CV 117 Didpensary Expectations

October 11, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum Podcast, the cannabis truth podcast.

I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy.

You should know  what’s in your cannabis… what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval… yet. Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in the healthcare philosophy of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and consider.  Cannabis is not dangerous… but it is not harmless, either.

This is Honey Smith Walls… a 21st century cannabis shaman… here to

explain the language of cannabis in historical, political and scientific terms… so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you ingest.

(Guest Promo?)

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Honey Smith Walls 0:01

Hello my friends,

I’d like to tell you what to expect when you visit a cannabis dispensary for the first time…

The person at the front desk will ask for your new Medical Marijuana Card (in Florida) and check you into their computer system.  They’ll probably ask if you’d like to speak with one of their counselors, because they assume you haven’t had much (if any) cannabis education. I would advise using their free counselor at least the first time… to help you understand their product line as it applies to your diagnosis and needs. There’s a lot of strategizing to figure out.

The counselors can take the time you need without holding up the line of patients behind you. They’ll probably show you into a private room for a chat about your expectations and needs and how they can help you with specific products.

They will be able to assess your doctor’s recommendations and go from there. It might take you less than an hour or so the first time you visit a dispensary.  Try all the different dispensaries… They all have similar but different products and you may find one works better than another for you because of the various terpene content in one verses the other. This is a fairly standard experience.  Until it’s not….

I was fit to be tied the other day during my dispensary experience.

My neck of woods is filled with white haired old ladies from up north and hunched over war veterans on big hogs, just here for the sunny weather. I love my community.

Patrick Space Force is just over the causeway and we watch the rockets red glare from our own backyard.

This is tech country. High tech. FIT and Harris and Embrayer Jets, just down the road.  You can literally go out for an ice cream cone and sit next to a rocket scientist there… slurpin a softie on any given day.

Regardless of the annual snowbird arrival, the average age of people living here are 42.6 years old.  You know what’s already happened to a body by that age? The life already lived… by that bag of bones… with a tummy of food and prescriptions it encases every day? Now accept the fact that nobody has figured out the proper nutrition needed to sustain a healthy body and we begin to understand the need for preventative eating and nutrition and medication.

When the body starts talkin, the mind has to listen. So now that we can take advantage of cannabis again, there’s a few things to be observant about. You can be prepared for that first experience… and the subsequent.

Most of the dispensaries in FL will accept your debit card but will still sting you for a $3.00 Service Fee.  Sometimes you can use a credit card. But most times you can’t. A lot of companies won’t chance it. They can’t risk their bank accounts getting closed because the product still has a Schedule 1 rating, which is just a federal red-tape-mess right now.

But they all have money machines… ATM’s.  And you can take cash or a use a free payment app called CanPay that connects directly to your debit account.

I just had a really frustrating experience at a dispensary this morning.  Even though it’s usually got the largest inventory of products, I try not to go down there very often because it’s a long drive for me and I’ve got a lot of options up closer.

But occasionally, I hear of something they have so I go buy their product.  This time it was ground cannabis in a nice little jar. And I wanted to be able to use the whole flower without grounding it myself. Aching hands and all that…

To make a long drawn out gripe session interesting, I’m gonna cut to the chase. But I was soooo offended by…




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The dispensary I went to is well known and corporate enough to take responsibility in this department. Their staff is in desperate need of training and I don’t mean for the product. 

These kids don’t understand the feelings and sickness of the patients they’re serving who are middle age and just beginning a lifetime of pain if they don’t find relief. That gross lack of understanding from the staff is not only off-putting, it can defeat the purpose.

Patients already have high anxiety about their first dispensary visit because of the unknown… and a lifetime of fearful threatening propaganda if you got anywhere near the plant. But our state legalized it and we can somewhat freely use it. But it should be with the utmost caution. You should know some cannabis fundamentals… enough to protect yourself from harm. This is live plant therapy. Not a pressed synthetic pill from the lab.

Now the kids behind the counters can’t help that they haven’t lived long enough to understand how we feel… so they must be taught.

This is not just one dispensary’s issue… it’s nation-wide. The youthful employees who want to be in this industry are still framing the plant through different lenses. But once they realize their clientele are actually medicinal patients and not just grocery shoppers, a different attitude is noticed within the office. Far more helpful strong hands race to open doors and chairs and benches are in abundance to use while waiting through the process.

I see the need for a school of medical etiquette that would both create the framing necessary to make service more effective as Bud Tenders, and also open opportunities to develop skills in medical science and palliative care within the cannabis industry.

There are nuances in service that have gone missing in dispensaries, already. Probably a generational thing too.

I don’t like being addressed by my first name… by a stranger. I don’t like my name hollered out from an internal doorway like I’m at 5 Burgers waiting for my fries.

I prefer to be prepared when it’s my turn at the counter but too often there’s no menu to read for available products and pricing. Or the high tech gadget they employ is too fast and too far away for me to read as it scrolls meaningless odd names and measurements and prices of products.

Dispensary decor is usually meant for looking, not sitting. I don’t know why they can’t put in a plain chair that’s not too low for old people to maneuver. I hate being a spectical of observation when I have to try to pull myself out of that seat where my butt is lower than my knees!

And I don’t know why they insist on calling their products such stupid names that have no relatable value to the patient. Granddaddy Kush tells me nothing! Not what the THC content is, the terpenes or other cannabinoid profiles that may be meaningful to my needs.

And I guess it’s the building problem but the AC was so low that one patient was literally shivering and a budtender had on a coat and gloves! It’s barely OCTOBER and we’re in FLORIDA!  I just think about the lack of concern over their huge carbon footprint.  Maybe I should send them the name of our AC guy….

The point is, patients and professionals alike were miserable and the company was doing nothing about it. How do I know? Last time I was there 8 months ago, it was like that… 

Then here’s the back story on the product I specifically wanted.

I got it home and stoked a pipe of the ground up flower I’d gone for. Lit up my onesie and sucked in a lung full of really harsh smoke that made me hack and sputter and strain for air while my eyes watered and my lungs felt aflame. What the???

Even though I’d gone to one of the top rated dispensaries in our state for contamination- free cannabis products, I came home with something that obviously was sub-standard. Cannabis should not make you cough like you’re on your death bed… but it sure can!

There could be a few reasons for that but mostly it’s from improperly cured plant material. And seein’s how that plant was all ground up, the only predictable answer will be found in the curing process.  If the farmer doesn’t work the process correctly, the product will be inferior. Selling that inferior product as ground up medicine is despicable. It denigrates the medicinal standard of excellence in that medicine and our industry and I resent the hell out of it.

So understanding some fundamental truths about cannabis and how it’s grown will protect you for the rest of your cannabis needs, throughout your lifetime.

Remember, the only difference in hemp and marijuana is how it’s grown. They’re both cannabis. They’re both medicinal and hemp can be used industrially, too.

So in closing with this mysterious review, I would ask you what should I do?

When you notice unsatisfactory behavior in service, do you say something?

Well yall know me… Guess where a copy of this podcast is going… to their corporate office and local manager.

What’s the new National PSA of the day?  See something, say something! 

We must do all that we can within our power to make effective change for the good of all people.

I’m happy being in service to you. Thank you for joining me for Cannaba Verum!

 Cannabis Truth.

Pax Vobiscum.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman honey Smith walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, it just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices, Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated.

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog. The Cannaba website.

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more. 

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at


PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here:

Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

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