Welcome to the Cannaba Verum Podcast, the cannabis truth podcast.
I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy.
You should know what’s in your cannabis… what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval… yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in the healthcare philosophy of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and consider. Cannabis is not dangerous… but it is not harmless, either.
This is Honey Smith Walls… a 21st century cannabis shaman… here to
explain the language of cannabis in historical, political and scientific terms… so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you ingest.
(Guest Promo)
Honey Smith Walls 0:12
Hello, my friends.
Today I want to talk to you about Green Takeover. And specifically, what that means to us as individuals. Also, as corporate institutions. There’s a lot to consider. Just like in cannabis, and part of the Green Takeover involves cannabis. Let me tell you why. Hemp is steroids for climate action. I’m reading directly off of the greentakeover.com website.
Hemp has been used for centuries to help humans survive and thrive. This one plant can feed, fuel, shelter, and medicate us from our cloths to our walls to our cars.
They can all be made of hemp and cost us less to make hemp to replace plastic. It fits directly into conversations of a circular economy, regenerative design thinking and materials for a closed loop. It fits into the blueprints of green cities and clean eating environments. It fits into resource based economic systems, and it fits accelerates and enhances solutions, addressing 1/3 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that relate to a green economy. Yet these worlds aren’t talking to each other, climate action triggered as an environmental matter, and hemp as a subset of cannabis operating in isolation, funded in isolation and measuring impact in isolation to to leverage hemp scalability. We need architects, mechanical engineers, teachers, entrepreneurs, and most of all, scientists, to be part of the conversation, this stigma, linking hemp to marijuana deafens audiences before they hear the science and holds professionals back from learning about its application in their work. The hemp industry is good for our health, our pockets, and our planet.
Now I’d like to introduce you to our guest today, whose name is Hebah Saddique. She is the founder of Green Takeover, and she has spent the past 15 years in the hearts and minds of startups and small businesses just like mine. Helping mission-driven people weave their vision and creative concepts into tactical practical actions.
I’ll let her tell you more about herself and her mission with Green Takeover. But before we get started, I want you to know that her course absolutely changed my life in a daily way. And so quickly. I was surprised at my change of habits. From the simple knowledge that I was given. And, and the ability to do these small things instantly changed how I thought on a daily basis. I’m not kidding you, my friends, this is a really important show and Hebah is just so precious, you’re really going to enjoy what she has to say. Here we go.
Honey Smith Walls 5:42
Why don’t you tell our audience what Green Takeover is all about and why I’m so very excited, and emotional about it.
Hebah Saddique 5:47
Thanks, Honey. Yes, I think it’s really a summary of everything you just described. So Green Takeover is an educational platform, we’re out to simplify the complex science heavy world of climate change. Climate Action and industrial hemp and just show how these big grand complicated multi layered issues can really be can really be simplified and brought down to a handful of, you know sources and sinks for action areas, and just really making something that is feasible practical, actionable, and something that’s relatable, I think that’s another thing that we’re all relating on the fear component, but we’re not relating on the positive aspects of it, and it seems to be in certain smaller segments, whether it be plastic free or maybe smaller hemp communities, but really having that eco conscious mindset where we understand the source of the problem, and therefore we are also automatically now empowered to create solutions that don’t even exist today, because we get it. And so now me as a chef. I’m going to think about it from my own angle from my menu from my supply chain, me as an Aesthetician I’m going to think about it from my aspect from the source of my products from what I’m doing, me as a teacher, me as every single one of us, me as a former me as every person that goes out there every day to do something because it applies to each of us, and if we have that basic level of knowledge, and with the world changing around us, I do think that we have a much higher chance of creating that big bold change that we’re seeking because we have people already on board. We’re just looking for the house together.
Honey Smith Walls 7:40
Right, it just really made the big picture, accessible for individuals. And I just can’t tell you how appreciated it is because it’s such a helpless feeling, otherwise, to see all of these huge problems of our world and not know what, what on earth can we do, and you made that very clear and it’s very hopeful and very inspiring and very loving and inclusive, and there’s already so many people organizing around this effort. So, and especially young people.
Hebah Saddique 8:29
Thank you. I think it’s really exciting, and I found that there’s so many groups like you said, pushing forward legislation pushing forward different components, research, global frameworks and so forth. And so what we’re doing is we’re saying, no matter who you are, no matter where you, where you are or who you are or what you do, there’s a space for you in it to think about it in a little bit of a different way. and to be able to really not just think about your daily life, but the impact of the work in your profession, and how that can drive forward. And so, before we talk about, you know tools that we have to build this incredible green. Right. And talk about industrial hemp and its powers, or even some of the other natural materials that we have out there bamboo some other ones, plant based, but before we even talk about that we have to start with this basic fundamental, what is happening, what is going wrong, so that we can now really understand why I should choose plastic free, or why I should choose hemp based products or I should choose, because I’m not just selling it or promoting it as an environmental tool right but I’m saying let’s understand together what the source of a problem is, and the problem to begin with, begin with, here’s this and then it clicks because you understand what’s happening and so yeah it’s it’s been an exciting process it’s exciting to see participants and clients and customers just come to these various different aha moments. That’s really glad you mentioned
Honey Smith Walls 10:18
that. Tell her audience what kind of people you’re talking to, you were just out of the country talking to some what farmer or corporation, I didn’t know which but your work is so important it doesn’t surprise me that you travel the globe.
Hebah Saddique 10:34
Thank you, yeah you know I think it’s because the topic is so global, and many of the solutions are this education is global too it’s really science, and we’re just bringing it viewing it from an economic lens. From an environmental lens and so forth and so we work with a range of clients a lot surprisingly have actually been in the hemp industry Soham farms hempcrete builders, looking to increase their climate literacy and carbon literacy, a wanting to really solidify that environmental component. And then I also get clients on the flip side, that work in sustainability, work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or advocating economic development, and are interested to learn more about industrial hemp and what it is and what it can do. And so it’s on both ends of it.
Honey Smith Walls 11:31
I wrote this little letter that I, I’ve taken to my grocery store and, to some of the box drugstores and some of the you know dollars store managers and it’s just a dear grocer do store manager letter. We can do better and help, you know, protect the planet by using different products, something. Anyway, I wrote this letter, and I would love to be able to include your foundation in that letter, and your points, and how to lead these people to a better and more sustainable product that they’re selling you know so cheaply on the market and that is being thrown away so quickly as well so you know we want to make them aware of all of that as sweetly as we can and inspire them.
Hebah Saddique 12:25
Absolutely, and I feel that your letter is very inspiring and it does just that the way it’s laid out the message that you’re sending with it I think it’s beautiful and I would absolutely be happy to support with that and contribute to it as I can for sure. You know, it’s, it’s such a powerful message and that’s how we start that educational piece, at least now they’re asking well what is it will insert that sparked that curiosity of them wanting to be interested in this and then we’ll hear about hemp and some other arena. And the reason that it didn’t I see that letter about hemp in my store and so forth and that’s really how that curiosity chain started so I think that’s beautiful. It also got me thinking about something that I’ve been pondering for a while with green takeover, which is obviously I think education is key. Education is that first step. And also one thing that can be helpful is for us to help show them examples of what that would look like. Right, so maybe there’s a list of 10 businesses have suppliers that offer product that can directly serve these grocers and help build those introductions and, you know, at least they’ll, they’ll try it out with time as price drops, you know, we’re helping that industry thrive by building some of these connections to, and I think that would be beautiful together and
Honey Smith Walls 13:54
have you list it I’m very excited about that have I know that I’ve already put you up on my brand spanking new website. Oh, congratulations. Thank you. It’s so pretty. It’s been so long coming in on so very, very proud of it. You know what I’m talking about girl I know you’ve had to go through your own website. Many times it’s just a nightmare. But now I’ve finally you know got the right Juju going on and the right team, you know, and, and when it starts working it really starts working,
Hebah Saddique 14:31
Congratulations Honey. Yeah. I’m excited to see.
Honey Smith Walls 14:35
Thank you. It’s really pretty and I’ve got a resources page and you’re already up there, and I’m thrilled to be partnering with you to do some of these just typical little things honey I want you to know your program not only, you know, Syed slipped my mind about a lot of thoughts that I’m pre programmed into. It really changed how I’m thinking about stuff on a daily basis, as I said at the top of this, but it has helped me build my own take on my herd of little puppies sorry, papa must be home. It’s really helped me build my own character and, and I get to now love myself a little more. Isn’t that a juicy side effect of this, because now I’m patting myself on the back several times a day. And I don’t think we know how to give ourselves much love as we try to give everybody else you know what I’m saying, I am right there with you. Yeah, so and we need to refill our own vase, before we can pour it out to others. So, this program has not only changed how I think about my daily life and being able to give to my planet, but it also makes me feel so good that I actually literally am thinking to myself, add a girl.
Hebah Saddique 16:18
Yes, that’s an that’s incredible confidence building, it is and that’s why I feel like I like to go with eco conscious instead of eco friendly, because when you’re eco conscious. You can’t be conscious, if you’re not mindful as a person in your life thing. And so they go together hand in hand. And so when you’re eco conscious, it’s not about, oh, what kind of bag that I grabbed today or it’s, it’s just being connected to everything around you to the point where certain choices become so obvious. Yes. And then, and that’s where you start to appreciate the good because you already see the chain you feel the change. And congrats, I think that’s
Honey Smith Walls 17:04
life changing, is life changing. It’s very, very exciting. And I want everybody to feel this way, I think this course have a should be at every grade school, and every middle school in every college for sure every vocational school. Really, this is the kind of stuff that we need to start talking about to our babies as they’re growing. You know, this is why we do this because we want to protect our planet, Save the water and capture the sun, make new sources of energy and you know all of that but that wasn’t my era. So what you’ve done for me, has opened my eyes widely, and I plan on on being a mega horn for you and your organization, really, because it’s, it’s that important to me, that’s how you change that for me.
Hebah Saddique 18:10
Thank you so much Honey I’m so honored just humbled to hear you say everything you’re saying, and it brings me so much joy, so much joy because I do agree with you, this is something we need to have in every school this is something so fundamental to how we function. That it can’t be a separate topic. This is everything that this is part of everything that we’re teaching, and it needs to be highlighted component of it which is why there’s an educator and teacher we both know who I won’t put on the spot, but again, I’ve been talking to her about creating some curriculum and being able to introduce this as a curriculum, insert for teachers. Being. There’s something that to it where it’s part of history is part of geography, it’s part of science it’s part of everything around us, even literature in some ways you can relate it to people and the environment and what’s happening and so our relationship with nature, is really what we’re discussing here and what we’re just doing is, some of the elements of our relationship with nature have have formed this type of destruction, and we just need to understand what happened so that we can pull back, we’re not talking about going to primitive ways of operating, What we are saying is that we need to better understand what that relationship looks like where the harm is being done, and then innovate solutions around it because we have resources we have technology we have, they have a lot, and being able to introduce that from a younger age is so critical, so I’m happy to hear you say that too Honey.
Honey Smith Walls 19:50
I’m fired up about Green Takeover… I really am and I want everybody to just go to Green Takeover.org Isn’t it?
Hebah Saddique 19:59
Honey Smith Walls 20:01
Hebah Saddique 20:02
Honey Smith Walls 20:05
Say it about six more times greentakeover.com That’s right. Greentakeover.com.
Hebah Saddique 20:14
Our next workshop is starting October 13, 2021. So if anyone’s interested for the October session to sign up for it on greentakeover.com and hope to see you there.
Honey Smith Walls 20:24
Well, I want to I want to put some PSA up about the next session out on our social media platforms. I really want to help you. Tell everybody about the greentakeover.com session coming up,
Hebah Saddique 20:44
Thanks so much Honey,
Honey Smith Walls 20:47
I appreciate you, darling. Thank you for coming today.
Hebah Saddique 20:51
It’s my pleasure talking to you again soon Okay, thank you so much.
Honey Smith Walls 21:03
You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman honey Smith walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, it just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices, Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated.
It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog. The Cannaba verum.com website.
That’s C A N N A B A V E R U M.com
Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:
Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,
Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,
Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute
Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at healer.com, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:
Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like: PubMed.com, JAMA.com, ResearchGate.com. I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like: The Great Shea Gunther at MJTodayDaily.com and MarijuanaMoment.net. I trust the CBDProject.org and CannabisScienceTech.com. I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: thecannabisindustry.org and many more.
You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at cannabaverum.com
PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor, please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here:
- Microdosing – https://healer.com/cbd-cannabis-dosage-guide-project-cbd-interview-with-dr-sulak/
- Concentrates – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29307505/
- Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
- Society of Cannabis Clinicians – https://www.cannabisclinicians.org/
- Take the Pledge – GreenTakeover.com
- HoneySmithWalls.com
- Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice – https://wwnorton.com/books/9780393714180
All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.