CV 133 Caveat Emptor!

December 6, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored. While educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy. 

You should know what’s in your cannabis. what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept and Western healthcare philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years there’s a lot to learn and reconsider. 

The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientist and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like  and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association… 

And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall… because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture. But I’m not a medical doctor or scientist. Oh I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike, to research the facts as we know them today, and decide alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist. Just here to explain this great big story and the language of cannabis in its historical, political and scientific terms. So you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest. 

Seg 1

Hello My Friends…

Is it just me or do yall have a few global concerns… I mean, seriously… I ponder some of the most confusing dichotomies about our world… even here in my own neck of the woods… but what can I do? What can I do as a single person to change the hate and violence in our society? 

The fear I have in the cannabis industry at this moment in time are the gazillions of untested products being sold to patients who have no idea about the risks of contamination like molds, mildews, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, growing in the plant or deadly toxins leaching into their lungs like Cadmium and Silica from heavy metals in batteries and ceramic mouth pieces from their vape pens… and let’s not forget the nefarious players who spray fentanyl onto a cannabis product and sell in on the street! Or the licensed cannabis operators who don’t really test their products properly.

Patients don’t understand the problems to begin with so they don’t have a clue that they need to protect themselves. And they’re going to be hurt. A lot of patients are going to be hurt by un-empathetic or at the very least… completely ignorant (which is not an excuse) sellers of contaminated products… starting at the seed and winding up in your body.

Our global society has been snookered by greedy people who regard humanity as  expendables. I can’t call them politicians… they’re Hitlers and Trumps… all in it for themselves. 

So this plant was turned into a global outlaw…  and humans were forbidden to use it for nearly a hundred years. 

Know what happened to us in that length of time? Look up the skyrocketing statistics on ADD, Arthritis, IBS, Lupus, Parkinson’s, Cancer, and all the other immune deficiency issues raging in our society… 

We are what we eat… and what we don’t. 

I just heard some Missouri company spent $200K to research the effects of cattle eating cannabis… Out in Oregon, they’ve been doing it since the state turned green without so much as a hiccup, said the Artificial Intelligence Male Voice # 37 on the Cannabis Tech Podcast, another excellent source of cannabis truth.

That got me thinkin about how we’re gonna fix our attitudes… because I deal with a lot of people who throw their hands over their ears and say,  “Don’t bother me with the facts… I know what I think!”…. So I worry about attitudes and how to change them. I know I’ve said things like: “I’ll ALWAYS believe this” or “My heart will NEVER change about that!” And then a few years later I’m forced to recant… because I had some kind of  epiphany.

Those knuckleheads at Jan. 6th? All of them need immediate attitude adjustments. But that’s easier said than done. Although, understanding can be immediate… when the right neuron is fired. And it can be painfully hard to get through to an attitude for understanding as well.  

I ponder that process. When people find truth… it resonates. Whether they see it, feel it, or just recognize it. Then they decide what to do with it.

So let’s get there.  All information is suspect unless you trust the source. A lot of people trust Google… but it’s not the source. So you can’t trust Google. You can consider what it’s telling you… but trusting a real source means you have a history of reliance on their information (and their pedigree in that area of expertise) and expect… trust… that new information is correct. So what if you don’t know anybody to trust for this information?

You scrutinize the data and verify that the source is truthful in business or academia and meets all the standardized requirements of that field and check the peer reviews for critical dialogue. That’s vetting. Proving to yourself that the company or information is real and righteous… worth the sacrifice of hours of effort.  It takes time. 

Cannabis helps a patient have patience;)

Cannabis is perfect for reevaluation. But before the 100 yr old grand prohibition, wild cannabis was allllll over this country. Remember, the US was built on the back of cannabis. No white people would be here without it. (Can’t sail a ship without rope and canvas!) No navy could’ve been started without it. Cannabis products were staples and was used in hundreds of ways to facilitate life as medicines and foods and cloth and so on.

So our countries have been lead, for the most part and historically speaking, by oligarchs who decide what the masses can have as a means of control. And then there are various ways within their systems to keep the masses at bay. Hello opiates and for-profit prisons.

We have cannabis receptors in our bodies that just might be missing the subtle ways we used to ingest phyto-cannabinoids that come from the plant. When most medicines were plant based before the pill revolution of the 19th century, doctors and shamans used all kinds of plant remedies to heal our issues. I went online and found this fascinating white paper on the subject: 

(See the whole paper here: )

“Studies in the field of forensic pharmacology and toxicology would not be complete without some knowledge of the history of drug discovery, the various personalities involved, and the events leading to the development and introduction of new therapeutic agents. 

The first medicinal drugs came from natural sources and existed in the form of herbs, plants, roots, vines and fungi. 

Until the mid-nineteenth century nature’s pharmaceuticals were all that were available to relieve man’s pain and suffering. The first synthetic drug, chloral hydrate, was discovered in 1869 and introduced as a sedative-hypnotic; it is still available today in some countries. 

The first pharmaceutical companies were spin-offs from the textiles and synthetic dye industry and owe much to the rich source of organic chemicals derived from the distillation of coal (coal-tar). 

The first analgesics(for pain) and antipyretics (to reduce fever), were simple chemical derivatives of aniline and p-nitrophenol, both of which were byproducts from coal-tar. 

An extract from the bark of the white willow tree had been used for centuries to treat various fevers and inflammation. 

The active principle in white willow, salicin or salicylic acid, had a bitter taste and irritated the gastric mucosa, but a simple chemical modification made it much more palatable. 

This was acetylsalicylic acid, better known as Aspirin®, the first blockbuster drug. At the start of the twentieth century, the first of the barbiturate family of drugs entered the pharmacopoeia and the rest, as they say, is history.

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.




Seg 2

So while I’m reminding you of our planet’s historical means of medication until the last hundred years or so… I want you to think about how science has taught us to scrutinize data. With factual information gleaned over time and trial. Using standards of excellence devised so that we may understand and trust the resulting conclusions. 

In this day and age of mistrust and disbelief… I want to remind you of how far we’ve come and how far we may go… if we believe what’s right in front of us… trust our data… and have compassion for everyone.  Oh by the way… cannabis is amazing for recouping your compassion. It helps you forgive… it helps you forget for awhile and cope with the feels… it helps you love. It really does.

But I warn you my dear audience, please be very very careful of the source of your cannabis. I just heard yesterday on one of the podcasts I listen to for cannabis news… in fact I think it was NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE ( that reported finding fentanyl sprayed on cannabis products being sold on the street in WA state. This is exactly why I got my card and became a licenses Medical Marijuana Patient in Florida… the street weed I bought for 3 years was killing me from the contamination it provided. So Caveat Emptor my dear audience! Buyer beware!! And I’ll say it out loud again… if you can’t afford the high prices of becoming a licensed patient, then please use lab-tested over the counter hemp products as often as possible replacing the contaminated weed from the street. The hemp (which still has a tiny bit of thc in it… which is VERY therapeutic, will likely give you relief from whatever you’re dealing with emotionally and calm inflammation throughout your body, giving you a lift to your quality of life. Then save the street weed for break-through pain… until you can get clean product. That limits the damage you might be experiencing from the contamination.

Friends… this is the Wild Wild West of cannabis right now and will be for another few years. There are no standards. There is no regulation in many adult-use states. And there is so little education to be had for the gazillions of patients who want and need it.

I beg you to be careful and always vet your sources for cannabis. Always!

Until next time… Pax Vobiscum my friends.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices… unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. 

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog. The Cannaba website. 

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U 


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. It’s all on my site at 

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge –
  6. NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (
  8. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

It’s so very hard to trust unknown sources so we MUST learn to vet the companies we’re purchasing cannabis products from. It takes a little effort but I’m here to remind you why it’s necessary at this time in history, Join us today for some serious warnings about purchasing cannabis and how to vet the company whose selling. #CannabisEducation only comes after a lot of scientific exploration. And #CannabisScience is the only way to know the truth. The Cannabis Truth. The Cannaba Verum.                

Brevard Neuro Center

Anthony Mazo, M.D.

(321) 733-2711

315 E. Nasa Blvd. 

Melbourne, FL 32901.      

Microdosing –

Concentrates – 

Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia

Society of Cannabis Clinicians –

Take the Pledge – 

NCIA’s Cannabis Industry VOICE (

Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

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