CV 170 Choosing Terps

July 24, 2022

CV 170 Choosing Terps

Hello Friends,

Let’s talk about terpenes and what you can expect at the dispensary regarding them.

Terpenes are compounds within plants that give flavor, smell, and a wide variety of effects on whatever consumes it. The FDA regards them as dietary ingredients derived by a plant. Scientists say their purpose in the plant is to ward off enemies and attract the right creatures to it. So with that in mind… let’s wonder about which terpenes are growing in cannabis and how are they affecting the ride that we take when using it… right after the intro…


Welcome to season three of the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored while educating my audience on safe use this live Plant Therapy. You should know what’s in your cannabis. what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept in Western healthcare philosophy, specifically the past 100 years. There’s a lot to learn and reconsider.

The information you’ll find here come straight from scientists and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various live online outlets.

The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see it respected medical sites like and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association and I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall. I’m not a doctor, nor did I go to med school. But I did take dozens of private cannabis courses and still engage in continuing education offered by cannabis experts scientists over the past few years and slowly began to see and understand the bigger picture.

Now I talk to people all day long about cannabis and hopefully inspire them to research the facts as we know them today. Cannabis is an amazing alternative in health remedies. It can reportedly alleviate typical disease problems and troubling side effects, even those caused by synthetic prescriptions.

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist, raised by nuns and wolves in the verdant cattle pastures of the Oklahoma oil fields. I’m here to amplify the truth of this great big story in cannabis in historical, political, and scientific terms, so you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest.

Seg 1

Well, there are hundreds of terpenes… you ingest them every day in all the foods you eat, the soaps you use, and other products you live with.  It’s what makes your food smell so good and tasty.  They have all kinds of medicinal properties that are wonderful aids to our quality of life but nobody taught us all that.  And now here we are wondering how to make ourselves feel better and reaching out to understand more. So lets get to it.

I’m pretty practical. Inefficiency is my pet peeve so I’m not going to bother you about all those compounds you won’t see… I’m going to tell you what’s available in dispensaries in Florida right now and it’s a short list… but important to understand so you’ll know how to buy for your needs.

To start, I want to back up and remind everyone that finding guidance during this journey to become your own cannabis alchemist is really important.  The information at the dispensaries are all structured off selling lots of THC and that’s not what I’m doing.

I follow empirical science on cannabis and amplify the findings of learned experts on the subject. I am not a doctor but I’ve spent the last 6 years in study and can help you understand how to utilize this amazing plant in a way that lifts your quality of life.

To do that, you should find a qualified cannabis doctor who understands the compounds and any contraindications of meds you’re already on for serious conditions.

If you’re in a state where you have to go it alone… maybe Rec is all there is with no medical system set up… there are some excellent free online sources where you can get started. 

Dr. Dustin Sulak’s site is wonderful. Full disclosure, I am an affiliate partner with his CBD product because he is one of the leading scientists in the world in cannabinoid therapy. I still attend bi-monthly continuing education conferences with him and hundreds of medical professionals needing empirical knowledge.

But the point is, you don’t have to try to figure out this brand new method of medicating all by yourself.  But you do need to follow the right sources for information. I talk about those sources all the time. Leaders in the industry like Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, Dr. Ethan Russo, Dr. Bonnie Goldstein and Dr. Patricia Frye, just to name a few.

Now what those leaders have NOT been able to do is legislate how this all shakes out.  Because Schedule 1 has broken the ability for cannabis to return to society (around the world) in full, we suffer lack of banking, lack of advertising, lack of clinical trials, lack of information, and continued MIS-information, chaos at the cash register, overpriced products, small business shut out, and limited sources.  A recipe for failure.

Taking a quick retro look at what we’ve already established about cannabis… both hemp and marijuana are cannabis but grow different ratios of compounds. Hemp produces more Cannabidiol and Marijuana produces more Tetrahydrocannabinol. But both plants grow CBD and THC… just in different amounts.

We know the soothing effects of CBD center around calming inflammation and anxiety while THC is a powerful pain relief and can stop the negative looping thoughts of PTSD.

We know that cannabis is bi-phasic… meaning it will perform one way at one dosage and do exactly the opposite at another.

We know that all dosing is individual and depends heavily on the person’s chemical makeup and what’s already in the system as food or medicines.

We know that there has never been a death by cannabis in the history of the planet and that it is safe to consume by most humans and animals without fear of negative side effects.  And we know that most humans desire to change their consciousness either with drugs or alcohol on a social or emotional level and that all major religions have used cannabis in their rituals.

We know that cannabis can help elders with the typical aches and pains of aging and allow them to retain a higher quality of life with good pain management and a clear head. So now we must understand some of the nuances of this amazing plant in order to fine tune the desired effects. 

That’s where terpenes come in.  After you decide which plant to use, hemp or marijuana… you’ll need to figure out the terpenes to choose for the effects you want.  Some of those effects are sedating… but others are uplifting, energetic, and focusing.  You don’t want to pick the sedating terpenes for waking up in the morning and you wouldn’t wanna use those energetic terpenes right before bed!

So back to practicality in the here and now… What I want to describe is a sort of formula for just a few of the terpenes that will make a big difference in the effects of your cannabis.  Why only just a few?  Because so far, that’s all we’re seeing in the dispensaries and just barely are we able to discern that.  It takes some finessing.  

So out of the hundreds of terpenes that the FDA has approved, we’re really only seeing or testing for about ten in Florida. And out of those, mostly three or four terpenes are making the Certificates of Analysis, those third party lab tests that prove there’s no contamination and that what’s in the product is supposed to be and how much.

Of course, you realize testing is expensive so we don’t really know allll the compounds in our cannabis yet… but we’ll get there. Soon as Schedule 1 goes away.

So which are those few terpenes and why them?  Let’s start with four of the most common. 

Beta-Caryophillene, Linalool, Pinene, and Myrcene.  All of these are sedating! 

Per The Big Book of Terps by Russ Hudson, copyright 2022

Beta-Caryophillene – sedating…occurs in most strains of cannabis, is spicy like cloves and dry.  It is used as an anti-cancer agent, for addiction treatment, and it is an anti-inflammatory agent.

Linalool – sedating… common to hundreds of plants including Lavender. It’s aroma is so unique that its primary use commercially is to add scent to perfumes and soaps.

Pinenesedating when paired with myrcene. Occurs in most strains in high concentrations. It has the flavor and smell of turpentine, pine, and wood. It is an anti-cancer agent, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Myrcene – sedating. It’s flavor and aroma are like balsam, pepper, wood and spice. It is both an antibacterial and anti-tumor agent.

So those four terpenes have a lot of power… plus they’re alll sedating!

Beta-Caryophillene, Myrcene, and Pinene when paired with Myrcene.

So when you’re choosing your cannabis for sleep or relaxation, choose one either hemp or marijuana that has Beta-Caryophillene, Myrcene, Linalool, and Pinene when paired with Myrcene.

This will all be in my blog on the website if you want to look at it or print it out for reference. That’s at

Now let’s find those uplifting energetic terpenes for morning and afternoon!


Pinene makes this list too!  How? It depends on the other compound around it. Without myrcene, Pinene is uplifting.   It has the flavor and smell of turpentine, pine, and wood. It is an anti-cancer agent, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent. Make sure there’s no myrcene in the product and Pinene will be energetic.

Limonene – another terpene you’ll be familiar with that’s uplifting and gives you focus: It smells citrusy and fruity but tastes bitter. Gives you energy. Perfect with that first cup of coffee.


Healer Promo:

Friends, I’ve heard you complain long enough about how to find consistent over the counter CBD products. And I’ve taken a new position on the subject. I’m proud to announce my affiliation with Dr. Dustin Sulak’s Healer CBD products that can be shipped to all 50 states.

Healer products will give you a full spectrum whole plant entourage effect of all the 1000s of compounds that grow naturally in the cannabis plant. You’ll have the best opportunity to manage your aches and pains or anxiety or spasming organs with a full spectrum whole plant product because all the natural compounds will work perfectly together in synergy within your body to manage what’s happening.

You may recall that I’ve been taking the acidic version of his cannabidiol or CBDa product. It has everything plus a lot more of the compound which Dr. Sulak and other leaders in this industry have found to be more potent, thereby using less which ends up making a big difference to your wallet. But it also adds many benefits to your body.

Find out more about Dr. Dustin Sulak’s CBDa product and the value it can add to your life for less than $1 a day… and it shipped directly to your front door.

Click on the link below and start lifting your quality of life with Healer CBD products. And I’ve got a sweet discount just waiting for you in the link below.

Seg 2

There are so many more terpenes to consider in the future but these few are the ones you’ll come across in most Florida dispensaries at this time in July of 2022.

Becoming your own cannabis alchemist is not hard but it can be complicated by all the noise in the industry and misinformation and take some time to decipher.  Don’t think that because the bud tenders work around cannabis all day that they understand what your needs are or how to help you choose.  They’re not doctors and haven’t studied all that chemistry and stuff like medical professionals do. They’ve studied their company’s cannabis menu and they’re trying to sell the most they can and that usually adds up to lots of THC.

That’s not what we’re aiming at.  We’re trying to understand how to make the best choices with the stuff that’s available now. As medication…not recreation. Nothin against recreational cannabis as long as it’s clean and understood by the person using it. It’s a whole different mindset than being a patient on a mission to improve their quality of life through plant therapy.

So let’s recap…

Let a doctor guide you if you have serious health issues and already on lots of meds.

But for typical aches and pains of aging…

Choose CBD… or THC… or a blend of both.

Remember that you can tame that THC by blending CBD with it so you don’t get high.  Also… you could get the advantages of using THC without the high by using THCa, the acidic version of THC which is more potent so you use less and therefore save money. But it’s not easy to find.

Once again, Dr. Sulak comes to mind. If you’re up in Maine where his practice and dispensary is, you can get THCa from him. We can all partake of his extraordinary cannabis science…   As it is now, we’re grateful to be able to find his CBD product that’s full-spectrum/whole plant and comes with a COA to prove what’s in it and what’s not.

For morning and afternoon with cannabis, use an uplifting terpene profile like Limonene or Pinene.

For evening relaxation or bedtime, choose a sedating terpene like Myrcene, Beta-Caryophyllene, Linalool, or Pinene paired with Myrcene.

You remember of course that choosing the right way to deliver or ingest your cannabis will give you maximum effects. 

Smoking the leaf or vaping will garner effects in seconds or minutes and last a couple hours.

Tinctures in the side of your mouth will be effective within minutes and also last 2 – 3 hours.

Edibles will take about 45 minutes or so and will last 6-8 hours when THC is metabolized through the liver and turns into 11 Hydroxy THC which can be surprisingly potent.

Some cautionary thoughts… The scientists I learn from are reluctant to recommend vaping for newbies to cannabis because the product is a concentrate and will incite the patient to build tolerance quickly from such a handy hand-to-mouth tool. Especially for the smoker or former smoker, vaping is a very satisfyingly familiar habit to return to. Then it’s more like fighting the habit than medicating for the original issue.

Secondarily, it is very hard to titrate from a low dose to your sweet spot when vaping because again, you’re using a concentrate. When you’re in the discovery period of your cannabis search, you’ll be journaling the effects and times and doses. Finding your sweet spot for each delivery method takes a little time and effort but it’s well worth it.

And here’s another warning my friends in dispensaries and CBD shops won’t like hearing… don’t play with D8. All the scientists in cannabis I know says it’s an isomer of Delta 9 THC and there’s no testing or standards on it.  You’re playin with fire.  Even if they did make it from CBD… in their garage.

If you’re the slightest bit geeky about cannabis like me, you’ll really enjoy The Big Book of Terps by Russ Hudson. He just published the follow up to it called The Big Book of Flavonoids… which have nothing to do with flavor. Be sure to get both books if you’re serious about cannabis science.

My friends, our world is changing quite rapidly now and we may not recognize it in a couple of years.  But if we can just shove this cannabis cog a little further down the track, I think it’s possible to reinvent our whole world into something more equitable for all that looks like what our philosophy of good over evil should truly be.

I’m so grateful to be in this space with you and hope that your path in cannabis is gentle and rewarding.  If you’re having a hard time figuring it all out and want to talk, I’m live on Clubhouse every Monday morning at 8:am Eastern in a room called Rising Cannabis Connections. Get the app and join us. It’s the perfect place to hook up with like-minded people.

Pax Vobiscum yall.  PS. I just found this information on the site and want to read it to you. This particular space is practically sacrosanct because it’s run by a bunch of world-leading cannabis experts I’m very familiar with and trust. This is real cannabis education.

In the US, cannabis plants that contain 0.3% THC or less are legally called hemp. Using hemp plants to enhance your endocannabinoid system can be incredibly healing for a wide range of conditions. So how can you ensure you’re using CBD correctly, and find out if CBDA and CBG may be better for your symptoms? First, you have to get beyond looking at cannabis as just THC and CBD.  Go to for the rest of the article.  It’s wonderful.

Mazo Promo

Hey my friends, I want to give you a tip about a neurologist I know and trust. Dr. Anthony Mazo is a highly rated specialist here in Melbourne, Florida, one of the first physicians to research and study cannabis since 2016 when it was legalized in Florida. Dr Mazo is not quick to prescribe traditional synthetic chemicals when he knows that this gentle live plant therapy will likely give needed relief.

I know this to be true because I had to see him for my own old lady neuropathy issues. He did not prescribe the usual stuff. He told me to go get a particular kind of cannabis instead and use it in a very specific way to find relief. And that is what every doctor in America should have in their little black bag.

His clinic details will be in my show notes for you. Why? Because he’s a trusted cannabis expert in the field of neurology right here in Melbourne. Dr. Anthony Mazo at the Brevard Neuro Center on Nasa Boulevard. See his details in my show notes.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls about the importance of using verifiably safe products. The process of getting a diagnosis from your family doctor and taking your records to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for those issues.

Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices or strategies to find a qualified cannabis expert to help you in your area.

Visit cannabis It is a National Society of cannabis experts and you’ll see that link down in my show notes unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test.

Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system who already has inflammatory issues like arthritis or IBS, fibromyalgia or worse.

Thanks so much for listening today and don’t forget to catch us live online on the clubhouse every Monday at 8am. Eastern. I hear the cow’s callin… Mooooo

Show Notes:

I’m still flabbergasted at how difficult it is to choose wisely for myself at the dispensary… the overwhelming information scrolling so fast on screens so far away and then the names mean nothing but the tenders all talk like the stuff with the highest thc levels is the BEST! Well it isn’t and it’s not the thc that’s giving you all those effects! Oh sure… thc has AN effect… actually several… but the terpenes have action and effect as well and that’s the difference in using cannabis mindfully or not. Choosing the right effects for your issues. Let’s get into it.                 

4 terpenes alll sedating:Beta-Caryophillene, Linalool, Myrcene, and Pinene when paired with Myrcene.

2 terpenes both uplifting: Limonene or Pinene (without Myrcene!) 

Dr. Anthony Mazo – (321) 733-2711.           

The Big Book of Terps by Russ Hudson

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