CV 130 Dr. Leah’s Cog

November 26, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. 

I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on the safe use of this live plant therapy. 

You should know what’s in your cannabis. What’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval, yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept than Western health care philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. 

The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association.

I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. Because, I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture. But I’m not a medical doctor or scientist. Oh, I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike to research the facts as we know them today and decide alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, just here to explain this great big story and the language of cannabis in its historical, political and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest

(Guest Promo)

Honey Smith Walls 1:49

Hey my friends, I’m really delighted that you could join Dr. Leah Johnson and me as we take another look behind the curtains into this great big huge medical machine. You know, this Western system that we have here in the United States as we’re trying to include cannabis. There’s so much to consider, and she helps us see a lot of that mess. Thanks for joining us again. Here we go.

Seg 1:

Dr.Leah Johnson  2:44

For those who don’t know California just got signed in May with Governor Newson and very proud of him for signing this. It was a Compassionate Cannabis Act for patients. And what this allows is for any terminal patient that goes into any sort of hospital or health care facility in the state of California, they will not have their medical cannabis taken away from goodness. Right. And so, this is great. This is perfect. This is what we need because many patients go from assisted living and been doing well on cannabis, now fall or something and end up in long term care because of how the charting goes, they would not allow the cannabis med to go into that facility so the patient would decline and become obese and then decline to a level where they were stuck in long term care, and that’s where they died. And if they could get their cannabis medication that they were using in assisted living, they would have been fine. So I am thrilled that this is here. However, nobody knows how to make this work. 

Honey Smith Walls 3:58

How to implement it. 

Dr.Leah Johnson 3:59

Exactly. hospitals don’t have…

Honey Smith Walls 3:57

No Standard Operating Procedures.

Dr.Leah Johnson 3:59

Exactly. I have a patient coming in with cannabis and I need to put them on anesthesia…

Honey Smith Walls 4:04

No Patient Release Forms. Anesthesiologist knows nothing about cannabis.

Dr.Leah Johnson 4:09

Exactly. So it’s just a mess. So I appreciate that he approved it. It’s what should have happened. But now, this is the PCCC the Pharmacy Coalition of California. We are here to fix this problem. We are here to say “Hey, you guys don’t know cannabis. We know cannabis and we are a group of everything. We are practitioners such as myself. We have people who are specifically hospital pharmacists. We have as Dr. Dr. Codi is on the on the group as well as the pharmacist.

Honey Smith Walls 4:43

Oh Leah… Thank you for ribbing him for me, thank you. Thank you for that darling.

Dr.Leah Johnson 4:52

He’s amazing. And so, you know, I always say, he’s the Yen to my Yang. He’s got the pediatrics. He’s got the research side. He’s sort of like as nerdy as you can go in science, that’s Codi

Honey Smith Walls 5:07

It kinda feels like hanging on to Einstein around him, you know?

Dr.Leah Johnson 5:12

Exactly. So for me it’s really great because, you know, he doesn’t do patient care when it comes to cannabis. I do. So it’s great because he’s got the data. Yeah. I’ve got the patient experience. So together, he helps me with new data on new treatment protocols. And I tell him what patient reactions are so that we both work with each other to help patients. So it actually works fantastic. So he’s the hospital, pediatric side. I’m the I’m the geriatric patient care side. Then we have actually two California instructors as well. So we have people who work with different school pharmacy schools in California as well. Yeah, and we also have a cannabis lawyer as well as another practitioner who is a speaker. He goes off and speaks to practitioners about cannabis. And we have a cannabis lawyer who makes sure that we do everything on the up and up and make sure that we keep the regulations and we get to the right people to get the regulations fixed. So we are heavily struggling so, you know, definitely Californians especially if you’re a California pharmacists, feel free to reach out if you want to get involved. In general like we are here to help California fix these problems. And get this regulation back to the basics.

Honey Smith Walls 6:39

Girl you are on fire with this. I’m so proud for you.

Dr.Leah Johnson 6:41

I will have to say in every organization group you work with, it’s the people you work with. It’s not the organization so I want to say right here…  thank you to the six members of the PCCC, the Pharmacists Cannabis Coalition of California. Because they are fantastic. They are hard workers and the only focus is… this is not a paid for gig. None of us are paid. None of the six of us are getting paid for this. This is specifically to help the patients in the state of California and the providers to understand how to utilize cannabis therapy properly with their patients. This is what we’re here for.

Honey Smith Walls 7:14

You’re gonna lay the groundwork that will resolve these issues. 

Dr.Leah Johnson 7:21

Exactly. I mean, our goal is, you know, to hit a point where there’s a question about utilizing a certain product or somebody utilizing and they’re saying Who do we go to to ask what to do? That’s what we plan to be. We plan to be that board to, hey, you know what, PCCC we’re not sure about what to do with this dosage for this patient. What do you know, what’s the best dosage? Right? Exactly.

Honey Smith Walls 7:44

It’s going to become the new go to.

Dr.Leah Johnson 7:47

Exactly so that’s our goal. And then the goal is that we hope that, you know, other states who don’t have disappointing regulations like California does. We’re hoping they follow suit and they stand up and a group of whether it’s pharmacist or other health care professionals stand up and say Nope, we’re going to change the regulations in our state. We’re going to take the lead of the PCC and we’re going to start fixing our own state because that’s what needs to happen. For those who don’t have good medical regulations, you need to do something. Everybody complains. We’re all good at complaining. We’re fantastic at complaining. But we’re not good at doing. So the first thing you want to do if you want to fix something is you need to do something. And the best way to do that is get a group of people who actively want to do something to fix it.  And then with the group, figure out what’s your first step. What’s the best step, the first step… Do I talk to my Assembly member? Do I contact the governor? You know, what is my first step? And then once you figure out that, you just keep going down the line. You just removing the barriers in the way as you go.

Honey Smith Walls 8:49

You are inspiring! All the way from California over here to Florida, you are inspiring. You are. Is it PCC or is it two C’s or three C’s? Does it have a website? It makes me stutter.

Dr.Leah Johnson 9:04

Yeah, that’s okay. We had to make sure it wasn’t the CPC because then it’s like the Communist Party stuff.

Dr.Leah Johnson 9:15

We were joking. Nah, that sounds like we’re saying Communist Party. They need to change it.

Dr.Leah Johnson 9:24

It was actually quite funny setting up the organization. We’ve got our email just setting up. We have our basic information on LinkedIn. So you can definitely look us up on LinkedIn. Which you’ll be looking at Pharmacists Cannabis Coalition of California and you’ll find us and you know, we haven’t posted yet but we’re gonna start we’re gonna get some posts put up there. Codi’s gonna you know make sure that he has updated research into that area. Any sort of products that I review that I think are really helpful for patients. I’m going to make sure to post that on there.

Honey Smith Walls 9:59

Are you also going to be vetting different dispensaries or just different products?

Dr.Leah Johnson 10:07

We legally cannot legally cannot vet dispensaries because that then it kind of gets into a gray area of us like because then it becomes like more consumerism and then it’s not in the medical side. So we can’t vet dispensaries. We can we can help to build regulation that will enforce dispensaries to have certain like for example right now, dispensaries are not required to have any sort of education for their bud tenders. They can… if they’d like to, but they are not obligated so the bartender literally could be off the street random person that you hire put into dispensary and really no different than like a clerk that you might see at you know, your local grocery store.

Honey Smith Walls 10:53

That’s about all we’ve got over here.

Dr.Leah Johnson 10:55

Exactly. So the problem is that, you know, could these bartenders off the street be amazing? Absolutely. But they need proper education. And the only way to get the proper education is if their dispensary enforces that they have to be trained properly. And what ends up happening is the dispensary saving themselves. Well why would I lose money to have like why would I pay to educate each one of my people that’s just sure money I need to spend so the regulations don’t force me to do it. I’m not going to do it. And that’s what happens at the end of the day cannabis has become very, very capitalistic and not focused on the medicinal side. So that’s what we can do as the PCC, PCCC,  even I lost it that time. We can make sure that we fix the regulations and get new regulations approved to improve the dispensary. So we’re not trying to vet the dispensaries. We’re not trying to fix the dispensaries in the idea of going in manually. We’re trying to fix how all dispensaries in California are run.

Honey Smith Walls 12:02

Tryin to fix the system.

Dr.Leah Johnson 12:05

Yeah, because if you try to…

Honey Smith Walls 12:10

It’s got to be about the attitude as well. There’s got to be participatory attitude between all of the medical professionals and stop with the Lords and Ladies thing.

Dr.Leah Johnson 12:21

Exactly. And so that’s what we’re doing is our focus is getting those regulations fixed and improved. The body where people can organize, that people can contact with questions on setting up protocols for hospitals to utilize cannabis, the same thing for long term care facilities. So really, it’s really important because so many practitioners and providers in the state of California don’t know cannabis. And due to this now that all hospitals and all facilities are now obligated to allow their terminal patients to bring in cannabis… this is going to cause a lot of disconnects. And again, that’s what we’re here for… that’s what the PCCC is here for.

Honey Smith Walls 13:07

I’m really tickled about the organization going on. Behind the scenes for all of us. This is going to help so many people in you know the credentials that you all have will make it go all the faster because everybody will believe you and understand that you’re the experts.

Dr.Leah Johnson 13:31

Yeah. You wanna giggle about one more thing? Yeah. A lot of people have heard of this organization. It’s National. It’s called the Society of Cannabis Clinicians.

Honey Smith Walls 13:42

Yeah, I’m a member.

Dr.Leah Johnson 13:43

I am a member too and I’m also on their credentialing board. They’ve opened a new credentialing committee. And our goal is to get credentials set up for healthcare for cannabis healthcare professionals. Because there are too many people right now saying, Oh, I’m an expert. I’m an expert or an expert. Oh, yeah, I can help that person. Oh, yeah. I mean, like, I am this type of healthcare professional, and I’ve read about cannabis so I can totally help patients with cannabis. And that’s what we need to get around. What the credentialing committee is focused on is to make sure that we set up guidelines to make sure that we can properly credential all providers and practitioners in cannabis, and to make sure that it’s not just… A. we want to make sure they go through a proper credentialing process, but not just that, we also want to make sure they can… So many places, so many companies have certification courses where… okay, as long as you watch everything, you’re certified. Good job, guys. But did you really learn? Are you really good at doing anything? Or did you just watch things for hours and play on your phone while it was going on in the background? Right, and that is specifically what we want to try to prevent. So not only are they looking into proper credentialing courses for healthcare professionals, but also for testing to make sure that they have a test, which will give them the actual credential that says I am a credentialed cannabis practitioner. And then that way, you know, there’s not this back and forth of like, Oh, I’m a coach. I’m cannabis coach. I’m cannabis coach. I’m cannabis coach. It’s like everybody’s a cannabis coach, but the majority of them are not even healthcare professionals. 

If I were to say to them, what would you do if this patient is on this medication and they want to start cannabis? The answer is, I don’t know. I just start with the same thing for every patient. It’s like wow, that’s not good. I’ve seen some, you know, practitioners that are starting patients on five milligrams of THC when they’ve never tried THC before in their life. It’s like no, like just because the literature says a one to one and then your state you found a one to one that happens to be you know, a gummy but it’s 10 milligrams like to tell them to take half… No. I don’t even start my patients that are cannabis naive on THC. Unless their ailment needs it and they’re okay with the utilization of it. But truthfully, I usually start with CBD and then I slowly upgrade THC and the other cannabinoids based on their ailment. And that’s why and based on their meds too, that’s why it’s so important to have somebody who knows what they’re doing to checkup on you.

Honey Smith Walls 16:28

Do you generally start with a an isolate or do you try to use full spectrum for that first?

Dr.Leah Johnson 16:38

I chiefly always try my best to use not just a full spectrum but a whole plant full spectrum. And there is a slight difference. At this point, there’s a lot of I wouldn’t say that they’re improperly labeled or technically properly labeled. Full Spectrum just means it has all the cannabinoids and all the terpenes in it. But it doesn’t mean that it’s whole plant. 

It just means that it’s got…. So you can have isolates of terpenes… isolates of THC… isolates of CBD… isolates of other cannabinoids all put back into a formula together, and they call that full spectrum. So I’m a firm believer of whole plant full spectrum meaning it is a direct extract from a plant, not isolates.

Honey Smith Walls 17:19

Yeah, you just helped me understand what the dispensaries are doing here. Because I see these clear colored products coming out and they’re calling them full spectrum. And how are you… how do you define full spectrum? “Oh it’s got all the compounds in it.” Yeah, but then why is this product clear?

Dr.Leah Johnson 17:39

Why does it not smell like herb?

Honey Smith Walls 17:41





Seg 2

Dr.Leah Johnson 17:42

I’m not a fan of the herbal taste but a lot of people are… I am not. So I always try to find a company which kind of tries to balance their product with some sort of essential oils to kind of taper the flavor of it. Again, if it’s sort of a herby taste, you know it’s coming from a plant.

Honey Smith Walls 18:06

A full plant whole plant like you say.

Dr.Leah Johnson 18:08

Exactly. So I always say to people to if anything, if you read anything that says broad spectrum, but there’s THC in it or you read something as as full spectrum that says no THC, do not take those products. 

Because that means that manufacturer does not know what the term full spectrum or broad spectrum means. And that means you don’t really know what you’re taking since they don’t know those basics. Then how can you trust their product to know that they put in that product got… so yeah, I always like to start with a whole plant full spectrum of a whole plant.

Honey Smith Walls 18:41

Full spectrum

Dr.Leah Johnson 18:43

Extract. Yep. And I usually like to start with CBD because to be honest CBD in general, especially in like, mild doses like you know in the 20s, like 20, You know, 10,15, 20… I usually don’t go below 10mg. We’ll see kind of a generalized benefit for cannabis naive patients. A lot of times that will actually cause a lot of a benefit… especially at 20mg. 

Honey Smith Walls 19:06

It’s still got a little teeny bit of THC in it anyway.

Dr.Leah Johnson 19:11

Very, very tiny. But a lot of people really need to understand is 0.3% thc…

Honey Smith Walls 19:18

Is like 3 dots of sand.

Dr.Leah Johnson 19:22

Well it’s not really. So that’s the problem. That’s the biggest problem is that you can’t go by percentage. And this is why I explained it. 

So let’s say you have a one kilogram cake that’s 2.2 pounds, a 2.2 pound cake that’s a double layer cake. That’s not that difficult to do, right? So let’s say you take Okay, well, that’s 1000 that’s a one kilogram cake that’s 1000 mils. That’s 1000 milligrams. So a a cake a whole cake can have three milligrams of THC in it…in that whole thing. 

So it’s like you know, let’s say somebody ate that whole cake. Okay, well they just took in three milligrams of THC. Now mind you, I’m gonna tell you right now three milligrams of THC… that’s not horrible. That’s not very much at all. But at the same time, you know, as much as it’s not that much, you still can get more than you expect. Because a tincture, .3% THC can be, you know, point three milligrams. 

Honey Smith Walls 20:23

You can have an effect from it.

Dr.Leah Johnson 20:26

Exactly. And that’s the problem is that they are using percentages when they should be using milligrams. I was like it’s one thing for them to say you know, you can’t have more than three milligrams of THC or two milligrams or one milligram of THC sent through the mail. It’s a completely different thing when you say 0.3% because the larger the products the more milligrams you can have.

Honey Smith Walls 20:46


Dr.Leah Johnson 20:49

And so that’s why I always argue against percentages. It should always be milligrams because it’s like dosing, it’s like okay, well the highest dose of a medication will be this dose. So I’m not going to tell you that it’s a percentage of this you know, oh, you can do Percocet in this percentage. No, that doesn’t make any sense. You need the milligrams. That’s how it should be with cannabis. 

So that’s why I always you know, explain to people you really need to, you know, really look into what things mean. And that’s why it’s so important to have, you know, to understand, like what people are saying what things are saying so, you know, for example, I have a bunch I have some CBD tinctures that got sent to me, one of them based it again it’s based on the entire product. So as long as it’s point three THC, it doesn’t matter how many milligrams. So one of my teachers because they have so many other endocannabinoid I’m sorry, so many other cannabinoids in the product its a great product too. But since they have so many other cannabinoids and the base and all that kind of stuff. I have a product with 1.4 milligrams of THC per dose. And that’s specifically because in this product, it comes out to be about point 3% thc. 

So it’s yeah, it’s so crazy. Just like percentages can mean nothing. It can mean everything. So No kidding. Yeah, so that’s why I always want them so I really do want THC to be in the product. Personally, I don’t like I don’t really like to start a product for a patient that’s above point five for a kid I don’t like a product above point two five for THC. Just because again, you know and I usually start at around dinnertime or bedtime. So it’s at the end of the day, you know just to see how the effect is because people have never, you know started accessing there’s CB one receptors. Receptors might find it when they start opening them that the effect is just so strong that they don’t need anything near that high.

Honey Smith Walls 22:53

Oh goodness, yeah.

Dr.Leah Johnson 22:55

I mean even point five for somebody who utilizes cannabis medicine more for my kajillion ailments, including insomnia you know, like at that time a 10 milligram gummy, a 10 milligram THC gummy along with some CBN can work fantastic for me, but I would never get that to any patient to be honest. I would start them on CBD for the time because until they until they have enough CBD in their system to start triggering different responses to the CBD and CBD is very effective for sleep for cannabis naive patients. 

So it really comes down to start very low, go very slow and keep it low. So if something works great, it doesn’t mean that more is gonna work better and that’s the one thing I always say to patients is what works for patient A will not work for patient B C, D E and so on. And like what is considered, you know, a high dose or a low dose is again going to be different between patient ABCDE like I if I’m very very anxious and have a lot of anxiety going on. Then two milligrams of THC for me along with the higher CBD. I do very well on… I function very well. I’m completely clear headed. I don’t have any issues, you know, cognitive effects, but I feel relaxed, calm physically and mentally. And that’s fantastic from anxiety. 

However, I can tell you right now if I were to give that that same dose to my grandmother, she’d probably be like, feeling good and probably stop using her rollator, probably go running around the place you know, just loopy off her mind. So for me, I’m like oh two milligrams is nothing but that’s for me. So the dose in every toxicology they say The Dose Makes The Poison. So it really comes down to what works for you works for you. And that’s the only thing you need to know about cannabis therapy… is your dose is for you.  There is a Leah dose… there is a Honey dose… 

Honey Smith Walls 25:01

Finding that dose can be a little elusive. Want to confess, you know, I’ve been in this industry for years now and I’m still kind of trying to find the dose that works the best for me and that’s not anybody’s fault except a youthful industry that has yet to put standardization at work.

Dr.Leah Johnson 25:25

And that’s and that’s the other thing I always tell people…  products are not… products are also different from each other. Product A is completely different from product BCD&E and so on. So the reason I say that is because I had a patient who was doing very very well on THC and CBD tablets. He was doing very well he was very balanced on it. The problem is he needed a much higher dose and the tablets would be astronomically expensive if they were to go that way. So we had a move to gummies 

Well, they’re both you know long standing meds and are good for maintenance. But again, it’s gonna have sugar and it’s it’s gonna affect him differently. It’s got other things so we had to up the dose because we found that to be honest, the pill dose was fine but when we went to the gummies we had to change the dose. Then they didn’t have gummies but they had chocolate so then we had to change the dose it again and even though they’re both edibles, even though they both have sugar and everything in them, they the chocolate did not react the same way that the gummy did. So that’s the other thing that people have to know is… just because you find one good product that works great does not mean that another product that… oh I use this five milligrams gummy it was fantastic. It doesn’t mean that that other company’s five milligram gummies are gonna affect you the same way… it affects you completely differently.

Honey Smith Walls 26:43

It probably will and the chocolate effect had a different effect because of the fat content…

Dr.Leah Johnson 26:50

Or the caffeine in it… because of the caffeine. A little bit of caffeine… so there’s so many things… even one pill… the next pill or one capsule…will be different every time and that’s why I always say you need to do your best to try to find a product that works for you and a product that’s going to maintain at the dispensary. 

Because that’s the other thing… a lot of dispensaries have products going in and out, in and out, in and out based off patient interests. And so if they say oh well this product isn’t doing so well even though it’s the best medical medicinal product that they have in that dispensary, they might get rid of it because it’s not a seller. 

You know, it’s all commercial. It’s all based off of finances. So, hey, if this product isn’t good… people aren’t buying it then we’re not gonna sell it anymore. So I always say to people, make sure you get a product that you can get regularly because to have to start or at least get two products that you can say okay, well this product is in stock. I know that I need to use this form at this date to get the same effect. And and that’s why labeling also is so important.

Honey Smith Walls 27:54

It’s so important. And it’s done so poorly out here. Every dispensary is different and you know and and the typing is so tiny that that you have to get a magnifying glass to read it or take a picture of it with your phone and blow it up that sort of thing…

Dr.Leah Johnson 28:16

In some states you’ve got regulation, were they in some states, I know Connecticut is one of them. They obligate that every single cannabinoid and every single terpene is put on the label. So that’s the first thing… and I love that and the reason I love that is because I don’t care how many plants that you have in front of you all call the same chemical strain or the the plant strain name so oh all of these are Hawaiian Haze. All of these are Tangy or whatever…

Honey Smith Walls 28:45

That makes me insane.

Dr.Leah Johnson 28:46

None of them… you know what… that Hawaiian Haze might be closer in chemical assay like to look the same to the Tangy and they might even look to one of their fellow, you know, same strain plants, and that’s why it’s so important to have the regulation… to have all cannabinoids put on the label because when a patient wants to find a flower that matches a flower that works great for them… They should be able to take the package and say, Hey, this worked for me. Do you have a strain that has close to these aspects? And then the budtender would easily help bud tenders too because then they can say, okay, okay, let me compare it to all the ones we have. Oh, this one is the closest to what you would have before. This is the one you should use and that’s what Connecticut does. 

Honey Smith Walls 29:33

Oh really?

Dr.Leah Johnson 29:34

It’s fascinating. I’m like, that is the only way you can properly do flower. Cause flower changes from from grow to grow. So it’s phenomenal for patients. I have family members in Connecticut. And the ones who are utilizing cannabis medicine have literally done exactly that. They said, You know, when I came in here last I bought this, this worked really well. What do you have that’s just like this?  And they would take it and the budtender went to all the other, you know, flower they had in the shop, compared it to all of them and say Oh, this is the one that’s the closest to what you brought in… to the to the package you brought in. So he got the exact every time he goes in he gets the exact same thing. We don’t don’t have that right now. You have no idea no idea what you’re going to get for flower.

Honey Smith Walls 30:23

No idea… And they try to tell me these stupid names and I look at them like they’ve got horns growing out of their ears, you know, because the names are meaningless to me they don’t give me any terpene content or profile or essay or anything and it’s just, you know, so I say Well, honey, I’m looking for something that’s gonna, you know, quell my pain but not you know, I don’t want to get too buzzy, you know, and then when I talk to them like that they start pointing to different stuff. Yeah, it’s just silly.

Dr.Leah Johnson 30:57

You’re gonna laugh actually. So everybody keeps asking me about indica. Sativa vs indica. You and I hate that because oh my god, like maybe back in the day in the 70s. Maybe there was indica versus sativa but you know how many things are technically hybrids at this point? It’s just ridiculous.

Honey Smith Walls 31:10

Well type one type two, type three and now they’re working on a type four, aren’t they?

Dr.Leah Johnson 31:17

Yeah, so type one… ohhhh Codi is doing this one recently. I’m trying to remember…

Honey Smith Walls: 31:22

Type I is marijuana…

Dr.Leah Johnson 31:23

THC only Yep. And then type two is a one to one, yes, type three is a CBD dominant but still has THC… I think four is straight CBD without the THC. That’s what my guess would be but I’m not sure. 

But the whole thing is… that’s what you should do. It should be THC only or THC dominant, equal CBD dominant. That’s really what people should be looking for. And but because everybody keeps asking me about sativa vs indica, I just kind of you know I have flower which I got from ??? flowers to help a dispensary decide what the best flower seeds to be to utilized for medicinal patients. And while testing the different flowers… we realized that… I started writing things down because I got really curious about you know, okay, this we would write down this was the smell…. this is the taste… this is the effect… and what I found is, I will admit that I have found that the ones that seem to be the most beneficial, medicinal side for me specifically for pain has happened to be the ones that said hybrid… or the ones that said indica . It was never a straight sativa that did the medicinal for me.

Honey Smith Walls: 33:12

So that’s your personal….

Dr.Leah Johnson 33:13

Exactly. That’s what Dr. Leah’s medicine is. I know that for me, if I want to help my pain because the chewables aren’t doing it for me… I need to have the indica… but that’s me, again, that’s me specifically. To be honest, for pain, a one to one is even better. So and really what we want to focus on is what’s the right medicine for you and how to figure it out. And that’s it. And so ignore the words like indica. Ignore the words like sativa. And really say to yourself, what is in this product that I am ingesting… how many milligrams of what is in this… and that’s what people need to focus on.

Honey Smith Walls 33:14

Did you hear what she said there? Ignore indica and ignore sativa and look at what really is in that product that you’re purchasing so that you understand what you’re ingesting and how it affects you? 

Now that you understand what you’re supposed to be looking for, we can thank Dr. Leah for taking us behind the curtain to help us see how we can navigate this Live Plant Therapy for ourselves. We’ll be back with a final episode of this series with our friend Dr. Leah Johnson. Next time you visit the Cannaba Verum podcast.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman honey Smith walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, it just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices, Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. 

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog. The Cannaba website. 

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U 


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from historical and modern leaders in cannabis science: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here:  

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –
  8. Dr. Leah Johnson: Email: and (Text Only: 408-418-8802)
  9. Pharmacists Cannabis Coalition of California (PCCC): Brand New…Check LinkedIn!
  10.  Dr. Alan Ao can be found at: 

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

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