CV 125 ThePracticalNurse.LIFE Part II

November 8, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely uncensored, while educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis, what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. 

Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare, philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn, and reconsider. The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians, doing the work and reporting their findings in real time, through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and Jama, The Journal of American Medical Association. And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. 

Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists, online, over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture, but I’m not a medical doctor or scientist, although I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike to research the facts as we know them today and decide, alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist. Just here to explain this great big story, and the language of cannabis in its historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest. 

Guest Promo

Hey, my friends, we’re jumping back into conversation with Nurse Jennifer Brooks from Oklahoma. She’s been telling us all about her experiences in that neck of the woods, as they have only been a green state for the past couple of years. And so she’s got her work cut out for, and we’ve been enjoying that whole story. Come on along and help me finish up this wonderful conversation with our new friend, Nurse Jennifer Brooks.

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I think I just lost you. Oh, there you are. You said you’re so interested in topicals for wound care. Okay well as soon as the show is over. I want to talk to you about some business ideas we can discuss later. When curious ears can’t hear us because I have got some of the greatest ideas and I bet you do too, in wound care. You know when they discovered that cannabis kills Mersa and a lot of other nasty bacterial issues that we’ve had a long time trying to fight, and it’s still a Schedule One. So, what that really means to science is that our scientists cannot study the plant for positive effects in the United States. Isn’t that ridiculous? It’s because it’s a Schedule One.

Nurse Jennifer 3:57

It’s insane because, I mean, how beneficial this plant can be for humanity, it’s just, it’s mind boggling, because it’s so beneficial. We’re saying homes can be built with this… clothing….

Honey Smith Walls 4:13

Cars and airplanes are already made out of cannabis. and clothing,

Nurse Jennifer 4:20

And clothing! And think about nurses scrubs and microbial effects.

Honey Smith Walls 4:27

Yeah. Yes, yeah, Yeah, we got to get past the corruption and that’s all it is, it is simply corruption that is keeping cannabis, a Schedule One because Big Pharma, Big Cotton, Big Oil, BIG, you know, all of that they don’t want cannabis coming in here. Alcohol sure as hell doesn’t, because it’s already being replaced. You know, far fewer issues with alcohol in the states where cannabis is legal. Goodness, no kidding. The corporation’s have lied to us long enough. And I feel like the women coming out and coming up, and getting involved in politics and governing and control in corporations is rebalancing, you know, all of these issues, because we just can’t continue being corporate creeps to society.

Nurse Jennifer 5:37

I agree. I totally agree, you know,  we do need to look at things a little bit with a different view, you know, and obviously women have a different view.

Honey Smith Walls 5:48

Tell us about your company. Do you have a company name and website?

Nurse Jennifer 5:52


Honey Smith Walls 5:52

Tell us what’s going on with all that.

Nurse Jennifer 5:55

So I’m, I am on Facebook. So that’s The Practical Nurse. And then I have my website. It’s ThePracticalNurse.LIFE  I’m just doing cannabis coaching, I went through multiple educational places just learning. I mean I started off going to Little Rock someone had given me a ticket a free ticket to go watch a cannabis nurse in Little Rock, and it just sparked an interest in me. Um, I think that was in 2016 when I did that, and then I just started reading articles and, and just reaching out to people probably thinking who was this crazy woman. What is she. What is she trying to do. I really didn’t know what I was trying to do, I was just getting information. I’m an LPN as a nurse. I was a charge nurse. And my job was to choose needed medicines, PRN medicines for patients. So you know if I had someone who was really sundowning or really having a lot of anxiety just different things, you know, I use my nursing skill to try to help them, and I thought you know that’s how I’m going to guide people because I had that experience, you know, I’m going to use all these years of my nursing in an appropriate way and see if it can mitigate those things. And I said when I do my assessment, that’s what I’m looking at… I’m looking at what are the things… what are our goals, what are we trying to do, you know, yes, and, and that’s their quality of life they want to improve on, they want to be happier. They want to feel better, they want to engage with their family. I’m a member of American Cannabis Nurse Association, and Holistic Care.

Honey Smith Walls 7:37

Did you tell me about Green Nurses?

Nurse Jennifer 7:41

Green Nurses are with Holistic Care,

Honey Smith Walls 7:46

and did you just mention Holistic Care?

Nurse Jennifer 7:47

Yes, ma’am. Um,

Honey Smith Walls 7:51

Because I just contacted them and joined their membership. Because you told me about them, and they are Elizabeth MAC right? Yes, ma’am. Right. Wow. What an impressive organization.

Nurse Jennifer 8:14

Yes, full, full of information and you have access to these amazing people who have so much knowledge. And like I said I’m just, I’m learning every day, you know, right. Reaching out and saying hey, I mean I have a network of amazing nurses that I can reach out to and say hey I have this patient. I’m needing help, what’s your experience? And I mean, someone is willing to help you. Because they’ve had experienced with this, I have access to these amazing women and men that are out here doing this and have been doing it for years. Yep.

Honey Smith Walls 8:54

Yeah, I have to say the men who have joined us in this industry really are great.

Nurse Jennifer 9:01

Oh yes,

Honey Smith Walls 9:02

They really are great. They’re open minded and they’re egalitarian, and you know it’s just, it’s lovely to share this space with men who treat everybody as equals. Yes, you know, like, no matter your level of education, or gender, or color or whatever.

Nurse Jennifer 9:29

Well you know I think cannabis is a great equalizer.

Honey Smith Walls 9:33

Yeah, I think you’re right. I really do. It’s just such a beautiful leveling of emotions and expansion of minds all at the same time. You know, you sit down at like when we used to be able to sit down with friends and enjoy a joint, right, and I gotta say, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either. With using cannabis socially. 

But I’m having a hard time sort of reconciling the medicinal angle and the adult use, and the medical marijuana dispensaries, who, you know, the dispensary is still pushing products. And even though the products are allegedly clean. Sans you know, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, heavy metals, And, you know, everything. So, but they’re still pushing products, and they’re pushing them in concentrated forms, and God forbid if any of those concentrates have contamination in them, the contamination is concentrated and people with cancer and sad immune systems like me, you know, if you’ve got arthritis, you’ve got a sad immune system. Yeah, sorry how your immune system is bent. You know, if you’ve got diabetes oh there you go, you know, you got anything, fibromyalgia, any thing.

Nurse Jennifer 11:07

Because it’s all regulated by that in the endocannabinoid system.

Honey Smith Walls 11:11

It surely is. So you feed your endocannabinoid system with the right juju, and you’re going to feel better. Yep. 

But that’s not what the adult use people are saying they’re just talking about using the highest count of percentage of THC, to get the highest you can be. And it’s not for everyone but if you don’t know that cannabis makes you anxious, and you go out to have a good time and you sit down, however many percentage of THC is in that whatever that you just took…

God, I’ve had horrific telephone calls from girlfriends who ate their grandson’s brownies, and suddenly she thought her heart was gonna explode, and she felt paralyzed. She could not move her hands or arms in the chair and she sat right there and had a panic attack for hours, and that was horrible. And that was before I knew how to help her. Yeah, so I just sat there on the telephone with her thinking oh my god this is terrible. Oh my god, I’ve never heard of such a horrible thing… oh my god, what, what can be done you know oh my god this is awful. And, yeah, this could be awful for a lot of people who go out for adult use, and have a severe panic attack. Because, you know, it hit their anxiety button.

Nurse Jennifer 12:50

Yeah, I mean, what is the harm in CBD rich products, because that’s what regulates the THC, I mean, am I wrong?

Honey Smith Walls 13:05

No, that’s correct. CBD can really tame that THC. And that’s how they’re balancing. Usually they’re trying to put hybrids together and one-to-ones, you know hybrids of sativas and indicas which are not really the, not the right terms to use for that. But, but that’s how the industry has gone with indicas and sativas. They’ve reclassified it for Type 1, 2, and 3. Type 2 is the hybrid and Type 1 is either all THC and Type 3 is all CBD, or more leaning towards. So those are the new classifications for cannabis now, but you’re not gonna find dispensaries using those terminologies anytime soon, it’s all it’s all Granddaddy Kush and Sweet Mama Purple and all that bullshit.

Nurse Jennifer 14:00

And how do we know that’s truly what it is?

Honey Smith Walls 14:03

Furthermore, without having the slightest indication of what the content is… of what the cannabinoid content is and what the percentage of THC is in the Mama Kush, you know the Mama Kush or the Granddaddy Whatever or Purple Whatever. The names are just so ridiculous and meaningless. It’s frustrating to me. And then, you know, you go into a dispensary and the little 12 year old bud tenders, try to sell you something that the last guy just bought because “he liked this one”. So what! Does he have all the issues and I have with my hormonal makeup?

Nurse Jennifer 14:45

Well, it’s so individualized and even if something that I, like you said, if I just absolutely love it you try it and it’s not appropriate for you because we’re not trying to reach the same goals,

Honey Smith Walls 14:57

Right, that’s precisely it. So, I love what you’re doing I think your business is wonderful, and thank you for the inspiration that you’ve given me on well, we’ve got a lot to talk about girl. 

Our audience is gonna go away thinking about you nursing in Oklahoma and all the friends that they know who are nurses and how that they could get into this. And when I go… we need to we need to pass this word around every time… when I go see a pharmacist now to pick up meds at like Walmart pharmacy or Walgreens or the Publix grocery store pharmacy or wherever, even CVS, I asked them, I asked those pharmacists if they’re aware of the new pharmacist movement in cannabis, and they go, “What? No, tell me more.” And I said, Well, there’s a whole group of expert cannabis pharmacists, now they’ve been clinically trained as pharmacists, and they studied cannabis, and now they are the liaison between the doctor and the patient too. So… because who studies chemicals? Pharmacists… for years and years they study those chemicals and what all of their contraindications are with each other. And so now these cannabis pharmacists are coming out telling us what the problems might be with a person who has heart issues or eye issues, or you know just a few things that we’re finding out, and then they’re able to help the doctors process all of that so much better, easier and faster so it’s an amazing thing to watch online at LinkedIn.





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Honey Smith Walls

Have you seen Dr Codi Peterson yet?

Nurse Jennifer 17:21

I have and I think he’s connected with Holistic Care.

Honey Smith Walls 17:27

Are you kidding? So is Dr Leah Johnson!

Nurse Jennifer 17:31

I listened to your podcasts with her, and earlier conferences.

Honey Smith Walls 17:41

She’s just precious, she’s just wonderful. I mean, have you ever even uh well of course you have… but I’d never even heard of a pediatric pharmacist before I learned of Dr. Codi Peterson, and the work that he does in cannabis with children.

Nurse Jennifer 18:00

It’s so important. I did home health with a pediatric patient. It was wonderful. Yes, it is but, you know, of course, I just feel like that’s where we need to also fill that gap, like you said bridge the gap for those kids because, you know, so many beneficial things for cannabis even like massage oils for cerebral palsy patients you know these types of things would be so beneficial if I could have had that. My Lord, when I was there.

Honey Smith Walls 18:34

That’s a thought I’d never bubbled up before but oh my goodness, it’s huge. Just lotion for people with cerebral palsy.

Nurse Jennifer 18:44

Yeah, I mean it’s just, I have a million ideas because I have worked with these patients and I just know how they would benefit. I have these visions of how could I help this particular patient. Oh, I could do that. Oh I know, you know, but it’s going to get there, it’s going to get there.

Honey Smith Walls 19:06

It is. But it’s going to take systems and organizing those systems and getting them into place and reversing the propagandized minds of doctors and nurses, you know this stigma and patients too. We call it cannabis naïveté now, and, you know it’s not their fault, it’s the fault of the few old white guy oligarchs who planned and plotted all of this and so it’s nobody’s fault that we don’t know about it now except those guys and those guys are gone. Now we have science to shine the light of cannabinoid live Plant Therapy, and how wonderful it’s going to be to help us around the globe. And once we get all past that fear, like, how you’re helping patients and doctors alike. Girl, you’re a candle lit at both ends. And it’s fascinating to watch. And it makes me so proud for you. Really.

Nurse Jennifer 20:14

Thank you.

Honey Smith Walls 20:15

Really, it does. I am just, I’m just so tickled to meet you, Jennifer and to hear about the work you’re doing. And I want to know anytime anything new happens with you, please feel free and comfortable to come back to Cannaba Verum and tell our audience what you’ve been up to and what’s going to be new for us to hear.

Nurse Jennifer 20:39

Now be careful because I’ll be texting you! I think that’s a great thing.

Honey Smith Walls 20:49

We’re already girlfriends so I was expecting that. Yes. Yeah, it’s been really wonderful to make new friends, and I’m so pleased that we’re sisters in cannabis, because there’s a lot of work needed, and we’re capable, and with your work in Oklahoma and our friends out in California goodness yes. And all of us here in Florida will make it across the US, we’ll get it there.

Nurse Jennifer 21:18

We’re headed that way.

Honey Smith Walls 21:20

We’re headed that way. Honey tell us again how the audience can get in touch with you.

Nurse Jennifer 21:28

So, I have my website, it’s the practical nurse dot life

Honey Smith Walls 21:36

Is that L I F E?

Nurse Jennifer 21:38

Yes, yes. Okay,

Honey Smith Walls 21:40

So the practical nurse dot life L I F, E, I love that. That’s a good one. Yeah,

Nurse Jennifer 21:49

So that’s the goal, the practical applications of cannabis… how we can use this in our everyday life.

Honey Smith Walls 21:57

Fantastic. Are you familiar with that great little app called Canva, CANVA.

Nurse Jennifer 22:10

I am. I’m learning… its fun until it’s not.

Honey Smith Walls 22:16

I’ll walk you through it. Okay, which is okay because it took me a little bit too but you know… it’s really…. once you sort of get the hang of it, it’s pretty user friendly. It’s so easy to slap our pictures and verbiage in there to get our word out through marketing promos, so I love that and it’s just fun as a business woman to find fun little apps that feels like I’m coloring, you know,

Nurse Jennifer 22:42

I need to just get my grandkids to help me right through it.

Honey Smith Walls 22:49

We’ll do a zoom meet, how’s that.  All right. Gosh, it’s been fun. Is there anything else other than the practical

Nurse Jennifer 22:58

Um, I am on Facebook under the practical nurse. Oh that’s great and Instagram. Also, and like I said I’m still developing and I’ve got some other ideas that I’m working on. I was wanting to put together a caregivers education, because we can have caregivers here in Oklahoma.

Honey Smith Walls 23:22

Yeah, yeah. Well we’ve got a type of caregiver here in Florida but it’s not the kind that I mean, it’s not a nurse that can help us in a nursing elder home.

Nurse Jennifer 23:35

This will be a family member, you know, that are interested in helping, and you know I think that everybody is interested but there’s just maybe the fear. And so, if you’re not being guided and you’re the caregiver that’s scary.

Honey Smith Walls 23:51

So hard. How do you, how are you getting the word out in Oklahoma? Through these measures like your website and going on a variety of podcasts and stuff like that?

Nurse Jennifer 24:06

Well, mostly. I had started working with a chiropractor and some other clinicians, then you’ve got to kind of follow the path of the patient. Yeah, in those areas because I’ve just found it to be easier… word of mouth is golden.

Honey Smith Walls 24:25

Word of mouth is golden, you cannot beat word of mouth.

Nurse Jennifer 24:29

Yeah, and right now. I’ve been staying pretty busy. I mean, there’s a lot of people that are just really curious about how this can benefit and a lot of these people have already been to physicians and they’re like, Hey, you, you’re not really a candidate for surgery, you’re not really a candidate, when we tried everything I’m really kinda at a place where I’m not sure how we can improve.

Honey Smith Walls 24:53

Yeah, it’s a shame that it’s still at the, you know, end of the line type of therapy but that’s okay. We’re gonna change that.

Nurse Jennifer 25:02

Right yes, well, but you know once you educate someone, then they’re a little bit less fearful of cannabis and then they’ll recommend you know maybe we should try this, and then start talking to the physician, I am going to try to utilize something like your letters that you have.

Honey Smith Walls 25:18

Oh, I’ll send them to you oh thank you and I found a new one today that you should look at too. We’ll talk about that more later. Okay, okay, that’s a great idea and I think it’s very helpful, you can send that out, you know, and give that as a gift to your patients to just take my letter and make it yours honey because its okay. It’s just, you know, however you want to do it and then I’ll try to remember to send you a copy of that other letter I just found today. I’ve never seen another Dear Doctor letter like mine, and this is from, oh, I know where it is, it’s at Green Nurses!

Nurse Jennifer 25:55

Green Nurses. Okay, I’ll have to, I need to dig through some, some more of their stuff, you know, there’s so much information,

Honey Smith Walls 26:01

So much it’s just, it’s wonderful. It’s wonderful. But yeah it does take some time and, you know, you can, you can actually go get a really good patient cannabis education there. But that’s what you’re building too, right?

Nurse Jennifer 26:23

Yes absolutely. I mean, I have access to the Green Nurses which I love, I love the group. They have so much information and wonderful personalities.

Honey Smith Walls 26:38

That Elizabeth Mac is pretty amazing she just really made me feel comfortable immediately when I saw the video and listened to what she had to say, that was great. You’re pretty good with people yourself.

Nurse Jennifer 26:52

Thank you. You really are.

Honey Smith Walls 26:54

I bet your family is really proud of you.

Nurse Jennifer 26:57

I think so, I think, I hope so. I mean they haven’t ever said otherwise but you know I had a goal and an idea of what I wanted to do and I just stuck with it regardless of what.  I put my blinders on.

Honey Smith Walls 27:10

I did too, and you had to because people were naysayers for me too. And you just have to blast through that… don’t listen to it… and keep going. Nancy Pelosi says, “Age quod Agis” it means put one foot in front of the other, and do it to the best of your ability. 

And I went to Monte Casino in Tulsa, so I had, Latin was the first class of the day for me, because we all had to go to Mass every day. And so you put your little Latin, you know, primer in your hand and say the mass and follow along and so I find that I found that using Latin to help me, expose the truth about cannabis was a useful tool, and that’s where Cannaba Verum came for my company name. I thought that all of the cutesy cannabis names had been taken up when I was looking for, you know websites and stuff like that, to buy for a company. And, and so I just fell back onto my Latin, experiences, and decided to go with Cannaba Verum. Turned out, even though I didn’t realize that at the time that I’d hang out with doctors and scientists, and they all know exactly what it means. So it’s nice to, to be a lay woman if you will, you know, I’m not a nurse, I’m not a doctor, I’ve never been to medical school, but I’ve got six years of intense cannabis education, like you do from a variety of companies and certificates, you know, I’ve been certificated. Well that would make my English teacher roll over in his grave if he heard me say that. Anyway, you know, long story short,  this industry has been so much fun. And I think that you as a leader in Oklahoma is a really great thing, and the right place to be in history. And that’s why I think your family and friends are probably really really proud of you, Jennifer.

Nurse Jennifer 29:29

Thank you. Thank you so much, that means a lot.

Honey Smith Walls 29:33

My pleasure. I’m sure it does. I know it feels good to know that somebody really validates what you’re doing. And it took a while before I found those people for me. But now that we found each other that’s how we help, right.

Nurse Jennifer 29:48

Yes, ma’am.

Honey Smith Walls 29:49

That’s right,

Nurse Jennifer 29:50

If anyone knew how long we’ve been trying to make this happen today.

Honey Smith Walls 29:55

Wasn’t that funny. It was a real odyssey of mishaps, I don’t know why. There were four times that we tried to get on to do this recording, before we finally made it and you even had to go make a trip to buy equipment I’m sorry, I sure did…but we did it. Okay, thank you, girl. That’s what I love about Tulsa girls that stick to itiveness that’s right. I’m so, so tickled to have spent this time with you, dear. I’ll talk to you again real soon.

Nurse Jennifer 30:23

Yes, ma’am. All right, take care.

Honey Smith Walls 30:25

Hey, my friends. Have you seen my website lately? I haven’t told anybody yet and it’s not quite finished. But you’re some of the very first to hear it. I just want to share with a few friends, please. It’s so pretty. And I’m so proud of it, please visit my new site at Cannaba I’ll leave a link for you in my show notes and lalala but, oh, go see my website. And I’ve never asked this before but I’m building a podcast audience and my marketing exposure grows with your views and likes and comments. It would be so helpful if you could take a moment to like my show, download any of my helpful free cannabis tools from my website, navigating your way through this era of cannabis discovery and visit my resource page where you’ll find trusted friends in the industry. 

Thank you for joining the Cannaba Verum family, we love learning scientific truths together from real doctors and nurses and real pharmacists and advocates like me. Don’t forget… visit my brand new website at and be sure to leave some love while you’re there. Thanks so much. 

You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of becoming diagnosed for problems and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies to find help in a cannabis expert in your area, visit That’s cannabis, and unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system, who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS fibromyalgia, or worse.

It would mean the world to me, for you to join my dear audience. If you subscribe to the podcast, you won’t miss the latest news about cannabis straight from the source. And if you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll be part of a project to understand the effects of cannabis on the public. Your anecdotal cannabis testimonies are priceless to me. So it’s not just you learning, it’s me learning what you need to learn. Then I can make that happen and show you the way without being repetitive for those advanced patients. There’s so much to learn. And it’s fascinating. Come on along on this cannabis journey with us and be part of a real time study. I’ll report back to the scientist about you informally, of course, and they’ll report their new discoveries to us. I love the synergy in the heart of the moment. You’ll find medical citations posted on my podcasts blog when you visit to subscribe at That

Transcribed by


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, it just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices, Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. 

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog at the website. 

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U 


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here: 

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

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