MoC 009 The Plan

OK we’re just one day away from finding out if our kind of people are gonna be happy and filled with hope again or if we have to continue to claw our way out of this unfuckinbelievable snake pit we find ourselves in… I’m cautiously optimistic but here’s what I’m thinkin… No matter what happens tomorrow with the presidency, I will be working this plan…

MoC 008 Street Weed

Friends… I don’t know about you but I wake up more nervous this morning than the day before… the closer we get to Voting on Nov.3. Yesterday I heard the President talk about voting the day after, on the wrong day. Plan your Vote… if you haven’t already. There are unscrupulous people in charge right now.

MoC 007 Save Money

Almost everybody I know believes in God. And they think his rule is benevolent. And they tell us perfection will be found in heaven when we get there. But if you’re naughty while you’re here on earth, you will be punished. Because God punishes. So we have punishments for every sort of infraction that man has thought up since the dawn of time.

MoC 006 Be a Hero

That’s how I like to listen to interesting podcasts… while I’m driving or walkin the hounds, (I have 5 little wolves who love to run the perimeter of the pond out back for big ole turtles every day…) I also listen to podcasts while I’m getting dinner ready, or doin all those things we have to do… I just feel so much more productive learning something while I’m doing something so mundane that HAS to get done! It replaces my grumpy old thought patterns before doin the dishes, with “OhBoy! Mindcandy time!” while my hands are busy.

MoC 005 Change your culture

I’m nervous about the next 30 days but I really have faith in the goodness of humanity to prevail. I get that we’re really easily programmed by fearful ideas and that’s how man has governed for all time. But there really is a different and balanced way to govern that would take violence out of the equation… and we’ll have to corral the corruption to get there.

MoC 004 Kids and Carts

I was taking my pack of five pups out for a little waltz around the block when we came upon a street light and had to wait before crossing. About the time I pulled my vape pen out for the wait… a herd of young male colts pulled up in a parental golf cart, oohin and ahhin over my pack. The one driving looked all of 10 and the others not much older when one of them boldly hollered, “Hey can I hava hit off yer cart?”

MoC 003 Taming Your THC

You may not be aware but some people who need to use medical marijuana don’t want the high that comes with THC. There are a lot of reasons for that which may include your job as a heart surgeon or air traffic controller, or the fact that the last time you were offered some cannabis, you got intensely anxious, had cold sweats, felt stuck in your chair like you were partially paralyzed, and didn’t know if you were gonna die from this experience or not!

MoC 002 Hemp vs MMJ

Hemp and Marijuana are both Cannabis. Both of them have CBD and THC… just in wildly different ratios. So some companies use hemp for the high ratio of CBD it produces and other companies use Marijuana for the high ratio of THC it produces. These plants are like sisters who have some of the same traits… they’re both good for you, they both relieve pain but in different ways, they both relieve nausea, they both have anti-bacterial properties and many more similarities.

MoC 001 What’s the Diff?

To be clear… Both Hemp and Marijuana are Cannabis. One gets you high and the other does not. You can buy Hemp Over-the-Counter but have to pay extra for the privilege of being a Medical Marijuana Patient and insurance does not cover it YET! Hemp and Marijuana possess similar overlapping powers of relief for pain and inflammation…

But finding the right cannabis… and using it the right way… for YOU…

MoC 000 Back on Track!

Hello my friends, If you haven’t begun to get your life back on track from the throws of the pandemic, I’m hoping this episode will inspire you to do so. None of us were left without PTSD. But many… so many… were devastated… they experienced pain of loss so much more than others. We grieve with them and for them. We hope to help all our friends and family recover as soon as possible from this.