CV 174 Periodic Edibles

August 22, 2022

CV 174 Periodic Edibles

Hey Today I’m bringing Wayne Schwind, the host of Periodic Edibles Podcast and company because they produce caramel gummies out in Oregon. And I want to talk a little science and business perspectives with Wayne because he’s a real smarty pants with all kinds of letters behind his name. He went to Michigan Tech in 2010 and got a degree in chemical engineering so he’s really got an inside scoop into all of that juju.

I can’t wait for you to meet him too. He’s a really nice guy. Come on in.

There you are. I bet I’ve got Wayne.

Wayne Schwind  0:46

Yeah can you hear me all right?

Honey Smith Walls 0:47

I can. I’m just perusing your website. I want you to know I found you guys maybe about six months or so ago. And consider you must listening for for me. And and I really appreciate what you’re doing. But all of that plus you’re a podcaster and I want to know how you jumped into that.

Wayne Schwind  1:16

Yeah, the podcast started… Well, initially, I started an edibles company in Oregon. And so I started that in 2015. It was in the medical days before they went recreational here.

And then I started the podcast, I think 2017 So a couple years about a year or two after that. And initially it was kind of part of like the marketing strategy for the edibles company. And you know… meeting a lot of interesting people who wouldn’t otherwise get to me… talk with them… scientists… and we’ve kind of….

Honey Smith Walls 1:49

Oh, shoot! Did I lose you Wayne? Dang it. Hang on everybody.


Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast.

I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use of this live plant therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis… what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet.

Using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy… specifically of the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider.

The information you’ll find here comes straight from scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets.

The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association.

And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall.  Because… I’m not a doctor, nor did I go to med school. But I did take dozens of private cannabis courses from those scientists and clinicians and still engage in continuing education offered by cannabis experts from around the world. Now I understand the bigger picture.

I talk to people all day long about cannabis and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today. Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies.

It can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects, even those caused by synthetic prescriptions.

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields.

I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story in cannabis in historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Honey Smith Walls 4:13

There you are Wayne,

Wayne Schwind  4:16

I’m back. I think I closed my phone or put it on silent. I gotta leave it open. So now we should be good.

Honey Smith Walls 4:24

Oh, okay. I was about to apologize. I’ve had a couple of other hiccups today. And it was like, ohhhh… not again. Yeah. Yeah.

Anyway, so you were you were talking about being up in Oregon and and starting the podcast then because you were talking to other scientists and professionals with empirical knowledge about the plant… Yeah, yeah. Spread all that good to juju around.

Wayne Schwind  4:51

Yeah, exactly. And it was you know, it was talking to them and then starting the company. The edibles company. I self-financed it as well. So when I began thinking about building it… I had to look for like you know, marketing methods that were really low cost, right. Doing a podcast, and kind of building things up that way was definitely cool that that was an option with… because it really wasn’t… 10 years ago.

Honey Smith Walls 5:18

I want to ask what year was that because podcasts are just barely getting caught on now. Yeah.

Wayne Schwind  5:25

Yeah, I don’t think it was that early. So it’s 2017 when I started the podcast, and I started the edibles company in 2015. So about a year or two before that.

Honey Smith Walls 5:36

Boy, I bet you had a wealth of knowledge by then to share to on that podcast.

Wayne Schwind  5:41

Yeah, I definitely learned.. Wow, the questions to ask to maybe more questions than knowledge. But yeah,

Honey Smith Walls 5:48

It’s a wonderful way of getting people together I found as well and I love sharing that information from the experts to the common people, you know, in my community, because I’m over here in Florida and we are extremely protected by the Florida legislative rules of all of this. So we can only be a patient over here. I’m really grateful for that. Yeah, but recreation is coming. And I fear for all of these older people on 10-15 pills a day of some synthetic prescription.

Wayne Schwind  6:32

Yeah, yeah, it’s interesting with Rec and especially the hemp side of the industry, a lot of the products that are out there and it’s just a difficult task to tackle federal legalization or just the state’s doing it and trying to do it right. And so it’s a challenge for sure.

Honey Smith Walls 6:51

Well,I’m hoping something happens soon. They keep talking about it, but I don’t have much faith in Biden to do something. He’s part of the guys who started a lot of this mess. Oh, let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about you. Yeah, and so I do I really do appreciate your podcasts because of the education I get from it. And the last one that you did was on edibles in the body and how they work and it was wonderful.

Wayne Schwind  7:25

Yeah, that was a new style. We tried where we went back and kind of made a compilation of a bunch of different guests covering a specific topic like that. So that was kind of a new approach for us.

Honey Smith Walls 7:35

So I wanted to tell you because I heard you asking for opinions about that. And I want to tell you that I enjoyed that very much. And it also gave me a few ideas. So I appreciate that as well. I do like the style. I do like the style and you’ve got so much really juicy information that you can just cherry pick from from your pool.

Wayne Schwind  8:01

Yeah, and then try to get I think a lot… there’s so much content with… I think we’re almost at 300 episodes! There’s a lot back there and but they’re not always theme specific or questions specific when you have a guest on so it’s nice to kind of organize all those type of talks into one around a specific question like that.

Honey Smith Walls 8:20

Because what really does get to the point of the problem between the human and the plant is we don’t know enough about it to be able to use it well enough for ourselves without guidance. Yeah. And so putting all of that in a format that’s so easily digestible and understandable is so important.

Wayne Schwind  8:43

Yeah, yeah. I’m excited to do more of those. I think that’s a interesting new approach. We’re going to start trying out more and hopefully they’ll get better and we’ll be able to tackle different types of questions and things like that down the road.

Honey Smith Walls 8:55

That’ll be wonderful. Who’s been your favorite? And what’s been your favorite subject lately to talk about?

Wayne Schwind  9:04

Oh, that’s a tough question. It’s definitely you know, one of the scientists we do a little bit on the business side and marketing, but a lot more science guests that we have come on. I feel like my favorite is when they always ended up being kind of the bigger conversations around like technology and science evolution. You know, I think you mentioned having Ruth Fisher… Yeah, we’ve had her on multiple times. I love talking with her because she kind of looks at like the whole thing you know, even past just the cannabis plant in the industry.

Honey Smith Walls 9:35

She’s got a global view. Yeah, yeah. It’s unique and precious to hear about when she shares her thoughts with us.

Wayne Schwind  9:46

Yeah, yeah, like those and I almost like either going extremely big picture or extremely little small picture, which is like talking about like, the molecule receptor, how it binds, how long is the metabolism… all those things that you get very detail oriented, that I think a lot of consumers might be like, feels like a little much or too much of a deep dive, but there’s definitely people that like it.

Honey Smith Walls 10:10

There’s a lot of armchair science geeks out there like me who just love all of those juicy details. It helps us put the puzzle together, you know, even though we haven’t or didn’t have the advantage of going to school and getting it all at once. Yeah. So it’s really appreciated information. I feel like the public has just been programmed to follow whatever the doctor says and just do whatever the doctor says and follow whatever the doctor says.

Wayne Schwind  10:41


Honey Smith Walls 10:43

We don’t know the system and we’re not sure if the doctor understands everything.

Wayne Schwind  10:49

Right and a lot of doctors don’t… that’s kind of a concerning part as we go into federal legalization or even as states legalize, you know, if they don’t legalize right or they over regulate, they can really limit or hurt the industry long term which trickles down to the patients, product choice and selection pricing.

Honey Smith Walls 11:08

It’s all of that and I’m just sorry that the patients are always the ones that have to get socked in the jaw over all of these details.

Wayne Schwind  11:21

Yeah, yeah, it does seem like it’s happening. Especially when a state goes to Rec vs patients. Most of the time the patients do seem to be forgotten about.

Honey Smith Walls 11:30

That’s why I’m so afraid.You know, I just really am because I’ve got about five different dispensaries within 20 minutes of my house. And I know that I can go to any one of those and get clean medicine and use it in a variety of ways because no two dispensaries had the same product or the same delivery method. Or any of that and so you really have to hunt and choose and cherry pick your meds, especially if you’re on limited funds.

And so it’s not easy being a medical marijuana patient because they sting you with Doctor fees that you’re going to perhaps a cannabis naive doctor, that’s just selling the the referral code to the state so you have to go to the state pay… the money… and lalalala. All of that double back somersault dance.

Yeah, those five you know, smoke weed. Yeah, no,

Wayne Schwind  12:42

Are those five shops all different companies or all one?

Honey Smith Walls 12:43

No, they’re all different and we got options there.

  It’s really great. But you know when it first started happening here in Florida, I had to drive an hour and a half away to find a dispensary and then it was “Not my backyard!”

You’re going to put that in some industrial neck of the woods of that town and make these old codgers hobble in on their cannulas and canes with cash in hand, no less. You know, a prime target… old with cash.

And so, they just don’t understand the practicality of being a cannabis patient in this world yet. When they’re legislating it’s as though they don’t use it.

 Oh, guess what, they’re not a cannabis patient. Go figure.

Wayne Schwind  13:33

Yeah. Not familiar with it. Yeah. Yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 13:36

So the life of a medical marijuana patient is quite different than that of a guy who just wants to use recreationally. It’s a totally different mindset. And there’s no micro dosing in the recreational world that I’m seeing. And besides that, how do you microdose a concentrate? I keep asking this question.

Wayne Schwind  13:59

Yeah, that one’s hard. Yeah, everyone’s going… I think it’s early on where everybody’s doing really high potency stuff kind of maxing out or trying to get the highest percentage of whatever the limits are, they can get to.

Honey Smith Walls 14:14

And that’s a hippie concept.

Wayne Schwind  14:17

I think you’re right. Yeah, might have carried… I think it carried over from the black market or gray market or like moonshine. You know, they sold liquor…and then nobody was shipping beer… because it was not potent enough. And now you have all this volume, you gotta move. And so the black market took that approach of the highest percentage, and I think that’ll change over time.

But yeah, it just hasn’t seemed to happen yet.

Honey Smith Walls 14:37

Yeah, that other market is still thriving.

Wayne Schwind  14:44

Oh, yeah. Yeah. A lot of the problems that we have are because they’ve let it continue to thrive. And I think they’re gonna use some of that as, you know, reasons to over-regulate, well, like, look what’s going on here? These people are diverting out of state and we’ve federally legalized, all these problems you say we have… wouldn’t be there.

But they’ll set up harder rules or make it more difficult for operators and that can lead to a lot of downstream effects.

Honey Smith Walls 15:12

Have you ever interviewed politicians?

Wayne Schwind  15:17

I’ve had a couple on Yeah, actually, one that was the kind of the first… not the first one, but one of the bigger ones that was pushing for federal legalization, lobbying. And they’re actually aligned with some of the bigger companies in the industry, which some don’t have the best track records or histories. You know, whenever there’s a lot of money involved or new markets, so that’s kind of interesting. Yeah, a couple of different ones… some are more open than others, but it’s always difficult because I feel like they’re trying to get a certain message out and I’m pretty familiar with the industry. So sometimes I sense a little thing here and there and try to dive deeper, but they’re pretty good at giving roundabout answers.

Honey Smith Walls 15:59

They really are. Yeah, well practice. It’s an art. It’s an art.

Wayne Schwind  16:03

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 16:05

I’m afraid I can’t keep a civil tongue in my mouth. I wouldn’t… I couldn’t be trusted with a politician. Yeah. But I do love the scientists and I find them to be quite fun and funny and thrilled and thrilling to talk to about their passion… about working inside the plant… it’s just enjoyable to see and feel because we understand the power of the plant and what it’s going to do as soon as it can be unleashed.

 But just beyond, you know, I’m kind of a fly on the wall watching the scientists in all this moment of discovery… it’s so thrilling.

Wayne Schwind  16:54

Yeah, yeah. And it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon, so it’s gonna remain that way for a while.

Honey Smith Walls 17:00

Rafael Mechoulam at 92… Still a lab rat looking at cannabis.

Wayne Schwind  17:05

He’s still out there doing it! Yeah. Godfather of the THC discovery.

Honey Smith Walls 17:10

Right. Yeah, it’s fun.

Transcribed by


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Honey Smith Walls 0:00

So how long is your day? What happens in a typical day for you?

Wayne Schwind  1:36

It’s pretty random. I think with being a business owner. You know it depends on what comes up and we have operations… a lot of stuff on the back end that’s behind the scenes that I’m always running so most things are smooth most of the time.

You know if I have my choice mostly it’s kind of marketing and making content, doing more episodes… trying to make those into videos and different things around education. Most of the days are like that. But every so often, you know, a customer or something comes up and can steal a day away from you trying to problem solve, but yes, it’s kind of a mixed bag… being an entrepreneur.

Honey Smith Walls 2:17

Yeah. But it’s wonderful having the autonomy to do what you want to do. Isn’t it?

Wayne Schwind  2:24

Yeah, yeah, it definitely is. Yeah, that’s exciting.

Honey Smith Walls 2:29

Well, Wayne… I’m gonna let you get back to your day because I really just wanted to chat with a guy who I regard as kind of a superstar in podcasting about cannabis and to see how you were enjoying it. And I know the people that you’re interviewing and love so many of them and follow so many of them. I talk about your show on my show. And and I just want you to know you’re having a big effect out here.

Wayne Schwind  3:01

I appreciate that. I did want to ask… I’ve got a little bit of more time I was curious about kind of stigma is around it and I think you said one of your friends or someone you know… even after seeing the science and Sanjay Gupta… was more mainstream coming out in support of cannabis. People are still kind of holding on to the stigma. Do you see that a lot around Florida?

Honey Smith Walls 3:22

Well, let me just tell you. I am married to an 89 year old who’s black. And he’s seen a lot of the world and understands it. And he was properly propagandized against it. He worked for the federal government as a chief and of course couldn’t ever be scandalized by any of that sort of mess. And besides that, he was a teetotaller anyway so all of that was just… in his opinion, it’s stupid for somebody to try to alter their mind. He couldn’t understand why anybody would want to do that.

And he’s a farm boy from the middle of Kansas thank you very much. So the only black family in an all white, Kansas farm town. So his upbringing was, you know, around the plants, the animals ate it and his parents used it and from the drugstore, you know, when there was a sore or something, you’d slap a little dab that cannabis tincture on it, and it seemed to not get infected. You know? So they’d take their, their cannabis, whatever it was, that they get from the doctor or from the store in the early part of the 1900s when his parents lived and then Lewi was born. My husband was born in 32.

So bad that time you know, that’s when all the mess started coming in. All the medical marijuana murder mysteries from down south and all that nonsense from Hearst and all that stuff with the Ag at the time and prohibition of alcoholic just gone out and so now what’s his name needed another mission in order to keep that big team of people.

All that to say the damage that all of those corrupt people in places of power did to the consciousness in our society over this plant has been utterly astounding and it is so deep rooted that even after the last six years of me personally studying cannabis and having zoom meetings, just open in the house that he could hear… and listening to your podcast and listening to Dr. Sulak and listening to Dr. Michael Geci and Dr. Patricia Frey and Ruth Fisher… all these fabulous people who he had the nerve to say to me the other day…

“I don’t believe any of it. I think it’s all bullshit.” He said, “I hear who you listen to and what they’re saying but I don’t believe any of it.”

Well, okay, thank you very much for putting your hands over your ears. And saying don’t bother me with the facts. I understand what I think!

Wayne Schwind  6:22

Yeah, it’s so interesting. It’s crazy to see what a stronghold that has on people… that stigma lingers so strongly, I mean decades and decades. of effort put into that.

Honey Smith Walls 6:37

That’s right. And I want you to know, my husband is extremely smart. He’s in that upper echelon of smarty pants. And so this stigma has really affected him. And he’s also angry because it’s not covered by insurance. So that also invalidates it. Well, why wouldn’t insurance pay for it? If it was a real medicine? They pay for it, you know, hear me? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And so all that plays into it. Well, dammit, I can’t, I can’t help it that our system is corrupt. And that this is all we’ve been able to suck out of it at this point to help ourselves with this plant.

Wayne Schwind  7:24

Yeah, this image, and it was so great.

Honey Smith Walls 7:31

And why didn’t the federal government legalize it already?

Wayne Schwind  7:32

So horrible… Why does the government invest all of that patent work into legitimizing what’s inside cannabis?

Honey Smith Walls 7:36

So you can’t double talk me anymore about cannabis and just because my husband puts his hands over his ears and does that… It makes me want to get the truth out more. And it just makes me change my tactic on how I’m doing. And so

Wayne Schwind  8:02

And so good challenge for you… Yeah. If you solve him then…

Honey Smith Walls 8:07

Then I’ve got the worst of them. And so I consider it a challenge. And an honor. He’s an amazing man. And I’ve never seen him just doubt something like this. Not even wanting to look at the science because he’s a man of science. And so this just blows me away.

Wayne Schwind  8:27

I’ve seen a lot of people I’ve seen some of those people that were really hard against it. And it seems like a personal experience sometimes can change it even if it’s not with themselves, you know, a close family member but even yourself you know, it sounds like he’s still holdin on.

Honey Smith Walls 8:43

Well, he has seen me go through 25 years of health. We used to sail on a boat. And we were on the boat for about five years and it’s a very, very healthy lifestyle. And so when we came back we had just gotten into the internet… it had just exploded, and computers and cell phones and all of that. So we came back and started sitting around and of course we both gained weight and then you know what happens? Your blood pressure goes up your cholesterol goes up. Next thing you know you’re on thyroid and high blood meds and all that lalala you know, about 20 years later, I got old lady aches and pains and nobody’s really able to address any of the issues.

So I get into cannabis and guess what… my issues have been resolved. Why? Because I’m not taking those synthetic meds that used to cause a lot of the problems that I was having. So it’s lifted me and I don’t have the nausea and I’m able to move and I’m 68 and I feel like I’m 42 so he has seen this change come over me and still… He puts his hands over his ears. Do ya want to hear another story… I’ve got an old lady friend who has glaucoma, and she’s now on her own. Her husband passed and she’s terrified of going blind so she started researching CBD and lalala. She found out I was into it and so she’s asking me and she’s doing all this kind of research and so she starts taking a little CBD. Lo and behold she feels better. She started to sleep, her aches and pains don’t go on. And her inner eye pressure went down. And her eye doctor told her if she ever takes that again. He will drop her as a patient.

Wayne Schwind  10:41

That’s crazy to hear… send her out here.

Honey Smith Walls 10:44

I said honey I’m happy to give you some ammunition to take with you and let him talk to the society of cannabis clinicians, you know, or somebody that he might regard as peers… cited doctors that he might regard truthful.

Wayne Schwind  11:00

but someone he might Yeah, take their opinion from the argument. No, go ahead.

Honey Smith Walls 11:07

No, no, I go ahead. It’s it

Wayne Schwind  11:12

was Yeah, with your husband. You said it. He said that, you know, I don’t understand why someone would want to alter their mind. And I’ve heard that one from some people as well… like the risk of that… and it’s funny because most of those people also drink alcohol. And it’s like… if you can’t see that it’s the same thing with that, even though I buy cannabis way better way more medicinal potential versus alcohol but they don’t connect those dots… they don’t see alcohol as a drug which is interesting.

Honey Smith Walls 11:40

Well, again, it’s all propaganda and it’s legal. That’s their point, even though it can do more damage and more harm and get them in more trouble and they can divulge more secrets of our government. That they shouldn’t be blabbing about on alcohol. It’s a real dichotomy this propaganda thing and it’s a lesson to just keep working… I say it like Nancy Pelosi: “Ages quod Agis… baby” one foot in front of the other and just keep going. So, I’ve learned a lot from the scientists that we get to chat with and that gives me the grace and patience to hold back because they show me… you ever get to their clubhouses? Their clubhouse rooms?

Wayne Schwind  12:41

I’ve checked that out. I asked some of them but I’m clubhouse and while I was still going on, yeah,

Wayne Schwind  12:45

well, it is cannabinoid.

Honey Smith Walls 12:49

Cannabinoid Science and the Human Body with Dr. Michael Geci and Dr. Codi Peterson. Well, there are a bunch more out there anyway. It’s wonderful and Oh, geez, I just lost my train of thought. But you get to talk to them. The patience that they’ve been teaching me and how to deal with somebody who’s all impassioned and comes in, you know, blazing with their guns and their thoughts about recreational weed and now they’re in this science room and they shut them down with with the facts. Yeah, and that’s just a lovely thing to see. Is somebody learning something and then making it actually useful?

Wayne Schwind  13:41

Yeah, yeah, it feels like with the nature the balance of it is, however, much the years of propaganda and stigma that were put in and it’s like the equal amount of effort to overcome it on the other side, and that’s a lot to overcome.

Honey Smith Walls 13:56

It really is. Yeah.

Wayne Schwind  14:00

I’ve got one quick story. I’ll leave you with this.

Honey Smith Walls 14:07

There’s no time limit… Tell me all right.

Wayne Schwind  14:08

I’ve got multiple stories like this, but I have one that really stands out because it was a close friend. And I grew up in Michigan. So I’m in Oregon now. But back in Michigan, you know, they just legalized and they went Rec… but stigma is a lot stronger in Michigan where I grew up than it is out here in Oregon or on the West Coast. Oh, yeah.

And I had a friend… his grandpa I think he was 94 or 95 and was really against cannabis. My friend was open to it, you know he consumed and things like that. He was trying to get his grandpa interested in trying edibles. And he was so against it, he wouldn’t do it. And he was kind of getting near the end of his life. And there’s a big piece around I think quality of life, especially near the end where you know, they’re on a lot of different medications. He went through cancer and got through chemo but was just still dealing with the effects of everything. And they tried all the medications. I mean, he went through everything they could possibly have basically had no other options left and they’re just kind of near the end. And finally he got them to try a little bit of an inedible because it’s like… well we tried everything.

It was kind of you know, sadly on death’s doorstep and well, if I’m near the end anyways, why not? You know, it’s at the end and the first time he took it, they said they saw him smile, which they hadn’t seen in years, which blew their mind.

And then he started in the mornings… they said… you used to sleep until noon or they had to get him up to force him to eat but he’d go right back to bed. And for the last I think he lived another year or two after he tried the edible the first time. The remaining years he would get out of bed on his own in the morning and walk out into the living room. And when he started within a week or so of trying the edibles, he started doing that and that just blew their mind.

They never thought that the other medications ever did anything for him like that. But he was smiling… getting around at the end… getting up on his own. He was like… social which he wasn’t before. And just very low dose amounts of edibles.

He finally had no other options near the end and it’s like I’ll give it a try. And the last thing they said was the quality of his life… it was just unbelievable the last year or two versus without it… it’s just kind of a sad ending near the end because they’re so depressed, sad hurt, you know, it’s hard. Yeah, get through day by day, you know, yeah, you know, at some point… so I’ve heard that kind of story multiple times. And so, you know, it’ll eventually I think it trickles down.

Honey Smith Walls 16:36

You know what’s happening with that? People… I just I can’t remember what the statistic is but people are coming off of hospice because of cannabis.

Wayne Schwind  16:45

Oh, are there some recent studies around that? That’s very interesting.

Honey Smith Walls 16:51

It must be because I heard that and so I must have read it somewhere but I can’t… I hate repeating something I can’t source. Right but, but I’m hearing that and the first time I’m hearing it Oh, I know where I heard it. So there’s a an accredited health care directory that are bringing people together. Of home health care. And I found it on their site and it quoted a real deal and their site is called and I’m gonna say it. Home is the name of that. Yep. Because it’s a good thing. It’s accredited home healthcare dot directory is the name of that. They’re bringing accredited home health care workers and people together and it’s a good place to start because it’s hard to find an accredited home health care professional, who you know, who really understands what your needs are, and how to help you. So check them out..

Wayne Schwind  18:09

I haven’t heard of them. It’s interesting. Yeah.  My prediction, I don’t know how long it’ll take. But eventually I think seniors are elderly. I think cannabis, whether it’s edibles or some form will be like a multivitamin or a supplement daily that you take, you know, lasts a little bit of your life or whatever that is, I think it’ll just become so normalized and so helpful and beneficial, especially once you get into old age.

Honey Smith Walls 18:40

I think we need to be giving our elders in hospice Ayahuasca or mushroom or mdma at the end of life.

Wayne Schwind  18:47

Yeah, it’s saying the number of people we hear from here are patients that are on 30 medications. They’re now down to four or five after starting to use cannabis and that’s a long multi year process to get there. It doesn’t solve everything. No. But it helps so much. It’s when you hear those stories, it just blows and at first you’re like, Nah, someone’s making it up. That sounds too good to be true. But a lot of that stuff is happening.

Honey Smith Walls 19:21

Cannabis has been used for for over millions of years.

Wayne Schwind  19:26

So nothing new. We’ve just rediscovered it.

Break Mazo Promo:

Mazo Promo:

Honey Smith Walls 13:37

Hey my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust. Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida, one of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 when it was legalized in Florida. Dr Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live plant therapy will likely give needed relief.

I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead and use it in a very specific way to find relief. And that is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag.

His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field of neurology right here in Melbourne. Dr. Anthony Mazo at the Brevard Neuro Center on Nasa Boulevard. See his details in my show notes.

Honey Smith Walls 19:31

Seg 2

I’m sorry, I’m embarrassed that we had to do this rigmarole. Well, anyway, um, I’m just grateful to be in this spot in cannabis and to be able to bring intelligent empirical knowledge to my audience who are you know my age and, and most of them know about cannabis heard about it tried it. And then didn’t use it for you know, 2030 years or more. And now they just don’t know what, what’s what. So it’s not that they’re so so programmed not to receive is that they just aren’t sure and they’re older and wiser now after being on handfuls of synthetic medications for so long. So they understand the few more questions they need to be asking about adding another drug to their regimen.

Wayne Schwind  21:46

Yeah, yeah. And push those doctors a little bit. I think that black and white is just bad. You can’t do it. So like you got to kind of go a little further than that. If you’re a doctor nowadays, you know, look and do research. Yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 21:58

Well, that story I told you about my old lady girlfriend and her. Op Op, Op Op

Wayne Schwind  22:06

ophthalmologist Yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 22:10

Yeah, but dang almost 16 syllables! So all the chemical syllables that we have to go through in cannabis.

Wayne Schwind  22:18

I struggle with that and I do it every day.

Honey Smith Walls 22:20

Actually. That’s why mostly all of the books that I get are audible so that I don’t have to say them or read them and I can speed it up. So the good news about my old lady friend is that she decided to get a second opinion after I suggested she might want to and she’s much happier with the second opinion and back on her CBD.

Wayne Schwind  22:46

That’s great. So she found a doctor that was a little more educated and open to the idea.

Honey Smith Walls 22:51

Yeah, and wasn’t fearful about what was going on with her so you know, she had some serious stuff and she was right to be cautious from the first doctor’s fears… that was okay. But when she realized that he really was cannabis naive. Then she sought out somebody who knew a little bit more.

Wayne Schwind  23:11

Yeah, yeah. I think for most people, too…The problem is if you’re taking cannabis for cancer and you’re like, Well, this looks like it’ll cure me and solve everything. That’s an issue of going too far that it is a some kind of silver bullet. But for the most part… most especially CBD, there’s not that many interactions with other drugs or even if it’s not going to help you it doesn’t seem to hurt anyone for giving it a try.

But for the most part it seems to play well with most things that people, yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 23:59

Well I love being down here in Florida with all these old people. And, you know, they’re sweet and they drive like old people. You know, and they make good Shark Bait and so it’s fun. It’s fun on the beaches in Florida. Yeah. But I do enjoy helping them understand. I enjoy getting a phone call or assuaging their fears about it. Yeah, that feels like real help.

Wayne Schwind  24:33

Yeah, that’s very rewarding to happen.

Honey Smith Walls 24:38

And then I can point to real science and say, Look, honey, here’s some real truth about the matter. So, yeah, that feels really good. I like being able to do that and I appreciate the scientists letting me hang out in their realm. And tolerating naive questions and stuff like that…basic fundamental stuff that I don’t know that they’re like, Oh, God, rolling eyes. Ya know, they’re gracious and patient and wonderful.

Wayne Schwind  25:09

So it’s good to  hear and that’s hugely important. I mean, there can’t be enough perspectives on cannabis. And I really appreciate the work you do as well because we need every perspective and angle and one thing I dislike the most is when any kind of eye rolling of scientists… that’s like… there is no naive question because I think we get used to… when you get too educated about it… You just take assumptions and things for granted that you’re like, Well, everyone kind of knows this, right? And it’s like, no, most people don’t know a single thing and you got to kind of take that perspective of it too, so that we can actually educate people and not just talk at this really high level that just most people just breeze past and can’t you know pick it up or grasp because there’s too much there that you need to know.

Honey Smith Walls 25:50

Well, I find the scientists that are involved with cannabis have quite a sense of humor, and jokes. Yeah, the science jokes are marvelous, and very entertaining. So I’m really taking it all in. It’s fun. It’s fun, and there’s room for everybody. And that’s why I want people to know what you’re doing. You know, kind of from a podcaster and interviewing the people and but my goodness, you’re also in the edible world. Manufacturing… producing it yourself. So, right.

Wayne Schwind  26:31

Yeah. All in. You got your team there.

Honey Smith Walls 26:34

Oh, I’ve got a little, little herd of wolves. They’re awesome. There’s five of them and two big fat cats and a bird so far in this pack. So and all the animals are on cannabis as well. Yeah, one’s got kidney gravel and another one’s got an infected what what and so there’s all kinds of reasons to put them on it

Wayne Schwind  26:59

My dog… I put down maybe six months ago or so and it was 15. Oh, he had a good long life but yeah, the last couple years I had him on different CBD in two different edibles and stuff and that helped him it was obvious too Yeah.

Honey Smith Walls 27:18

So what I like doing is helping people find products that they can trust like Sulak’s or Dr. Silvers, you know with with pet products and helping them understand the practicality of becoming a patient and then teaching themselves how to be a good Alchemist with their products and what to look for, and how to figure out the formulas for themselves.

You know, it ain’t just THC and CBD. It ain’t just marijuana and hemp you know? You got to figure out what your terpenes are going to do and all that jazz, and which way you’re going to take it… and all of that having to be our own caretaker or nurse… We’re not trying to do that. We weren’t brought up to be our own nurse, our own Alchemist our own doctor and pharmacist. We weren’t… and so it’s all new and frightening for elders.

Wayne Schwind  28:20

Yeah. Yeah. Such an interesting plight. Canada’s so interesting because it’s been around for so long and we went through that propaganda period. Now it’s reemerging. But when you go to a doctor I mean, nobody does that. Right? You don’t self educate, figure out some products like that’s a brand new thing people are having to do.

Honey Smith Walls 28:38

No right and so well, I love passing the Society of Cannabis around yeah. I’m sorry. I think that’s the right url. or maybe it’s .org. I love talking about the grassroots of the pharmacist, the PharmDs that are getting together. Dr. Alan Ao up in New England area and Dr. Codi Peterson, Dr. Leah Johnson out in California. They’re starting a big pharmacists movement. And every time I have to go to CVS to pick up something I asked the current person at the window, hey, you know what’s going on in cannabis? ….and they’re like, No.

I say you could have such a much more wonderful job than you do right now.

Wayne Schwind  29:28

Yeah. And they’re just gonna hear that from more and more people as time goes on. So we’ll all get there one way or another.

Honey Smith Walls 29:37

Wayne, I appreciate you so much. Thanks for taking time with us. It’s been so nice to just chat with you about inside the industry.

Wayne Schwind  29:43

Yeah, yeah. Thank you, Honey. It’s really nice chatting with you as well.

Honey Smith Walls 29:46

Thank you. I’ll be listening to you. You take care of you as well.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues.

Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies.

To find a qualified cannabis expert to help you in your area visit It is a National Society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes.

Unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test please regard all street weed as contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis or IBS, fibromyalgia or worse.

Thanks so much for listening today. I hope you’ve found value and understanding through my podcast. I have many more thoughts upon the subject that go in a more spiritual directions. So in that vein of humanity…

Please join my brand new LIVE stage on Clubhouse every Sunday at 8:00am Eastern.

Look for “Cannabis Church…with Cannaba Verum”. It’s the spiritual version of my podcast and we’re live… so you can ask questions and inspire others with your own wisdom!

Get there for live conversation with my learned friends and if you miss… you can catch replays at a convenient time.

Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum on Clubhouse.

Sundays at 8am Eastern.

Cannabis Church Bumper:

Yall? Our society has been going through some pretty terrific trauma over the last few years and as I’m no longer a follower of any particular religious organization, I’m hungry for spiritual help.

I used to find a little of that in communing with others through their chorus and prayer singing…

But now… Cannabis has replaced their mysteries of devotion with introspection to self.

I have begun a journey… seeking compassion and emotional balance… well-being… while I live on this side of the ground… through cannabis.

And now I want to share what I’ve learned and help you lift your quality of life through understanding.

This is not devotion to other. This is devotion to understanding.

Every Sunday… Live on Clubhouse… at 8am Eastern.

Cannabis Church with Cannaba Verum.

Show Notes:

Wayne Schwind is the man behind #PeriodicEdibles and #PeriodicEffects Podcast and Caramel Cannabis Edibles that help lift your quality of life through the magic of cannabinoid plant therapy. Join us to learn some fascinating truths about our industry and the plant we’re all learning to love. and                   

For reliably safe and consistent CBD products proven by a third party lab test, trust Dr. Dustin Sulak’s Healer products with my special discount link:

For a wonderful Neurologist and Cannabis Expert:        

Dr. Anthony Mazo, M.D.

Brevard Neuro Center

(321) 733-2711

315 E. Nasa Blvd.

Melbourne, FL 32901.   

Need a Cannabis Expert in your area? Contact to find real help and direction with your issues.


All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice.

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