I hope you’re feeling the freedom to return to life.
I finally feel safe enough to venture out into the world. I don’t feel like I might become exposed to a deadly virus that will put me under the ground. But that’s why we cloistered for 3 years! And now that sanity has returned to our White House, I feel like our country might survive its own stupidity.
Friends, I want to create a safe gathering for women to come together in a loving and healing way. I want to fill our vase full of meaningful tools to help us tolerate the world we live in and those we love. If I didn’t have cannabis to help me through some of the ridiculous presumptions my spouse and I throw at each other we wouldn’t still be married going on 30 years. And we’ve lived together 24/7/365 for almost 30 years. Cannabis saved our marriage more than a few times!
Why do I say that? Because cannabis brings a mind to introspection faster than a bible or grandmother’s counsel. That is the magic of cannabis. Cannabis with THC is what we consider psychoactive. It can help so many people in pain from negative looping thoughts and tame a physical pain as well. But I’m here to remind you that CBD, which is sold in all 50 states OTC, will bring peace to your mind and body too. So I consider CBD to be “psychoactive” in a different yet very effective way. CBD won’t get you high like THC will, but it does have some of the same overlapping qualities that work in a different way. Both CBD and THC can control pain. But CBD does it through anti-inflammation and THC does it from blocking the pain receptors. CBD calms anxiety and THC can create or exacerbate it! But both compounds have anti-inflammatory abilities. And then you realize we’ve been talking about the two most common cannabis compounds but there are over 5oo to look at and figure out! We’re only just beginning to understand the value of cannabis and already we know that it is life-changing and life-saving.
So this event I’m talking about is only in the planning stage but I’m excited as all get out to share the idea. If you’re wondering why it’s only for women… I decided to alleviate the distraction of both sexes at the event so that we may speak plainly about our relationships without fear of offending others. Relationships are really hard to maintain during stressful times and we’ve been stressed out for years. The men will have their opportunity soon, as well. This will be a safe space for women only. You can expect to expose your true feelings with love and grace, with support and without fear.
Before I close, I’d like to share a little story… You already know my spiritual guides… it’s Saara Ullery and Kay Tummino who have both been on my show and made a huge impression on me in similar spiritual ways using different tools.
They share their knowledge with me and you are the beneficiaries of that. Like when I share the cannabis science from my LinkedIn tribe of expert doctors and scientists in the field.
I’ve been saying this in utter surprise… those doctors keep talking about our human spirit needing help and uplifting… in order to heal the whole person. I once heard one of them say that most pain is just a thought. That was astonishing to me.
But when I realized how little we do for ourselves to recuperate from the pain of relationships, I knew it to be true. Most pain in relationships run nasty looping thoughts in our head. Cannabis can totally alleviate that. Once we learn how to use these new tools to heal ourselves, our whole world changes!
So Saara and Kay both give me little exercises or what I consider ‘homework’. And I am supposed to create a new traditional ceremony that’s meaningful to my personal spirit.
Why? Well humans like ritual. But really its about focusing and being mindful about whatever you’re trying to change or create. If it’s peace in your soul… then ritual gets you there. If it’s change in your relationships, then ritualistic mindfulness focusing on what and how you want change to happen will get you there.
So my head and heart are full of love and curiosity and desire to help heal feelings when I came across an ancient Hawaiian mantra. I have taken it for my own. Ho’oponopono means ‘to make things right’. It is a prayer for forgiveness. A powerful mantra for giving you a clean slate. According to Ho’oponopono, everything that is your reality is something perceived by your mind. This is the mantra:
I’m sorry… please forgive me…. Thank you… I love you.
When I began using this mantra, if felt like I was forgiving myself for so many transgressions that were only in my mind. Nobody else knew what I was saying the mantra for. I said it repeatedly in my mind. And when I did… I felt a new peace.
Why don’t you try it…
I’m sorry… please forgive me… thank you… I love you.
At first I thought I was supposed to say it out loud and in front of people and that felt weird so I haven’t. But I can’t stop thinking the mantra and have been saying it silently for all kinds of reasons throughout my day! When I’m short-fused with my spouse or dogs… when I need peace to create podcast episodes, when my heart is broken over Putin’s war… when death has touched us… Say it with me again:
I’m sorry… please forgive me… thank you… I love you.
Before we close, I want to remind you to Click the Link in the show notes to get a discount on your first purchase of Healer CBD. You know I’ve been using it for over a year addressing issues of sleep, inflammation, and anxiety. I trust Dr. Dustin Sulak and the Healer product line because he’s not only my teacher, but expert to the experts in cannabis… and now I’m his affiliate. This is where you’ll find consistent trusted cannabis product that is legal in all 50 states. Order yours today. See that link in the show notes for a special discount. Thank you for listening and let’s close with this loving mantra one more time:
I’m sorry… please forgive me… thank you… I love you…
You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies.
To find a qualified cannabis expert in your area… visit www.cannabisclinicians.org.
It is a national society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes.
Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia or worse.
Subscribe to the Cannaba Verum podcast and become part of a project to understand the effects of cannabis on the public. Your anecdotal testimony is priceless to me. Medical citations are posted on my podcast blog when you visit CannabaVerum.com. That’s CannabaVerum.com. Hey, and one last thing… Would you take an extra second to give my podcast a Like and Review? It’s like Bitcoin crack for the algorithms. Thanks so much. Hey, I hear the cows calling.
Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:
Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,
Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,
Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute
Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at healer.com, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:
Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like: PubMed.gov, JAMAnetwork.com, ResearchGate.com. I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like: Dr. Codi Peterson et al on The Cannigma Podcast, MJTodayDaily.com and MarijuanaMoment.net. I trust the CBDProject.org and CannabisScienceTech.com. I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: thecannabisindustry.org and many more like: NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (CannabisRadio.com)
Over past episodes of Cannaba Verum, we’ve listened to some amazing scientists and medical professionals talk about their discoveries and patient successes as hundreds of questionable compounds rise to the public grasp. I am especially interested in the pharmacists movement becoming an integral part of this new medicinal choice.
Watch this machine roll into action through conversations with pharmacy doctors all over the nation like Dr. Leah Johnson out West and Dr. Alan Ao up North. There are so many more but these two have come on my show to explain the situation and it’s fascinating.
You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at cannabaverum.com
PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and most patients and doctors are seriously cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information.
If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor, please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis.
You’ll find that letter at cannabaverum.com
My Neurologist and Cannabis Expert Medical Marijuana Doctor in Melbourne, FL:
Anthony Mazo, M.D.
Brevard Neuro Center
(321) 733-2711
315 E. Nasa Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901.
All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.
- Microdosing – https://healer.com/cbd-cannabis-dosage-guide-project-cbd-interview-with-dr-sulak/
- Concentrates – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29307505/
- Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
- Society of Cannabis Clinicians – https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/
- Take the Pledge – GreenTakeover.com
- Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice – https://wwnorton.com/books/9780393714180
- The Cannigma Podcast = https://cannigma.com/podcast/behind-the-scenes-on-cannabis-normalization-with-jm-pedini/
- Curious About Cannabis Podcast = https://cacpodcast.com/
Show Notes:
My friends, the world is changing. We’ve been through some terrible history and everyone is searching for relief in many different forms for many many reasons. We have a lot to talk about today and don’t be surprised to hear my voice waver. It gets pretty personal today. I hope your 420 is fun and happy and filled with relief and glad tidings! Thank you for tuning in. Find Mon Ami Cafe: 1740 E. Venice Ave. Unit 19 Venice, FL 34292 (224) 522-0123 Your new favorite “noshery”. monamicafevenice@gmail.com
You can find my special HealerCBD affiliate discount link here: https://healercbd.com/products/?ref=116
Feel free to offer that link to your family and friends. It’s a saver for one of the best products in the world. And I’m a proud affiliate now because I trust the source and you needed help finding consistent, trustworthy, and affordable hemp products.
Here’s another valuable source for those in my neck of the woods: Brevard Neuro Center
Anthony Mazo, M.D.
(321) 733-2711
315 E. Nasa Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901.
Microdosing – https://healer.com/cbd-cannabis-dosage-guide-project-cbd-interview-with-dr-sulak/
Concentrates – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29307505/
Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
Society of Cannabis Clinicians – https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/
Take the Pledge – GreenTakeover.com.
NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (CannabisRadio.com) CannabisHelpsDementia.com
Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice – https://wwnorton.com/books/9780393714180
The Cannigma Podcast: https://cannigma.com/podcast/behind-the-scenes-on-cannabis-normalization-with-jm-pedini/
Equality Florida: https://www.eqfl.org/. Brevard Renaissance Fair: brevardrenaissancefair.com
All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.
Looking for a knowledgeable cannabis doctor to help you with your diagnosis? Click on the link to visit Society of Cannabis Clinicians: CannabisClinicians.org
To buy some great product… the special link you’re looking for to get the best deal on HealerCBD is here: https://healercbd.com/products/?ref=116 Feel free to offer that link to your family and friends. It’s a saver!!
And one more thing… If you’re interested in learning from my tribe of scientists and expert doctors in the cannabis industry… start on the new app called Clubhouse and listen to the live recording of their conversation about Tylenol! There are no coincidences;) But there you’ll here the real real from the horse’s mouth about what that over the counter drug does for and to you and then how cannabis interacts with it. It is shocking information and our friend Dr. Michael Geci, Dr. Codi Peterson, and so many more join in to elaborate their theories and findings in real time. Always a fascinating listen with practical information. The Clubhouse room is called “Cannabinoid Science and the Human Body” and it usually starts at 10am every Saturday. This is don’t miss science!!! Enjoy.