CV 130 Dr. Leah’s Cog
I’m really delighted that you could join Dr. Leah Johnson and me as we take another look behind the curtains into this great big huge medical machine. You know, this Western system that we have here in the United States as we’re trying to include cannabis. There’s so much to consider, and she helps us see a lot of that mess.
CV 129 Dr. Leah PCCC
I wonder if you can hear the fan running in the background, kind of a hot day, even though it’s late in the fall. Of course, I’m in Florida and sitting outside on the lanai. I just wanted to remind you that we’re about to jump back into a conversation that started in the last episode.
CV 128 Dr. Leah Explains
I wonder if you can hear the fan running in the background, kind of a hot day, even though it’s late in the fall. Of course, I’m in Florida and sitting outside on the lanai. I just wanted to remind you that we’re about to jump back into a conversation that started in the last episode.
CV 127 Dr. Leah Rape Recovery
I’m presenting another series of conversations with our good friend the fabulous Dr. Leah. But I must warn you, although we plan to talk about the relationship between professionals and patients in our society, and how to create a better system, I had just been through an emotionally charged event I felt obliged to speak about concerning rape.
CV 126 – Canna Kid Considerations
When I was a kid, tobacco companies were still lying to the public. Drinking your weight in alcohol at parties was perfectly acceptable. And Bennies were my mother’s best friend. I was 14 when I took my first toke off a wrinkled little worm of a joint.
CV 125 ThePracticalNurse.LIFE Part II
She’s been telling us all about her experiences in that neck of the woods, as they have only been a green state for the past couple of years. And so she’s got her work cut out for, and we’ve been enjoying that whole story. Come on along and help me finish up this wonderful conversation with our new friend, Nurse Jennifer Brooks.
CV 124 The Practical Nurse Life
I want to introduce you to my new friend, Nurse Jennifer Brooks. Jennifer is an LPN from Oklahoma and she’s in the thick of it, trying to help bridge the gap between doctors and patients with her knowledge of cannabis. So let’s jump into Oklahoma today.
CV 123 CannaBix
I’m stepping outside my ordinary episode to talk about a new product on the market that I found out about through my LinkedIn Tribe of cannabis professionals in the medical arena. So that’s a pretty small niche of people at the moment.
CV 122 Beautiful Existence
With the most lovely laughter, I’m pleased to introduce my new friend, a woman named Beautiful Existence. There’s a story behind her name, as there is with everyone, but we have so much to cover I’m afraid you’ll have to listen very close to catch it. This episode of Cannaba Verum is about spirituality without the denominations. But it may also be outside your well known realm.
CV 121 This Planetary Journey
You’re on this cannabis journey with me. Know it or not, cannabis is about to become a prominent tool in our daily kit. And you’re going to be as gobsmacked as I when you discover all the naughty surrounding it for the past 100 years. I don’t know how people in power can behave so badly to their own societies but history tells that story over and over again.