Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored, while educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy.
You should know what’s in your cannabis. what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval… yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept than Western healthcare philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider.
The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientist and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like pubmed.gov and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association…
And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall… because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture. But I’m not a medical doctor or scientist. Oh I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike, to research the facts as we know them today, and decide alternative health paths for themselves.
This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist. Just here to explain this great big story and the language of cannabis in its historical, political and scientific terms. So you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.
Seg 1
Honey Smith Walls 0:02
Hello, my friends. I want to talk to you for a moment about my attitude around this delicate subject. Because I come from a 30 year relationship, that smirks on anything spiritual, as if it’s a bunch of hooey and before that I was practically an alcoholic nun trying to live the day to day routine of St. Teresa the little flower as a divorced mother of a young boy in a small town in the heart of Kansas, filled with ancient ideas and illusions of perfection. But here’s the thing. We are sentient creatures. We have feelings that rise and fall and those who try to control us en masse, do play our emotions. Sometimes we can control our emotions most times not. Not unless you’ve trained your mind to frame events without emotion and stopped thinking about useless disinformation or false memories. And how the hell do you tell a false memory from a true memory? I suppose it can be done. I’m trying to practice those ideas anyway, but it ain’t easy.
So with that in mind, the nature of this episode is rather spiritual. Cannabis was used in every major religion, humans dreamt up. And in my humble opinion, is the best medicine for introspection a person has. I also wonder… if it does that to a human, how do animals feel on it? Maybe they’ll tell us. Anyway… My guest today has the most interesting background in neuro psychology, as well as music and expressive arts therapy. Kay Tummino is a shaman in her own right. And I’ve just become her student as I listened to her open my mind and heart. She has this calm I’d like to know. This journey we’re on together just keeps getting better and better. Please enjoy this deep conversation about the spirituality of humans. And how cannabis helps us find all kinds of new paths to consider with our new friend, Kate Tummino. Good morning Dearheart how are you?
Kay Tummino 2:45
I’m well thank you. How are you?
Honey Smith Walls 2:48
Okay, I’m just so excited to talk to you today. Honey, I really am. I’ve been sitting here for a couple of hours playing on the internet of course and looking at your Instagram and the one that really captured me and oh, oh, oh darn it. And I just Oh there it is. And I just lost it of course because my old lady fingers… here it is:
“You… he said are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world. And that, I believe is why you are in so much pain.”
And I thought… you know, I don’t know about the pain part anymore. But you, my dear, feel so terribly real to me in this terribly false world. And that is why I am so drawn to you.
Kay Tummino 3:51
I could say the same for you.
Honey Smith Walls 3:52
Oh, oh. Well here we are. And thank you for coming to be on my podcast. I hope my… I know my audience is going to find you as valuable and interesting as as I have every single time we’ve spoken together and just chatted for a while, I come away thinking gosh, I’ve got so much to learn and yet here you are… this gift. And for my audience, it’s difficult for me to explain it. I’m just gonna have to let Kay explain herself and why I know she understands why I feel this way. I mean you must have a lot of people coming to you with these same emotions and deep connections because of your own. The shaman in you is all I can say… the shaman in you is calling me girl… indeed.
Kay Tummino 5:05
And that’s exactly what it is. As I told you before, and I’m happy to repeat for your audience. We are all healers. And there are many of us sitting there thinking not me.
And I’d be happy to be a loving witness.
As you come to see that yourself because we truly are all healers. We’re all here to heal ourselves each other and this beautiful earth and on that path. Sometimes before we’ve even really fully identified as a healer. We noticed that we start to attract people into our life, who are either needing certain types of healing or resonating with us with where we’re at where our energies that we’re at on our journey.
We’re going to start to attract people who resonate and with that part of our journey but certainly I’m a very, you know, grateful and really full of joy to live the life that I do where I do certainly attract folks who want to learn more about the shamanic path who want to learn more about how to be more comfortable here on planet Earth.
As you explained earlier with that quote, being a very real thing in this world today can be quite uncomfortable and that’s why we have books like my myself. That’s why we have the healer and all of us that’s why we have spirit and you know as shamanic practitioner, I worked very closely with spirit and I work very closely also with cannabis plant spirit and she comes in for us too with a lot of unconditional love throughout throughout our journey. And as we’re meeting different people there’s the saying you know, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Oh, I would also say it goes the other way as well. When the teacher is ready the students will appear.
Honey Smith Walls 7:13
I just…. so much lovely depth in what you say. And it reminds me of a couple of things. One, the I want to talk to you about the origin of the shaman. And also I want to discuss the many levels of consciousness that we experience all at once in our mind that you’re bringing me to awareness about you know, I’m simple girl. One thought at a time in the process is how I was going about it before cannabis really gave me introspection and the patience to see inside my own mind without fear.
Kay Tummino 8:16
Yeah, she she is a definitely a heart medicine for a lot of folks and a lot of different times in their journey. And a lot of times that is the very much opposite frequency of love is fear. So a lot of times that’s exactly where she comes in, in these dynamics where we’re experiencing a lot of fear to come and be that unconditional love.
Honey Smith Walls 8:42
I love that you call cannabis she because I agree with you that the plant is in the feminine, although it possesses the ability to be both male and female in its genetics. Still it is the female that represents the qualities of introspection.
Kay Tummino 9:12
Indeed, yeah, and for any less familiar, we’re speaking less about. Well, I guess it does also include biological gender, when I use words like feminine and masculine to describe an energy or a being… and why why cannabis is ultimately a feminine presence as she shows up, is because feminine is very much describing creation, reception flow and those states that’s all commentating with feminine as opposed to masculine which is more regimented, executing short strategic….both energies hold immense value, and especially when I’m using them to describe other beings.
I’m not necessarily just describing their biological, you know, stage gender. I’m also describing the energy and how they work with us and that’s why cannabis appears as feminine because she comes with unconditional love, then is very, very nurturing. She doesn’t, if you’ve experienced other plant medicines, their experience is very different. Cannabis is one that has a very warm and gentle embrace. She won’t move you through processes faster than you desire and also truly she interacts with the things that help us to feel safe in the real world… for example like our ego.
That’s a very human part of us that our egos job is to help the little girl or little boy or little child inside all of us to feel safe. That’s what our ego does. So there are times where you’ll look back on past self and think wow, you know, that’s not necessarily something I would do now or that’s not necessarily a way I would behave now. But I saw how that was necessary for my ego to protect me at that time. That’s what I needed. Cannabis will respect that boundary. Other psychedelics and other plant medicines may not. They may blast right through that will show you the truth, regardless of ego. Cannabis respects the balance of ego and our conscious, you know daily life and thought and how that plays into our journeys. And she understands that we have a long road and she’s just there to be really unconditionally loving and nurturing and supportive throughout it. So again, she definitely shows up very feminine.
Honey Smith Walls 11:59
In my experience, since I was 14 years old, I’d been using cannabis mostly, I mean completely for pleasure. And until I became an adult and in my 60s really did I only then begin to use it as medication. And the differences are just astounding when you’re using it mindfully as opposed to when you’re just using it for well without thought, you know, just for fun just for entertainment or adult use, which I still really believe is medicating, but that’s another story.
So I’m just I’m always aware of how gentle it has been for me and never leading me into doing something that I would ordinarily if I had not used… do. For instance, alcohol can make me silly as hell, you know, but I don’t get any of that kind of doing those silly kinds of things on cannabis and never have. And so I’m just always aware of… you were talking about the respect that she gives the human… I feel it… I feel that respect… and the love that it gives to me. I’m so… I can’t even believe I’m speaking in this spiritual way about cannabis but it is so spiritual and you know, for years I’ve just been talking about how to how to help patients by utilizing it and what to be conscious of.
But talking about it on a spiritual level is a whole different concept. And and approach to this plant. And yet it has been used in every single major religion throughout our world for all time. So I know that this plant truly has, you know, remarkable capabilities to help heal in remarkable ways. And not just inside the human body and mind but also outside the human body for building, you know, homes and vehicles and, you know, flying things and buildings and roads and bridges. So what an amazing thing this precious plant is to us. And it sort of feels like although it was hijacked by some naughty American oligarchs for the past 100 years worldwide… still, it has found its way back into our lives. And it’s coming like a freight train. So I think the plant is way smarter than the human. It was here before us.
Kay Tummino 15:21
Naturally, yes, yes. Plants have innate intelligences and we do as well that’s very important to understand. Very similar to other living beings on this planet. Like other plants, and animals. We have an innate intelligences as well. And we have what I call activation points or activation times throughout our journey that allow us to kind of access some of these intelligences and it’s something that just continuously unfolds throughout our lives.
Myself, my intuition has been strengthened to this point where I really trust that I have all these internal intelligences that my body has many intelligences and that when I connect with a plant spirit, whether it be you know, the peppermint in my tea or the cannabis in my pipe… when you’re connecting with a plant spirit, I also understand that I’m trusting the innate intelligences and that being as well. And I’m creating a co- creation… a communion of these intelligences of these beings. Myself being a divine being in the cannabis being a divine being together, we come together for divine co- creation. And that’s not just special for myself. It’s not a secret all humans are divine beings. Like I just said, we’re all here to walk that healer’s path… one way or another.
So certainly, that’s how she comes through.
Honey Smith Walls 16:53
Well, what does divine mean?
Kay Tummino 16:58
Well, I suppose…. Well, actually, I’m not going to go with the definition because I’m not 100% positive like of our most modern definition of divine… But to me, divinity means sovereignty in what we spoke about before… that human blueprint. Sovereignty exactly as you are. We’re programmed in the world we live in to believe that you must do certain things to achieve a level of empowerment within yourself, a level of sovereignty within yourself over your realm… over your divine being… over yourself as a divine being.
Honey Smith Walls 17:49
But is that right?
Kay Tummino 17:52
Is that right? I’d ask you that. Does it feel right?
Honey Smith Walls 17:56
I think I’m not sure I’m, if I’m if I’m looking at it the way you’re, you know, you’re explaining it if I’m understanding what you’re telling me. I don’t understand. I don’t know where my head is. I’m so lost.
Kay Tummino 18:05
No worries. That’s all right. Yeah. Um, so I guess we’re asking is that right? Um, yes. So, indeed, like I was saying that… we’re often really programmed away like, we think that we must earn this level of empowerment within ourselves to view ourselves as a divine being. And that’s actually something we all come into this world with. It’s something that needs to be earned.
Honey Smith Walls 18:36
Okay. So there’s my thought you use the word programmed. And I, you know, I talked to a lot of doctors and scientists and people who study bugs under microscopes, and they have made me realize that we are just one big bag of bugs that communicate from our second brain in our tummy to our higher brain, you know, I’m not sure higher is correct. You know, the one upstairs and that everything within our body is, you know, some sort of molecular bug communicating with some other sort of, you know, molecular or atomic bug within us.
And so, in that vein, I sort of understand how a three year old Mozart can, you know, suddenly be playing a violin like he was the original, you know, Mozart and how all of those maybe memories get passed through our genes to one another.
I’m just surmising I’m just thinking out loud, really, but it just it just makes me…. you know, there there are so many mysteries about how one person can have such an intricate knowledge of music or whatever, you know, nature or whatever it is, and then only to develop all of that and become you know, the leading expert on the subject of course. But nobody else can do that. Because they weren’t handed down those genes, those little memory genes or genetics or something. I think our memories are far more extensive than what we’re able to call up. Is that right?
Kay Tummino 20:44
I would certainly agree with that. Yes. A lot of times when I show up, either for a sound healing or for like a shamanic practice, where I’m going to be teaching ceremony and participating ceremony with the group I usually start by letting people know that shamanism is first of all an experience of direct revelation, which means however you’re experiencing it is the correct way. There is no incorrect way. So Honey, you’re on your shamanic path right now and exactly where you are. That is indirect revelation, your practice of shamanism, and it is exactly correct.
Honey Smith Walls 21:22
I love that you said that… it gives me permission and as a woman and a girl, you know, we’re programmed to ask for permission to do anything first. And it’s lovely to hear that I have that permission to be exactly who I am. When I couldn’t give it to myself. You know, why? Why can we not give ourselves permission? Well, we can is the answer.
Kay Tummino 21:53
Yeah, I’d say that’s largely due to that programming that we refer to before. And then the other thing that I mentioned when I when I begin to work with a group of people or an individual, is that they’re not going to be learning anything new. Everything that we do is remembering. So I would certainly agree with you that it is innate memory. Again, we spoke about having these innate intelligences within our body. And those innate intelligences, they know what to do when they hear the drumbeat. They know exactly how to journey, they know exactly how to connect with the plants even read things that I explained. Exactly. So it’s often a remembering and often that remembering because we’re we’re you know, humans we’re interesting creatures. We really like verbal language. We like words we like to put labels on things. It makes us feel safe. It makes us feel good about what’s going on around us. So a lot of times we’ll express that remembering as Oh, I had a powerful experience or I had an activation…
Honey Smith Walls 23:10
Explain what that word means please… to our audience… an activation.
Kay Tummino 23:15
Activation of course. Yeah. So when I use the word activation, I’m usually referring to some part of the human blueprint or some part of our being, as we expressed before, all these innate intelligences that we have when we become aware of them and we start to play ball with them a little bit, so to speak. That we could call that an activation point. Where your mind just starts to dimensionally open to this concept, but it’s not actually new. It’s something that that’s been inside you the whole time.
And it’s very much the same thing about how we’ll describe our experience as an activation or as a powerful experience. What people are coming up to me after a shamanic session and saying, “Wow, I remember”. Because I don’t give them much extra. It’s the medicine inside each of us. It truly is. And I let people know about that as well.
Everything that I do as a practitioner, I can teach you to do as an individual or you can learn yourself or remember yourself to do as an individual. And like I mentioned before, we’re all healers, and we’re all divine beings. So we’re here to do this so it’s just as much your power as it is mine. And we we spoke about empowerment before and empowerment as a divine being. Being a human being truly is an amazing thing. Something to be very proud of. And I think more brothers and sisters and friends and family are waking up to that each day.
Honey Smith Walls 24:56
Oh, that’s such an interesting angle. Being proud of being a human because we’ve just survived everything else that we were. Oh, goodness,
Kay Tummino 25:09
I’m very grateful it’s becoming a large part of the conversation now today. Again, words, words really do it for us. They help get points across, they help us express ourselves. So I really like that focus on the word survival because a lot of people resonate with it. Again, something they didn’t realize they were doing until they heard it and they’re oh, wait a minute, that is what I’m doing. I’m surviving. Yeah. And then that they’re surviving versus thriving. Right? Um, yes. Again, words. They really they really do it. They just do it for us. So really, am I thriving or what would it feel like for me to thrive? What does that look like for me? And even if you have no idea, usually the the number one thing is I know what it would feel like. I know what it would feel like to thrive it would feel really great and you can almost feel it. Building up in your being just just as you’re imagining it.
Honey Smith Walls 26:10
That’s the energy inside you for that thought that event that thing that you want to do that desire, isn’t it? That’s the energy it’s talking to each other. That’s your bugs talking to each other. And being excited about that thought.
Kay Tummino 26:24
And that’s also your innate remembering. We remember how to thrive. We were how to thrive you were not brought to this earth to survive.
Honey Smith Walls 26:35
Right? Oh, goody, goody, goody. They’re saying we’re gonna thrive. We’re gonna thrive. Oh, I see it… Wow.
Seg 2
Kay Tummino 0:03
It all comes back to it being a journey. That’s why my private practice is called ‘Journey Drum Healing Arts’. It certainly comes back to us all being on a journey. And another thing that’s kind of important to bring up is in terms of shamanism, the dark and the light. Both holds immense value. So, your survival holds immense value, as does your thriving. So, let’s say someone’s hearing this and thinking to themselves Wow, I’ve spent 50 years surviving. Now what of those 50 years have enjoyed valuable medicine that you’re going to continue to access and those those intelligences that are going to continue to activate as you continue on your path. But I will say that that survival mindset is a really important part of our path. And also just an important part of being a human.
You know, no matter what sort of frequency of consciousness you may be interacting with, I’m someone who tends to vibrate fairly high. I’m able to, I guess, transcend a lot of the sort of material experiences that are just happening in our plane in the way they’re typically thought of in a very A plus B equals C kind of format. But even being someone who does tend to vibrate fairly high, you know, I certainly have my moments of survival, and they’re very important. There’s a lot of medicine in them. And then we spoke about this a little bit the other day, Honey, but then it’s how do we navigate those moments of survival as they come up? As a healer or as a healing person? And now with your awareness? How is that going to change your experience? In inevitably will.
Honey Smith Walls 1:56
It does it necessarily. It does. I’m just not the same woman I was a few years ago. I’m just not. My, my thoughts are so different now and my thought patterns and what my… now that I have included mindfulness into my world, I’m horrified to tell you what my world was like before thinking mindfully. It just chaotic, just chaos, just thought vomit, you know, really, and chaos. And there have been a few times in my life when I have been completely focused on doing, you know, a certain thing that gave me great joy. But I wasn’t…you know, it’s different than being mindful about life and healing and self motivation and everything else.
And this is so incredibly important to the new society that we want to try to build up out of this wretched mess that is right now. So my intention about learning from you. And well, it was Beautiful Existence that brought us together… you and me. And she really changed a lot for me, in this way of thinking. And I’m just now you know, I’m just infantile in this stage. But I am. You’ve used this word, quite often. I am so grateful. To finally be here, and to be thinking of healing in this way and my journey in healing.
Cannabis brought me to healing. And you know, my audience knows my story and how I got here and what my little soapbox is about… contamination and using clean product and all of that. But this is so much. This is equally important to get our spirit, right. And to try to understand each other, who have survived to thrive on this world, and to make it much more balanced for everybody. Is that right?
Kay Tummino 4:48
Yeah, positive. And I just want to circle back really quickly to your befores… everyone’s befores are so important, and everybody has it before and I want you to always remember to really be soft and be easy and be kind with yourself when you’re thinking of those befores and when speaking of those befores because many people are listening that is there now.
Honey Smith Walls 5:18
Oh goodness, right…yes. Right.
Kay Tummino 5:23
And imagine how beautiful if a healer were showing up to be speaking with love and gratitude and patience.
Honey Smith Walls 5:33
Thank you for this… Yeah, I try not to speak of myself in a negative way. But I am truly relieved to have mindfulness now in my life, and the focus is just beautiful. It’s just beautiful and the focus of Mindfulness allows so many more opportunities to come to you. My body, I’m just sitting here in my little, you know, nest, and my body’s just tingling, talking to you. Just tingling. Goosebumpy you know from my toes like I’m buzzing. Yes. Buzzing. Yeah, my bugs are happy about this conversation.
Kay Tummino 6:28
And again, I’ll circle back to their remembering because they remember what it’s like. To sit in circle.
Tummino 6:37
Exactly this is a medicine, Medicine Circle. Your wave of Goosebumps Indeed, indeed. Yeah. Oh, I was just gonna say… you mentioned about how tremendous mindfulness has been in your practice and how tremendous cannabis has been throughout your journey. And I just wanted to sort of bridge the gap there a bit and medicate that.
When I transitioned to really mindfully working with cannabis, I started paying attention to the words that I was using. I didn’t like the word use. I didn’t feel like I was using her and I didn’t want to use her or anybody truly. I wanted to connect. So I always encourage folks to connect rather than consume with any living thing. Be the plant is a tree that you’re walking by on your walk, be it like the peppermint in your tea, or the cannabis in your pipe that I invite everyone to connect, rather than consume and what does that connection look like? Quite simply interacting with this plant as another living thing?
Honey Smith Walls 8:03
We spoke about this before…
Kay Tummino 8:07
About having that awareness that if we’re acknowledging that these plants are also divine beings that have their own divinity in their own frequency and their own innate intelligences. What is that connection in that co-creation that really allows us to share those intelligences? Yeah, that’s just my mind about mindful connection.
Honey Smith Walls 8:36
Would you mind explaining to our audience a little bit about your background and the diversity that you’ve had, you know, working with different companies, your education, all of that. It’s just so lovely to hear your experiences and where you’ve been? Especially in cannabis, but your education as well. It’s just remarkable.
Kay Tummino 9:04
Sure, yeah. Positively again… lots of gratitude, because I’m someone who was on a path, doing a lot of different things and changing it up every couple months or so. And a lot of folks in my life were looking at me like, What are you doing? You’re just supposed to pick one job and do it. That’s what we do. But I was getting really strong calls to to follow these different avenues. And that’s sort of how I ended up where I am today. So I’m really grateful.
I went to college, did my undergrad at Lesley University in Expressive Arts Therapies, with a minor in Music and Neuro Psychology. So I was actually when I started college, I was really interested in music therapy, and how sound affects the brain and how sound affects our human experience. And that was really, that really was ignited within me because I had a grandmother. Both my grandmother’s actually had Alzheimer’s disease and one of them… she lived with me or with my family at home at the time, and she had lost her verbal language. But she was still able to sing. And she would often like sleep the entire day, other than times where she was being stimulated by sound if I had my guitar on her lap, or a drum or something like that.
That really got me going with there’s something special happening with sound. Yes. And so that started me on that path. When I finished college, I transitioned into a career in behavioral psychology. So really helping people that are dealing very much in the 3d in the here and now the material plane with some very solid behavioral blocks or problematic behaviors. And I was able to, in all different kinds of settings, work with individuals and families and really learn about how to be with a person and simply observe.
And behavioral science is also very rooted in in empiricism. So I got really into like research and things like that. But also, I would say the biggest sort of takeaway there was just learning how to just be with somebody. As a matter of fact, one of my psychology classes that was a whole exam was you sat with a professor for a full hour in silence and you would be surprised how many people had a really hard time with that exercise. How to just be with somebody with no words for one hour.
Honey Smith Walls 11:52
Golly, it just sounds like an insurmountable length of time to just be.
Kay Tummino 12:02
It could be… time is a time is a funny thing. And that’s why I also really stressed that language is a funny thing. Like we really like words… they make us feel safe and comfortable, and they help us a lot. But words are not… are not… the primary language.
Honey Smith Walls 12:17
So I love the body. Right? I love that body language thing going on. So in that in that in that hour… could you be expressive in other ways? You know, could you communicate and be expressive? Or was the object just to be still and be?
Kay Tummino 12:39
So the objective was actually to do a mock counseling session. Except you were the counselor and the professor was your client. I said this was an example of a client who was not ready to talk. Yes, or possibly not able to talk or possibly verbal language wasn’t their first choice. A lot of times we just think about therapy being sitting there with someone in a room, they’re on a leather couch, and, you know, they’re telling you about their life. But then when I actually went out into the field, it’s much different.
You know, humans are a whole spectrum, all different, you know, ages and experiences. And there’s a lot to learn in each place. And I think the biggest takeaway there and from that whole sort of… I can even summarize my undergraduate into four years.
The biggest takeaway there is to really be able to walk into that room and observe and just be with that person and understand that before you even begin… your first objective is to connect with them and to understand their experience. And that may be something that causes you discomfort.
So as I’m sitting there in that room, if discomfort is coming up for me, it’s my job to kind of regulate that and understand hey, this discomfort is coming up for me. Is that my clients problem? I need to take it out on them. Am I going to project an expectation on them? Because client is here for the healing.
Our thing is being truly still with somebody and someone having enough patience. Sometimes it takes four or five sessions you never know. But the idea is just showing up… just showing up. And then I mentioned that before, that’s something that carried way over into shamans. They do many things. But ultimately, the medicine is being the medicine. You show up as yourself, right and that is the medicine.
So that was a big lesson from that part of my career. I went into all other kinds of really fun research roles. I worked at the brain behavior cognition lab at Harvard University, and I did cool studies about like, creating capacity and memory, imagination. So really going into our experience. And one of our experiences is truth.
Kay Tummino 15:23
And one of our experience are things like like our ego and our imagination that are like all working together again to help us feel safe. Which again, when you really start to look at that, wow, really finely and beautifully designed with all these intelligences and all these ways of keeping myself safe throughout my journey in different stages in my journey, the fact that all of it is unconscious.
Honey Smith Walls 15:51
Okay, what about lying? For instance, in today’s world, in our country, half our country is in what the other half considers to be a lie. How do you help somebody come out of a lie that they have built around their, you know, framed around their lives? And they, either they really believe it or they’re they’re just hanging on to it. How do we break free from that? This is the this is the eating thought as I lay my head down to go to sleep at night, and sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up thinking about this… how can we change that mindset to accept truth, instead of clinging to a lie that has been programmed… that lie was programmed, just like every lie is programmed right?
Kay Tummino 17:03
Positively well maybe not every one is programmed. Some of them are there. Like I said, like sometimes our ego is really protecting us and nurturing us, but I’m totally following you here. And it’s a great question. And I would say I just want to circle back to when I was talking about masculine energy, feminine energy. I would say the way we’re thinking about it right now in terms of how do we make people see how do we awaken people to this idea? That’s coming from the masculine side right? That is… how do we execute? How do we make… this change happen. Exactly.
Honey Smith Walls 17:47
I’m gonna force this to happen. Right? No, you want it to resign?
Kay Tummino 17:54
Yes. If we kind of clean slate it in and then we approached it from the feminine energy. What would that same approach look like?
Honey Smith Walls 18:02
It wouldn’t be an approach it would be… I’m here for you. Just like, I’m quiet.
Kay Tummino 18:14
And it’s uncomfortable.
Honey Smith Walls 18:22
I get it.
Kay Tummino 18:24
That maybe I’m here waiting for you. There may also be… we touched on about, you know, on our own sovereignties as well and also understanding what you really can understand that you’re on a path.
Start to see that in everyone else’s too. And you have to understand that just as the medicine wouldn’t have reached you at a certain point in your path, medicine, it won’t reach them at a certain point in their path either. If that’s making sense.
Honey Smith Walls 18:55
No, it totally does. Yeah.
Kay Tummino 18:58
It’s one of my sort of mantras that I repeat a lot that everybody gets what they need. Oh, and it’s kind of messy, and it’s not always what you imagined. But when you think about that work and you truly think about it at the end of all things. Everybody does get what they need on their journey.
Whether it be lessons and I would encourage everyone to really honestly categorize all of their life into two things: lessons and blessings. So the lessons and blessings are going to appear exactly as they do on everyone’s path. And that’s very individual to each experience.
So that question of how might I affect change? Or another being? The answer would be by being the change yourself. Right? Yes, divine. You may be available right to hold space until we win. Like I’ve said before, I’ll use the words loving witness. We need a loving witness. But also there’s this understanding as well. That we may not be able to, I want to say… we will not be able to say everybody, because that’s not exactly, as it’s not as dark as it sounds.
Honey Smith Walls 20:34
I’m amazed at what you’re saying. Hey, and I have to interject here because, you even use the word that I was about to say myself. I have a precious young friend who has entered my life and he is just an amazing, an amazing person. And yet he comes from the darkest place I have ever known a human could be and he’s, you know, probably I don’t I don’t even want to think about it. But the darkness that is within him. I see. He has come to me. And I am just a loving witness to him. I cannot fix him. And that was this telling me, you can only be a witness to this creature. And that’s what he needs from me is to be a loving witness, and to be able to trust that I love him and I do unconditionally and I’m shocked by it. Because everything about him would make me run in the other direction. Absolutely run in the other direction. And yet I am so compelled to keep him close to me. Because… Because Kay darling… as you’ve just shown me, the shaman in me, has said, “You will be his loving witness.”
Kay Tummino 22:23
And that’s a beautiful beautiful boundary, too. So like as you’re repeating this, I’m the loving witness here… that’s also really creating a boundary for your level of attachment.
Honey Smith Walls 22:40
I just learned how to do that recently. Yeah.
Kay Tummino 22:45
It’s a great little tool to have in your toolbox.
Honey Smith Walls 22:48
I was not I was not aware of boundaries in this… in my journey until we had this conversation the other day and just so my audience knows. Again, Kay taught me boundaries. And our other friend Saara Ullery. And you know, I want to have open arms and unconditional love and yet I still must have boundaries.
Honey Smith Walls 27:42
Hey Friends, I wanted to give you a little bit of time to consider and mull over all of the things that Kay and I discussed today… there’s a lot to the cannabis spirit and we have a long way to grow… at least I do. I’m just talkin for me right here… but Kay will be back next week to continue this discussion and I hope you’ll join us too. Thank you so much for your time.
Hey my friends,
I wanna give you a tip about somebody I know and trust who can give you the help you need.
Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated Neurology Specialist here in Melbourne, FL with more experience in Headache, Epilepsy, and HIV issues than other doctors in this area.
Dr. Mazo was the first clinician to study the cannabis plant and become a Medical Marijuana physician in Melbourne when it was finally legalized in Florida in 2016. His understanding of the mechanism and effects of this live plant therapy will set you on the path to relief in no time.
Dr. Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that gentle cannabis will likely give the necessary relief. I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual synthetic stuff… he told me to get a particular kind of cannabis instead and use it in a specific way to find relief. And THAT is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag!
He also doesn’t know I’ve made this little commercial for him so be sure and tell him where you heard about him. Just tell him Honey sent cha. He’ll get a kick out of it.
His clinic details will always be in my show notes:
Brevard Neuro Center
Anthony Mazo, M.D.
(321) 733-2711
315 E. Nasa Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results.
Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices…
Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system.
I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog on the CannabaVerum.com website.
That’s C A N N A B A V E R U M.com
Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:
Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,
Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,
Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute
Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at healer.com, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:
Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like: PubMed.gov, JAMAnetwork.com, ResearchGate.com. I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like: The Great Shea Gunther at MJTodayDaily.com and MarijuanaMoment.net. I trust the CBDProject.org and CannabisScienceTech.com. I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: thecannabisindustry.org and many more like: NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (CannabisRadio.com)
The Society of Cannabis Clinicians – https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/. Helpful
Over past episodes of Cannaba Verum, we’ve listened to some amazing scientists and medical professionals talk about their discoveries and patient successes as hundreds of questionable compounds rise to the public grasp. I am especially interested in the pharmacists movement becoming an integral part of this new medicinal choice.
Watch this machine roll into action through conversations with pharmacy doctors all over the nation.
You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at cannabaverum.com
PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and most patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information.
If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor, please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis.
You’ll find that letter at cannabaverum.com
- Microdosing – https://healer.com/cbd-cannabis-dosage-guide-project-cbd-interview-with-dr-sulak/
- Concentrates – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29307505/
- Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
- Society of Cannabis Clinicians – https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/
- Take the Pledge – GreenTakeover.com
- Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice – https://wwnorton.com/books/9780393714180
- The Cannigma Podcast = https://cannigma.com/podcast/behind-the-scenes-on-cannabis-normalization-with-jm-pedini/
- Curious About Cannabis Podcast = https://cacpodcast.com/
My Neurologist and Cannabis Expert Medical Marijuana Doctor:
Anthony Mazo, M.D.
Brevard Neuro Center
(321) 733-2711
315 E. Nasa Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901.
All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.
Show Notes:
Shamans have been trying to help people and animals survive this planet from the beginning of time. I am humbly trying to follow in their footsteps but the path is murky. There are many clear signs that can be illuminated and many that may not. Understanding this planetary truth and how our societies frame each other is key to helping us all feel safe and comforted by others. Kay Tummino helps us see the need to understand our own paths and how we can help others become partners in survival. With clear understanding, Kay guides us into the spiritual aspect of cannabis. It’s deep. It feels good. And there are aha moments for everyone. Join this amazing conversation to find the shaman in yourself. You may contact Kay Tummino at journeydrumhealingarts@gmail.com and find her on Instagram as Journey Drum.
More Sources:
Brevard Neuro Center
Anthony Mazo, M.D.
(321) 733-2711
315 E. Nasa Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901.
Microdosing – https://healer.com/cbd-cannabis-dosage-guide-project-cbd-interview-with-dr-sulak/
Concentrates – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29307505/
Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
Society of Cannabis Clinicians – https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/
Take the Pledge – GreenTakeover.com.
NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (CannabisRadio.com) CannabisHelpsDementia.com
Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice – https://wwnorton.com/books/9780393714180
The Cannigma Podcast: https://cannigma.com/podcast/behind-the-scenes-on-cannabis-normalization-with-jm-pedini/
Equality Florida: https://www.eqfl.org/. Brevard Renaissance Fair: brevardrenaissancefair.com
All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.