CV 129 Dr. Leah PCCC

November 22, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely uncensored while educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy. 

You should know what’s in your cannabis. what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in western healthcare philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. 

The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various online outlets. The scientific truth that cannabis is good for us is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association. And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists online over the past few years. And slowly began to understand the bigger picture. But I’m not a medical doctor or scientist. Oh, I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike to research the facts as we know them today and decide alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, just here to explain this great big story and the language of cannabis in its historical, political and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest. 

(Guest Promo?)

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Hello, my friends. I wonder if you can hear the fan running in the background, kind of a hot day, even though it’s late in the fall. Of course, I’m in Florida and sitting outside on the lanai. I just wanted to remind you that we’re about to jump back into a conversation that started in the last episode. 

But before we go there. I just want to remind you about your Cannaba Verum PSA for the day. Here it is. If you’re having issues with your meds. Talk to your pharmacist. Yes, that’s it. That’s who studied all those chemicals for fun and for a whole lot longer than your primary care physicians did your pharmacists, they understand more drugs than God. So talk to your pharmacist, it’s totally free, and could possibly lift your quality of life, gone. When they ask you the next time you go pick up your drugs if they want to, if you need to talk about anything, say yes and park the car and go inside and have a little consult about all of those meds you’re taken, especially if you’re having some issues with them. You’ll be surprised at how they can help you so quickly. 

Now back to our peek behind the curtain of relationships between medical professionals and patients. Boy, we have a lot of work to do. Let me just remind you who were listening to… Dr Leah Johnson, known to the cannabis community is Dr Leah is a formally trained clinical cannabis pharmacist and the owner and CEO of Alchemist Cannabis Consulting, LLC. She’s also an accomplished highly driven, clinical, long term care and rehabilitation pharmacist with a primary focus in pain, mental health, depression, anxiety, insomnia, sexual health and medication management. 

Just reminding you that in the last episode, she helped me with a lot of those things that I just mentioned. After I’d seen that terrible movie and was having ridiculous flashbacks. 

Anyway, go listen to that other episode… The one before this and you’ll understand what I’m talking about. She was amazingly helpful with me through that. 

Anyway, she holds three patents for natural herbal remedy tinctures, which she helped develop as the head of Research and Development for an herbal supplement company. Dr Leah believes that complete physical, mental health and well being, can be influenced by the utilization of cannabis, as well as other herbal remedies and supplements in conjunction with pharmaceutical medicines. That means all of those synthetics that you get from your pharmacist. She believes that most patients are given too many, and inappropriate prescription medications, while not being given the knowledge for utilizing effective herbals and supplements to reduce pill burden. She also believes that many patients are unable to get full relief of their ailments due to the missing components in their medication regimens. 

In an effort to improve the overall health and well being of patients. Dr Leah works with patients and their healthcare providers from all over the country to reduce the amount of medications taken, altering timing and dosing of medications to improve effectiveness, and identify medications which could be causing issues. See how glorious all of that could be for you. She works with cannabis companies to advise them on dose and safety interactions and how to better help their customers and improve with the use of their products. She holds a doctorate degree in pharmacy from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and you’re about to hear her distress of how the public views their pharmacists! Here we go.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 6:43

The American Medical Association that’s really a physician based Association… that’s not a pharmacist, that’s not a nurse, that’s not a physical therapist, that is specifically a physician based on or anybody really that can prescribe. So same thing it’s providers that can join that usually is the only people. So why are we listening…. that’s the problem…. is that everybody was always told that the overrun of everything is the AMA, which means that means that the first that they overrun is all medical based physicians. That’s the problem.

Honey Smith Walls 7:23

Because that’s not correct.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 7:26

Well, we all have a different thing what it really comes down to is really in schools…Now mind you in pharmacy school, we were told, Oh, the provider will give you this, you know, we’ll give the patient this prescription. This is how to analyze the prescription based off what the patient is already taking and so on and so forth. You know, and that’s just basic retail… that’s not even clinical pharmacist, but you know, they had you know, we in every profession, you’re always told the doctor will do this, and this is what you do after the provider does their thing. It’s never you do this the provider needs you for this. Also the whole thing is I couldn’t you know Mind you I didn’t I did not go to I did not go to a physician. I did not go to medical school to be a physician. I went to pharmacy school to be a pharmacist so I’m not a physician. 

So I have not yet I have not taken their courses. But the the course is focused on what they do, it’s not hey… You know, make sure to lean on your pharmacists who are your drug experts you know when you need when you need help with medications, you know what medications to utilize. Make sure to lean on your physical therapist, you know when you have muscle disorders or you know fractures and stuff for to help patients with recovery. They don’t explain these parts to each of the different professions. It’s like this is what you do. So pharmacist… doctor will do this, this is what you do. PT… doctor will do this, then this is what you do. Wow. Doctor will do this…. then this is what you do. And back in the day Doctor meant physician that was it. Doctor meant physician now provider means anybody who writes a prescription but and that’s really what it is quite but that’s the problem is the idea is physician or provider which is an NP or PA they are first… then every other health care professional. That is not a provider comes after always. That is how everybody is taught.

Honey Smith Walls 9:25

It’s it. You know replace doctor with Lord, Lord will do this and then everybody else will do that.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 9:32

Exactly. I am you know what, that is a really great way of explaining it. There’s not a healthcare field. There is literally like a royal hierarchy or medical fields where the physician partner or the you know, are the kings and queens Yeah. Then the other health care professionals are like the Dukes and the Duchesses. I see it. Yeah. We’re not invited to the high table unless it’s for a special occasion.

Honey Smith Walls 9:59

When in reality, it needs to be a partnership between all of the skills of these learned people.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 10:05

Oh yeah. And they think there’s been study upon study upon study showing that there’s especially in teaching hospitals like it for those who don’t know, a teaching hospital is a hospital that is usually connected to a school of medicine. Whether it’s, you know, usually for providers, usually a medical school, it could also be pharmacist and others. too, but usually what they do what these student based hospitals is they utilize all the aspects… everybody learns to work together as a team. 

But strangely enough, as soon as they leave this type of, you know, this teaching type of facility, they all of a sudden go right back to Nope. Position is God, you know, providers are god. So it’s not really their fault. It’s just that the facilities that are not education based which are very, you know, there’s not that many education based ones but the ones that are not… they’re the majority so people just kind of fall into that way. 

Have you learned when you move from the West Coast to the East Coast, you’ve never had snow before. You just learned to start shoveling because that’s what you do. And that’s how these other things go. So, you know, the best physicians or best providers I’ve ever worked with are the ones that say you know, what, tell me why. If I if you’re going to make a recommendation to me, explain to me why. So that I can make an informed decision. And I’ll say, here are the reasons why I think that this medication should be changed this and they say, oh, you know what, that’s a really good reason. Let’s do that. Or hey, you know what, we have actually tried that in the past. It wasn’t in their charts, because it was from years ago, but that didn’t work because of this reason. You know, do you have any other recommendations? It’s like, oh, well, knowing that you utilize this. We can try this. It’s all hand in hand and these are the best providers. I’ve ever worked with the best patient outcomes, happier patients with less medicine. You know, some of them who are put on hospice because they have six months to live and then graduate off of hospice because they just do so well, with the provider they’re with and this comes down to working hand in hand. And like I said, in these educational institutions, ie these educational hospitals, they all they’ve done studies about the fact that the patient outcomes are always better when you have a collaborative team, and that’s what they call it as they call it a collaborative team.

Honey Smith Walls 12:33

It should be… it should be collaborative.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 12:36

So in in these types of facilities, the pharmacist along with the physical therapist if needed depending if it’s a rehab area of course you’re gonna have a physical therapist, if it’s not then you might not but what happens with these in you know, this comprehensive you know, this this system is you actually have the pharmacists are rounding with the rest of the team. So the pharmacists will know everything else happening. So the provider knows this and, you know, the Provider, the the main provider, then you’ve got the students and then you’ve got pharmacists, you’ve got physical therapy, you’ve got nursing, you’ve got a bunch of different thing and they all stand together while they’re doing their their rounding. 

And this is a way to for pharmacists to say, Hey, I noticed that this patient is on these meds for this ailment have you know, have you guys considered utilizing blah, blah, blah, which has actually shows and studies have great effect for this element in shows that healing is faster? If the provider has either A. hadn’t heard of it, which is often and be especially if it’s new therapy, or B, you know, just you know, maybe didn’t think of it, it’s like, Oh, hey, that’s a great idea. I didn’t think about utilizing that. Let’s try that with this patient we might have better outcomes. So when you’re making the decisions all by yourself for a patient’s full care, you don’t have those partners to help make your help you with your advice and your recommendation. But when you have a collaborative team, all putting in their two cents based on their expertise, the patient always does better. They get rehospitalized a lot less, they’re usually on less medications and their outcomes are always better.

Honey Smith Walls 14:13

Wow. We’ve got so much work to do to change the processes of you know, the way things have been done traditionally. How are we going to do that because I really want to have some experienced cannabis experts. In my dispensary when I go I just got lots of questions and the 12 year old bud tenders on the counter just ain’t cuttin it for me.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 14:43

Exactly. And that’s I mean, that’s specifically why I even opened my Alchemist Consulting practice to like help patients with finding the best products for them. I can’t recommend a dispensary. But what I absolutely can do is I can recommend good products and say here’s a list of the locations you can get the product that I recommend. 

I’m telling you it makes it difficult for me because like for example, I have a patient in New York and like the poor thing she’s just you know, trying to help her son who is my actual patient and this is the mother of the patient and because he’s unable to go to the dispensary by himself and you know they have terrible options in New York for most dispensaries because they usually have high THC low CBD so that’s not helpful for anxiety but helpful for a lot of ailments but you know they don’t know so what I have to do is… I scour their dispensaries see what options they have. And then I say hey, based off of these dispensaries in your area, this is the best product I would recommend… these are the dispensaries that offer it. 

So I never recommend dispensaries because you know, that would be then more of a business. You know, I’m recommending a business. So I don’t recommend businesses. I specifically recommend products to patients, but I always review them, you know, before I actually will make a recommendation and if I’m unsure about a product, I’ll ask to speak to a dispensary for some patients, especially in an area where I don’t know the dispensary very well. 

I will call a couple dispensaries and ask them a very basic question. Based on their response. I will say to a patient Okay, and I won’t list them as one of the potential  dispensaries that carries the product even if they do because these are the dispensaries that will suggest a different option for a patient than what I’ve suggested. 

So, like for example, I said to a patient one time, here’s a couple different dispensaries, they have this specific product, and you know the reason you need this one is because it goes under the tongue and it is a fast acting thing for what you’re looking for. You don’t want a slow acting. And so they said okay, great. I will look for it. So the patient… this is before I realized I needed to vet dispensaries… The patient went in to the one that was closest to their house because they said why not? It’s right here. And they said my cannabis pharmacist that I’m working with said that I need to get this specific medication or therapy from here, you know, get this specific therapy. And they said that you were one of the dispensaries that carries it so I would like to pick it up. 

So the response from the dispensary was, oh no, we don’t have that in stock right now. And well you can use these gummies instead. So instead of a short acting tincture, which is what I was recommending or short acting or like a sublingual tablet, something that dissolves under the tongue that gets used very fast in the body… They gave my patient a gummy, which I think she couldn’t have a gummy because he’s a diabetic. So to begin with, that was the first issue. The second issue is that it was a long term, you know gummies an hour to two hours long but that’s not what we were looking for. So they left the dispensary with completely the wrong recommendation.

Honey Smith Walls 18:17

Oh my goodness the wrong stuff. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 18:21

Yep, so from now on. Again, I can’t recommend your dispensary but I can definitely leave a dispensary off the list if I know that they do not follow proper protocol. So I will say to a dispensary. Now if I’m not sure about them, I’ll say to them. I have a patient coming in. And I just want to verify if I recommend a sublingual tablet and you don’t have it in stock. What would you recommend? And a lot of times every once in a while I’ll get what sublingual mean? I don’t know. Because they’re not healthcare professionals. 

So maybe they’ll say oh, it’s something that goes under the tongue. And they’re like, and then they’ll say, Oh, well, we have gummies they can take gummy. So I’ll say thank you so much for your help. And then I just don’t add them to the list. And that’s saying to myself, that dispensary has bud tenders working for them that not only doesn’t know what products work with what ailment because sadly, bud tenders are legally not allowed to give that information because they’re not healthcare professionals. 

And I say sadly, but sometimes it’s a good thing because some of them think they know what to do, but they don’t. And some actually are quite knowledgeable. They just are legally not allowed to give that information but it’s so important to vet these dispensaries because you know, you don’t want to make sure that if a patient goes in looking for short acting medication that they get a short acting medication that is as close to what you recommended as possible. 

So for me, okay, they didn’t have those tablets, but you know what? They did have… they did have a sublingual tincture that they could have given to my patient instead. That would have been much closer related and didn’t have sugar in it. And he would have been fine on that. But never was mentioned, right? Because they didn’t know so they said to themselves. Well, she said, chewable tablet that goes on under the tongue. Well, what else can be chewed and goes in the mouth? Well, gummies can be chewed and go in the mouth, but it’s like, no, this is just such a different product. 

Honey Smith Walls 20:15

It’s about educating… the other thing that that budtender did not say to you was what would you recommend secondarily, instead of just offering you know, she could have asked you but wasn’t trained.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 20:27

Absolutely, they could have said you know what, um, you know, to be honest, what we do is if it’s been a direct recommendation, we ask the patient to contact their… not it’s funny, actually, that you mentioned it. I haven’t had one that don’t get like not Well, I mean, I like now that I think about it I’m like, that’s even more important. Not only should they know what to suggest as an alternative, but they should even just say hey, why don’t you give your your practice your practitioner a call… right and find out what else they recommend, you know, or here’s some options. Why don’t you ask your healthcare professional or practitioner if this is along what they’re looking for? No, they think they know better. So they make the recommendation and that’s where the problem comes in.





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Honey Smith Walls 21:23

Well, it sounds like you need to make some visits to a variety of dispensaries and let yourself be known that should your patients come in? You know, they need to be calling you and asking you for the thing. See this is the problem with the adult use.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 21:42

I’ve gone into dispensaries and actually even offered a free once a month, one hour consultation where I’ll be on site and I can either talk about a subject like anxiety and what to use, autism what to use, pain and what to use. I was like I could do this. I could be here free once a month and give like a free talk to your patients. And every single one of them said thank you but we’re all set on education. We know everything we need to know. They literally know everything they need to know.

Honey Smith Walls 22:10

Ditto. Ditto over here on this side of the continent from the dispensaries.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 22:15

The problem is that it’s all about regulation. That’s where it starts. It starts with and this is you know a public service announcement for your for your for your right and for anybody else is the one thing you need to do is go to your assembly person. Your assembly person will be the person in your county or in your area that makes the decisions and if you’ve got something going on like for example, my county in California doesn’t allow dispensaries though. I’m in San Jose my county does it might not County I apologize. My district doesn’t allow it. But the district that’s you know, a couple miles down, you know, really sketchy. My area does allow it and it’s like so how do we fix this? 

What we need to do and what actually we’re in the process of doing… me and a couple people in this in my side are we are going to our assembly person in this side and say we would like dispensaries on our side of the map in our district. And once you get enough people to explain why you need it in your area. A. it’s closer to me. B. It’s in a nicer area and by keeping cannabis in the more industrial kind of local rundown areas. It just keeps the negative stigma where if you have a nice really well run you know a nice looking dispensary in a you know in a non industrial area. It could be perfect it could be amazing and it would change the whole idea of having a be a stigma now it’s like a reputable health and wellness location.

Honey Smith Walls 23:44

And I have one right over here just up the street for man there’s a Wendy’s across the street and McDonald’s just you know half a block away and there’s a Publix grocery store behind it. So it has been set in town. And so because of…

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 24:02

Honey? Just giving you a heads up… you cut out for seven seconds.

Honey Smith Walls 24:05

Oh okay, thanks. The phone was ringing. I don’t know why it even cut into this but technology and it’s a full moon tonight. So don’t forget to go out and howl.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 24:17

Oh an aside note, just a shout out to you and to my friends at Tokativity. Tokativity is having a woman’s only event and it’s to bring in… this is a little bit more on the spiritual side, a little less on the medicinal side…. where I am…. We need it all. Yeah, but they are doing a networking. It’s always a networking event for women who are interested in the cannabis field or just curious about the cannabis field or in the cannabis field. And it’s so that women can network and bond about our mutual work that we’re all doing so for those of you interested in cannabis in cannabis, whatever curious about cannabis, definitely look into the Tokativity event that they have tonight.

Honey Smith Walls 25:04

They’ve been around for a while now, right? Correct. Yeah, it’s like three or four months more something like that. Yeah, yeah.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 25:15

For years and the I believe the CEO I believe she’s the CEO but the person who I’ve always known as the owner, the person in charge has been Lisa Snyder, and she does a fantastic things for both women and for cannabis. She’s a huge advocate. She is a really huge um you know, really gets in there and make sure that we’re seen as a important and util and in proper industry, as well as making sure that women are heard and that the idea of some women supporting women is such a huge thing for her as well as, you know, women supporting you know, other people like whether it’s, you know, the the I’m going to screw it up so I apologize everybody, but it’s the LG

Honey Smith Walls 26:00


Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 26:02

Thank you B T Q and then plus.

Honey Smith Walls 26:04

And then now they’ve got an eye on the end of it, I think or a tea I’m not I can’t keep up

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 26:10

It keeps getting longer so I get it. I started forgetting what the full thing… like I knew it stands for… but the whole thing is, they really support you know, the gay, the you know the gay rights and it’s so big. So you know, between cannabis and you know, gay rights and and women how they like you know, women empowering women. It’s really just such a beautiful place to go especially if you’re a woman that’s kind of struggling right now with the world with what’s happening with oil. Exactly. So it’s just a great place to go. You can talk, to be able to also go in a social place, it’s virtual of course because its zoom, but…

Honey Smith Walls 26:57

Do you know what time it starts?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 27:00

I do… it starts at 6pm Eastern Standard Time. 

Honey Smith Walls 27:06

Score! Okay, I can make it. Oh awesome, because guess who else is on tonight at seven? Dr. Dustin Sulak Oh, I love Dr. Dustin. I do too and I try never to miss his stuff. So but I really want to go to the Tokativity thing… I’m so glad you told me about it now. I’ll hurry up and put some notices up on Facebook and LinkedIn too for our friends to see.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 27:29

I’ll send you the thing off of LinkedIn that Lisa posted because I think it’s just such a…. and I think especially for your women viewers, I think it’s so… It’s just the greatest thing about it is… if you say to yourself, I smoke… a lot of people will say to themselves they actually consume cannabis flour as a social way too but it’s a medical social way like we’re talking and being able to use their flower with other people at the same time and kind of relax and then it’s almost like a therapy session. So it’s a beautiful therapy session that allows women to be comfortable being in the same place with other women and to really you know, appreciate what we have and the fact that we can utilize this plant based medicine together and to support each other.

Honey Smith Walls 28:18

It’s no surprise that they consider this a therapy plant. Oh yeah. Yeah, it really provides a lot of of healing, spiritual healing, emotional healing, physical healing. It really does.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 28:36

Oh, absolutely. It’s, it’s, this is why like, my whole mindset of how I work with patients is very backwards. Now originally, of course everybody went to medicine, you know, prescriptions,  and based off of my background with both cannabis and herbal supplements, in my opinion, if I’m going to start a patient on like when I work directly with a physician, but see my own patients at the facility… I very often will go for… because it’s an integrative health type of care… So it is known to be plant based medicine as well… we’ll utilize traditional Chinese medicines and so a lot of Eastern medicines and cannabis and other plant based medicines first, because the whole thing is is that you’re less likely to have side effects… you’re less likely to have interactions, you’re less likely to have any negative effects. 

It might not be strong enough to fix the problem and that’s why I would say the prescription should be secondary. You do your Integrative Health plant based medicines first, you know, with your practitioner, make sure that they’re working at a level for you and if they’re not hitting that level, and you’re already on like a larger dose, then we know okay, we need Western medicine to help us as well… because I’m a firm believer of why not use utilizing every single tool you’ve got in your toolkit. If you’ve got the plant based meds along with the prescriptions along with supplements along with herbals, you should use every single one of them to help patients and there’s no reason not to.

I always say it’s like… why would you use a wrench to hammer in a nail… if you know instead of a hammer, like you got a hammer use the hammer and it’s like use what you’ve got in your toolkit… you got so many options that going into prescriptions is not always the best for people.

Honey Smith Walls 30:16

Well it kind of feels like this is a renaissance period for renewal of a lot of things and not renewal but refurbishing a lot of systems and ideas. Do you know who I’m talking about when I say Elizabeth Mack and her Green Nurses?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 30:40

I’m working with Elizabeth Mac at Holistic Caring. I’m going to be… where we are at Holistic Caring. We haven’t set it up yet. We’re still in the process but a colleague of mine, another pharmacist and I are both working together to set up the practitioner side and her provider side of her educational material. So we get more in so that there’s a nursing side and a patient side which really kind of goes over the basics. But our side that might be my other colleague and I are doing is to focus on a module for providers so that they can go into it and then they can actually help utilize the information we give with their patients. 

Honey Smith Walls 31:23

So can you provide a module for the patients too… so that we can begin understanding what the differences are in the various medical specialties and you know, just like the ones that you said, God, why can’t I just pick up the phone and call a PT if I fell and busted my ankle?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 31:44

Exactly. So they actually do… Holistic Caring does have patient modules already. They do go through and it’s set more of a basic… so it doesn’t get super sciencey and super technical. It gets it to the to the level of where people will get the info they need to know, but it doesn’t like use a lot of frustrating and confusing medical jargon… where the provider side is a little bit more in depth into their research and who like that kind of stuff. So there is a patient thing. So there is if anybody’s looking for like a course for patients to learn about different ailments and how to treat them. There they definitely have that but we’re gonna be working on that provider but also through her. 

Once that’s done,  I will be one of her coaches. 

So as patients start signing up once that’s done, the patients will start being able to sign up and once they do, I’ll be able to start seeing patients through Holistic Caring as well as through my own Alchemist Consulting. 

Oh it expands it and and just to mention something that you mentioned before about we need to do something in California. We are doing something we’ve just started there is a group of six pharmacists in the state of California. I am one of them. I’m actually the treasurer, which was an arbitrary title currently. We are called the Pharmacists Cannabis Coalition of California (PCCC). And our focus is we do not so we do not we do not sell any products. We do not distribute any products we do not manufacture any products we do not grow any products. Our focus is education only. And it is to help the education for the you know, to help with you know, enforcing regulation on dispensary regulation to enforce labeling regulation because the labels out in California are all all over the place and labels gonna say so patients can’t figure out what meds or what dosage they’re taking based on the packaging issue. So we’re, we’re fixing it we’re helping to fix labeling. The other big thing we’re focused on fixing is…

Honey Smith Walls 33:59

Hey friends, we’re gonna stop here so you can go live your life for a minute, but want you to know that we’ll be back to continue this series with our good friend Dr Leah Johnson, who takes us behind the curtain of not only our medical industry culture, but the pharmacology of cannabis, and how it works for us. And friends, Dr Leah is only a text message away to help you quell your tummy issues, understand your personal chemical mixology, and help you figure out a solution to your medical pharmacology issues. 

If you’re not satisfied with your quality of life on that handful of prescription pills. Then just text Dr Leah and she’ll follow up with a free 15 minute chat, all about you. She’ll look at your mess of pills and work with your physician to make you more comfortable while educating you about the needs of your body.  Invest in your health by texting. Area code 408-418-8802 Don’t bother writing it down, I’ll put it in the show notes, but I’m going to tell you anyway. And you can also email her at Dr Leah that’s D R L E A H, one word, the at sign Don’t bother, writing it down… you know where it is… in my show notes. Also it will be on my website so thank you for hanging out with us. And a personal note to our dear friend, Dr Leah. Thank you for helping me through this particular moment. Gosh, I appreciate you so much. 

Pax Vobiscum everybody. 

Transcribed by



You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls (that’s me) about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of becoming diagnosed for problems and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues. 

Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies to find help in a cannabis expert in your area. Visit 

And unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia or worse. 

It would mean the world to me for you to join my dear audience. If you subscribe to the podcast, you won’t miss the latest news about cannabis straight from the source. And if you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll be part of a project to understand the effects of cannabis on the public. Your anecdotal cannabis testimonies are priceless to me. So it’s not just you learning. It’s me learning what you need to learn. Then I can make that happen for you and show you the way without being repetitive for those advanced patients. There’s so much to learn. And it’s fascinating. Come on along on this cannabis journey with us and be part of a real time study. I’ll report back to the scientist about you informally, of course, and they’ll report their new discoveries to us. I love the synergy in the heart of the moment. You’ll find medical citations posted on my podcast blog when you visit to subscribe at  That’s 

Transcribed by



Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from historical and modern leaders in cannabis science: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here:  

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –
  8. Dr. Leah Johnson: Email: and (Text Only: 408-418-8802)
  9. Pharmacists Cannabis Coalition of California (PCCC): Brand New…Check Dr. Leah’s site and LinkedIn for official link.
  10.  Dr. Alan Ao can be found at another new org: 

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.

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