CV 179 Jessica Reilly Part 1

September 26, 2022

CV 179 Jessica Reilly Part 1

Honey Smith Walls 0:03

Get ready for some good luck coming your way. We have a bride on board today and she’s nothing short of astounding when it comes to cannabis understanding. That’s because she’s one of the top science writers at… the famous collaborative from Israel that’s taking cannabis science seriously and educating the public. Come on in and enjoy the vitality of our sweet bride. Miss Jessica Riley.


Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast.

I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use this live plant therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis…what’s good and what’s not.

It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider.

The information you’ll find here comes straight from scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets.

The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association… and I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall.

Because I’m not a doctor, nor did I go to med school. But I did take dozens of private cannabis courses and still engage in continuing education offered by cannabis expert scientists over the past few years and slowly began to see and understand the bigger picture.

Now I talk to people all day long about cannabis and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today. Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies. It can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects, even those caused by synthetic prescriptions.

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story of cannabis in historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Honey Smith Walls 3:06

Hello, now I can hear you, darling Jessica. I’m so tickled that you came and that you’re here and that we get to chat. So exciting.

Jessica Reilly  3:10

Yes it is.

Honey Smith Walls 3:12

How’s your day going?

Jessica Reilly  3:14

Well today is pretty good. It’s a little bit unusual right now. Because I’m about 10 days out from getting married. So that’s really put a spin on my day to day.

Honey Smith Walls 3:25

I’m so glad you could spend time with us… Thank you!

Jessica Reilly  3:26

Normally it’s not that chaotic. It’s actually phenomenal because I have a lot of control over my schedule. And I’m really able to adjust my day to whenever I feel that creativity… whenever I feel that focus to be able to sit down and write. You know, sometimes it’s first thing in the morning, sometimes it’s noon. Sometimes it’s not till three in the afternoon but I get to figure that out for myself. And I get to work it out and I get to make my schedule whatever I need it to be which is so phenomenal.

Honey Smith Walls 3:55

That sounds like a woman with autonomy. Um… Do you live in this country?

Jessica Reilly  4:01

Hahahahha… I live in New York.

Honey Smith Walls 4:04

Wow, you New Yorkers! I just recently talked to a woman who deserted Chicago… inner city Chicago, for Belize during pandemic and so I was like Whoa, there’s a woman who’s in charge of her own fate and destiny. You know… not staying inner city for this… let me get out into the jungles of Belize!

So God love you… congratulations on your on your marital bliss to to come and I hope your day is just perfect and everything that you hoped it to be. I’m sure it will be, too, honey. It’s wonderful. Will you give us a little sense of what that day might be like… just a little peek behind the veil?

Jessica Reilly  4:53

Oh my goodness. Yes. So we will be… my partner and I are getting married at a cidery near my house. So I live in upstate New York. There’s a ton of farmland out here. And it’s a really, really big into apples and Apple crop out here. So we are getting married at a cidery where they make hard cider and they make fresh apple cider. It is a beautiful piece of farmland with a brand new wedding barn on it and a gorgeous piece of land behind it so we will have an afternoon ceremony. We’ll get the whole evening to enjoy the sunset and the beautiful August weather and it’s going to be a wonderful time.

Honey Smith Walls 5:27

My jaw is on the floor. I bet you’re gonna have a big ole barn dance girl. Absolutely. What fun. Thank you for that picture. Oh, we’re all so excited for you now and we can’t wait to see a few pictures when you come back. So tell us all won’t you, because let me just explain to you that at Cannaba Verum, I just try to give my audience insight into all different aspects of this industry. But we kind of run in the same science tribe circles on LinkedIn, which is how I found you. And you know, I’m just all geeked out over those cannabis scientists. And so… how did you come to all of that? Will you tell us?

Jessica Reilly  6:21

Yeah absolutely. So I got into the cannabis industry, kind of by accident. I was a freelance writer for about a year… I had left my office job in 2020. I said screw it. I’m going to be a writer. That’s all I want to do. And when I got into general writing, you know, I was making it work. I was finding clients. I was making ends meet but I wasn’t having a good time. It wasn’t serving me. And you know, when you talk to business coaches, everybody says eventually you need to niche down… it’s fine to be general for a while. But you need to niche down.

Honey Smith Walls 6:54

I hear that constantly.

Jessica Reilly  6:57

Yeah. So when I sat down and I was like, God, what could I niche into like, what could I, as a writer, somebody who’s basically going to hyper fixate on a subject and try to become a subject matter expert on it. Like what could I focus my energy on and really the answer could only have been cannabis. So I connected with some people on LinkedIn, and I was really caught off guard by how robust the cannabis community on LinkedIn was! Of all of the social media platforms, I never would have guessed that I would have really found a tribe of cannabis people and network of cannabis lovers on LinkedIn, but oh my gosh.

Honey Smith Walls 7:41

Ditto. Yeah, that treasure is incredible. It’s incredible and the value of that tribe alone gives me courage to speak the truth.

Jessica Reilly  7:53

Yes, exactly. I found these people and I said, Well, you know, I don’t really feel ready, but I’m just gonna start talking to them. I’m just gonna start inserting myself into this conversation. Even if I don’t feel ready for it.

Honey Smith Walls 8:04

I did the same thing but don’t you think that they were all so welcoming and yes, wanting us to engage with them? Like a public medical school for cannabis.

Jessica Reilly  8:17

Yes! They don’t care if you don’t know what they’re talking about it. Yeah, they’re happy to explain it. They’re happy to hear your thoughts and consider opposing sides and just have a conversation about it. Like it really is a welcoming. I mean, it’s, you know, it’s still social media. There’s always the trolls. There’s always the people who come out swinging and ready to say something mean, but there’s so many people who want to have a conversation who want to share their love for this plant that I realized that I had stumbled into something that was amazing.

Honey Smith Walls 8:44

Yes, yes. I stumbled into it at the beginning of COVID. And then I had already taken Dr. Sulak’s course. And I already had found out about the Society of Cannabis Clinicians. And girl I was like gung ho! I had managed to get to about half a dozen live conferences just before COVID hit in Florida, so I met a bunch of those smarty pants.

And let me tell you, girls and boys, if you want to get to know somebody at a convention during the breaks, make sure you’ve got “freshies” available to hand out to them. And you will have friends in the shade for 10 minutes undivided attention.   But you gotta be safe about it. Give everybody their own little “freshie”… Yeah. Don’t swap spit and then you get to know people on an immediate level… on a real level out under the shade of a tree… smoking a doobie. It is serious Juju for your plans in the cannabis industry because everybody’s got a different perspective that is so meaningful.

Jessica Reilly  10:20

And people love to talk over a joint! You can talk to almost anybody if you’re lighting up together. It’s an exciting experience.

Honey Smith Walls 10:27

Why do you suppose that is?

Jessica Reilly  10:31

Activity like smoking is so communal in a way that like taking a tincture or eating an edible isn’t… you know, smoking is made to share.

Honey Smith Walls 10:39

That’s right, you share a fire and you share the product in some form. So yeah, it is definitely a ceremonial, a ritualistic aspect about cannabis that is so ancient,

Jessica Reilly  10:54

And you really feel that ancient part to it. When you smoke, you really feel that ancestral connection, that’s something that people have been doing in some form or another for 1000s of years.

Honey Smith Walls 11:04

It’s very difficult to explain and there you just set it all out in the open! You’re so good at words. Did you go to school to learn to put one word after the other or is this all just a natural God given talent? Goddess given?

Jessica Reilly  11:24

Let’s go with both… I went to school for marketing. I was in public relations before I got into writing. But I have always been a writer I have always loved to write and it’s always something that has come fairly easily to me. So I learned how to put the marketing part on it in college. I learned how to do the promotional aspect in college but the word has always been with me.

Honey Smith Walls 11:43

That’s really wonderful because as our language of cannabis rolls underneath us in the dispensaries and throughout the legacy market, within the medical industry, you know, we just don’t know what to say… how to say it, how to use it.

Jessica Reilly  12:00

Oh my gosh, yes…

Honey Smith Walls 12:02

Or anything. There’s so little understanding around it.

Jessica Reilly  12:05

Yes. And our language about cannabis is so imprecise. Part of the consequence of this prohibition in the war on drugs, is there’s this really vague, confusing language around the plant. There’s no good real way to separate you know, plants that grow CBD and plants that grow THC we call them hemp and marijuana but you know, about cannabis sativa cannabis ruderalis like all of these plants are different plants, but we can’t market them properly. We can’t talk about their benefits properly or their differences properly because people still get caught up in weed, marijuana, cannabis, grass, you know, whatever.

Honey Smith Walls 12:40

How long do you think it’s gonna take us to educate the people in a New Cannabis language?

Jessica Reilly  12:45

Oh my goodness. I think it’s not even fully developed yet. No, no, it’s not… we still in the industry don’t have of all of the words to educate people. Even talking to biologists and cultivators versus pharmacists. There’s a disconnect in the language that we use, like we still don’t have a clear picture of how to communicate what this plant can do in all the different forms it appears in.

Honey Smith Walls 13:09

In its endocannabinoid ohm. Thank you.

Jessica Reilly  13:12

Oh, my goodness, yes.

Honey Smith Walls 13:15

You know, an entirely new made up word since the 90s. That we have to add to our vocabulary and try to get across to the people how important this thing is that nobody’s heard of before them.

Jessica Reilly  13:30

Yes, I mean, there are still so many medical professionals, a vast majority of medical professionals who don’t know what the endocannabinoid system is or that it exists,

Honey Smith Walls 13:37

I’d say 99% of them.

Jessica Reilly  13:41

Yeah….because it’s not even though we’ve known about it since the 90s. It’s not taught in medical school. It’s not taught in science classes because there is still so much stigma around this cannabis plant and you can remove the endocannabinoid system from the cannabis discussion… If you just want to talk about the system because you can talk about our endocannabinoids… you can talk about the way this system touches all of our biological functions, but we don’t… we don’t talk about it at all.

Honey Smith Walls 14:05

So let’s talk about what they’re doing… what they just removed in that brand new bill that’s about to go to Biden’s desk.


Healer Promo:

Friends, I’ve heard you complain long enough about how to find consistent over the counter CBD products and I’ve taken a new position on the subject. I’m proud to announce my affiliation with Dr. Dustin Sulak’s Healer CBD products that can be shipped to all 50 states.

Healer products will give you a full spectrum whole plant entourage effect of all the 1000s of compounds that grow naturally in the cannabis plant. You’ll have the best opportunity to manage your aches and pains or anxiety or spasming organs with a full spectrum whole plant product because all the natural compounds will work perfectly together in synergy within your body to manage what’s happening.

You may recall that I’ve been taking the acidic version of his cannabidiol or CBDa product. It has everything plus a lot more of the compound which Dr. Sulak and other leaders in this industry have found to be more potent, thereby using less, which ends up making a big difference to your wallet. But it also adds many benefits to your body.

Find out more about Dr. Dustin Sulak’s CBDa product and the value it can add to your life. And it ships directly to your front door. Click on the link below and start lifting your quality of life with Healer CBD products. There’s a sweet discount just waiting for you in the link below.     

Don’t forget the coupon code! Honey20

Healer Discount Link:         

Mazo Promo:

Hey my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust. Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida.

As one of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 when it was legalized in Florida… Dr Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live plant therapy will likely give needed relief.

I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead and use it in a very specific way to find relief. And that is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag.

His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field of neurology right here in Melbourne. Dr. Anthony Mazo… at the Brevard Neuro Center on Nasa Boulevard. See his details in my show notes.


Honey Smith Walls 17:24

In the form of cannabis, they pulled the part that was going to get permission for scientists to be able to test quality cannabis, the type that medical marijuana patients are actually consuming, not the horseshit that grows at the University of Mississippi. Am I wrong?

Jessica Reilly  17:39

The legal market is burning 1000s and 1000s of pounds of product a year in the US and Canada. Like there’s there’s a huge quality discrepancy here.

Honey Smith Walls 17:47

Yeah, seriously. And, and because of the corruption already in our industry in our systems, they’re locking out small farmers, they still got people locked up in prison for marijuana yet, there are some hospitals and vets who are able to use that, you know, successfully in some states but not in others and it’s maddening and in and utter chaos.

Jessica Reilly  18:18

Yeah and there’s medical institutions, well respected medical institutions where their doctors and professionals are told not to talk about cannabis. They cannot recommend cannabis. They cannot suggest it. If the patient asks about it, they have to change the conversation.

Honey Smith Walls 18:32

I had a doctor down here, go out and get a piece of paper and bring it back to me and told me to sign it. It said basically, I will not discuss this with you or that doctor will drop me as a patient and I looked at him and stood up and said, “You don’t have to drop me as a patient. I’m dropping you as a doctor!” And walked out.

A doctor who doesn’t listen to science is no longer facilitating the best care for me as a patient. Because if he’s not going to listen to science, you know, and his own clinical trial testing, then you know I’m sorry, but putting your hands over yours and saying “Don’t bother me with the facts… I already know what I believe” ain’t gonna cut it for me.

Jessica Reilly  19:17

No, absolutely not. This plant is a medicine. This plant has been used as a medicine for 1000s of years… like this plant and humanity evolved together and to sit there with your hands over your ears and say la la la like you think this drug is poison or it’s a gateway drug is ignorance.

Honey Smith Walls 19:33

Dr. Anthony Mazo, my neurologist here in Melbourne, Florida and also a cannabis expert said to me not three days ago, “Cannabis is more vital than water!” And I looked at him with my eyes popping out of my head and he said it’s true. It is absolutely true. And for a neurologist, thank you very much to say that to me… I was… I’ve been in the industry for years now. I’m just like floored that he would say that out loud. But it was wonderful to hear!

Jessica Reilly  20:09

What validation.

Honey Smith Walls 20:13

Yes, exactly! So that’s great. We do have a few really fabulous scientists and cannabis experts who have been studying for the past, you know, 10 or 15 years or so. And they’re getting it right.

Jessica Reilly  20:25

Yes. And the tide is changing. There are more cannabis education programs, you know, coming online… becoming available to people… there are doctors there are medical professionals and there are regular people who are taking really active steps to understand the science and understand the benefits of this plant on a cellular level. So it is changing.

Honey Smith Walls 20:43

It is… What do you think about all the D8 stuff going around? I just interviewed a guy yesterday… a lab rat, a real lab rat and everybody in our tribe loves and knows him and I think they agree with them. And and he’s got D8 products and yet… well I’m so nervous about it… I would trust his product because he’s in our tribe. But for the last year or so I’ve been saying exactly what our other tribe has been saying. No, I don’t think so. There’s no human testing. It’s an isolate. It’s begun in somebody’s garage, there’s never a COA attached to it. You know,

Jessica Reilly  21:28

I have concerns with Delta eight and the first is that it’s made in a lab and even if the molecule of Delta eight is safe, you know there’s so much that can happen in these lab transformations. When you’re turning CBD into these other molecules there there are residual chemicals that can be left behind there are byproducts that can be created. And these things are not necessarily screened for if you can even get a COA and a lot of times you can’t get a COA and I recently tried a Delta eight products for the first time and I could tell when I smoked it that the flour in there had been chemically changed.

Honey Smith Walls


Jessica Reilly

It tasted like chemicals. So I was I didn’t like that. And then I was recently talking to somebody Jason Repulsa of Good Feels. He makes cannabis beverages up in Massachusetts and he brought up a really interesting point that I haven’t heard other people talking about that when you are creating Delta eight, you are creating an isomer of Delta eight. But when you are creating an isomer you are not necessarily just getting one version of this isomer you are getting a couple different versions that all you know look really really similar that can all attach similarly for Delta eight, but an isomer. If you change one little thing in this chemical bonds is can have completely different effects in the body and you can get an isomer of Delta eight. That is fine that has no problems. But you can get an isomer of Delta eight that may not vibe with your endocannabinoid system that may cause a reaction that may cause really bad side effects and there’s just not a good way to screen for it.

Honey Smith Walls 23:00

Oh my god, I’m so horrified. Okay, but let me let me back up and just ask you to clarify just something. Yeah. So delta eight is an isomer itself. You’re talking about people making isomers off of Delta eight.

Jessica Reilly  23:16

So typically in Delta eight products and delta eight does occur in the cannabis plant but in absolutely miniscule quantities, nothing that you could ever package and market. So when you get delta eight products, what you’re getting is actually a converted form of CBD that has been chemically changed into delta eight.

So when you go through this chemical change process to get delta eight, you are creating Delta eight isomers. Yeah, a little bit tricky because I am not a scientist. I’m just a writer. To my to my understanding when you create this delta eight isomer it’s not just a one and done isomer you can get several variations of this isomer that all look a lot at all, look very similar. And they can pass a lab test. Yeah, they can pass a lab test for Delta eight. But if there’s one little change in the chemical bond in one of these isomers… it could have a fully different set of reactions in your body.

Honey Smith Walls 24:11

Also, there are so many other 1000s of compounds in cannabis that we have not yet named. We have no idea what other compounds are in that isomer that we haven’t even created the testing.

Jessica Reilly  24:25

Yeah, we are not testing Delta eight. We are not researching Delta eight, like I don’t know. And I’ve talked to people who’ve had good experiences with delta 8 and delta 10. You know, I’ve had I’ve talked to people who who enjoy these, but I won’t touch them because the chemical change process just makes me nervous. There’s too many variables in there where something can go wrong. And God knows that the cannabis industry that hemp industry, it’s got a quality problem. It’s got a quality assurance problem.

Honey Smith Walls 24:49

It’s got a terrible reputation for quality. Yeah, terrible. And that’s why I push COAs and third party testing and you all have got to do this for yourself. You got to ask the simple question, “Does it have a third party lab test?” before you buy that product! 

Cannabis Church Promo:

Friends, society has been going through some pretty terrific trauma over the past few years and as I am no longer a follower of any particular religious organization, I’m hungry for spiritual help. I used to find a little of that communing with others through their chorus and prayerful singing. But now cannabis has replaced those mysteries of devotion with introspection to self… I’ve begun a journey seeking compassion and emotional balance and wellbeing while I live on this side of the ground through cannabis. Now, I want to share what I’ve learned with you to help lift your quality of life through understanding. This is not devotion to other…this is devotion to understanding.

Live on clubhouse every Sunday at 8am Eastern

Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum.

Outro Bumper:

Oh my cow. Don’t miss next week when Jessica really turns on the juicy news and helps us understand where we are with cannabis and where we need to be. See you next week.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using verifiably safe products.

The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues.

Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies…

To find a qualified cannabis expert to help in your area, visit It is a national society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes.

Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please regard all street weed as contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, Fibromyalgia or worse.

Thanks so much for listening today. I hope you found value and understanding through my podcast. I have many more thoughts upon the subject that go in a more spiritual direction. So in that vein, please join my brand new live stage on Clubhouse every Sunday at 8am Eastern… look for Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum.

It’s the spiritual version of my weekly podcast which usually covers all things in the cannabis industry… But we’re live on Clubhouse so you can ask questions and inspire others with your own stories or just be a fly on the wall.

Get there for live conversation with learned friends. And if you miss, you can catch replays at a convenient time.

Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum

Clubhouse – Sundays at 8am Eastern

Show Notes:

My guest today is a woman on the inside of the cannabis industry with a global view and access to all the major scientific players and more. One of the writers for leading science site on the planet,, Jessica Reilly is utterly enchanting. And we have her for two episodes.                         

Healer Discount Link:         

Dr. Anthony Mazo, Brevard Neuro Center, 315 East Nasa Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901. (321) 733-2711

Cannabis Church on Clubhouse – Sundays @ 8am Eastern

(Replays available)

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.

Transcribed by

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