CV 183 Dr. Genester Wilson-King Part 2

October 24, 2022

CV 183 Dr. Genester Wilson-King Part 2

Intro Bumper:

Dr. Genester Wilson-King is about to tell you the truthful difficulties you may encounter while using medical cannabis as a patient. And then she’s gonna change your future by telling you how to completely avoid Alzheimer’s. And then Dr. Wilson-King will give you the what what on how to be proactive in your own healthcare! Don’t miss the fascinating conclusion of our incredibly important two-part series, right after the intro.


Honey Smith Walls 0:00

Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis. What’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet.

Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider. The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association (

I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine as a fly on the wall. Because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I did take dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis expert scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to see and understand the bigger picture.

Well, I can talk to people all day long about cannabis… and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today. Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies that can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects caused by synthetic prescriptions.

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman… not a doctor… not a scientist. Raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story and language of cannabis in historical, political and scientific terms… so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Seg 1

Honey Smith Walls 0:03

It’s hard being a real medical marijuana patient… in this climate.

Dr. Wilson-King 0:08

It really is because first of all, exactly, if you go into a dispensary without doing your homework, you will be overwhelmed, completely, and either walk out with $1,000 worth of products that you have no idea how to use or you walk out empty handed because there’s just too much and you couldn’t make a decision. So you have to do your homework.

That’s the first thing about cannabis. You have to do your homework, you have to read about it. You have to ask about it… you have to ask questions of the physician who’s doing your recommendation. And so it may take time before you’re ready to actually go to a dispensary or go online and browse the website of the the licensees and see what products are there and then talk to your doctor about them… and most of the… I would hope… many of the physicians offices who are recommending cannabis have people that counsel… sit down and educate you about cannabis… even if the doctor doesn’t.

Honey Smith Walls 1:18

So no that’s not happening. Sorry, hate to burst that little bubble but nope, it’s in and out. herd them in… get them out. They might tell you sativa and indica and they might tell you THC and CBD and that’s about all you get for your $100 for your ability to go by your state card so that you can go into a dispensary.

It’s disheartening. But since we’re talking about those guys… how long do you think the transition from cannabis naivete to well-informed is going to take overall for doctors… because we still have to go to a pot doctor. Not to be confused with a cannabis expert doctor, and my audience hears me talk about this all the time. There’s a big difference. And so how long is it going to be before my GP gets the message and bones up on cannabis. How long is that going to take… 10 years?

Dr. Wilson-King 2:31

I have no idea but I’ll tell you…the more and more that patients ask their doctors about cannabis… that will push the doctor eventually to learn about it. Let me just say this when you were saying doctors don’t counsel the patients when they’re giving them their cannabis recommendations. The doctors I know are doing it. They really are. And I’m more than happy to give you names and different parts of the state of good doctors who are doing it correctly and making sure patients are informed… there really are plenty that are doing it.

Honey Smith Walls 3:16

You know… let me say right here. Yes, I agree with you completely and my audience knows about those… Dr. Anthony Mazo here in town who I absolutely adore and he was the first cannabis doctor here in Melbourne. And he’s a neurologist. Dr. Barry Gordon down in Venice Beach, Venice Beach.?

Dr. Wilson-King 3:40

Yeah, Venice Beach. Yes. Excellent doctor. Excellent.

Honey Smith Walls 3:47

Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And so, we do know of a lot of other doctors that I talked about who are around here, but they are very different than some of these fly by night guys who are just making money on it.

But I want to leave everybody with a hopeful idea that the experts are easy to find, especially if you go to Isn’t that right? Yeah. I talk about the Society of Cannabis Clinicians all the time. And they are always in my footnotes.

And so… you have been the vice president for that esteemed organization for some time now. What do you see happening in the next few years globally with cannabis?

Dr. Wilson-King 4:38

Oh, it’s going to blow up even more than it is. What I’m seeing now is there are more and more companies that are interested in educating people about cannabis. So you’re gonna see more and more educational opportunities. And has a really nice educational system. And it’s really for doctors and lay people. They can take the courses that are affordable and they will give you information on cannabis and pain. Cannabis and GYN conditions… cannabis and autism…

Honey Smith Walls 5:19

Dr. Bonnie Goldstein,

Dr. Wilson-King 5:20

Right…Dr. Bonnie Goldstein with epilepsy… Dr. Pat Fry… Yes, there are lots of modules, educational modules and like I said… they are affordable and they are being kept up to date. We have a pharmaceutical package that we also have available, which pharmacists can take courses to learn about cannabis from the pharmacy perspective. Pharmacists are getting more and more interested and in some states Pharmacists are required to be in the dispensaries.

Honey Smith Walls 5:59

Oh that’s up in Boston Massachusetts. I mean with Dr. Allen Ao.

Dr. Wilson-King 6:03

Yes and in New York. They’re also required to be there in Arizona. They’re required to be in the dispensary in some states that have pharmacists as a part of the cannabis industry in that state.

Honey Smith Walls 6:18

That’s a good idea. Yeah,

Dr. Wilson-King 6:22

Absolutely. Absolutely. So we’re gonna see a lot of growth I think eventually, cannabis will have adult use across the country. So that those people who are experienced and don’t necessarily need to see a physician just to get cannabis can get it. But you know, the patients who have complex problems or who are not sure how to use cannabis to help their problem, we’ll still need to see physicians. And what happened what will happen is physicians will end up seeing more and more complicated patients.

And that’s great because those are the patients we can truly help through the system with cannabis. Cannabis is such a it’s a poly-molecular medicine. We’re used to… and I’ll explain that a little bit. Pharmaceuticals, your pills that you get for your blood pressure and your your indigestion, they are single molecule drugs meaning there’s one thing there and that one thing when you ingest it into your body… the one thing targets one target…one aspect, whereas cannabis has multi molecules.

It has several different molecules that can target several different targets or several different areas. And that’s why cannabis can help so many different conditions. You have cannabis is able to affect the change in the serotonin receptors, that receptor and there’s several receptors of pain. There’s several physiologic processes for everything in the body and cannabis can affect receptors in all of those and that’s why cannabis can help so many things, but it is more difficult to use it if you’re unaware of that. And where you’re used a medication if your blood pressure isn’t lowering, well, we will increase the dose and do that.

But that’s not something you should do with cannabis unless it’s under the direction of a physician because less is more with cannabis. And sometimes the higher the dose, then you end up getting a different effect. That’s what we call a biphasic effect with cannabis. A lower dose gives you one effect. A higher dose gives you another… so you we don’t just always say Okay, let’s take more and more and more. This is great. Let’s do it more. No, that doesn’t work with cannabis. So there’s certain nuances that you would need to know and that can be helped when you get help and guidance. And it’s different for everybody. That’s exactly right.

Honey Smith Walls 9:27

Yeah, no two people can take the same thing and expect the same thing. No… and it’s not like an aspirin to fix a headache.

Dr. Wilson-King 9:35

Exactly. And cannabis plants differ. There’s all sorts of chemovars of cannabis meaning different chemical varieties. Chemovar is short for chemical variety. So there are many different chemo VARs and sometimes changing a chemovar is what you have to do to find what works for you… or the delivery system. I tell my patients, don’t just find one medicine at one dispensary and think that’s the end all be all you need to find different medicines at different dispensaries because one dispensary may not have your product and you’ve got the cultivate the medicine and process it and whatnot, and all that can make it different. So you need to find different things that help you… different chemovars that help you… and it’s a trial and error process. So you buy small amounts so that you can sample and make and see what helps you.

Honey Smith Walls 10:42

And journal… there’s so many products and so many different ways you can take them.

Dr. Wilson-King 10:50

Well you write down the product, and you look at the certificate of analysis of the product, and see what is in the product. Because then you can write that down and if that product works for you, oh, this is great, then you know what’s in it. So you can go anywhere in the country that has a cannabis, any state in the country that has a cannabis program and find that combination of items for you so you can get your medicine from anywhere. Because most of the states have programs such that there has to be a certificate of analysis so you can just look at those and find what you want. What works for you.

Honey Smith Walls 11:30

What do you think about cannabis insurance?

Dr. Wilson-King 11:34

My goodness, that would be fantastic. You know… speak of that… the state of New York insurance companies have to pay for the office visit to see the physician even if it’s a cannabis recommendation, because if the patient is going there for their condition, the insurance company has no right to say, well… if you’re getting cannabis, we’re not going to pay for that visit.

It’s an office visit about a condition. So that’s one of the really good things that Governor Cuomo… that was one of his edicts in New York with the New York cannabis program and they do pay for the physician visit.

Now there are also some states in which workers comp covers the cost of cannabis. Yes so there are some places where there’s some progress. It’s not widespread yet, but in the future, I think it will be certainly when it becomes federally legal… that will open the gates wide open so that you can do banking, you can do insurance. There’s a lot of things that can happen. When it becomes federally legal. It’s going to I don’t know the timing of this, but it’s going to eventually… Yeah, it really is.

Honey Smith Walls 13:09

Yeah. Yeah. I’m really anxious about recreation coming into Florida, just for all of the elders… I’m just nervous for them that they’re going to want to not have to do the double back somersaults to go through the medical process. And they’ll just…”Well let me try it on my own and see what it’s all about…” I’m worried about those people. But I’m so glad that we’ve got great doctors here in Florida who can be right at your fingertips with tele-medicine which is over now… but maybe we’ll go back to it someday.

Dr. Wilson-King 13:50

Yeah, that works so well. Oh, man, that really worked so well. Wow. Sure. Did. You know I can understand if they don’t want you to do it for the initial visit. Okay. I mean, we can see the person, we can see the driver’s license, we can match that. So yeah, it can be done for the initial visit.

But for the recertifications… there’s certainly no reason that they should have to come into the office. It really would be helpful for some some patients. It’s really a stressful event to go to the office because they’re already debilitated. And you  want them to make the trek. I had a patient who had cancer, and her husband would bring her in. And it was a chore… it really was a lot… because she had become so weakened.

It was very difficult for her to come into the office. So the first couple of times they came into the office so after that, I said, No, let’s not do this. I’ll come to you. So I did a home visit with them. Instead of having the husband strain and bring her in. And yeah, they were so grateful. It was so much easier. We can do things like that, but not everybody. Not everybody can do that. I’m in a situation in which I can do it. But not everybody can do that, especially if you’re seeing 30 patients or 20 patients a day. You don’t have time to do. So. Yeah, the telemedicine for cannabis is really, really helpful. It really is. And I’m sorry that that that ended in August of 2021.

Honey Smith Walls 15:52

Is anybody trying to get it back?

Dr. Wilson-King 15:55

Well, you know, wonderful state of Florida has a physician group that is fighting for a better program.

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Seg 2

Dr. Wilson-King 0:05

We need to find a way so that people who are using cannabis… not saying they should medicate at work and things like that… But people who are medical cannabis users can still work.

Honey Smith Walls 0:19


Dr. Wilson-King 0:22

And be protected at work. Yes. And granted there are certain rules that they will need to abide by. They do not medicate while at work and do not come to work impaired or intoxicated. Of course, just like you do alcohol, you don’t want people to have drinks and then come into work and be intoxicated on alcohol.

Honey Smith Walls 0:46

So intoxication is not medication.

Dr. Wilson-King 0:51

Exactly, exactly. And medical cannabis is medical. There have been studies that have shown that the workplace is not any less safe if people who are on medical cannabis are allowed to continue on medical cannabis have increase in accidents and things like that. Sure, I know there are some places where you’re operating heavy equipment or dangerous equipment and whatnot… and people have to be a certain level of alertness and whatnot. You can be that use medical cannabis.

Honey Smith Walls 1:43

Right. So and if and at some point, cannabis provides clarity and focus. You know, if you use it correctly, if you use the correct combination and alchemy of cannabis and all of its terpenes and flavonoids, it provides focus for you. So it’s such a complicated plant. And there’s so much to learn about it. And we’re just getting started in science discovery. And ain’t it fascinating.

It is, it really is.

It really is. Would you tell our audience please how we can get in touch with you and and where we can see you online? Because I know that you’re providing a lot of wonderful resources for us in a couple of places.

Dr. Wilson-King 2:36

Oh, thank you. My website is Victory V i c t o r y Rejuvenation And you can get in touch with me through the website.

I have an email that only comes to me and the only one that reads it and it’s  That’s D as in David… R as in rose… Wilson King at D as in David… R as in rose… That’s another way to reach me.

I have posts on LinkedIn and Facebook and Instagram.

Honey Smith Walls 3:31

And you often have that process….

Dr. Wilson-King 3:32

Okay, go ahead. I’m sorry.

Honey Smith Walls 3:35

No. I’m sorry. I was just gonna say you’ve got that wonderful initiation sort of on a monthly basis for your new patients. I’ve been a couple of times. It’s wonderful.

Dr. Wilson-King 3:51

Yes, I do that. That was going to be my last… I was going to talk about creating a YouTube library now for people.

Honey Smith Walls 3:58

Oh you are?

Dr. Wilson-King 4:00

Yes, I’ve got several of them completed. They’re in the process of getting all that they have to do to them and I do have a monthly webinar… it is the third Thursday of each month. It’s free. If you go to my website, you can sign up so you can join it. And it’s for an hour and it’s open to any and everybody and you can ask questions. I will do a talk if nobody has any questions, but I’m there primarily to answer your questions. If you have questions about hormones, about cannabis, or anything else that you think I can answer.

Honey Smith Walls 4:44

Girly girls… this is the place to hang out for all of those questions with Dr. Wilson-King  because I’m not kidding you… the maze, the medical maze, the medical mystery maze that we have to endure growing up and getting old is just overwhelming. And when you can find a doctor like Dr. Genester Wilson-King, who will explain what’s happening to you during whatever process or time period you’re going through and hold your hand during the process… you have found a jewel. And I have found a jewel and I’m telling you about her now.

Dr. Wilson-King 5:30

But you know one of the things I wanted to say about the phases and this is what I go into on the webinar… Women have lots of hormonal phases. And the phase that is the most impactful are the years that we call you’re in perimenopause. That usually, like I said, your hormones start to decline in the mid to late 30s. But in the 40s, that whole decade, your hormones are fluctuating wildly and that’s when you have these symptoms. But what women end up doing is they go to their primary care and they get put on anti-acids and sleep meds and yeah even women complain a weight gain so they put them on weight loss, medication, all sorts of things. And it’s really, if you’re in your 40s and you’ve got some issues, you need to check your hormones out first.

If it’s weight gain, compromised immune system, wrinkling and thinning of the skin, depression, stress seeming to weigh you down more often. cognitive decline is like your memory can’t remember… you go to one from one room to the next and you can’t remember why you went into that room. I mean yes, we all have that periodically, because everybody functions on stress, but it starts happening a little bit more often so that you’re noticing it… That’s a sign of a hormone problem.

Potentially, of course, it could be a sign of other things. But you want to start with the simplest thing and the easiest thing to attack first is… let’s look at my hormones and see what’s happening.

Because the 40s… the decade of the 40s is the most tumultuous time in a woman’s life. It’s also the time when most women commit suicide.

Honey Smith Walls

Oh my god!

Dr. Wilson-King

In their 40s… because their hormones are just really out of whack and it causes the patient to feel depressed, stressed, overwhelmed, yeah… fatigued, they can’t sleep. They’re gaining weight. They don’t have any interest in sex. It’s a time of tremendous change, and some women react to it that way. And it’s very, very sad. Surely, because the hormones could have been addressed. It’s not a difficult thing to do.

Honey Smith Walls 8:13

Wow. And yet I have to find a specialty doctor to get it done. But here you are. So I’m not complaining. I’m trying not to complain. Yeah.

Dr. Wilson-King 8:25

Lots of docs just don’t have time to spend with women and discuss their hormones. That’s really what it is. And also, you know, it does take some training… as an OBGYN I’ve dealt with women forever, and their hormones and all of the other conditions that are unique to women.

We need to embrace our hormones and know that our hormones are here to help us. Our hormones are here to keep us healthy. Our hormones are there to prevent cardiovascular disease, prevent immune compromised, prevent loss of bone, prevent atrophy of muscles and prevent all the things that happen with aging… or hormones can help… certainly prevent or delay, those things and you can do it safely and you don’t have to worry about breast cancer and heart attacks and strokes and things like that.

As I said earlier, those are with Premarin and Provera combination, but that’s not the only hormone combination available. It’s just like… they made a car. I think this car was the Pinto.

Honey Smith Walls

Oh yeah, I remember what it looks like.

Dr. Wilson-King

I mean, it was a bad car. But that doesn’t mean all cars were bad. So they created Premarin and Provera. That was a bad combination of drugs, doesn’t mean all hormones are bad. That’s how I look at it. And that’s how I try to explain it to women. Don’t be afraid of your hormones.

Honey Smith Walls 10:15

God! Thank you! That’s such an important message and one that all of my old lady girlfriends are really gonna appreciate hearing. Yeah, for real and that they will tell to their daughters and daughters in law and to their grandchildren. Love your hormones! And let them tell you what you need to do to feel right and balanced. This is such a great lesson for all of us.

Dr. Wilson-King 10:46

Great information. I just attended a conference virtually this past weekend that was out standing and it taught about Alzheimer’s and the fact that it is a disease of insulin resistance in the brain and how you can combat that… how you can prevent it.

Hormone therapy prevents that whole process.

Honey Smith Walls 11:15

Oh my gosh!

Dr. Wilson-King 11:19

It’s just amazing. Of course it takes into account nutrition and lifestyle. You have to do all that. But hormones are going to be the driving force to prevent insulin resistance to prevent the visceral fat weight gain or helped it to lose… the visceral fat increase is the fat that’s in the midsection that’s in and about the surrounding, I should say, the abdominal organs. That’s the fat that’s the hardest to lose. And you really do have to change your lifestyle, decrease your sugar intake and things like that.

But hormones will help that. Estradiol, Testosterone, and Progesterone. For men, it’s primarily testosterone… for women… it’s all three.

Honey Smith Walls

Gotta have all three.

Dr. Wilson-King

For a man… it’s testosterone and estradiol. Meaning… I’m not saying that men have to take estradiol.

It’s when you’re placed on testosterone, don’t let them give you a medication to make your estradiol go away. You don’t want that because the estradiol is protective of cardiovascular disease. That’s why women have a lesser rate of cardiovascular disease before menopause. But once they reach menopause, the rate of cardiovascular disease in women is the same as it is in men. Because menopause means what? Loss of hormones?

Honey Smith Walls 13:00

Gosh! well, I’ve known three… I’ve had three old lady girlfriends in the last five years have strokes and heart attacks. So… and I know for a fact that they are not doing very much or were not doing very much in the hormonal department. And so it just makes me wonder.

Dr. Wilson-King 13:18

Yeah, yeah. And it’s never too late to start hormone therapy. And it’s never too late to prevent or effect changing your risk for Alzheimer’s. Because if you’re 65, you can start hormone therapy. Sure, sometimes we’ll do it a little differently than we do it for someone who is 40 or 50. But you can still experience the benefits. One of the earlier studies looking at Alzheimer’s and hormones, it is said there was a window in which you can prevent Alzheimer’s and then you have to take hormones within 10 years of menopause and then take the hormone therapy for 10 years in order to get the protection.

Well subsequent studies have showed that that’s not true. Anytime. Anytime you start hormones, any length of time that you take them… you can affect a change in your risk. Now I’m not saying that’s the only thing to do to prevent it… sure there are other contributing factors such as genetics, and nutrition, and lifestyle behavior of course. You have to have all of that in with it too. So don’t leave don’t think I’m saying hormones is the solution to everything just like I don’t believe cannabis as a solution to everything.

You we all have to do our part and that’s being careful with what we eat, and what we put into our bodies and what we do with our bodies. We need to nourish and nurture our bodies as well and nourish and nurture our minds, our emotions, our stress levels.

We need to make sure that we’re doing the stress relieving techniques and spending some time… you know… some people are spending some time meditating and some people have difficulty sitting and meditating. Walk and meditate. Yes. You know, you can listen to music and meditate. You can play music and that’s your meditation. Yeah, I know when you see people who are gifted singers and they’re up on the stage singing their hearts out… that’s a meditation. Meditation is connection to spirit. That is their connection to spirit. So don’t worry if you can’t just sit and meditate. You can do it in many different ways. Many different forms.

Honey Smith Walls 15:52

Many forms. Drumming. Using musical instruments. Just being one with a tree. I so love that you went there. This is the one thing that I did not expect.  I did not expect scientists to teach me about spirituality. And that’s what’s happened. And I’m so grateful. You know, it’s been…just lovely.

Dr. Wilson-King 16:14

Well you know, we are a spirit that has a soul that lives in a body. You have to nourish and nurture all three in order to be well so that’s how I approach each patient. Looking at each aspect, I’m not preaching any specific religion. I’m just saying…have a connection with a higher power.

Honey Smith Walls 16:41

UmmHmmm… with a higher power.

Dr. Wilson-King 16:44

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Love every day. Yes, take a walk every day or do something physical everyday. It this is the part of the nourishing nurturing of our entire body system, spirit, soul and body. It’s wonderful. Wonderful.

Honey Smith Walls 17:03

It really is. It gives me goosebumps. Thanks for going there. Thank you.

Dr. Wilson-King 17:08

I don’t usually do that either. Oh, my goodness. It just came out.

Honey Smith Walls 17:13

There it is… the Spirit speaks. You know, the teacher appears when the student listens. So here we are.

Dr. Wilson-King 17:24

Oh, you know, some of the places where you can get education about cannabis? I don’t think I’ve finished that. But… Project CBD is fantastic! Fabulous website! Fabulous.  And that Cannaba Verum podcast and our lovely host, you’ll get educated.

Honey Smith Walls 17:55

Ahhhhahahahaha… I thought you were gonna say the Cannigma with Elana Goldberg and Dr. Codi Peterson.

Dr. Wilson-King 18:04

That’s a good one too. It really really is. There are places to find legitimate cannabis information. Right. And there are places to find legitimate hormone information. Start with my website and I’ll refer you to other places as well. There’s lots of information… good information out there for you to ingest.

Honey Smith Walls 18:27

Yeah, yeah. To make yourself whole and balanced and feel wonderful. So yeah, I can’t thank you enough. I really can’t… for spending so much time with us. You’re wonderful. You’re a wonderful doctor. For me. I’ve been telling everybody for… I don’t know at least a year and a half now about you and and how you’ve helped me so and are able to help so many others through all of the different programs that you have available. And just spending time one on one. It’s so meaningful and precious to all of us.

So thank you so much.

Dr. Wilson-King 19:11

You’re very welcome. Two more things…

Honey Smith Walls 19:14

No time limit.

Dr. Wilson-King 19:15

There are two tests that I do offer to patients in my practice, and one of them is a neutravol test.

That is mainly an assessment of nutrients in five areas. The antioxidants, your B vitamins, digestive support, essential fatty acids and minerals. It also tells you your toxic nettle levels. That’s a great test and other tests is a GI effects test. And that test looks at your gut microbiome. Everything revolves around your gut. And when you say I felt it in my gut, that’s the brain-gut connection. Yeah, there is a connection there. And your gut is so very important.

For example, people asked me about artificial sweeteners. And Stevia used to be my favorite, but when I started learning about the gut years ago, Stevia disrupts the gut microbiome. It does. Stevia is good in that it does not increase your blood sugar level like all the other sweeteners do… the aspartame… soup sucrose… but stevia disrupts the gut microbiome and that affects serotonin that affects… there’s several papers written about how variances in the gut microbiome lead to mental health illnesses.

So yeah, so the gut is really important, and this test will tell you what’s going on in your gut, and then we can fix that and that has helped… oh my goodness, helped so many people. I had a patient who did the test and we put her on some pre and probiotics and a few other supplements. And she reached out to me three to four weeks later and said my head cleared up. Oh my gosh, I feel so much better. That’s what helping the gut can do to you. So those are another… Those are two other example of services that we provide in my practice.

Honey Smith Walls 21:35

Well, it’s fascinating science. It’s really fascinating and a lot of fun to go through with you as a patient, I just might add. Because you learn so much and then I have taken my body more seriously because of what I’ve learned. And so, yeah, the process works! Honestly! It works!

Dr. Wilson-King 22:01

You were a fabulous patient. And because you did listen, and you did! You absorbed it and you would come in the next visit and say, you know, I did this?

Honey Smith Walls 22:13

Yeah, and I could see incrementally you know, with each visit, I could see myself lifting and becoming more and more balanced. So it was truly a wonderful experience I am still enjoying because I’ve learned so much and will continue you know, because I’m not getting any younger, but I’m going to protect the years that I have left to the best of my ability, knowing and understanding women’s internal needs now. And that’s because I found you and so, here we’re talking and telling everybody we can so that they can take advantage of it too.

Dr. Wilson-King 23:02

Amen. We’re getting better as we age. Yeah, we are in a very healthy way. Yeah, that’s what we want to do.

Honey Smith Walls 23:10

Well I love being in this industry with you. I certainly love being a fly on the wall to all the conferences that I get to see when we’re together and it’s just fantastic. I can’t thank you enough.

Dr. Wilson-King 23:25

Oh thank you for inviting me. Thank you for continuing to invite me. I finally… I sometimes, like anybody else, sometimes need that little encouragement.

Honey Smith Walls

Oh, I think we all do and whatnot.

Dr. Wilson-King

So I appreciate you. I appreciate what you’re doing. And I appreciate you being a patient. I really, really do. I’m honored by that.

Honey Smith Walls 23:51

Well you’re special to me too. Thanks for being here. Goodbye. Take care.

Dr. Wilson-King 23:56

Bye bye

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You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using verifiably safe products.

The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues.

Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies…

To find a qualified cannabis expert to help in your area, visit It is a national society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes.

Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test, please regard all street weed as contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis, IBS, Fibromyalgia or worse.

Thanks so much for listening today. I hope you found value and understanding through my podcast. I have many more thoughts upon the subject that go in a more spiritual direction. So in that vein, please join my brand new live stage on Clubhouse every Sunday at 8am Eastern… look for Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum.

It’s the spiritual version of my weekly podcast which usually covers all things in the cannabis industry… But we’re live on Clubhouse so you can ask questions and inspire others with your own stories or just be a fly on the wall.

Get there for live conversation with learned friends. And if you miss, you can catch replays at a convenient time.

Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum

Clubhouse – Sundays at 8am Eastern


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like:

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD,

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like:

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like: Dr. Codi Peterson et al on The Cannigma Podcast, and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more like: NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (

Over past episodes of Cannaba Verum, we’ve listened to some amazing scientists and medical professionals talk about their discoveries and patient successes as hundreds of questionable compounds rise to the public grasp. I am especially interested in the pharmacists movement becoming an integral part of this new medicinal choice.

Watch this machine roll into action through conversations with pharmacy doctors all over the nation like Dr. Leah Johnson and Dr. Codi Peterson out West and Dr. Alan Ao up North. There are so many more getting involved now… these are just a few who have come on my show to explain the situation and it’s fascinating.

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and most patients and doctors are seriously cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information.

If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis.

You’ll find that letter at  

My specialist in hormonal help: Dr. Genester Wilson-King, M.D. and Founder

Victory Rejuvenation Center – Orlando, Florida

My Neurologist and Cannabis Expert Medical Marijuana Doctor in Melbourne, FL:

Anthony Mazo, M.D.

Brevard Neuro Center

(321) 733-2711

315 E. Nasa Blvd.

Melbourne, FL 32901.    

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.

(1) Microdosing –

(2) Concentrates –

(3) Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia

(4) Society of Cannabis Clinicians –

(5) Take the Pledge –

(6) Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

(7) The Cannigma Podcast =

(8) Curious About Cannabis Podcast =

Show Notes:

Dr. Genester Wilson-King is going to talk about the facts of life for women. Seriously… when was the last time your doctor checked your hormones? Never? Right… because insurance requires them to hurry through their daily patient load and they don’t have the time it takes to study your medical data.

Well hormonal therapies may not be on your radar yet… but they should’ve been a long time ago. Women need 3 hormones all their lives. How many are showing up in YOUR bloodstream? Find out what you need to know to balance your system and feel good with energy. What’s all that got to do with cannabis? Well did you know your medications won’t work properly with hormonal imbalance? There’s so much to learn!

Dr. Genester Wilson-King

Lester Grinspoon’s books:

Marijuana Reconsidered

Marijuana The Forbidden Medicine

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