CV 131 Dr. Leah Organizes!

November 29, 2021

Welcome to the Cannaba Verum podcast, the cannabis truth podcast. I speak the language of cannabis freely and uncensored. While educating my audience on the safe use of this live Plant Therapy. 

You should know what’s in your cannabis. what’s good and what’s not. It does not come with an FDA stamp of approval yet. using cannabis mindfully as medication is a different concept and Western healthcare philosophy, specifically of the past 100 years there’s a lot to learn and reconsider. 

The information you’ll find here comes straight from the scientist and clinicians doing the work and reporting their findings in real time through various online outlets. The scientific truth of cannabis is finally getting out and is wide open for all to see at respected medical sites like  and JAMA, the Journal of American Medical Association… 

And I’m right there in the thick of it with all those titans of medicine… as a fly on the wall… because I’m not a doctor. I didn’t go to med school. I took dozens of private cannabis courses offered by cannabis scientists online over the past few years and slowly began to understand the bigger picture. But I’m not a medical doctor or scientist. Oh I can talk to one about cannabis and hopefully inspire more doctors and patients alike, to research the facts as we know them today, and decide alternative health paths for themselves. 

This is Honey Smith Walls, a 21st century cannabis shaman, not a doctor, not a scientist. Just here to explain this great big story and the language of cannabis in its historical, political and scientific terms. So you can make educated decisions about the medicine you choose to ingest. 

Guest Promo Intro:

Honey Smith Walls 1:49

Hey my friends, I’m really delighted that you could join Dr. Leah Johnson and me as we take another look behind the curtains into this great big huge medical machine. You know, this Western system that we have here in the United States as we’re trying to include cannabis. There’s so much to consider, and she helps us see a lot of that mess. Thanks for joining us again. Here we go.

Honey Smith Walls 2:08

Do you have many pharmacists from Florida yet who have found out about PCCC?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 2:14

Oh, we’ve got a couple. So we are we are restricting the club or… the club… We’re restricting the organization right now to only pharmacists. Yes, specifically those in California just only because you know we will do one California first.

Honey Smith Walls 2:26

Yeah. Thinking national. It’s a national thing. It’s not yet.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 2:32

There is a national pharmacist…. it’s actually an international pharmacist organization for cannabis. But the focus of it is a generalized approach to cannabis, which is great. It’s very important especially for those who do work in dispensaries or those who do consultations. It’s really great to have a supportive group to say hey, I’m treating this patient and something new popped up and I have never experienced this before. Have you seen it and if so, what have you done to get around this effect that we got from this patient? So that’s always really great. 

And then it’s always great to have that camaraderie. But our goal is really to fix things. But the idea is that once we kind of get ourselves situated, and you know, being able to do the work that we’re trying to do. Our goal is to open it to non California pharmacists. Not really for the idea of, you know, being able to help us in our California stuff, but in a way so that they can see…. well what are you doing, you know, for your state that we might be able to start in our state?

Honey Smith Walls 3:35

Precisely, I really see that all this education needs to start being knitted across our nation, you know, for all of the states and that it’s all got to be reciprocal. You know, as long as you are organizing, then let’s organize with a national attitude of inclusion and help all of these patients get reciprocal medications no matter what state they’re in whenever they need it.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 4:11

Absolutely. Absolutely. And that’s what we hope to be… an organization that can be leaned on for cannabis questions, cannabis regulations, cannabis labeling, and packaging and regulatory legal state regulations. And then the idea is that we would then once that’s established, we want to help other states who don’t have great regulations be able to set up their own group to actually do that and then that way they can say… what can you do to make this work for California? And then we can help them build that for their state to then be effective as well.

Honey Smith Walls 4:48

See, am I wrong? Out in California can a person already in an elder care facility have their cannabis? Is that what you said? If they’re medical patients they can have their cannabis in their elder care facility?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 5:05

So it just got for assisted living or transitional living pretty much when you’re not having your meds documented by like, you know, here are their meds but people aren’t doing Oh, that yes, they took their meds today. No, they didn’t, you know, got people that are documenting taking pills which is not what they do in assisted living. 

They can do cannabis therapy. The same thing with transitional. The problem with long term care, which is really the skilled nursing… it’s 24 hours skilled nursing care. They were not originally allowed to but with this new bill that just got signed by Dr…. signed by Governor Newsom, they are allowed to now… so these patients who say… I am going to long term care for this reason and I refuse to get rid of my cannabis therapy during my stay there, you know, because again, it does kind of say it’s compassionate. It does say that they do have to be terminal patients. But then again, you know, it’s like, an 8o or 90 year old person, I mean, they’re terminal because they’re not going to live very much longer and you know, so it’s a little bit subjective, but the idea is to do whatever we can to try to make sure that these patients don’t go without their therapy, if they end up having to be hospitalized or having to be, you know, in a facility.

Honey Smith Walls 6:28

Yeah. Oh, I love what you’re doing out there, honey. Congratulations on this new project with PCCC. And I can’t wait to find out what your sister organization is out here in Florida. I’m sure there’s probably already something started knowing a few of the medical professionals down here, I’m going to start snooping around a little more.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 6:55

Well, exactly what to look into if you have not met her yet. Her name is Easter. I believe it’s Easter Floyd Clark or Easter Clark Floyd. Think its Floyd Clark. She is both a candidate she’s both a pharmacist and a lawyer and a cannabis pharmacist in the state of Florida.  So definitely look up Easter… she is very intelligent, very, very smart woman and really trying to make waves in Florida.

Honey Smith Walls 7:24

Say her name again, please?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 7:27

Her name is Easter,

Honey Smith Walls 7:29


Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 7:31

And let let me make sure I get the right last name correct for you. It looks like on LinkedIn she changed her name just to just Floyd so Easter Floyd is what you’re looking for.

Honey Smith Walls 7:43

Oh, good. I’ll go look for her and find her.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 7:48

Definitely have her on your show. Definitely let her know that I recommended her because when you mix legal stuff with pharmacists? Oh my God. They are force to be reckoned with. I’m telling you the cannabis, pharmacist and lawyer that we have part of PCCC is just brilliant. He is just brilliant. And he knows exactly what can happen and what can’t happen and to be honest,  you you don’t realize how much like all the legalities and regulations and how to change those regulations doing it the legal way. So it’s just so amazing to have somebody who’s so knowledgeable as a lawyer and a pharmacist. They know the medical side they know the legal side and to have cannabis in it. Then they also know the plant based side and it is like night and day to have this like every time it’s like oh, why is this regulation? Well because of this law… and then it’s like oh, so we first have to fix the law before we can fix the regulation. And it’s so helpful to know it and that just sets us in the right direction which is important.

Honey Smith Walls 9:00

Oh we’ve got so much work to do. Don’t we?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 9:02

We do we do but my goal is to have a completely separate side of medicine where you know people have dispensaries. I believe healthcare professionals should be in at least one…. should be in a dispensary while the dispensary is open. And that’s my view. 

My vision of the future is this should not go pharmaceutical. This should not go to tobacco and alcohol. This should be its own entity away from both pharmaceutical companies and alcohol and tobacco, and it should be run by healthcare professionals but not through the pharma side. It should be… the plant to be kept in its original form. 

Companies… product companies will have to have very strict regulations on the product to make sure that they are you know within regulation and that the product has in it what it’s supposed to have in it. And once we get that set up, I think we’ll have an amazing system. And it would simply be like, Oh, okay, well, I went to a doctor. The doctor is an integrator or I went to a provider and at this practice, they have integrative health providers that do plant based medicine and they have recommended me to go to this dispensary to discuss with this pharmacist you know what medication what cannabis medication I should take with my current medications. And that’s that’s the vision I see the future. Where and if they don’t have that… to have a board… a cannabis board in every state that’s run by a group… a consort, a whole…

Honey Smith Walls 10:35

Consortium. Yeah, I’m with you…

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 10:38

And have different cannabis providers and I need all the right specialists. I mean, I think that there should be an obligation for a doctor, for a physician, ophthalmologist, OBGYN and an internist. I see it

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 10:54

But not just professions. I mean, so you’re talking about locations, like different fields

Honey Smith Walls 11:01

or parts of the body but you’re talking about different spaces. Yes. Yeah, different medical professions. Exactly. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 11:06

So that’s still physicians or providers. You’re right. We want physical therapists. We want occupational therapists. We want nurses we want we want providers, we want pharmacists, we want every we want a group of a solid group of specific healthcare professionals. At least one of each, at least one of each of each have like a group of six different kinds to be on this board in every state. And then that way, if something’s going funny with prescribing for cannabis, a pharmacist can say hey, hey, that’s not right. This is why it’s not right on the pharmacists side. Yeah, and if something goes happens with diagnostics, a physician can say, oh, you know, based on research I’ve used and working with patients. You know, I don’t really recommend going that way. It’s so important because I don’t know what a physician knows… a physician doesn’t know what I know. Neither of us know what a PT knows and so the only way we’ll know we’re missing somebody is to have this group together. So that’s how I see it. I think the future should hold this type of group on a national level and then each state should have their own, you know, cannabis coalition at state level. So that way if things happen on a state level where they don’t know how to answer it, they can go to the national level.

Honey Smith Walls 12:21

Well, there’s a lot of work to do… isn’t there, missy?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 12:26

Oh, yeah, I’ve got a lot. There’s a list of things I need to do.

Honey Smith Walls 12:32

You know, but it doesn’t seem undoable… it seems very logical when you lay it out like that Leah. And I think we can get it done.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 12:44

I do too. I think this is… I think this is not a lofty goal.

Honey Smith Walls 12:48

I don’t think so…  I don’t I think it’s a very doable project.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 12:53

I think that everybody is I think what’s happening is everybody is trying to make their own difference. And so everybody’s trying to start an organization. But what I encourage everybody is before you want to…. if you want to make a change, and you’ve said you know what, I want to start my own group that does blank… check out your state. It is amazing. Like why I mean, the only reason we started the PCCC is because the group of the six of us looked into it and there wasn’t a pharmacist group to help with cannabis. Nor does the Board of Pharmacy help with cannabis in the state of California currently.

Honey Smith Walls 13:25

So utterly amazing, isn’t it? Right… board of pharmacists are not involved in this. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 13:31

Well they originally back when it went medicinal in the 90s… They said we would prefer to not be involved in this. So they made the choice to not be involved in cannabis regulation back when it went medicinal so that way if that’s where the regulations start, they’re not going to get better. They’re only going to get worse. 

So if they weren’t going to be utilizing the board of pharmacy for… if they weren’t going to utilize the board of pharmacy for medicinal cannabis…. They’re definitely not going to utilize them for recreational cannabis. So in a weird way by Governor Newsom approving this bill, he’s really put the fire under these… the Board of Pharmacy and other health care professionals saying, Okay, this is what patients want. So I have approved this because this is what patients want. So now you guys need to get to a level to understand how to fix it on your side on the healthcare professional level, to make sure that we can accommodate these patients when they come in with this. 

And that’s and since that there’s such a disconnect between those two things. That’s what our number one job is right now is to say, Hey, we are a body of pharmacists. That understand meds and we understand cannabis. You We are who you should be talking to right now and we are happy to help you or the Board of Pharmacy or both set of protocols for the state. So it’s going to be… I think it’s going to be amazing. I think it’s going to be a game changer once we can get this going we just have to get it going. Yeah,

Honey Smith Walls 15:01

I’m gonna help you do that honey. I think it’s it’s an amazing project and one that absolutely has to be knit across the nation. So that the for the sake of the patients. Yep. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 15:15

At the end of the day… It’s always the patients and a lot of times I think I hate to say it but sadly because of the stigma for cannabis for so long… I think that what happened was that since people wanted as a medicinal medicine instead of making the effort to look into it, I did of course, but like a lot of healthcare professionals don’t look into it. They say yeah, I guess it could be used as a medicine but let them figure out the medicine on their own. You know, that is not my job as healthcare professional. So I think what we’re really starting to realize is… we’re starting to get the opposite of that. We’re starting to realize no, we need that the patient wasn’t first when can’t for all these cannabis regulations. The patient has never been brought up first. It’s always been monetary it’s always been money. So its been modified. And that’s the same thing. That’s what’s happening with this new bank law that’s going through. 

Now mind you, I’m for it. Right and I will admit right here I am for the banking bill, not in its entirety but with the idea that the second that banking is allowed for cannabis. It will be night and day because once banking is allowed, then why can’t insurances pay for medicinal cannabis? So I mean, really, it’s all financial. 

So once you can start paying for things, then it gets around a lot of other things. A lot of healthcare professionals will give consultations on cannabis, but they don’t have to charge the patient fully out of pocket for it because they the insurance company will not pay them for that consultation yet. If a patient goes to a doctor’s office because you know, their head hurts, there’s not anything wrong with them, but their head hurts. Nope, that insurance company is gonna pay for that useless medical visit. 

So why aren’t we doing, you know, paying for important medical consultations, you know, for people with cannabis. And so again, we fix the banking issue. We’ll fix the issue, we’ll be able to start accessing the insurance issue but my biggest thing is regulations, regulations, regulations. Yeah. Make sure that this does not just become another capitalistic way for people to make lots of money and that’s what’s happening right now and what a lot of people are seeing, especially in products and flower that was once a reputable company, which was then bought out by a large famous person, movie star rapper Russian whatever. What they’re finding is that the quality of the product is going down and down. And that’s because all they care about is what’s happening is a lot of people forget that one of the most important parts of growing the cannabis is the time between the curing time… between the harvesting… cutting down the plant, and the time when you actually utilize it. You need to cure the plant

Honey Smith Walls 17:55

the curing process,

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 17:57

And that’s what every place is losing because if you think about it, oh, all of a sudden, you know, you’ve got this new famous person who’s now, you know, promoting your product. So what’s gonna happen of course, sales are going to go up for that. Well, how are you going to get more plant you’re going to get me to buy more land, you need more stuff, or you keep it as is and you just cut it down as fast as possible and put the new ones up as fast as possible and you just dry it out and get rid of it. And you’re gonna have so what we’re seeing is the a lot of the companies that are not all but a lot of the companies that are being promoted by well, like, the rich and the famous are also the companies that have the worst product and the worst quality of product.

Honey Smith Walls 18:40

What about your artisan farmers or do you have many in California that are doing the work?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 18:47

We do but what I’m finding is it’s just that’s exactly what happens is the lucky ones,

Honey Smith Walls 18:54

those are small grows that doesn’t get out to everybody.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 18:58

Exactly. And so and that’s what ends up happening. And that’s really what I’m so worried about. There was I don’t know if I mentioned there was this amazing woman. Her name is Helene Blanchett. She still exists, but she owned a company called My Jane. It was a woman based owned and run company. She made a broad spectrum so no THC. She made broad spectrum tinctures. They were they were microencapsulated so that so was Islip but it was very effective. She also use essential oils to help with the absorption because MCT oil is not very absorbable where essential oils are… so the addition of essential oils to MCT oil will help with the absorption of the product. 

So she had an amazing product. It was the only broad spectrum tincture I’ve ever tried that actually did anything…  Most broad spectrum it’s like oh, this did literally nothing. I felt that hers was amazing. is amazing. MyJane tinctures are amazing and portion of All proceeds go to women who had been abused.  

Then, the company who bought her company was a was a financial company and they were not making money the way that they had been. The other companies that this larger company owns… and you know, nobody really likes giving away free money to people. So the larger company, and I hate to say it, was male owned… decided to shut down her company. 

Yeah, it broke my heart. And that’s what ends up happening… is great products and great companies are getting shut down because financially, they are not making the buku bucks however, there is a product that I’m not going to dis… you know, talk negatively about. I’m not gonna use a name, but there is a specific flower company out here in California…that is awful. That is owned by a very well known musician. And he and the problem is… it’s not the musicians fault by any means. He just wanted to support this, you know what he thought was good. 

And the problem is, is the quality of their product went from average to just terrible. You could go to like, you know, countries like that don’t take any care of their cannabis products and it would be just as good as theirs. It’s was awful, and it just tasted like for lack of better terms for those who are cannabis smokers. It tastes like what people would call their dirt weed. Wow. It doesn’t have any terpene flavor, no terpene effects, it barely had any cannabis effects. And it’s kind of one of those things that if you’ve ever tried a strain before or a chemovar before where you inhale it and you almost get kind of a headache from it, where it’s like feeling the effects from the THC a little bit but I’m really getting more of a headache than anything else?

Honey Smith Walls 22:04

Yeah, I wouldn’t know if that was the chloroform or the…. exactly.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 22:08

A lot of times it’s the chlorophyll… a lot of times it is. But a lot of times it can also be just… they didn’t do the proper testing on this one and then mind You of course, it’s being sold in a dispensary in the state of California, of course they had their heavy metals tested and whatever. But you could tell that they had no curing process. You can tell that they literally cut it down dried it out, put it in a container and said here…

Honey Smith Walls 22:33

That’s what I found to be true also in well the largest dispensary out here… I went to buy some ground up flower and it made me cough and spit and gag and sputter… my eyes watered so badly off the first little puff from a little onesie pipe. Now, I don’t expect to go to a dispensary and pay you know for crappy weed but that’s what it was.





Seg 2

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 23:06

And this is why when people say why is there still a gray market? Why is there still a black market in cannabis? It’s because of this type of thing. And in California, it’s actually a very big thing. It is a very big problem we’re dealing with, and that’s because you can get growers who have products that are pretty much at the level…. even growers that sell to dispensaries and either their product didn’t meet some sort of regulation standard that really isn’t important. 

It’s not like a heavy metal or something like that. It’s like something like percentage of something else. That’s like okay, this really doesn’t matter. Obviously heavy metals matter, obviously mold obviously matter. But it was just it was it was some reason it didn’t pass the California test. It was still just as good if not better than what they had at the dispensary. So patients are like well, this is more effective for me. And then there are people who even have cannabis that is passed that does pass the level to use at a dispensary but think about it. If you have a limited supply of flower and what would you rather do… sell it to a dispensary for lower money? Or sell it directly to the individual for higher money?

Honey Smith Walls 24:20

Well that’s yeah, no, I’m not gone to the dispensary. Right?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 24:25

And so what they’re saying is, well if I can you know if I’m selling my if I’m selling like a pound of flour for or one kilo of flour for 20 bucks or 100 Let’s say 100 bucks. Again, I do not do this side of the things. So I do not know prices. But let’s say let’s say a kilo for 100 bucks, which I think is supposed to be really good. I guess no one ever gets that. And then you want to do that compared to you know 100 bucks or you could sell a kilo for you know 300 bucks, and it’s the patient paying you know, way less money you know, prepaid like around the lens and like you can’t buy a kilo at a dispensary. But let’s say you buy you know 500 for the for the product becomes $500 to the consumer. It was three it was $100 that they had to pay for they may have profit of 400 Well the person who has the flour to begin with sells it to the end consumer for 300 Well now the end consumer saved $200 and the supplier just made an extra $200. So why would either the patient or the supplier want to go to a dispensary if that’s the outcome?

Honey Smith Walls 25:36

Especially when the patient can’t can’t see or feel contamination?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 25:42

Exactly, exactly. And a lot of these, like I said a lot of these places, they’ve passed they’ve been fully approved by the regulations of California to be sold at a dispensary. A lot of these people just decide why would I undercut my profit? Yeah. But I could sell directly to the patient. So then you know the product is fresher, you know that’s directly from a place that you know has just cured it which is ready to be sold as opposed to who knows how long that that flower has been sitting in that dispensary.

Honey Smith Walls 26:11

So farmers out in California have to have a license to sell their grow right?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 26:18

That’s licensed to sell their grows specifically to dispensaries. It is only legal in the state of California to buy cannabis legally through a delivery a licensed delivery service or a licensed dispensary. Those are the only two legal methods of buying anything that’s not… obviously hemp is a different story because it’s below 0.3 thc then they can always get it online.

Honey Smith Walls 26:43

So So can a farmer who is not registered to or not licensed, get his grow tested. 

Yep, absolutely. 

So you can grow you just can’t sell it out Cal Correct.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 26:59

You need to have you would need to have a license like a license. So I believe there’s something a little bit different kind of in the idea of like vineyards that sell wine at their vineyard. I think that they do have a specific regulation for people who have farms where they can sell their products on their farm but again, there’s certain regulations they need to follow for that. 

But like a farmer can’t just say oh, well I’m I don’t have a license to sell to anybody. I’m just a farmer or I just don’t even a farmer I you know once they have a licensed farm to grow cannabis at a certain level, yes, they would need regulations anyways, and there’s no reason to do that unless you’re going to sell it to a dispensary or to a delivery service. But you could always you know, but if you do it that way, they wouldn’t legally be allowed to sell to either a dispensary or patients. It doesn’t mean that there aren’t, you know, black market, tons of black market where it’s like the qualities dispensary quality, if not better, it’s just cheaper.

Honey Smith Walls 28:04

Yeah. Wow. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 28:07

And that’s the problem…that until we fix the regulations, in my opinion, get the banking done so we can get the insurance… that once we have proper like, you know insurance and equity in insurance in this field, where everything can be built to insure them 100%.

Let’s go back to the medical cards. Let’s get make sure every patient in the state who’s using utilizing it as medicine which is the majority of them, make sure they get a card and then that card just like a prescription card that you bring to the pharmacy. There should be a computer system where you can actually submit a claim to insurance with a medicinal cannabis card. 

And then what would happen… is that the insurance will say okay, you know, the patient let’s say that based on the insurance they bought, they have approved for $100 in cannabis purchases a month. It’s actually pretty low. A lot of patients spend more than 100 a month let’s just say that the 100 a month is what the insurance will pay. 

They go into dispensary… they use credit cards, which would be huge because you know that’s used for a lot of people to go and say hey, you know these are the products I want. Here’s my medicinal card… they would put in your information since the insurance would say Okay, here is your bill. You know your copay is $20 for this product, okay right here here’s my $20 to dispensary and now you know $100 worth of product that you have that the insurance paid for and let’s say it was 120 so the extra $20 You paid out of pocket. So that’s how it should be that way. 

If patients… because I mean think about it… If patients are like… wait, I can get cheaper products, I can get my medicine at a reasonable price. If I just get my card. Of course! Why wouldn’t they go get their card at that point? But at this point in California, what’s the point of going to a dispensary when you can get product that’s been tested the same way… pass the same way… and is better than what you get… better and cheaper than what you get at the dispensery.

Honey Smith Walls 30:05

Yeah. You just really have to figure out that contamination thing on your own though.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 30:10

No, no… almost all of these companies in the black market have COAs just like the regular cannabis companies. 

Honey Smith Walls 30:17

Stop it. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 30:41

No, they do cuz I’m telling you some of the people who sell black market… sell to dispensaries as well. They just… instead of selling 100% of their product to dispensaries and making a certain amount of money… they sell half to a dispensary, make the lower amount there… but then sell the other half to patients making way more money off of that.

Honey Smith Walls 30:39

I’m just blown away. That’s so messed up.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 30:41

It’s just like it’s like you guys based on having your crazy regulations and only focusing on Money Money, money, money, money. Why you’re literally making a patient go black market. So stop making them go back market by making the medicinal market affordable for patients.

Honey Smith Walls 30:59

PCCC sure has a lot of work to do legislatively to get those Yahoo’s to wake up and do it right.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 31:06

Yes ma’am. We do. We have a lot.

Honey Smith Walls 31:10

yeah, we got a lot of Yahoo’s over here to honey so I know that work that you are about to step your little foot into but gosh, thank you so much for doing all this work and organizing and you may not be getting paid for it right now in cookies but you’re getting lots of stars of Glory for Your crown in heaven.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 31:30

Exactly. I explained to people that if you want to make a difference, you’re most likely not going to get paid for it. It takes it takes a small amount of people to get something done. So if you’re somebody who wants to do something, if you’re if you find that you kicking screaming or yelling about things, then you know what that means that your voice can be utilized for something important. So find a group of people who want to be as active as you and get something going because really, this the beginning of changing anything… is starting with your assembly member. Find your assembly member in your area of whatever state you’re in and figure out how to get access to them… figure out how to go to town meetings… go to town councils, go to whatever you can and get involved… sign up to be part of the the Chamber of Commerce for different towns… do whatever you can to be as involved in your community as possible. And that’s how you’re going to get change.

Honey Smith Walls 32:20

That’s right. I’ve actually even been going to the County School Board meetings.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 32:30

Well they definitely need you there because the system in Florida is… they they really need a good loud voice for good change to support the students.

Honey Smith Walls 32:38

Well, we’re trying…. we’re doing…. we’re, you know, a lot of different opinions here and a lot of loud mouths here and mine included. And so we’re all trying, you know, sausage making…  it’s not a pretty sight making regulations for society, but it’s got to be done and you’re doing it over there. And I’m doing a little bit of over here and together. We’ll get it done with all our other friends. Right?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 33:07

We will… together… Together we can make things happen.

Honey Smith Walls 33:11

I think so too. I love you Leah… thank you so much for spending some time with us. I’ll put all of your your Alchemist Cannabis Consulting, stuff in the promos and in our show notes so that our our family of audience can find you easily and you know anything about the PCCC that we can put up and lead them to just you know, to keep an eye on you. And when anything else happens I sure want to talk to you again. So don’t forget me… Will ya? yeah, absolutely.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 33:44

Absolutely… I will be on the next time anything gets exciting. I will be on and I’ll let you know all about it and your viewers can absolutely come find me and pretty much if you have questions about cannabis specifically on the medical side, just find me.

Honey Smith Walls 34:01

Ohhhh, that that reminds me… I you know her… I’m gonna be going to Dr. Genester Wilson-King’s preliminary Zoom meeting as one of her patients so I can get all of my old lady hormones correct… you know, and in the right levels and all that stuff. 

And after I do that and go get my blood panels and all that Juju and get put on whatever she thinks that I need, I want to come back to you and talk about the other stuff that I’m on, because you’re my pharmacist, and I want to know if I’m doing the right things with the right medicines that I’m having to take. You know, I take a little thyroid and I take little blood pressure pill and all that so I want to get that stuff right… so I’ll be calling in the next week or so. And going over all of that with you. And you know, just for the sake of our audience, I didn’t know that I could do that or should do that. Until I began making friends with a pharmacist.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 35:11

Anybody out there… if you have any questions, your provider, the one who wrote your prescription, will not always know the answer to your questions about the meds… so when a pharmacist gives a prescription to you that you’ve never had before and they say “would you like a consultation?” or the pharmacist would like to consult you…. always accept.  Because very often patients assume that the provider will let them know the side effects, the interactions and all that mess… what time of day to take it…. Then very often you won’t get that from them. Because they assume that you are getting that from the pharmacist. But that’s the biggest disconnect…  the patient’s assume the provider will tell them everything. The provider assumes that the patient will ask the pharmacist and then it just ends up that nobody asks the pharmacist and the patient runs into some issues runs into constipation headaches, bloating, just issues taking the medicine…

Honey Smith Walls 36:07

Not sleeping because I took my meds at the wrong time.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 36:10

Exactly. And so really anything with any medication if it’s a prescription, always ask your pharmacist.

Honey Smith Walls 36:22

Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this happened but you know, it’s life. So I interrupted the moment here because in the next five seconds, you’re going to hear the audio go Wacka Wacka. And I wanted you to know that it’s only the last three minutes of our segment, but it could be important to you. And so if you can’t bear to listen to how weird it sounds, please go to the blog, because I’ll have the scripted form waiting for you there. Okay. I apologize. Sometimes there’s just nothing we can do about the air gods. Anyway. Be sure and check out to see the scripted version on the blog of this episode. My apologies again, but thank you for your patience and you’re so sweet to come join us anyway, I really appreciate you. I hope you’re having a happy day. Take care

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 37:34

The pharmacist is going to be it should be always your number one go to of, hey, this is a new med for me… what can I expect with it and what time should I take it? That is important. That’s what you should always do. If you’re even like… I’m not sick enough to go to a doctor. I am sick enough to kind of stay home and not be around other people. I don’t know exactly what to take. I always take this and it kind of works. I’m just gonna keep taking it. You got an issue and general health issue… you got a cough… you’ve got a runny nose… you got a fever, you got a headache. Talk to your pharmacist!

Honey Smith Walls 38:12

Talk to your pharmacist!

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 38:15

Pharmacists are medication experts. Our job is to know meds. Know how they work in your body… know how they interact with other medications in your body and how the body will react on the medication. We know the pharmacokinetics the pharmacodynamics and the therapeutics of all medications. So really, if you’ve got questions about meds, ask your pharmacist or if you don’t trust your pharmacist come find me through Honey and you can feel better.

Honey Smith Walls 38:45

You can always go to my pharmacist… My dear audience… Her name is Dr. Leah Johnson. She’s out in California and she does video medicine, right? Video conferencing.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 38:57

I do! So I’m very happy to think that the hardest thing for patients is understanding that. So even if it’s simple… like I want nothing to do with cannabis… but I just got these meds prescribed to me and I’m not really sure if I should take them… I’m not sure what to expect the first time…. You know what I want to know from you? 

What do you think? Feel free? I’m not gonna charge you for that. That’s free and everybody should have access to. So please, medication questions. Hit me up, give me a call give me send me a text message or call send me an email and let me know what your question is about your mind and brain… Just let me know what you’re going through… what you’re taking and backing off from…. because you know, people start on steroids the first time… a lot of you have relationship issues because I’m telling you right now… somebody who starts out a high dose… they are not happy campers.

Honey Smith Walls 39:50

They’re not.

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 39:52

And now… if they’re going through a horrible hormonal reaction… But that’s not their fault… that’s the medication fault… if patients know that this will happen going into it… They’re prepared. They’re not scared. They’re not thinking it might be something else. They’re saying I know Dr. Leah told me that this medication might make me kind of moody but you know what it is, but at least I know it’s the medication. If it makes you moody, tell your doctor… let them talk… see if they can reduce the dose… because maybe the moodiness is because the dose is just too high for you and your mood will calm down once you are on a lower dose. Yep.

Honey Smith Walls 42:43

Yep. Oh, Leah, thank you so much for spending this time with us… for helping us understand the, you know, the peek behind the curtain of what’s going on in the industry with doctors and pharmacists and clinicians and providers, nurses and pharmacists and on and on and on. There’s so many people to think of who are getting into this now. And we’re so grateful for your time honey, and your expertise.

I’ll call you again real soon?

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 44:52

Looking forward to it. 


You’re the best. Thank you, dear. 

Guest Expert: Dr. Leah 

Thanks, have a great day. You too. Bye bye.


You’ve been listening to another Cannaba Verum podcast with 21st century cannabis shaman Honey Smith Walls, about the importance of using safe hemp and marijuana products. The process of taking your records with your symptoms and diagnosis to a cannabis specialist can lead you to the correct cannabinoid therapy for your best results. Otherwise, you’re just your own guinea pig looking for answers without any foundational knowledge or ability to determine the best choices… unless otherwise proven by a reputable third party lab test. Please be advised that all street weed is contaminated. 

It may do grave harm to a patient with a delicate immune system. I challenge you to check the veracity of my statements in each episode by checking the medical citations posted on my blog. The Cannaba website. 

That’s  C A N N A B A V E R U 


Cannaba Verum is Latin for Cannabis Truth. Sourcing factual information about cannabis hasn’t always been easy for a variety of reasons. However now because of modern innovations, it is. My sources are from leaders in cannabis science like: 

Roger Adams, U.S. Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of CBD, 

Raphael Mechoulam, Israeli Organic Chemist who isolated the structure of THC,

Ethan Russo, Dir R&D International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute 

Dustin Sulak, DO – my favorite doctor at, teaching the art of Cannabis Healing to the world, and other industry greats like: 

Rev. Dr. Kymron DeCesare, Ed Rosenthal, Jack Herer, Michael Backes, and Michael Pollen and so many more… plus I use classical sites like:,, I listen to several daily podcasts to keep up with the latest cannabis news across the nation and throughout the world like:  The Great Shea Gunther at and  I trust the and I watch the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) at: and many more.  

You’ll find Citations available on my podcast blog at 

PS: Helping society get past the fear of using cannabis will be a lifelong journey for me. This industry is just opening up and both patients and doctors are completely cannabis naive and need help understanding where to turn for trustworthy information. If you need help opening that cannabis discussion with your family doctor,  please reach out and grab the Dear Doctor Letter I wrote for this exact purpose. It will explain your decision to try cannabis and ask for their help in monitoring your labs and progress. It will also show them where they can find medical research on the subject of your diagnosis and the effects of cannabis. You’ll find that letter here: 

  1. Microdosing –
  2. Concentrates – 
  3. Cannabis Helps Dementia Podcast – Anchor.FM/cannabishelpsdementia
  4. Society of Cannabis Clinicians –
  5. Take the Pledge – 
  7. Handbook for Clinicians – Principles and Practice –

All opinions are my own and should not be mistaken as medical advice. 

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