MoC 019 Meditate with Cannabis

I do have to say I am struggling a bit more with my pain with the cooler weather and it’s been rainy so I’ve just been medicating more which was helping. And just relaxing and medicating to get through.

MoC 018 Random Kindness

Oh and Happy New Year to you too It’s so great to chat with you on this first day of 2021 eight is the most exciting thing coming out of our mouths yet.

MoC 017 Focus on Hope

Gosh, have you had a sweet day with your kids too. Yes, I’m so glad to hear last things that they’re all here with me, where I wished for a house full for Christmas and all my children are here with me and that’s truly a blessing, wonderful to hear. Well, I guess you know the first thing that I always like to ask you is, what are you medicating with or how are you medicate and today did we talk about them.

MoC 016 Dear Dr Letter

Welcome to the cannabis, Baron podcast, the cannabis truth Podcast, where the language of cannabis is freely spoken with an emphasis on educating the public about how to use cannabis safely and economically, whether you’re in a supportive state or not, there are facts you should know about the cannabis. You’re ingesting. Here to explain the language of cannabis in historical, political, and scientific terms is certified cannabis shaman honey Smith walls.

MoC 015 What About Doctors?

Oh my gosh, I’m so grateful you always seem to remember to say that and I don’t thank you to your hard work. I always love to find out what you’re using because you get the best meds, and it’s so funny that that we have choices in medications like this isn’t it we don’t usually have a choice in our Bayer aspirin well wait a minute Yes we do. We can get it in orange flavored right yes. So they, you know, Western mids did do a little bit of that they also put flavoring in cough syrup so it wouldn’t be so bad. So we do see some, you know, bit of different flavorings for a more palatable flavor and Western medications, especially over the counter.

MoC 014 Towanda’s Courage

Hey listeners. I’d just like to talk to you for a minute. Just you and me before the show gets started. I, I found this new friend in Fiona, and we’ve never really met face to face except on zoom and FaceTime and all that but what I want you to know is the value I instantly saw in this woman. And that value is in her survival, how well she is able to articulate that story to us, and all of the inspiring lessons we can learn from her.

MoC 013 What we Use

Hey you know we were going to talk about a list of little things let’s give our, our audience an idea about what we wanted to talk about today. We’ve both been medical marijuana patients and so we want to tell you what we’re smoking today or what how we’re using. And we want to tell you about something that happens to all of us when we start taking medications, you know that are prescribed by our regular doctors. And then we want to talk to you about the effects that your meds. I’m sorry to storage, has on your meds and how to keep your medications, fresh right.

MoC 012 Fionna’s Day

Hi my friends. I’m so happy that you’re here again I’ve got a great show for you. I invited Fionna to come back and chat with us. It was really wonderful to hear her story in the last episode of Cannaba Verum podcast so we’re gonna deep dive, and take a little peek into her life. Just a little bit closer today. But before we go there. I want to remind you of a couple of things. I am not a doctor. But I am a shaman a cannabis shaman. That means I’ve had intense study for the past four or five years into the plant cannabis.

MoC 011 CBD $ave$

I’m going to teach you how to determine a safe bottle of CBD from a contaminated one… no matter what form you choose, raw hemp or marijuana flower from a licensed dispensary or some over-the-counter cannabis products sold online or in a brick and mortar store…. Whether it comes in a bottle, as a dry leaf, in a drink mix, or transdermal patch…. you should know how to make sure it’s safe to consume.

MoC 010 Signals

We’ve turned a page in history again… which signals all kinds of changes. There’s a new energy of compassion that will help heal and repair our bruised nation… not just the past four years… but the inequities of our human differences which showed up blatantly in the voting choices of 2020. But here comes the natural progression of cannabis manufacturing on the heals of cannabis medication.