CV 124 The Practical Nurse Life

November 5, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. 

I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on the safe use of this live plant therapy. 

You should know what’s in your cannabis. What’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval, yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept than Western health care philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. 

The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association.

I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. Because, I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture. But I’m not a medical doctor or scientist. Oh, I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike to research the facts as we know them today and decide alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, just here to explain this great big story and the language of cannabis in its historical, political and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.g

(Guest Promo)

Honey Smith Walls 2:14

Hey my friends, I want to introduce you to my new friend, Nurse Jennifer Brooks. Jennifer is an LPN from Oklahoma and she’s in the thick of it, trying to help bridge the gap between doctors and patients with her knowledge of cannabis. So let’s jump into Oklahoma today. Y’all know I’m from Tulsa, right? mmmMMmmmm 

Honey Smith Walls 3:08

Hey there. Can you hear me now? Boy, you sound great. Finally. Well, we’ve had a little escapade, just so our audience knows… of trying to get together. It’s been Wi Fi and probably carrier and probably headset and probably, you know, the moon in Mercury? Where where do you work, Jennifer? Who with or what do you do? Tell us!

Nurse Jennifer 4:14

Okay. I am a cannabis nurse. I own my own business. I am working with patients. I work with physicians and dispensaries and I have one dispensary in particular that I’m kind of working with right now. I’m just trying to help patients, you know, guide them on where they need to start with cannabis to be effective.

Honey Smith Walls 4:40

So can you kind of explain what the layout of Oklahoma cannabis looks like for a person who wants to start using it? What do they do? 

Nurse Jennifer 4:51

Well of course, you will have to go to your physician. We don’t have a list of diagnosis that we follow. It’s kind of at their discretion. I mean, you need to have a reason why obviously, pain or whatever the symptom may be.

Honey Smith Walls 5:09

You mean they leave a decision up to the doctor?

Nurse Jennifer 5:13

Well yep, that patient will go in and we’ll do their assessment and tell them you know, this is what the symptoms are and whether it’s you know, whether they’re going to be eligible to be a patient, a good candidate.

Honey Smith Walls 5:29

Whether it would benefit them to use cannabis. Well, what a novel idea letting the doctor make that decision. Well right. Well, you know, we have legislators in Florida that are trying to make that decision for the doctors. They’re trying to cap THC. They’re trying to tell the patients how much medicine they can have. But they don’t do that for Tylenol. They don’t do that for opioids. They don’t do that for you know, a lot of other things. They let the doctor decide that and so I’ve got a real bone to pick with our legislators here in Florida over cannabis laws, although I’m grateful, you know, we’ve got something going on at least. So I was really tickled when Oklahoma turned over and that was just what, two years ago?

Nurse Jennifer 6:21

Two years ago, I think. Yeah, two, three. Yeah, two years ago. Um, forgive me. I don’t remember the date. Exactly.

Honey Smith Walls 6:31

Yeah, doesn’t matter cuz nobody cares, but you know, well, nobody wants to have to… what do they call that… remember dates like we did in high school. Oh, my goodness. I can’t remember my grandkids birthdays! Ah, don’t tell anybody! Well, I put it all down in my phone and live off of my calendar. So that’s right. Um, you know, that’s probably handicapped my memory to relying on, you know, the artificial intelligence to think for me.

Nurse Jennifer 7:09

Well, I kind of do the same thing. So but you know,

Honey Smith Walls 7:13

that’s what AI does. So, we either utilize it well, or we don’t I guess.

Nurse Jennifer 7:20

Well, I don’t. I’m not the best but I’m learning.

Honey Smith Walls 7:24

Me too. I’m kind of proud of myself for staying in the high end of technology. I like advancing with technology and it just reminds us we can’t just, you know, stay still. We have to keep advancing, evolving, evolving. I love that. So when Oklahoma turned over, Jennifer, I thought it was for adult use. Am I wrong? Was it just for medical use?

Nurse Jennifer 7:53

Just medical use. 

Honey Smith Walls 7:57

I didn’t realize that Okay, then. And so who gets to dispense it?

Nurse Jennifer 8:05

Well, we have dispensaries everywhere in Oklahoma… everywhere.

Honey Smith Walls 8:13

That’s interesting. Are they are they all licensed by the state to be medical dispensaries of medical cannabis?

Nurse Jennifer 8:22

Absolutely. Yes. We have the OMA and, you know, to be honest with you, there’s so much going on and I’m, shame on me, because I should be more involved. But there’s so much talk back and forth. I mean, obviously, we have a program, very proud to have a program like you said, we’re all learning. We’re all creating this program. And there’s a lot of people that has a specific idea of how it should go and another group that has a specific idea of how it should go. I really focused on the patient because I’m a nurse, That’s what nurses do. Right? We focus on that patient and that’s where I put a lot of my energy because to be honest with you, I don’t know all of the ins and outs of sausage making. Yeah, and you know, I know I need to be more involved, because I am an advocate. But, uh, I’ve been a little turned off with, you know, you get in this Facebook world and you see this and you see that I really don’t know where I want to stand on some of some of the views. I focus on the patients in honing my skills as a cannabis nurse because that’s what I’m here for. For the patient and for people that want to learn to understand cannabis and how it can improve their lives.

Honey Smith Walls 9:46

Right. And science will point the direction. Our views should be seen through their eyes. The lens through which we should do cannabis. And I’m so grateful that we have, listen, if I hadn’t found audio books, you know, I’ve got this thing about reading… my eyes instantly start tearing up and vision blurs and I start yawning, it’s the most ridiculous thing. And this has happened to me since I was in a kid in school. And so reading has been very hard and then often I get you know, a little lexdyksic like… So, so when I found audible books, Ah, it brought science into my world. And when I began understanding the science of cannabis… holy mother lode of gold, it was like, I don’t know it just felt like eating chocolate cake every day for every meal.

Nurse Jennifer 10:54

Oh it’s addictive once you start learning and kind of understanding a little bit more. I went through multiple programs, multiple learning places…

Honey Smith Walls 11:09

Well, you can’t just go to one place and get all the info. It’s not like the universities that have all the classes yet, because they don’t. Only a few and they just only opened up this this year.

Nurse Jennifer 11:23

Yeah. And many of them are like Master degree level. And you know, I’m just not there yet.

Honey Smith Walls 11:29

Oh, I can’t be there either. I don’t have… you know, five, six more years to invest in educating on one single subject. I’ve got to get out and and help other people see how this is going and let them pick their own niches. I think I found my niche as a bridge, bringing you to my neighborhood in my neck of the woods and let my community see that there are nurses everywhere, even in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where they’ve just only had cannabis for two years. We’ve had cannabis here legally since 2015. So we’re a little more advanced than you are in probably our legislation and all of that. But that doesn’t mean anything because we’ve still got a bunch of Yahoo’s over here, trying to… like I said, dictate a cap on THC, and they don’t have any business doing that. That’s purely corrupt. And I just call those bastards out when I see them.

Nurse Jennifer 12:34

You are Tulsa girl! Yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 12:42

Hahahahahhaha. You couldn’t have said anything sweeter to me!  Really!

Nurse Jennifer 12:34

Well I’m glad you took it as a compliment.

Honey Smith Walls 12:52

But anyway, I didn’t mean to get up on my soapbox because what you’re doing, and I don’t mean to say that everybody has to do what I’m doing either. Because what you’re doing is really, really valuable and important. You’re the bridge to your own patients and your own doctors, and they’ll believe you faster than anybody would believe me! You’ve got credentials as long as your arm to back up what you’re saying.

Nurse Jennifer 13:16

Well, you know what really has gotten through to me is experience. Experience with cannabis. My mother, myself, and those were my first experiences with medical marijuana.

Honey Smith Walls 13:34

When did you first experience cannabis? Well, were you a kid like I was? I was probably 14… Maybe.

Nurse Jennifer 13:43

I was a little bit older. Because I grew up with the kind of parents that were kind of strict.

Honey Smith Walls 13:50 

Yeah, so you were a good girl.

Nurse Jennifer 13:53

You know, but it’s not that I was never around it. It was just by choice in my lifetime. I have no room to judge people. So I was curious, but I was a little scared, to be honest with you. And when I became an adult, that’s when I tried cannabis in my 20s.

Honey Smith Walls 14:14

Oh, no kidding. Like a party or something.

Nurse Jennifer 14:17

Yeah, you know, I was just so curious. 

Honey Smith Walls 14:20

Did you get high the first time you… I assumed you smoked?

Nurse Jennifer 14:25

Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I did. 

Honey Smith Walls: 14:30

What did you think about it? 

Nurse Jennifer 14:32

The first time I didn’t know if I liked it or not. I mean, obviously I liked it because I tried again, but I’m sure that it was not as potent as the cannabis that I can get my hands on now.

Honey Smith Walls 14:43

Yeah. I tried it a couple of times before it ever took. And I’ve heard people… well, you know, Dr. Dustin Sulak? He’s a DO up in Maine who has written the new Bible for clinicians. It’s called the Handbook of Cannabis for Clinicians, Practices and Principles. And he said, you know… with this grotesque lack of cannabis in our social culture, that we lack the necessary cannabinoids to balance our system. It’s called an endocannabinoid deficiency. And so if you starve your endocannabinoid system,  you know, of course we make our own endo cannabinoids but if you if you are not accustomed to having endocannabinoids or phyto cannabinoids, that which grows outside in the sun, then he’s suggesting and so does Dr. Ethan Russo, you might have to prime your ECS before you ever feel that jolt like we did. Of course, we don’t teach that way to start off, you know, at a party with a bunch of friends smoking your brains out. You know, we had no idea what we were smoking or how much we inhaled or…

Nurse Jennifer 16:29

just livin life. 

Honey Smith Walls 16:31

Just livin large with a bunch of friends smokin dope. It was so much fun. Yes. The golden days before. Yeah. The stupid golden days right? 

Nurse Jennifer 17:34

Before videos!

Honey Smith Walls 17:48

Oh, God. Yes. Thank goodness. Thank goodness. Oh, I’m so glad my youth was spent before that happened. Gosh, so anyway, sorry to go off on that little scientific jaunt. But I love those two particular doctors. Ethan Russo is so wonderful and, and he and Dr. Sulak have the cutest relationship. He’s a little younger, so like, maybe 10 or 15 years younger than Ethan Russo. But you can tell when they get together on conferences. They’ve got this little twinkle in their eye and they start doing medical gags with each other. And it’s so cute. You know, so cute.

Nurse Jennifer 17:34

Well I hope I get to see that.

Honey Smith Walls 17:37

I hope you do too. You know. Dr. Sulak, has a monthly cannabis conference that he used to only allow his students, of which I am one, to attend. And then when pandemic came, he opened it up to the world and now the first 500 people that can get into his conference who sign up for monthly get to get in and it’s totally free. Amazing. Yeah, you can find H E A L E And his book, I just call it the new Bible for clinicians because it just frankly tells them how to be a good cannabis doctor and all the good Juju behind it. 

Nurse Jennifer 18:32

It’s so important. We need our physicians to understand this because it can do some amazing things.

Honey Smith Walls 18:40

You’ve already turned some physicians heads with your cannabis knowledge.

Nurse Jennifer 18:46

I have worked with a few physicians and they’re like, Hey, do do what you need to do help these people because it improves their quality of life. If nothing else, we can prove that it can improve your outlook on your chronic illness. It can help family members you know that are dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia patients to see some some positive changes that can be kind of scary for families to go through. Um, it’s just so so much that you can actually see happening. I love CBD. It’s you know, I wish that I had more CBD rich cannabis to work with here in Oklahoma you know high THC is is kind of the thing.




Seg 2

Honey Smith Walls 19:42

Isn’t that a shame. The pot that you and I smoked had maybe 13 or 14% THC and what they push in the dispensaries here in Florida is 80 and 90% thc concentrates in E-pens. And so you can’t micro dose a frickin vape pen.

Nurse Jennifer 20:07

Not really.

Honey Smith Walls 20:10

Not at those concentrates. It wasn’t a good thing at the beginning of the E pin thing they had dastardly parts coming from all different kinds of places that had low quality materials that were flaking off into the juice of the cannabis pin. Oh, that was a mess. And then

Nurse Jennifer 20:36

And then remember all that… was it the vitamin E. 

Honey Smith Walls 20:41

Yeah, it was the vitamin E which is you know, the FDA approves for everything until you heat it up to a certain point and it wasn’t just the vitamin E there was another something that when you heated it up it turned into formaldehyde.

Nurse Jennifer 20:58

Oh my GOD

Honey Smith Walls 21:01

Just awful.

Nurse Jennifer 21:03

We’re just helping patients, aren’t we? 

Honey Smith Walls 21:06

We’re trying to but you know, people keep producing these, you know, crappy products. And so you really have to be careful. You really have to vet the way that you’re going to ingest your live Plant Therapy, don’t you?

Nurse Jennifer 21:22

Yes, you do. You do.

Honey Smith Walls 21:25

What do you tell patients? How do you help your patients at first?

Nurse Jennifer 21:29

So I do an assessment with my patients. And I talked to them. And of course we go over medicines. And there are interactions, obviously. And, you know, we go over that and I have a little app that you know, it’s not just for me, anyone can can download an app to see the drug interactions and kind of give you an idea of what you need to watch out for and…

Honey Smith Walls 21:55

Oh my god… what an incredible idea. I’m going to start suggesting that to people and it includes cannabinoids?

Nurse Jennifer 22:05

Well, um,  I had to look and see exactly the name of the app. 

Honey Smith Walls 22:13

Oh we’ll talk again and catch up on all of this because you just gave me a great idea. You’re so inspirational, because a lot of people ought to have that app, don’t ya think.

Nurse Jennifer 22:23

Oh, yes. And just it’s just a drug interaction. You type in your medication and you can check and see if your meds have an interaction together. I mean, it goes through your medications when you type them in and you can see but mostly it’s the spacing that I’m teaching them how to space things appropriately. You know, you might want to not take your opioid I mean a lot of patients are on opioids, and they’re not going to just go off cold turkey, you know, you need to know spacing, titration, and all of that…

Nurse Jennifer 22:55

So just general nursing things that I would teach in a clinic or anywhere as a nurse, just common sense practices for nurses that we can give the general public but during my assessment, I go over symptoms, you know, what are what are the symptoms that you’re trying to mitigate? What are we trying to…  What’s our goal?

Honey Smith Walls 23:17

Right, right. Dr. Sulak talks about getting your sleep in a better state to begin with.

Nurse Jennifer 23:28

Sleep. Sleep Affects so much stuff, you know,

Honey Smith Walls 23:32

The longer you sleep the longer you live. True, that’s what he says. I like that I do too. Really makes sense.

Nurse Jennifer 23:41

It affects your cognition… especially for the Alzheimer’s patients.

Honey Smith Walls 23:45

No kidding. Well, that’s when your body wants to repair itself is in your sleep. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Nurse Jennifer 23:55

Just so much that’s what I look at, you know, and I use my years as a nurse. I worked a lot in nursing homes and assisted living home health, you know, working with a geriatric, and they have special needs. And I think that they’re really open to using cannabis, but it’s kind of scary.

Honey Smith Walls 24:20

And who’s there to help them? Is it? Do you? Do your nursing homes and elder care facilities have cannabis nurses who go into those facilities yet? We don’t.

Nurse Jennifer 24:32

I am not aware of any one but you know, I’m only one person right now. I’ve reached out to some assisted livings that are not federally funded that are you know, more cash. 

Honey Smith Walls 

Okay, good for you. 

Nurse Jennifer:

And I’m talking about potentially doing just some education. You know, that’s what I’m doing.  

Honey Smith Walls 24:53

Good for you. Good to hear you.

Nurse Jennifer 24:56

I still want caregivers to get… they are the ones that need the education. You know, absolutely.

Honey Smith Walls 25:01

They absolutely do. They need a plan. They need a procedures and protocol. I bet you could write that for them. Oh, for everybody. You know, that’s what’s stopping even hospitals. They don’t have any procedures or protocols in place to accept a crash victim through emergency who’s also a cancer patient on RSO. Cannabis treatment for his cancer. They won’t let him bring his cannabis with him while he’s in the hospital for the next six weeks with all those broken bones.

Nurse Jennifer 25:44

Oh, this is something that I’ve experienced with my mother who obviously, she had lots of ailments. She used to love her little gummies. We use one-to-one gummies.  She found it was the most effective for her anxiety and help for rest. She goes into the hospital and when she went into the hospital, she would be there eight weeks. And she would hide you know, hide her gummies and I mean, honestly, what do you do? If she’d been caught it’d been confiscated.

Honey Smith Walls 26:25

Bless her heart, but she wasn’t arrested.

Nurse Jennifer 26:28

She was not arrested. Thank goodness. Thank goodness none of us were in trouble for that. But you know that she’s desperate, desperate to have her medicine and it’s just a shame.

Honey Smith Walls 26:42

That they make old people suffer because of their GD politics.

Nurse Jennifer 26:50

I mean, what would you do… what would I rather her be on?

Honey Smith Walls 26:55

The opioids that you know, those cretins make.

Nurse Jennifer 27:02

They put them on Ativan, things that just are not effective for that community. In that sense, I mean, I’m not gonna say it’s not effective. I don’t want to say that but it was not effective for her.

Honey Smith Walls 27:17

I’m embarrassed to tell you this, but I’m going to. I just came into the kitchen to fix myself a cup of cannabis tea. So you’re going to hear different sounds and my husband was saying What’s this? What’s that? Was that Jesus Christ? Look at all the water on the counter…

Nurse Jennifer 28:01

How do you make your tea?

Honey Smith Walls 28:09

You know, Dr. Dustin Sulak and Dr. Ethan Russo. Again, both of them say, “you know Canna Tea is really great too, because it won’t get you high.” But I’m here to tell you. It will release the cannabinoids gently. The acidic form gently if you just put it in a little hot water and swish it around, you know, it’ll knock off some of those trichomes and they’ll go down your gullet. And no it won’t make you high but goodness, sipping on Canna tea all day long like I have been for the last few days. Trying to get my raging arthritic hand pain under control. Oh now you hear my puppy squeaking on her toy you know it just… it has helped so much. And so I go to the dispensary and just get a little box of flower, you know just cannabis whole flower and I’ll pick a little nugget or two just little ones, not the big glorious bulbous flowers that you know the guys like to pass around. And show off. Just the little itty bitty, you know, you pull a little tiny bit off about the size of your pinky fingernail. Yeah, just a little popcorn. And that’s a real good way to think of that. I’m going to use that next time. Thanks.  And and I put a little bit of cinnamon in with it. Cinnamon sticks, you know, you just break off a little piece and put it in your strainer or any other flavor that you want nutmeg and pumpkin spice is wonderful. What about a little honey? Well, yes, but I am trying to break myself of that sweet need and no matter how bad the cannabis is, the tea is perfect. So I got a hold of some cannabis that had not been properly cultivated. I would say it was not left to cure long enough. And so it still had some junk in it that made me cough every time I lit it up. And you know, a lot of cannabis is an expectorant and it will dislodge that junk in your throat. 

But when you light up a little pipe or a onesie of cannabis, you should not explode into you know, tear jerking coughing spasms that you can’t catch your breath. And so that means that there’s a problem with the cannabis. And usually it’s just they didn’t cure it long enough. Or it could be pesticides or fungicides or molds or mildews or bat shit, you know. 

So, anyway, a little bit of Canna tea to sip throughout the day has really made a huge difference in that pinging and snapping rubber bands snapping inside my hands. Some days I just can’t even lift a piece of paper. My hands just just won’t do it. I just can’t I can’t. I can I can lift my hand up and down or sideways. Or I could use the heel of my hand like to hold on to the steering wheel, you know, but to grab something. And lately I’ve been drinking this kind of tea and it has relieved me instead of having to go outside and puff on my onesie or, or take you know other kinds of, of medications. Do you have a big variety of delivery methods in Oklahoma?

Nurse Jennifer 32:01

We do. Like your topicals.

Honey Smith Walls 32:02

Oh, Aren’t they wonderful?

Nurse Jennifer 32:07

Wonderful. Makes a difference. They can change your mind about cannabis real quick.

Honey Smith Walls 32:13

Real quick and I tried a transdermal patch yet once on my sacroiliac and I’m here to tell you, my neurologist that I went to, instead of telling me that I needed surgery, he told me to go get some RSO and a gel patch and cut the patch in half. And that My dear was my prescription from him. Now isn’t that the way it’s supposed to go? Absolutely.

I was blown away to I really really was and I talked about it for a long time after that happened. I think I even did a show on it.

Nurse Jennifer 32:50

I had a gentleman and he’s like, I’m not gonna smoke that stuff… It’s just not gonna happen. We tried some salve and he’s like,  I have back my hands!

Honey Smith Walls 33:02

You know, oh my gosh. Oh,

Nurse Jennifer 33:05

He said, I’m sold on this. This is great. You know, I mean, it surely is.

Honey Smith Walls 33:09

That’s awesome. I’d like to find some brand that doesn’t always put the same eucalyptus or something in it. I know eucalyptus makes the absorption better and that’s why so many that those kinds of medicines and salves and stuff have it in it but shooo, it’s stinky.

Nurse Jennifer 33:33

Yeah, it’s not my favorite either.

Honey Smith Walls 33:37

I do have you tried any cannabis makeup yet?

Nurse Jennifer 33:40

No. That’s sounds great.

Honey Smith Walls 33:44

Did you know that the store called Sephora? Are you familiar with that fancy shop? Oh, my little heart’s just pitter pattering already just talking about it. Well, they came out with some makeup that’s stamped with a cannabis leaf on it and every single one of the names of the different beautiful shades of eyeshadow have a cannabis name like 

Granddaddy Kush or, you know, Twisted Orange. Like that. It’s so cute. And I was just hoping that we could, you know, convince the board to start putting some real cannabinoids in their makeup and make some damn…

Honey Smith Walls

Hey, Jennifer and I are going to give you a couple of minutes to go raid the refrigerator. Oh, take a few days if you’d like. And we’ll be back to finish this conversation on the next episode of the Cannaba Verum podcast. Come back and join us won’t you? And be sure to visit Miss Jennifer, our dear new friend, at ThePracticalNurse.LIFE  dot life, L I F E got it? The Practical Nurse dot life. See you next time.

You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls. That’s me… about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of becoming diagnosed for problems and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies. To find help in a cannabis expert in your area, visit cannabis That’s cannabis And unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, fibromyalgia or worse. 

It would mean the world to me for you to join my dear audience. If you subscribe to the podcast, you won’t miss the latest news about cannabis straight from the source. And if you subscribe to my newsletter, you’ll be part of a project to understand the effects of cannabis on the public. Your anecdotal cannabis testimonies are priceless to me. So it’s not just you learning. It’s me learning what you need to learn. Then I can make that happen for you and show you the way without being repetitive for those advanced patients. 

There’s so much to learn. And it’s fascinating. Come on along on this cannabis journey with us and be part of a real time study. I’ll report back to the scientist about you informally, of course, and they’ll report their new discoveries to us. I love this synergy. In the heart of the moment. You’ll find medical citations posted on my podcast blog when you visit to subscribe at Cannaba 


Transcribed by


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here: 

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

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CT 209 Lex Pelger

CT 209 Lex Pelger

Our guest today is writer of The Cannabinoids And The People newsletter. He’s founder of White Whale creations. He’s host of the Lex Files podcast, a scientist and writer and science director with a bachelor’s degree from Boston University in biochemistry and molecular biology. I can’t wait for y’all to hear Lex Pelger today

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CT 208 Emma Beckerle

CT 208 Emma Beckerle

Ohh yer gonna enjoy this next woman of consequence… she was quite a surprise… I didn’t expect to find such traumatic depth in this delicate woman but was enthralled in her experiences… but it was her success that tickled me. Emma Beckerle bucked the medical system that addicted her to begin with… and all with the help of Cannabis. You’re going to love the energy of today’s guest Miss Emma Beckerle…

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