CV 113 You read Dr’s?

September 27, 2021


Hello My Friends,

I’ve been reading so many books written by doctors lately that I’m accumulating quite a little library of literature! Solid information about cannabis from world-renowned scientists and clinicians working directly with cannabis compounds and patients.

Let me tell you what kinds of questions people are asking these doctors…

“I’m curious about how nano tech is changing the THC molecule to hit faster and suspend in water… affects the way it acts on and detaches from…the CB1 receptor.” (I know part of this one…)

“I was wondering if there’s a certain concentration level for terpenes in flowers to be considered as “active” and contributing to the entourage/synergistic effects with cannabinoids.” (I have no clue about this…)

“I wonder what the best methods are for extracting or infusing cannabinoids in their acidic state?” (I know that one…)

“I wonder what kind of studies have been done with cannabinoids and Neurofibromitosis.” (This one’s easy.)

“I wonder what the bioavailability of ground whole cannabis flower is when ingested.” (Still depends on so much…)

“I wonder if it’s possible to change the polarity of cannabinoids and terpenes.” (Maybe?)

So, as I learn more and more about cannabis, I thought I was going to have to translate most of it for you because some of their stuff is really heady science that takes years of foundational study to understand. They talk about the Cannabinoidome,  implications of the PPAR system, and how different constituents of cannabis break down in your body and their effects.

But these learned people want us to understand what their discoveries in cannabis will do for us. Most of the books and authors I’ve been reading speak plainly and each have amazing information that opens the door of intrigue and mystery of live plant cannabis therapy for humans and animals. There is so much to consider.

Three of the most important ideas about cannabis for people looking for relief are…

1. Take your doctor’s diagnosis and records to a cannabis physician for specific cannabinoid therapy determination.

2. Control your cannabis with knowledge, especially THC! You never have to get high.

3. Avoid dangerous contamination by understanding the standard of what to look for.

I’m still learning from cannabis scientists and doctors who live all over the globe yet meet regularly on live internet platforms. I attend weekly and monthly medical conferences on cannabis where several hundred doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other professionals gather on various social media live chat rooms to talk about the latest real time discoveries.

I’d like to introduce you to some of those who influenced me. If you’re interested in medicinal cannabis and how it effects us, then these authors and their information will be a great start… whether you’re a layperson or medical professional.

I am so grateful for the tutelage and expertise of the following experts who shared their knowledge in this field:


Bonnie Goldstein, MD has long been involved in the work of helping children survive disease. Chief Resident at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics at USC School of Medicine, LA. Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Los Angeles County USC Medical Center.

And it’s not surprising her work in cannabis science and children with autism has been nothing short of amazing. Her new book, Cannabis Is Medicine – How Medical Cannabis and CBD Are Healing Everything from Anxiety to Chronic Pain, should be your next read. It’s a fascinating journey she explains so well and is an in-depth look at cannabis that covers everything I chose not to. An extremely important piece of work and an absolute MUST READ! (I couldn’t put it down…)

Dustin Sulak, DO is my teacher. Dr. Sulak’s cannabis course ( has an exquisite curriculum and one of the best I’d ever studied. I passed his certification tests and began attending his monthly conferences online with about 500 other medical professionals. As I sit among these titans, sharing their knowledge that allows me to understand even more about the importance of Cannabis, I am completely humbled by what I don’t know.

I am so grateful to Dr. Sulak for allowing the inclusion of all who want to learn about this powerful plant. His new book is extraordinary. It changed everything for me. Why? Because before I read Dr. Sulak’s book, I thought what I knew was enough to start helping people. What I learned is that I knew just enough to be dangerous!

I’ve said this before…. Dr. Sulak and my friend, Dr. Genester Wilson-King, helped me see the true value in having your primary care physician involved in this process. Without their insight, education, and brave curiosity about this plant helping people, I would not understand the need to include them. For best results in your physical care, always consult a medical professional before experimenting with plants…especially those which have so many chemicals in it!

Dr. Sulak’s book is very easy to read… if you don’t count all the twenty-syllable chemicals mentioned all over most chapters. And more than that, his loving style comes shining through so brightly… it feels like you’ve known him personally for years. Oh wait…. Maybe that’s just because I’ve grown to love his classes and teachings. I think you’re going to find him pretty remarkable. If you’re serious about cannabis Renowned the world over for his young life’s work… don’t miss reading the definitive guide of cannabis practice for clinicians. I’m sure you’ll see yourself in it somewhere. Handbook of Cannabis for Clinicians – Principles and Practice. You can find him all over the internet too… YouTube his videos! Take his course! Read EVERYTHING he publishes!

Raphael Mechoulam, MD is the guy who everyone wants to hang out with. He discovered endocannabinoids like the “Bliss Gene”, called Anandamide… it’s what makes that happy high that runners get. He made us understand the value of cannabis and illuminated so many mysteries between the plant and our body, including a receptor system we’re all born with, but nobody knew about till he discovered it in the 1990s.

He named THC and the Endo-Cannabinoid System (ECS). He’s 89 this year, still holding conferences and you can find his work all over,,,, and all other social media outlets.

He’s a pretty savvy guy and we all love him for his mind, wit, and discoveries. Read everything you can get your hands on from him.

Ethan Russo, MD is a great friend to and contemporary of Dr. Sulak and such a powerhouse of science and information. A prolific writer about all thing’s cannabis and already on the leading edge of the biggest cannabis questions to date. Is it safe? How much? Which kind? Dr. Russo is a giant in this industry and you can find him all over social media like YouTube as well as public lectures he’s given. He’s easy to understand and has a real schoolboy charm about him.

Remember learning about Johnny Appleseed when you were a kid? Well you never learned THIS about Johnny Appleseed!

All of these doctors and many more have meticulously studied the body and cannabis and and chemistry and their discoveries are going to surprise you. Especially after the plant is let loose from its Schedule 1 prison.

Lester Grinspoon, MD was a Harvard professor of psychiatry who believed the 20th century cannabis propaganda until his own son got cancer and his research proved efficacious. In the middle of the War on Drugs in the Nixon era, his 1971 book titled Marijuana Reconsidered began a serious conversation among medical professionals that challenged the ideas of the day. No longer with us, Dr. Grinspoon’s legacy still lives on in his work.

Ed Rosenthal, the “Guru of Ganja”, is a horticulturist who has given us the definitive word on how to grow cannabis. I know, I know… no reason to understand how the Tesla was built in order to use it… right? Wrong. What you don’t understand about this live plant therapy can do great harm if you don’t know what to look out for. Aside from the need for professional physical, psychological or emotional assessment, understanding how cannabis grows and its intrinsic problems can help you determine safe purchases for your particular issues, no matter where you live.

Live plants grow molds and mildew. Growers use pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and more to combat all kinds of natural issues. Growing your medicine should be consistently safe from avoidable toxic human hazards as well as those that Mother Nature produces. Aside from learning about cannabis, Ed Rosenthal will teach you how to sprout a green thumb! Don’t miss reading some of his amazing work in this field and I’m sure you’ll discover the latest farming techniques for great harvests. Tip: You may want to put stock in big freezers…  Didn’t we just hava chat about new farming techniques not long ago in an earlier episode? Anyway…

Michael Backes is an American author who penned a story about his investigation of cannabis that inspired me to want more definitive answers from real gold standard testing, based on science and truth. Cannabis Pharmacy will surprise you. It is the layman’s answer to a great foundational yet entertaining read. And if this will help entice you to get his book… he’s also the science guy on every major motion picture you can think of. Yep… almost all of them. But don’t stop there. Remember Johnny Appleseed?

Michael Pollan is an amazing source of thoughtful reason about all kinds of ingestibles. How to Change Your Mind will surprise you for sure! We no longer need to be fearful of the propaganda we’ve been fed about the world we live in. The Botany of Desire will fill you with patriotic wonder about the genesis of our cities and make you think of apples in a completely different way. You thought you knew the story of Johnnie Appleseed? Not THIS guy! Michael Pollan said the man had an uncanny ability to foresee a new township. And his escapades through the mighty river system of our country laid out some major city origins with his apple seeds. And of course they were always near the rivers. Then he penned Cooked, which may just take you over the edge of reason the next time you go into the kitchen. What and how we eat makes a difference because we ARE what we eat. Don’t miss Michael Pollan’s work of which I’ve only named a few!

There are so many other equally important doctors, scientists, and advocates in this new field who I have yet to meet and read but I’ll do my best to pass on their discoveries as I find them and try to bring them to life for you on my  podcasts, wherever you listen.

There are several up and coming pharmacists who are movin and shakin the cannabis industry with their ideas and actions. They are inspiring!! I’ll bring a collection of their news and stories soon.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about this ancient plant therapy. You can see the quality of  informational books already available written by medical professionals about cannabis… even while it’s still federally illegal to handle cannabis with too much THC.

It promises to change our entire world if we can get politics and corruption out of the game. Science turned a great big spotlight on the fact that cannabis is definitely good for us.

Hey, my friends, I wanted to tell you a little something personal. It’s a little painful, a little embarrassing and a little nothing I can do about it except be patient story.

I’ve been telling y’all to go to my website at for at least six or eight months now, and the big elephant in the room, is that there’s been some crazy issues trying to publish my site. It was up for a long time then it was down then I got it back up again and now… Well, now I’m just working as fast as I can behind the scenes, and it’ll be, it’ll be up again soon. It’s in remake, so I’ll let you know ASAP.

But in the meantime, I still want to be helpful, and if you’re trying to find cannabis therapy, and you need a little help. Here’s where to start. Go see your family doctor for a copy of your current diagnosis, you want to involve your primary care physician in your lab work, to watch your progress with cannabinoid treatment.

Then you’ll find a cannabis doctor who can teach you what you need to know about that.

And finally, you’ll visit a dispensary for medical grade cannabis products. t

Those are the three easy steps to remember 123 Bada Bada Bing! But that’s the short version. And with so much to consider in this new cannabinoid therapy, it’s best to inspire your regular doctor to keep an eye on you during the whole process through your lab work.

See your doctor is going to have to order that lab work for you, and that’s where you’re going to convert him.

So please… visit my other website at Honey Smith That’s right, it’s just my name. Honey Smith

There you’ll see a Dear Doctor Letter that will help start that conversation between you and your family doctor to get them on the same page with you about trying new cannabis therapy. And the letter refers your doctor back to trusted sources for scientific research on the matter.

Visit today. And thanks again for joining us for the Cannaba Verum podcast, wherever you listen.

Pax Vobiscum, y’all!

Show Notes:

The cannabis literature I’m reading daily is quite interesting but so are the back stories of the doctors and scientists doing the work. This episode highlights some of the fascinating medical professionals writing resource books and white papers and giving public lectures and conferences open to everyone… it’s a phenomenal moment in history to be learning about this plant. Join me for a little book learnin by the pro’s… And find all the books I mention below in the show notes. Enjoy the list… it’s ever hanging and growing. 

  • Dr. Dustin Sulak, DO,      
  • Dr. Michelle Ross, PhD,
  • Dr. Angie Krause, DVM.                          
  • Dr. Genester Wilson-King
  • Dr. Raphael Mechoulam
  • Dr. Ethan Russo.
  • Lester Grinspoon.
  • Ed Rosenthal.                            
  • Michael Backes
  • Michael Pollan

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