CV 126 – Canna Kid Considerations

November 12, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely uncensored, while educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis, what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. 

Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare, philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn, and reconsider. The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians, doing the work and reporting their findings in real time, through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and Jama, The Journal of American Medical Association. And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. 

Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists, online, over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture, but I’m not a medical doctor or scientist, although I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike to research the facts as we know them today and decide, alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist. Just here to explain this great big story, and the language of cannabis in its historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Hello my friends,

When I was a kid, tobacco companies were still lying to the public. Drinking your weight in alcohol at parties was perfectly acceptable. And Bennies were my mother’s best friend. I was 14 when I took my first toke off a wrinkled little worm of a joint. I’d already been smoking cigarettes for years because everyone in my family did. My very own grandfather thought it was cute to let me start up his pipe before I was barely out of diapers. Trying a joint was hardly anything to write home about. Everyone was doing it. And not a single person in my family ever said a word about smokin pot to me. I doubt if they knew anything about my clandestine behavior or the products I was experimenting with. Even if they did, the culture in our house was silence. We didn’t speak of anything important. Just the weather and proper dinner etiquette… which fork to use.

When I used cannabis the first time… it didn’t take. And it didn’t take the second time, either. But the third time I tried pot, my mind elevated to several different levels simultaneously that I’d never known. Time and space went wacka wacka. My mouth got dry as a popcorn fart and suddenly every single thing I saw and heard seemed exceptionally and hysterically funny.  I instantly loved getting high. My mind not only escaped the emotional brutality of life at hand for a sad lonely kid… I felt happy.  

That was monumental for me.

But that’s not how my friend felt. He broke out into a clammy sweat. He got really paranoid. He was extremely anxious and said his heart was pounding. We smoked the same joint. I didn’t have any of those feelings. Nobody knew what to do to help him because they weren’t doctors. They were kids. And nobody wanted to take him to a doctor because we’d all get in trouble! Kid Logic!

So what happened?

Well, we made him drink water and eat a couple crackers and lay down on the couch while we all continued to have a blast dancing and listening to rock and roll records on the phonograph. Yep, I’m that old. Within an hour, my friend felt better and wanted some fresh air. He never used pot again that I know of. But it didn’t stop me. And he thought we were all crazy for continuing. We weren’t crazy… we were kids!

We don’t really know why some people don’t feel the effects of cannabis the first few times they ingest it… maybe they need “priming” like a pump.

And we don’t really know why some people feel anxious and paranoid on the same cannabis that makes others feel great! Maybe it didn’t mix well with something else they ingested.

But we do know that cannabis has over 500 compounds.(6) So ingesting them willynilly is logically the last thing you’d want to do.  Honestly? Why are you really trying cannabis at 14? Because somebody else suggested it and you didn’t have the wherewithal or need to say no? Let me give you some reasons to reconsider how you’re using it…

When you tried cannabis at a tender age and it gave you pleasure or calming relief or even negative effects of some kind, then what? Did you run home to your parents with the news? Of course not.

So where did you get your information about cannabis? Let’s see… a friend said it was cool and offered a puff even though you knew it was illegal. You didn’t know where it was grown but you did know the friend of a friend of a friend who brought it? You didn’t know what kind of cannabis it was except for the funny name but you did know that it probably wouldn’t hurt you… or so they kept saying. But you didn’t know that it could make some people feel terribly uncomfortable? You did make it home before curfew but you didn’t remember the ride home. And why are you using cannabis at that young age?  

If the answer is just for fun, then let me bless you with information:

  1. Your brain is not completely developed, 
  2. cannabis has a major effect on your neurons, 
  3. there’s no human testing yet, and 
  4. contamination is real in live plants and equals damage to humans. 

So let’s back up a bit and talk about who cannabis is good for.

5. Seizures are mysterious, sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbances in the brain. They can cause major changes in feelings, behaviors, or body movements. There have been very few effective prescription therapies for seizures that don’t also include other terrible side-effects. Until cannabis. Patients with seizure issues can now look to cannabis experts for help. (3) Handy reference for that at: 

Society of Cannabis Clinicians @ CANNABISCLINICIANS.ORG (7)





Seg 2

6. Cancer patients using harsh prescriptions often can’t eat from terrible nausea caused by the treatment. But using a little cannabis quells the tummy, returns the appetite, and diminishes the pain. (4)

7. Children with ADD are finding relief from chaos… in cannabis. The calming properties that settle chaotic minds and emotions are so helpful during learning.(5)

8. Arthritis has about 300,000 child victims. About 1 child in 1000 will have some arthritic issues by 13.(1) The anti inflammatory compounds in cannabis are a major source of pain relief that don’t have horrible side-effects.(2)

These are just some of the reasons off the top of my head but there are certainly many more why a child would be using cannabis to treat some issue.  But because of restrictions, we have not been allowed to research the plant entirely so we don’t know what the real information is yet.

9. However, medicinal cannabis is proving to be a game changer for humans and animals alike. So now if you feel like you’re having a problem with something, let’s find out what it is and how it can best be helped. But using cannabis at such a tender age on your own without guidance and medicinal strategy could possibly hide physical or emotional issues you may need to relate to an adult for a real fix. At that age you’re probably not on a handful of other prescriptions like adults, so the mixology in your tummy is mostly food and drink. But since you’re probably inhaling, it’ll all go to your head. 

10. See… another problem is if you’re using a vape pen with concentrated cannabis that includes THC, there’s several issues.  First, if the pen came from the illegal market, it probably has inferior materials that flake off into the concentrate and are toxic to humans. Second, if the pen is illegal, it won’t be 3rd party lab tested for contamination. Third, the cannabinoid concentrates in vape pens are also concentrating the contamination. Fourth, the concentrates build up your tolerance Uber fast! And smokin your brains out on cannabis can lead to hyper emesis… a wretched vomiting condition that makes the patient take unusually hot and long showers for relief. 

11. And here’s the last point I want to make about using vape pens.  They teach you dependence on the tool. Like you can’t be without your phone?  You don’t wanna go anywhere without your vape pen… not even to the bathroom! It gets ridiculous! What’s wrong with that? Well cannabis is a medicine and you don’t need to consume it every few minutes. But that’s what having a vape pen encourages. And if you’re not using cannabis as a medicine, then you’re blowing your tolerance for pleasure. 

12. And by the way, when you use cannabis as medicine…. you’re taught to MICRO-DOSE! That means using the tiniest amount until you feel the effect.  It is not the same as passing fatty joints around a party where you have no idea what you’re ingesting or how much or whose DNA is left on the lip of that joint which now may include COVID-19 you’re about to suck into your body. God forbid if they start dabbing! That uses ultra concentrated product that only the most experienced patient should be using. Dabbing concentrates is NOT micro-dosing. It can very easily blow your tolerance.

So I wish somebody could’ve told me the truth about cannabis when I was a kid. I heard enough about heroin that I never wanted to try it. I knew the effects of Bennies on my mother so I stayed away from those.  Everybody in my family drank so I followed their alcoholic traits as well.  Yet nobody ever talked to me about drinking. Well, my sister got tired of me puking on double dates. But her anger didn’t stop me. Cannabis did. I found that I could replace that binge drinking for fun with a cannabis aid to introspection and assessment of myself. Talk therapy works. And so does cannabis. Mindfully.

I know my family couldn’t tell me the truth about cannabis because they didn’t know. The whole world was being properly propagandized over cannabis by some crooked guys in control. But we’re trying to correct that now. And science has finally stepped up to shine a light of truth on the plant. It is good for us. But we know so little, allowing 500 chemicals into the hands of experimenting kids just isn’t the right way to approach the plant.

I wish my family had known what I do now about cannabis.  I wish they would’ve talked to me about cigarettes, alcohol, and other bad drugs to avoid. I wish they could’ve listened to my fears and anxieties about my world and helped me get past them with their support instead of ignoring me to find my own way wherever and however I could.

I wish my family could’ve painted a hopeful picture of what to expect on this planet instead of leaving me with an empty head to try to figure it out. 

So I’m writing this to all the kids out there who use cannabis right now.  You’re doin it wrong. You’re using too much. You’re harming yourself through contamination and 


Even that stuff you got from your cousin in Colorado or your best friend in California. If you don’t have a 3rd party lab test attached to that batch, it’s as nasty as you can imagine with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, molds, mildew, heavy metals, and bat guano. 

Now if you’re using a concentrated product…. You just concentrated the contamination too.

Is THAT what you want circling around the neurons in your brain??? Concentrated contamination?

And what if you already have a childhood disease? You want that poison circulating in your body that your poor little immune system will have to try to fight as well?

There are all kinds of righteous reasons to use cannabis as a kid. But please, use it correctly. Get an expert adult to teach you how to choose the right cannabinoids for your issue. That means a visit with a doctor to find out what’s wrong… but then you get fixed!

I know how fun cannabis can be… and when you have the proper cannabinoid therapy for whatever your needs, then you’ll be able to enjoy it. But until you learn the proper way, please… do no harm.

And if your parental units are still too shy to talk to you about all this, find a cannabis expert who can help you. There are plenty of them in the link I provided and more when you visit my show notes and website.  You’ll find this episode in blog form there.

Pax Vobiscum my young courageous friends… That means Peace be with you in Latin 😉

  1. arthritis child facts –
  2. Cannabis side-effects –
  3. Seizures and Cannabis –….pdf
  4. Cancer and Cannabis –
  5. Cannabis and ADD –
  6. 500 Compounds in Cannabis –
  7. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  8. Letter to Parents – I need to tell you something!


Honey Smith Walls 30:25

Hey, my friends. Have you seen my website lately I haven’t told anybody yet and it’s not quite finished. But you’re some of the very first to hear it. I just want to share with a few friends, please. It’s so pretty. And I’m so proud of it, please visit my new site at Cannaba I’ll leave a link for you in my show notes and lalala but, oh, go see my website. And I’ve never asked this before but I’m building a podcast audience and my marketing exposure grows with your views and likes and comments. It would be so helpful if you could take a moment to like my show, download any of my helpful free cannabis tools from my website, navigating your way through this era of cannabis discovery and visit my resource page where you’ll find trusted friends in the industry. Thank you for joining the Cannaba Verum family, we love learning scientific truths together from real doctors and nurses and real pharmacists and advocates like me. Don’t forget visit my brand new website at Cannaba and be sure leave some love while you’re there. Thanks so much. 

You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, it just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices, Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. 

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog at the website. 

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U 


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here: 

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman honey Smith walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, it just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices, Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. 

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog. The Cannaba website. 

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U 


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here: 

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

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