CV 172 AccreditedHomeHealthCare.Directory

August 8, 2022

CV 172 AccreditedHomeHealthCare.Directory

Honey Smith Walls 0:05

I have a lot of friends whose parents have gotten on in age and you know, they really need some help… but my friends have been trying to handle all that responsibility all by themselves… and they’re not really living with their parents but they’re not too far away to drive by every day and on and on and on it goes and for you know it, you’re living in both houses and the problems have just become overwhelming for everybody.

Well, there’s help now. And you could find it no matter what state you’re in, through this directory that services homes and individuals and also puts them with accredited professionals to help… there’s a reason for that. Kathy Garland is going to join us in just a minute to tell us why that’s so important. Right after the intro.


Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use this live Plant Therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis. what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider.

The information you’ll find here come straight from scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets.

The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see it respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association and I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. I’m not a doctor, nor did I go to med school. But I did take dozens of private cannabis courses and still engage in continuing education offered by cannabis experts scientists over the past few years and slowly began to see and understand the bigger picture.

Now I talk to people all day long about cannabis and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today. Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies. It can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects, even those caused by synthetic prescriptions.

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story in cannabis in historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Seg 1:

Do I have Kathy you do Hello? Good morning. How you doing today?

Cathy Garland  3:38

I’m very good. How are you?

Honey Smith Walls 3:40

Oh, I’m just wonderful. I guess it’s Gosh, it’s noon, isn’t it? I shouldn’t be saying Morning anymore, but it’s just glorious over here in Melbourne, Florida with a few little patches of clouds around to keep it nice and shady while I’m walking the wolves. How’s your day going so far?

Cathy Garland  3:58

So far, so good.

Honey Smith Walls 4:00

I’m really glad to hear it. Miss Cathy Garland… I am delighted to have you on the Cannaba Verum podcast to talk about the AccreditedHomeHealthCare.Directory. I am very excited about this project and want to help you promote this completely because women do a lot of this work if not most of it. Yeah of course men are involved but we… me in particular, I am always looking for ways to uplift the services that come natural to women. And that’s loving and health care and keeping you comfortable and nurturing all of these things that are done at home.

Cathy Garland  4:56

Yeah, yeah, and I think my thing, the reason why I joined in with Cindy and this project because it is a labor of love and everybody is impacted in one way or fashion or form at some point in their life. They’re going to be providing care to someone. Not most. Right exactly as a as a mom, you know, as a big sister as a mom. And then you know my mother is aging. She just lost her mother, my mother, and there was this whole transition time when she was living by herself. And they didn’t they thought she was doing okay. But she my mother lives across the states and she finally checked in on her you know one point during the year and there was problems and the next thing you know, it just went downhill from there. And I’ve heard that story so many times and then my mom was like, I don’t know what to do. And who do I call for this?

Honey Smith Walls 5:55

Oh, I used to call my grandmother all the time. Just for little tidbits of information. What do I do about this? How do I get to that? How do I make this what do I do now? You know, it wasn’t my mother… it was my grandmother that I turned to and she used to confess to me… I didn’t you know, when I was an adult and had my own family and life going… she was in another state and she used to confess to me when I’d visit with her….”Well, I found that I left the gas stove on…”  Yes!

And “I didn’t recognize the man at the door… I thought he was the preacher and it wasn’t…” and she invited the man in and fed him and sat down at the table and had a long conversation with him. And then she realized she didn’t know who the hell he was. Oh my goodness. And so that’s just terrifying. To think what our elders are living through on their own… in fear or embarrassment or shame that their little minds are not what they used to be.

Cathy Garland  6:57

Yeah, they get closed in. I find it’s almost like there’s a narrowing of what they can and cannot process or can and cannot think about. My grandmother was very independent the year before she went down. She climbed on ladder and got onto the roof. Yeah, but she did fine, you know, and she was all about architecture and renovating her apartment and when you talk to her everything seemed fine. But when my mother visited… she noticed a fungus growing on her feet, which is kind of a gross thing and I don’t want to expose her but this is common because they don’t think to check or they dry off too fast or maybe they just can’t bend their bodies anymore.

Honey Smith Walls 7:36

Fear of falling… that whole fear of falling is so prevalent in the elders life and lifestyle. Yes, and pardon me for interjecting this but I’m in the cannabis industry and the biggest pitfall for elders coming into cannabis for treatment… is their fear of falling because they know that cannabis makes them high or dizzy.

Cathy Garland  8:09

Yeah, that’s what they equate high with… fear of falling.

Honey Smith Walls 8:14

There it is.

Cathy Garland  8:19

We wrote an e book and I’m sure Cindy told you about this but we wrote an e book with a fellow nurse and so it’s medically reviewed as peer reviewed. And it is more from the medical perspective on purpose.

It’s meant for seniors to read and kind of inform them that the pot and marijuana and cannabis industry today is nothing like it was that they experienced in the 60s and 70s. And, you know, to kind of distill some of those myths and help them along but mostly it’s to help them have a conversation with their doctors.

There seems to be a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell sort of policy and there seems to be a little bit of a huge stigma, huge stigma. But on the flip side, my mother in law was told by her doctor to start taking it so there’s a lot coming into the fold I believe.

But you know, to help facilitate that conversation and to remove some of the clouds, here’s what happens. They’re taking medicines but they asked their teenager or gas station clerk and they’re buying some “medical marijuana” from China or somewhere, or they’re asking someone who knows nothing about the medicine that they’re taking.

And you know, if they’re on blood pressure medicine or something like that, they’re just going to take the wrong things and next thing you know, it’s interacting.

So yeah, we wrote the ebook, and it’s free on our website. A lot of people access and download it.

Honey Smith Walls 9:58

That’s at

Cathy Garland  10:01

Right it’s

Honey Smith Walls 10:05

It’s a .Directory. That’s why I want to always say it that way. But yeah, I know this book. So the title of it is:

Cathy Garland  10:11

“Understanding the State of Medical Marijuana Usage In Seniors.

Honey Smith Walls 10:16

That it’s. It’s a wonderful pamphlet and extremely helpful for figuring it out. I’ve already read it and I can recommend it to anybody who is struggling to understand. It certainly holds your hand through the process. And that’s what people need. They need to understand where to go for foundational sources that are empirical through science. Right? And they need extra hand holding to learn how to manipulate this kind of live Plant Therapy for every single individual because it’s not like Western medicine.

Cathy Garland  11:04

No it’s not and you know, all the sources we use would be sources that a medical personnel you know, whether it be a nurse and RN or doctor would well respect from all their resources and cited works. Yes, cited works. So you know, it’s something that they could take in with them if they needed to and say, “I’m interested in this, what are your thoughts?” And I feel like if the doctor hasn’t informed themselves like they ought to, then it would be something that the doctor would receive because they’re not coming in with some website that nobody knows.

Honey Smith Walls 11:42

Right? Yeah. These poor cannabis naive doctors have also been propagandized, just like the public against cannabis for the last let’s just call it 100 years. Yeah, that’s right. And so they too have to get passed it. That thought that “pot just makes you high”.

You know that.. yes, it can. There’s also variations in cannabis that will really help give you medicinal effects to assuage all kinds of elder aches and pains. That you can’t get out of just one pill. Cannabis can assuage so many different issues… nausea and headache and inflammation all at the same time. When there are very few prescription medicines that can do more than one thing. Target more than one thing.

Cathy Garland  12:49

Yeah, and they can start to eliminate medicines.

Honey Smith Walls 12:51

There’s the poly pharmacy that’s so ingrained in every handful of pills that all these old farts have to take.

Cathy Garland  13:00

Yeah. And I find that when we’re talking about it in the eBook, some of the more recent research indicates the elderly are using cannabis to combat depression and loneliness, especially after the pandemic. There’s so much isolation. Depression is extremely on the rise. Yeah. Isolation is a big key factor after that. Yep. And then also appetite and I feel like when we’re dealing with seniors, who, you know, they just don’t always take care of themselves…

Honey Smith Walls 13:39

More convenience is major as an elder,

Cathy Garland  13:43

Yes. And they’re not always getting a full round meal. They’re heating up whatever makes sense to them. And some of the marijuana strains, the cannabis strains especially helped with the appetite so much that they’ll get their Vim and Vigor back and they need that.

Honey Smith Walls 14:02

It also helps with their introspection about the way they look and frame the world that they live in. It gives them more patience, more tolerance, more forgiveness for what’s happening to them and around them and beyond their control. And that is the lovely part of cannabis that I so enjoy talking about is the introspective, the spiritual side of cannabis that helps so many elders. You know, it just helps them focus on perhaps eating better, or focus on perhaps, “Oh gee, I haven’t seen my friend or talked to my friend in so long…. let me give them a call”. It opens and blossoms ideas that go beyond just your poor little self, you know, sittin on the pity potty…

Cathy Garland  14:51

Yeah, it definitely opens up the narrowing that seems to happen as you get older and focused on the same thing that you’ve been doing forever and so we wrote that book.

And you might say, “Well, what does that have to do with medical marijuana?” But we’re serving those who are searching for care for a loved one. And that could be someone who is elderly… and most often it is but there are also children and sports injuries and a number of other different reasons someone would need home health care.

Yeah, and so we’re providing a directory, but we’re also educating… because what we have found is most people do not know the process for getting home health care. Their doctor says, you’re good to go. You get some home health care order written on a sheet of paper as if that’s gonna wave a magic wand and make it happen… and it does.

And then on the way home, you’re scrambling… or maybe the doctor tells them the day or two before and they think well, how am I going to find somebody to manage all of this? Right? I’m gonna have to transition the house to be ready for them… Do they even know how to get the house ready for them?

Honey Smith Walls 16:08

They don’t have a clue what services are available or what anybody could do for them at home. This is the problem with our Western medical system. We’re told all our lives to follow the rules of what the doctor says. Just do what the doctor says, but they don’t teach us anything about the medical system or the insurance system. And so having your system of being able to find people to come in my home and help me with my husband, who has advanced Alzheimer’s that has suddenly turned physically violent, is wandering and has machinations of that disease. So, I need I need serious help, because now I’m an old woman too. And I can’t manage this man who obviously weighs more than me.

Of course, that was just a hypothetical, but it happens. It happens constantly, constantly.

Cathy Garland  17:04

And then they’ll turn to whatever billboard they saw. And that does not necessarily mean it’s going to be quality. Right? And so that’s why we’re Accredited Home Healthcare.

So we only list accredited agencies. So there are three… and most people don’t know this… But there are three national accreditation bodies.

ACHC, CHAP, and the Joint Commission. And this is different than Better Business Bureau which you can just pay your money and you can get listed because this is constant checks. This is quality checks. This is checks on your staff. This is checks on your profit processes. This is checks on areas for oversight on everything.

For example, just making sure that you’re keeping staff long enough… if there’s serious turnover and stuff when we’re dealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia, if they don’t understand the case from one week to the next week, because it’s a new person… this is not quality care. That’s right. That’s the bit and this is when you know things start to go wrong…we hear about when bad things happen on the news, of course, right? And so the way to prevent that is to ensure quality, but when you’re driving home with that white paper slip from the doctor who tells you you can now get home health care… You don’t know how to look for quality. How are you going to do that?

Honey Smith Walls 18:27

How do you tell when you haven’t been in that world, you’re not in the industry. You’re just a caretaker of your loved one. How do you know who’s good and who’s not and who’s gonna pay for it? That’s right,

Cathy Garland  18:40

And who’s gonna pay for this? And that’s the big question. Unfortunately, and I’ve heard this so many times.

Mazo Promo

Hey, my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust. Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida, one of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 When it was legalized in Florida. Dr Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live Plant Therapy will likely give the needed relief. I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual synthetic stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead. And use it in a specific way to find relief. And that, my friends, is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bags. His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field. of neurology. Dr. Anthony Mazowe, a great friend to us all in Melbourne, Florida at the Brevard neuro center.

Seg 2

Cathy Garland  20:00

People follow the doctor’s orders and it’s not the doctors job to educate, necessarily. But you know they don’t get what they need. They go home and they spend down their money. So this is a reference to like they spend down what they have. This is their life savings. It’s so sad. It’s their children’s inheritance. They spend it down because nobody knows how long this is going to last right? It could be anywhere from a week or it could be you know, a decade or more. And so they spend down their money. And then the person who is not suffering from Alzheimer’s is now suffering from the fact that they’re not going to be cared for in their later years.

Honey Smith Walls 20:44

It’s so ridiculous. It’s a terrible cycle.

Cathy Garland  20:48

It’s terrible. So we do provide sources on the website. That’s the educational arm of the directory. You know, how to apply for Medicaid, Medicare, that long term Medicaid planning is extremely important and there’s a lot of rules and there are people who help you. For example, there’s a certain amount of money that you can set aside in the hypothetical situation that you had with the bride or the husband that has Alzheimer’s, you can set aside a certain amount of money, one car can be set aside completely for the for the wife, you know all these different things with help from these long term planners or senior resource planners. We have one listed for example on the website. They help you protect your assets legally. One thing that happens is this is actually illegal. Don’t get a divorce. That’s called a Medicaid Divorce and you’ll get in big, big, big, big, big trouble for that. God I know… but that’s so traumatic for them to have to even go through.

Honey Smith Walls 21:52

And thinking about thinking about that. Oh, hideous, very…

Cathy Garland  21:56

Very, very much. So we provide a lot of resources. It’s meant to be this sort of one stop shop. You can educate yourself, you can get your home prepared. You can start the process. You can go to the Veterans Affairs, you can go to all the different potential places that will pay for home health care, and to help get you to know if you have serious assets and you want to leave an inheritance for your children through yourself and old age but you’ve got to take care of your loved one. Then there are planners who can help so…

Honey Smith Walls 22:31

Everything’s there and this is… every state is different too. I gotta say that so you know this directory crosses is for everybody across the United States. Yes. So I’m down here in Florida. I really want to promote this and in my State especially because of you know, the elders down here, we just have a great big flock of them… They definitely need help, I want to say your website is so easy to navigate. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you from an old fart who hates looking at websites and has to get the eyeglasses out and squint and blow up the picture and all. I do not have to zoom in on your website at all to read quite well. It is so well done for a person who is completely confused about what the hell am I going to do next for my loved one? This is a really good website and I just can’t say it enough… it’s very easy to navigate. You just scroll up and down and all the stuff is just so easy and clean to look at.

And so let me say it again is such a wonderful place to spend some time whether you need to or not, because you’re probably going to, if you don’t already, yeah.

So being a health care provider for a loved one is something I don’t think any person escapes except somebody with an awful lot of money who doesn’t care. Right, you know? Because it’s caring. It’s caring.

So I can’t thank you enough for putting all of this together. I was so impressed with Miss Cindy Rogers when she and I hooked up on LinkedIn and began talking. I tried to get her on and dang it… We had so many technical issues. I just couldn’t muster it. So I really appreciate you coming to tell us about this Cathy… is there anything else that you’d like to share about the directory?

Cathy Garland  24:57

Well, you know, Cindy has a wonderful story. And a lot of it has to do with her wonderful mother and the inspiration there. She’s a generation different from mine. So I’m younger but you know, it’s exactly what you said. I feel like if we continue to ring the bell, that no matter what age you are currently, you’re going to find yourself at some point in time. Educate yourself, you know, get on there, find out what the process is. And just be be prepared to know that there’s these things that are going to happen somewhere along the line, the timeline. If you care about your parents, even if they’re several states away, you’re going to need to know some resources.

Honey Smith Walls 25:40

That’s right. That’s right. And so instead of being in a panic when it happens, right, because it’s going to prepare yourself like Kathy says, for life, right? So that you know when it smacks you upside the head, you’ll know what to do.

Cathy Garland  25:59

Yeah, you’ll know what to do. Exactly. That’s right.

Honey Smith Walls 26:01

And it’s the same thing for… I’m sure mostly only elders think about burial.

Cathy Garland  26:08

Right? You make those plans ahead of time.

Honey Smith Walls 26:10

It’s so much better if you do… Yeah, it’s so much better on your emotions and everything that you go through at that time. So that happens to every single person.

Cathy Garland  26:27

Yeah, it does. Yeah, it’s not something you can kind of, you know, like you said, you really can’t put it off even if you have millions of dollars, at some point of time, someone you love is going to be needing some kind of home health care.

And really, I mean one of the main genres that need home health care is also those athletes. Athletes put their bodies through extraordinary crashes. Yeah, and then we don’t see them after they leave the limelight. We won’t see them again unless they do some reality TV show or something. Then a lot of times you could be shocked at how much their bodies took. They need home health care. And it’s not necessarily the extreme home health care that other people need, or that the elderly need in the last, you know, 10 days of their life but they need home health care too. And quite frankly, I feel like those with you know, immune systems that are you know, under stress as well. There are a lot of different immune system issues, and going out and about and going into a healthcare office. I mean, do you really want to do that, you know, sometimes there’s more than one case for doing some home health or telehealth or some kind of something in pursuing those a little bit outside. I’ve got to show up to a doctor’s office next to someone who’s sneezing and coughing so, right.

There’s other things that you might want to consider and telehealth is one of those or home health care can be one of those.

Honey Smith Walls 28:03

I love telehealth, I just, I just had to have a conversation with my GP and I did not need to go in I just needed. I just needed to ask her to perform a functional prescription duty for me regarding insurance. Yes. And so why should I have to get in the car and drive all the way down there and wait, you know, always the 30 minutes or more that Yeah, to get in? Yes. When telehealth just provides the ease of everything so yeah, I think it’s marvelous.

Cathy Garland  28:37

Cindy and I personally like CareClinics. I don’t know if you’ve used them or not, but they’re great. They work together with home medical care groups and they do the checkups and assessments and they have specialists in every kind of every area and they have mental health specialists which a lot of the telehealth don’t have and that one does. And that’s why I’m big on mental health.

Honey Smith Walls 29:08

Oh, I am too. Yeah, I really am and I’m really looking forward to when the mental health professionals can use cannabis with their patients for their mental health. Yes, and you know that that will just really be a wonderful day in our society. But I’m so grateful that you’re putting together such a marvelous way for any of us, either a professional looking for the work or on the other side, the caregiver looking for the professional. Yes. And it’s just a beautiful sight accredited home health care dot directory.

I’m really, really tickled about it and can’t wait to start telling all of my friends… Well, I already have. I’ve already begun telling all of my friends and now I can’t wait for all of our audience to hear and spread the word throughout the nation and around the world.

Cathy Garland  10:19

Well, I’m glad you like it and you’re right the the big red button in the top right corner. I mean, you can’t miss it. It says, “Find a CareGiver!”.

Honey Smith Walls 10:28

Find a caregiver it says so that is just wonderful to have it right there. You know, there’s no flashing anything or pop ups coming out. You don’t have to sock your email into it to get information. None of that lalala No, it’s just straightforward, really great information in an easy, legible way that’s easy to understand and read. So, get to it.

You know that your mother, your grandmother, your father, your grandfather, maybe your child needs home health care, go to accredited home health care dot directory and find the right health care provider for you, who’s going to make a difference in uplifting your quality of life at home. I want to to encourage other businesses who may be right for this directory to be sure and get involved with the directory.

Cathy Garland  11:28

Thank you. Yes, we are very careful. We definitely curate. We don’t just throw everything out on the directory. We only work with partners who are proven… quality is king for us. We can sense it. But we can also see it in the way that they’ve helped other clients we taught. We vet them, and then we will share them through an article and through a mailing list of people who’ve signed up to receive from us because they found us to be providing value for them. They want to know what’s new, what’s changed because Medicare and Medicaid changes, I think, weekly.

So they want to know what has changed and they want to stay abreast of. So, vendors who do have a unique service or you know, like I said the telehealth. There’s Lynn Saatchi on the website. She’s fantastic in the New York, Long Island area who helps them you know, hide their assets, not hide… legally, legally hide your asset, protect protect is the word

Honey Smith Walls 12:40

Protect~That’s the word…hahahahha

Cathy Garland  12:44

To legally protect your assets. You know, we laugh about it but she knows how to do it legally. And you know those things are imperative for people in the time that they need it. It really is nice.

Honey Smith Walls 13:00

Yeah, this political climate. It’s a little tough to trust, right? And so being able to protect the things that you have grown throughout your lifetime, you know, your treasures and your life’s valuables and worth is important for you to be able to decide when you want to let them go. Right. You know, that’s autonomy that you’re giving over because of the medical system that we’re stuck in.

Cathy Garland  13:27

Yeah, and then there’s other practical things like we do feature… you may know about these two ladies who help people prepare their homes and they review medical supplies? Like you know walkers and bathroom things? Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. And when you don’t know you don’t know. But when you need it, you need to know and they review it.

Honey Smith Walls 13:48

Oh man, my aunt Caroline sure could have used their services when my uncle Nicky lost his marbles. He went around cutting off all the business ends of every plugin he could find.

Cathy Garland  14:02

It makes you wonder what kind of a child they were, you know, I’m telling you… too funny.

Honey Smith Walls 14:09

Yeah and then he wandered off and it took more than 24 hours for police to find him come walking out of the swamps of Louisiana. That’s amazing he wasn’t eaten by an alligator.

Cathy Garland  14:23

Oh my goodness. Yeah. We use those air tags. Now. The Apple air tags.

Honey Smith Walls 14:29

Yeah. Oh, God. Yes. They didn’t have those back in those days. Nope. And in Uncle Nikki’s day, that technology would have really been able to help us a lot too. Yes. Oh, that’s a wonderful little juicy tidbit.

Cathy Garland  14:45

Good for pets.

Honey Smith Walls 14:46

Good for people. Yeah, I like that. Well, honey, is there anything else that you can tell us that we need to know before letting you get on with your day? I’m so grateful for your time.

Cathy Garland  15:00

No. And thank you for the opportunity. I think you’ve covered it.

Honey Smith Walls 15:04

Well, I think you have too and if you want to see all of the details, my dear sweet audience, who is at least my age and I’m 68 tomorrow, please go see accredited home healthcare dot directory. And again, Cathy Garland, thank you, honey, it’s just been wonderful chatting with you about this. Thank you. I appreciate it. My pleasure. Take care. Bye bye bye.

Transcribed by


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues.

Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies to find a qualified cannabis expert to help you in your area.

Visit cannabis It is a National Society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test.

Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis or IBS, fibromyalgia or worse.

Thanks so much for listening today and don’t forget to catch us live online on the clubhouse every Monday at 8am. Eastern. I hear the cow’s callin…

Show Notes:

If you’re wondering if life is gonna be like this forever because your dad just broke his hip and all kinds of chaos began… you’re gonna want this information. Don’t lose this link to practical help during some of the most trying times of life… when you need home health care and just realized it! NOW what do you do!? You fire up the computer and go to AccreditedHomeHealthCare.Directory

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